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Hazel (1853 KP) rated Stork Mountain in Books

May 25, 2017  
Stork Mountain
Stork Mountain
Miroslav Penkov | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Bulgarian-born, short storywriter Miroslav Penkov has turned to full-length novels with this captivating book, Stork Mountain. Set in the Bulgarian Strandja Mountains on the border of Turkey, he explores religion, mythology, the past and the present in a society affected by long-term political unrest.

The narrator, a young man who remains nameless throughout, relocated to the United States of America as a child after the fall of Communism. Now he returns to his home country to find his grandfather, an elderly man he lost contact with three years ago. However his real motive is purely for self gain: to sell his section of the family land in order to pay off student loans and his rising debt.

Naturally, things do not go according to plan. The protagonist finds his grandfather hiding in the village of Klisura, a place divided between the Christians and the Muslims. He also discovers that there is no longer any land for him to sell, making his journey fairly pointless. Instead of returning to the Western world, he stays in his grandfather’s house and, very slowly, begins to learn the truth about his family’s past, the man his grandfather once was, and the superstitious pagan activities still affecting some of the village’s inhabitants today.

Stork Mountain is full of the history, folklore and mythology of a little known about European country. Although ultimately a contemporary novel, there is a lot to learn about events that led up to southern Bulgaria’s current condition. As well as being informative, Penkov plays with his readers’ hearts by including a Romeo and Juliet-esque relationship between the narrator and a Muslim girl, and also reveals a similar affair between a younger Grandfather and the girl of his dreams.

Books containing politics are often reserved for those with particular interest in the topic, however Stork Mountain is suitable for a much larger audience. The inclusion of Bulgarian folklore adds a dark fairytale-like quality to the story; and the romance, something for the reader to latch onto.

On reading the blurb I jumped to the conclusion that this book would be boring. I was wrong. Whereas stories with similar themes can be hard going, Stork Mountain was fast paced and easy to read. There were a few confusions about who was talking or whether the narrative was about the past or the future, but these issues may be something that is improved upon as the author finds his groove in full-length novels.

Even if, like me, you have prejudged this book to be boring, I urge you to give it a go. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised. Miroslav Penkov definitely has a future in the world of literature.
The Witch (2015)
The Witch (2015)
2015 | History, Horror
6.3 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Based on New England folklore, Robert Eggers brings us his debut film The With.

William (Ralph Ineson) and Katherine (Kate Dickie) are the parents of five children living in 1630 New England. This God-fearing family has become dissatisfied with how their town chose to live by the word of God. William hopes to promote change in the town, instead he causes his family to be banished left only to find a patch of land bordered by dark dense woods to call home. Luckily they have Thomasin (Anya Taylor-Joy) the eldest daughter who is in charge of looking after her younger siblings. A pre teen Caleb, unruly twins Mercy and Jonas and baby Samuel along with all of the household chores. Newborn Samuel has fate working against him when he suddenly disappears during an afternoon round of peekaboo.

The family is left heartbroken. With no sign of Samuel’s return William declares that this must have been the act of a wolf. Thomasin’s siblings soon become suspicious that this was not the work of a wolf, that she has to have succumbed to the malevolent forces of witchcraft. Mercy has also claimed that she and her twin brother have been conversing with their goat Black Phillip one would assume only jokingly from children. There might just be something darker going on. As the days progress and their crops continue to fail, tensions between the family grow. Things start to go bump in the night making the situation more oppressive each day.

This film is described as a horror genre film, after screening it though I felt it lean more towards a psychological thriller. When asked what films inspired The Witch Robert Eggers mentioned Stephen King’s The Shinning which to me really shines through the film. Most importantly the film is based on actual historical accounts of witchcraft in a time where men feared a woman’s power and sexuality. In my opinion the horror in it is the unknown, because even though you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I suppose it can be viewed as both horror and psychological.

Paying close attention to detail Eggers’ immerses the audience into 1630 New England. It’s hard to believe that it was filmed in Canada and not New England because of how accurate every little detail is from the hand stitched costumes to the intricacies of the dialogue. Perhaps this can be credited to his former career as a production designer and costume designer. The music alone adds the perfect amount of horror to make those hairs on the back of your neck stand up. This film is an excellent portrait of amazing filmmaking and horrific historical folklore.

LucyB (47 KP) rated The Essex Serpent in Books

Jul 23, 2017  
The Essex Serpent
The Essex Serpent
Sarah Perry | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful, prosaic writing (0 more)
There were moments where my attention wandered (0 more)
Expertly written, but I struggled to get into it.
Sarah Perry definitely has a way with words. There was much about this book that I found very evocative, on occasion lyrical. Also, what a great backdrop for a story - the wilder parts of Essex, not to mention ancient folklore! As an Essex-born gal myself (and a sucker for anything mythical / legendary), this was music to my ears.

