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Last Time I Did Acid I Went Insane by Jeffrey Lewis
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"In the UK people know Jeffrey Lewis. He is this artistic polymath, he does comics, he's one of the most talented people I've met in my life, he can do anything. I feel if you looked into his notebook it would almost be like looking tin DiVinci's notebook. He can draw anything, write anything. He's got a lot going on, but he's also a super humble guy. This is his first album which he put out through Rough Trade. When I first heard his music I felt it was actual folk music from someone who'd grown up in the East Village. It felt like I was hearing a document of a great person who someone had recorded on a hi-fi in someone's home. He just played his diary to music, but it happened to so interesting and he happened to be a genius so you could put it out as an album. The way Jeff tells a story is unique. He lets words unfold in a way that only someone like Eminem or Notorious BIG – or someone that good! – can. It's great watching someone listen to his songs for the first time: 20 seconds in they're interested; a minute in they're trying to process all the information; three minutes on and they're getting even more intense, but by the end they're 'I cannot believe a person could make a complete statement in something so concise!' His music is like a mathematical proof. You don't realise at the beginning of a song what you're getting into and by the end Jeff has floored you!"


Rachel Unthank recommended Frost and Fire by The Watersons in Music (curated)

Frost and Fire by The Watersons
Frost and Fire by The Watersons
1965 | Folk, Pop
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"This had a massive impact on the way my parents brought us up, especially my dad, who's a singer himself. Here were a family from the North digging into old songs and traditions, and it made Dad really interested in doing the same. He became a member of a longsword team – I know – and then he got into reviving Mummers' plays, including the only surviving Mummers' play including its own dance. Every Boxing Day, us kids would be dragged down to see it, Dad playing this character who would be killed and brought to life again [laughs]. So many of our rituals as a family were about similar things: carolling on the green, singing folk in the pub and having this real passion for the seasons. For me, revisiting tradition is very rooted in wanting to recognise social struggles, the situations of the working classes, and the pastoral. These songs aren't about looking backwards and inwards, but about learning about the realities of your culture and wanting to share it with others. I remembering going to a Swedish festival some time ago, being encouraged to share songs from where I was from, and realising then what a very powerful currency those songs were. They help you connect with other countries' forgotten stories and emotions – and actually, that's something that happened to me in Harare doing Africa Express as well. These Ethiopian women encouraging me to sing for them, and then watching their reactions… it's very moving seeing people respond to these songs from different parts of the world. It makes you realise there's so much that connects us."

Night on Bald Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky
Night on Bald Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky
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"Growing up I didn't have an older brother, so all my music was formed by my mother and father. The latter would play old Irish folk songs and outlaw music by Johnny Cash and the only thing my mother would play was heavy melancholy orchestral movements like Night On Bald Mountain. What my mother would make me do is sit on the floor and tell my father to tell a story while putting on this record. This was big for me. I was probably four years old at the time. It sounded eerie, spooky and epic. My dad would make up these ghost stories but what he was really doing was recreating these children's story soundtracks that I'd listened to! I was too young to understand what he was doing at the time, but he was just making his personalised version of The Little Prince or Tales of Witches, Ghosts And Goblins. So he'd be like [eerie voice]: ""The ghosts would move up the Catskill Mountains..."" and I'd just sit there freezing in fear of these ghost stories! It was like having a musical campfire in your living room. Also, this song featured on the film Fantasia, which was my whole life up until the age of ten. It stuck with me and it was embedded in there now you're mixing visuals. I wasn't into the Mickey Mouse aspect of it, but when you watch the eerie castle and spooky ghosts, this is just feeding a young boy's imagination and this is the world he's going to confront when he grows up. These were all the ingredients going into my soup."

    Cosmic Sounds by Zodiac

    Cosmic Sounds by Zodiac

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    • A classic 1967 Elektra edition, conceived by label head Jac Holzman, who claimed that the...

Good Things - Single by Kelaa
Good Things - Single by Kelaa
8.0 (1 Ratings)
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Kelaa is an up-and-coming singer-songwriter and producer from Sweden. Not too long ago, she released a lovely debut single, entitled, “Good Things”.

“Good things come to those who don’t wait around. I can’t let you slow me down. F**k you and your lies. Chase me when I rise. Get blinded by my light. Good things come to those who don’t wait around.” – lyrics

‘Good Things’ is the first single from Kelaa’s upcoming EP.

The likable tune contains a relatable storyline, pleasing vocals, and vibey instrumentation flavored with an electro-pop aroma.

“‘Good Things’ is about not waiting for chances to come but instead create the conditions you desire around yourself, no matter what the obstacles are. ‘Cause, in the end, good things come to those who have the courage to follow their intuition.” – Kelaa

Kelaa grew up in a musical family with traditional folk music from the Kurdish regions of eastern Turkey.

Her musical journey with the project KELAA began after she participated in the program, Who can become a producer?

The message she wants to give is that everything is going to be alright even at times when you are standing at the edge.

The name Kelaa means fortress and is the name of a holy mountain in Kurdish regions Turkey.

The name was chosen by the artist to honor her roots, as an attempt to at least spiritually, preserve a piece of her background as the thought of losing her identity became a daunting experience at times when physical borders hindered her from connecting with her roots.

Creating songs under this name reflects the blended identity, which has formed her growing up in Sweden.