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Anna Meredith recommended A Mighty Wind (2003) in Movies (curated)

A Mighty Wind (2003)
A Mighty Wind (2003)
2003 | Comedy

"A great mockumentary about a reunion of three folk bands that’s gently observed but also spot-on. I love how it quietly gets behind the scenes into the backbiting and the jealousy that leads up to their reunion concert, and I especially love the attitudes towards the shiny sellouts. The characters are so well done, too – the troubled former couple, the old-school trio, the Folksmen – but not every moment is mined for gags, which is what makes it work. You can tell everyone taking part genuinely loves music, and that’s why Christopher Guest always gets it right."

In the Earth (2021)
In the Earth (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Different (0 more)
Low budget (2 more)
Just odd
Different vibe to the trailer
Nothing to see here
I saw a trailer for this last year and thought it looked a bit different to mainstream Horror. It didn't get much of a cinema run but as an Eco, environmental Horror wouldn't really appeal to the masses.
Unfortunately from the trailer it looked like it was going to be a rather creepy, errie Horror based on Folk law, old legends. Instead it was pretty basic crazy people in the woods gone a bit trippy. Nicely shot but the story was rather silly in the end.
Tumbledown (2016)
Tumbledown (2016)
2016 | Comedy
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good have been so much better!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Two years after her folk singer husband’s death husband widow is still grieving for him. A writer tries to get in touch with her to research her late husband for his book. In the end they collaborate.
I found the female character quite unlikeable, zero chemistry between the two leads and a story that really goes nowhere. A possible subplot of whether the singer had actually committed suicide is not explored and I think it would’ve made a much better film if they’d gone down that route rather than the cliche of the two leads falling in love. Disappointing.

Faris Badwan recommended The Elusive Bob Lind by Bob Lind in Music (curated)

The Elusive Bob Lind by Bob Lind
The Elusive Bob Lind by Bob Lind
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Again, a pretty disgusting cover. That wasn't my intention with this collection - I wasn't trying to pick the worst or most ironic sleeves I could. But I suppose a couple I did end up choosing after realising how disgusting they were. This one is horrible. Again, the record has such a magic about it... I think it's best to listen with your eyes shut. The album is really great folk. I first heard the song called 'Summer' on that Jarvis Cocker compilation The Trip. I heard it and thought there's no way the whole album is going to be as good, and it was."


Adam Ant recommended Best of Sellers by Peter Sellers in Music (curated)

Best of Sellers by Peter Sellers
Best of Sellers by Peter Sellers
1958 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I loved listening to comedy albums when I was growing up. This one was produced by George Martin. Sellers used to put on all these accents and do them perfectly. On 'Suddenly It's Folk Song' it's him playing a German anthropologist. [Proceeds to recount entire section of the album verbatim, accents and all] It's just a great record. I loved all those black and white caper movies. The talent on Sellers was just amazing. He was so influential on the Bonzos and the Python people. I picked up on this as a teenager and I know every word of it now. It's perfect. It's extraordinary how funny he is."


Frank Black recommended Stand Up by Jethro Tull in Music (curated)

Stand Up by Jethro Tull
Stand Up by Jethro Tull
1969 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"My mother took me to see Jethro Tull for my 14th birthday. We were living in the Los Angeles area and they were playing a couple of towns over. It was pretty much my first rock concert. I was heavily into Jethro Tull back then and I still am. Stand Up is the record that moves me the most. It's only their second album and they're still kind of scruffy. There's a heavy rock influence but they had that English thing going on, you know, university dudes who were really into folk music. It didn't seem like an affectation to me – it still seems real."

Gwen (2018)
Gwen (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Eleanor Worthington Fox (1 more)
Maxine Peake
slow pace film (0 more)
Growing Darkness
Gwen- is a really good period folk horror drama that has elements of gothic, supernatural and psycholoigcal horror. Eleanor Worthington Fox and Maxine Peake are really good in this film.

The plot: Desperately trying to hold everything together, young Gwen struggles with her mother's mysterious illness, her father's absence and a ruthless mining company that's encroaching on their land. As a growing darkness begins to take grip, the local community grows suspicious and slowly turns on the beleaguered family.

Its a slow pace film but it does get intresting, intense, supernatural, gothic and psychological overtime. Its a good horror film.
The Witch of Duva (Grisha Verse, #0.5)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
There will 100% be spoilers in this review, so read at your own caution.

Um. I did not see that ending coming. Not by a long shot.

Okay, Leigh Bardugo is a master wordsmith. This story was so creepy and foreboding, I just can't keep up with her. The writing style was kind of mystical and whimsical, but it a really dark way. I have no idea how she does it, but holy crap, she does it so freaking well!

I love how the ending was such a twist. I thought, in trying to "out-trick" Ms. Bardugo, that it was going to be Nadya who was the monster because that would be something weird, right? WRONG!! Wrong on every thought I had about that.

I did not see that her freaking father would be that weird!! Ugh. That was pretty gruesome to read, to be completely honest. There were only two points in this story that my stomach actually turned: when she got her freaking fingers chopped off and baked into a ginger-child and when her father ate the ginger-child and basically exploded all over the floor. Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

Bardugo loves drawing the attention one way then ripping the carped out from under everyone. Kinda like something Kaz would do. She's a trickster like that.

Again, with this story, Leigh Bardugo is creating a more immersive world that not only draws me in to the story more, but also creates a deeper world for the characters to live in. I could see a little Nina or Alina sitting by the fireplace being told these stories as little girls to keep them from being reckless. I just freaking love this so much.

If you haven't read the rest of her folk-tales, stop reading this review (it's almost over anyway) and go read them right now!!!

Lastly, I just want to say a big thank you to Leigh for writing these folk-tales. I have always loved any kind of folk-tale but coming from a world that I already love and know a lot about, this made me really happy!!
Robin Hood (2018)
Robin Hood (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Great pacing (2 more)
Simple yet likeable characters
Historical inaccuracies (0 more)
Batman & Robin Begins...
Contains spoilers, click to show
This movie is bonkers. History, costume and set design are just thrown to the wolves when it comes to any form if accuracy.

But the film was well paced, action packed and great fun. Like any Robin Hood folk tale should be. Granted, it would have been much better and probably better received if they had taken more care to stick to the time and place which it was set, but as it was, it was a work of pure fantasy.

As long you suspend your disbelief at the door and let this wash over you then you are in for great time. Simply enjoy.
I Ain't Marching Anymore by Phil Ochs
I Ain't Marching Anymore by Phil Ochs
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"OK, from now on these aren’t in any order. It’s the same with movies: I have my three favourite – Taxi Driver, Blow Out and Rio Bravo – and after that it depends on my mood. This is one of my favourite protest/folk albums. While Dylan was a poet Ochs was a musical journalist: He was a chronicler of his time, filled with humour and compassion. He’d write songs which would seem very black and white, and then , in the last verse, he’d say something which, like, completely shattered you. A song I love very much on this album is ‘Here’s To The State of Mississippi’ – Basically, it’s everything the movie Mississippi Burning should have been."