To be honest, I felt ever so slightly disappointed by the book as a whole, though... though I suspect this might be a case of 'it's me, not you'. I found it tricky to get into, and didn't really engage much with any of the characters. There were moments of absolute brilliance (the 'beast' washed up on the shore was so wonderfully depicted, as was the laughing scene in the school), but these were mired in content that I found a little distancing.

I don't want to be harsh at all, because I think it's clear that Perry is a master writer, and judging by all the other glowing reviews, this clearly is just me not 'getting' the book. Perhaps I'll pull it off the shelf at a later date and give it another go, it may well be that I just wasn't in the right frame of mind at present.
The Highwaymen (2019)
The Highwaymen (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
The legend of Bonnie and Clyde is cemented in criminal folklore. The murderous couple were idolised by the public for their robin hood style capers. They left a trail of destruction during their crime spree that was eventually ended in a spectacular ambush.

That ambush was orchestrated by former Texas Rangers Frank Hamer (Kevin Costner) and Maney Gault (Woody Harrelson), who were coaxed out of retirement by Texas Governor Miriam ‘Ma’ Ferguson (Kathy Bates) as the only ones capable of taking down the two outlaws.

The onscreen chemistry between Costner and Harrelson is great and the grumpy old men regail each other with tales of the past and how things have changed – not always for the better. It is this chemistry which holds the film together.

Their road trip takes them through quiet and sometimes picturesque Southern American landscapes and towns, as they retrace the bloodshed that Bonnie and Clyde leave behind. Bonnie (Emily Brobst) and Clyde (Edward Bossert) are seen but never heard and only glimpsed now and again, this subtle approach leaves the light to shine firmly on the long arm of the law.

The project itself was earmarked for a Paul Newman and Robert Redford pairing, something that I would have love to have seen given their previous work. As it was it fell to the hands of Costner and Harrelson who both do an admirable job.

LucyB (47 KP) rated The Good People in Books

Jul 23, 2017  
The Good People
The Good People
Hannah Kent | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Superb writing style, wonderful exploration of superstition (0 more)
An engrossing exploration of rural Ireland and folklore.
The Good People gets off to a gripping start. A man is found dead and his wife (Nora) is left alone, with the burden of caring for her dead daughter's child, who happens to be heavily disabled.

From early on, the clash between ancient superstition and Catholic values is established. Nance, the local healing woman, is called upon for funeral 'keening' and resolving various medical problems. However, the village is divided - and people are starting to turn against her.

Nora hires a girl, Mary, to assist with looking after her grandson, who she can scarcely bear to be around. As time passes, Nora becomes convinced that the child is a 'changeling' and together with Nance, goes to drastic measures to expel the fairy from their lives.

I'd read Burial Rites a while back, so was familiar with Kent's style of writing, which is wonderfully authentic, well-paced and engrossing. However, The Good People felt quite different - almost like a theatrical script, with strong dialogue and excellent characterisation throughout.

It was also ambiguous, and throughout, I felt my sympathies flit from character to character. Although the book concluded with a murder, the nasty deed raised lots of questions - namely who exactly was to blame?

A very enjoyable read (I got through it in about three days, which shows how good it was) - I'd definitely recommend.
Global a Go-Go by Joe Strummer / Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
Global a Go-Go by Joe Strummer / Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
2001 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I remember hearing Johnny Appleseed and being like, ‘Yo! This is another level.’ It’s got like this Caribbean rhythm, acoustic guitars and simple harmonies, and him talking about everything from ’49 Buicks – which I knew everything about – to Martin Luther King tand even the old folklore of Johnny Appleseed. I really related to everything he was saying. When he asks in the song ‘Do you hear what I’m saying?’ I was like ‘Yeah dude, I do hear what you’re saying.’ There’s that question that he poses, too: ‘Is what was once true now no longer so?’ I still carry that line around with me today. That song shaped another facet of me as well, because it showed me that you could still play music with punk energy but you don’t have to play punk songs. It showed me that you could be political and social and talk about relationships or whatever, and still have the forcefulness of punk rock without playing aggressive music. And I don’t have no time to spike my hair up. That’s more show to me. At the time I was like, ‘I can only afford one shirt. Why the hell would I rip it up? If I rip it up and it rains then I’m gonna get wet.’ I’ve always tried to stay in that thing that it’s not about what you look like: it’s about what you do. You have to believe it and you have to mean it."

This book had a lot of meat to it, a lot to digest and think about as the story continues. It flowed well with the transition from the first book, picking up right where it left off at the beginning.
There’s a lot more development of the story, characters, what’s going on - you learn and understand quite a bit more as Everley continues her harrowing journey to reach her goals. Her goals and wishes seem to shift some in this part of the story as well and it brings others goals and stories more to light some.
Things get way more intense here in this book and it left me feeling a lot - so many emotions that I’m not sure what to do with them.
There are so many nods and spins and retellings on fairytale/ folklore stories/ stories I remember from my childhood etc, it’s fun and wild.
Even though this part of the series ended on a happy note, I have conflicting emotions about leaving this part of the story behind and I’m sad about parts of it too. I’m having a slight book hangover here and I’m nervous about what happens next when the end of this series comes out.
If you haven’t read the first in this series, Before the Broken Star then you need to get on that before you read this and get ready for some awesomeness mixed with all the emotions. You don’t want to miss this continuing adventure.
Mr. Vampire (1985)
Mr. Vampire (1985)
1985 | Action, International, Comedy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
When a 20 year old corpse is exhumed for a re burial Master Gau and his two students find that the body hasn't rotted. When the corpse re animates as a vampire the trio have to protect the vampires family and find a way to stop the monster.

Mr vampire is a Chinese horror/comedy and a breakthrough 'Jiangshi' (Rotting Copse) movie due it's mixing of slapstick comedy, kung-fu, Chinese folklore and western vampire myth and has a number of sequels.

The humour is very slapstick, with people getting hit with furniture or getting their head stuck in prison cell bars and the horror level is quite low and most of the effects are quite cheesy.

The Kung-Fu aspect makes the fight scenes entertaining and both the vampire and the ghost have to be dealt with slightly differently..
The image of the living corpse, be it vampire or zombie, being controlled by a yellow paper talisman stuck to it's head is though to have come from Mr Vampire and has been used in many subsequent Jiangshi film as well as many other shows, including the recent Netflix show 'Kingdom' where we see a scene of villagers selling the talismans when the zombies are threatening their village.

Mr Vampire manages to pull off Horror comedy in a way that is watchable by almost anyone. The film has a 15 (UK) rating and does contain vampires and ghosts but neither are overly frighting, partly due to the effects of the time.
Lesson of the Evil (2012)
Lesson of the Evil (2012)
2012 | Horror
*Big band music playing loudly in the background*

Takashi Miike's 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 - which, yes, is every bit as messy and overstuffed as that sounds; though I fear that if this were leaner you could miss out on the finer details like the weird German folklore stuff or the fleshy gun with the talking eyeball. The third act here is better than anything in even 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘗𝘴𝘺𝘤𝘩𝘰, probably the greatest thing Miike has ever done - just as demented, tasteless, and perfectly staged as reported plus it lasts around a solid, uninterrupted 45 minutes. Simultaneously fun and hard to watch in the sense that you can't believe that not only are they actually going for this, but they're going for it *hard* (given the director, I'd expect no less). I'm confident in saying this has the most straight-up brutal use of the shotgun in film history that I've seen. Hideaki Ito is flawless as this fucked-up closet psychopath who just bleeds raw antihero charisma, this kind of character can tire so easily but him and Miike sell it in full - partly because (and this is one of the things I love most about Miike) there's zero pretension to be found here. The precise type of ethically repugnantly, formally playful, feverish trashy thrills you'd expect out of this are exactly what you get - no clichéd moral handwringing or bullshit pulled punches you see in a lot of Western cinema for this genre. This is the real shit, another bonafide cult classic from one of the masters. Plus it's generally bizarre as hell, too.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The Nix in Books

Dec 4, 2017  
The Nix
The Nix
Nathan Hill | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Glorious, extravagant, epic family saga
It's hardly surprising Meryl Streep has bought the rights to this debut novel by Nathan Hill, which explores relations amongst several generations of a family.

It spans nearly fifty years, with flashbacks to student protests during 1968, from the present day, and the travails of an academic, struggling to engage with lazy and disaffected students, and playing ‘Elfscape’, an online role-playing game that works along the lines of World of Warcraft. The narrative perspective moves around quite a bit in the first few chapters, but a strong theme quickly emerges.

Samuel Andresen-Anderson is the principal protagonist, and is a genuinely empathetic character. Far from perfect, he is beset with irritations, ranging from the cheating and ignorance of many of his students to the family upheaval suffered during his childhood, which still troubles him more than twenty years later.

Behind all this is the story of Faye, Samuel’s mother, who walked out on her family more than twenty years earlier, and who is catapulted into the public consciousness following a sudden impulsive act. This offered Hill the opportunity for some acute observations about the motives and actions of the student rebels from the late 1960s, while also exposing the hypocrisies of the establishment and the cruelties of some of the police during those troubles. In between, the author even delves into Norwegian folklore.

The writing is fine – clear and accessible - and Hill manages the complex storylines admirably. Moving backwards and forwards between the late 1960s, late 1980s and 2011, the plot never flags. This was a long novel, but very entertaining throughout.
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Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Dec 4, 2017

Thanks @Sarah! I've already been inspired by some of your suggestions such as Libby! Did you like Solaris?


Sarah (7798 KP) Dec 5, 2017

I did enjoy it, I'll be honest though I didn't even know it was anything other than a film until i saw your review!