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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 20, 2020  
Today's special guest on my blog is Sandra Nickel, Author of the children's food history picture book NACHO'S NACHOS! Read my interview with Sandra about the book, and enter the GIVEAWAY to win a print copy of the book and/or a recipe card - 5 winners total!

NACHO’S NACHOS is the deliciously true story about how nachos were invented—about what happened when a regular customer asked Ignacio “Nacho” Anaya for something new, and there were no chefs in the kitchen.

2020 is the eightieth anniversary of the invention, and Oliver Dominguez’s illustrations transport us back to the border of the Rio Grande in 1940, when Nacho’s quick thinking resulted in a snack now eaten everywhere from Texas to Paris to Hong Kong!
The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
2014 | Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When it comes to food, opinions on colors, flavors, and textures are dynamic. No two foodies are the same. Throughout the world culinary differences abound; even ideas of what constitutes a food can be disparate. Blurring the line between history and the future, favorite dishes get modern twists and contemporary chefs discover innovation by studying the foods of yesteryear.

Films always have a location, but while “The 100 Foot Journey” is set in small town France, the story really exists at the crossroads of two fiercely independent culinary traditions. Throughout the film, Indian and French cuisines feed the visual storytelling and nourish the scenes.

As the leading man, Hassan, actor Manish Dayal plays a convincing chef struggling between two cultural and culinary worlds. But it is the support of Papa, Hassan’s can-do attitude driven father, played by actor Om Puri, and Michelin star obsessed know-it-all neighbor Madame Mallory (Helen Mirren) that invigorate the screen.

Simple yet engaging, plot is not where “The 100 Foot Journey” excels. Opting to focus on subtle interpersonal scenes, the film lacks twists, suspense, and grand surprises. Instead “The 100 Foot Journey” explores the joys, sorrows, and revelations that happen when two culinary histories and lifestyles meet. The journey highlights the challenges faced with preserving tradition while also carving a new path.

Consumables garnish almost every moment of character interaction; food plays a role in careers, conflicts, and mutual understanding. It could be easy, and not entirely wrong, to write-off this picture as a feel good foodie flick. However, just like a good croissant, “The 100 Foot Journey” is worth more than a deceptively uncomplicated a first glance; it contains flavorful and complex layers upon further examination. Be it a story of coincidence, lucky, or fate, “The 100 Foot Journey” is worth a taste if not a feast.

Vegas (725 KP) rated The Guest House in Books

Jan 24, 2020  
The Guest House
The Guest House
Abbie Frost | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Keeps you guessing (2 more)
Great setting
Can picture this as a good film
7 people in a remote house in Ireland, booked as a B&B through an online app. A family of 3, A man and his father and 2 young ladies, both on their own.

The weather sets in and strange things start happening, from food and drink going missing to sounds of a child crying and power cuts, but when a body is found, things can only get worse...

You learn a lot obout the history of the house, the back ground of the guests, with some of the story told in flashback form, and it is difficult to try and second guess what is going to happen.

The author manages to make the setting very atmospheric and you can almost feel the tension and pressure they are suffering through the narrative...

If you are a fan of psychological thrillers either as a book or film you should enjoy this.
Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955
Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955
Harald Jähner | 2021 | History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is such an informative, interesting book about a period in German history that I know little about: 1945-1955. It shows that German cities were pretty much decimated by the end of the war, that ex-Nazi party members were forced to clean up the rubble and that most importantly, many Germans thought that they were hard done by, by the end of the war - their country in ruins, no industry and no food. But what’s most startling, is how quickly the German recovery was. Jähner states that this was in large part due to the return of the Germans who had been living in occupied countries.

The black market was also a huge earner for many German citizens: one teenager is described as having thousands of Marks worth of cigarettes in his house. Money was there to be made for the improvising, bold, German!

What probably resonated with me most, was the lot of the German woman. They had been expected to be the perfect German Female during National Socialism, then experienced a kind of social and sexual liberation after the end of the war. However, when their husbands and men returned from captivity (or just made their ways home), they found themselves being expected to revert to the stereotypical role of the housewife. But they wanted more. They wanted to continue in careers, they wanted equality, and they didn’t necessarily want to deal with broken, defeated husbands (as cruel as this may seem).

What really surprised me, was how was how former Nazi party members still worked in positions of influence, both politically and in industry - and this was the case in both East and West Germany. Even though the Allies made a point of ‘educating’ German citizens about the holocaust, National Socialists seemed to largely escape punishment and carried on with their lives. Their children may have had their doubts as to their parents innocence, and the real movement to ‘out’ the national guilt didn’t really get going until the 1960’s, but there was dissent in the 1950’s already.

I could go on. This is such an interesting book, and written so accessibly. It didn’t read at all like a dry history book, and the photos and posters from the time are well chosen and really add to the book as a whole. This isn’t just a history book for history buffs.
Build Your Home Around My Body
Build Your Home Around My Body
Violet Kupersmith | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this enchanting, horrific, beautiful story. Build Your House Around My Body is a difficult book to describe. There are at least three timelines, all relevant to what is happening in the present day to the main character, Winnie née Ngoan.

Winnie is a lost soul - she has gone to Vietnam to stay with family while she teaches English to Vietnamese students, hoping to find herself, but she seems to become more and more lost as the story progresses. She struggles with her dual identity as her mother is American, and her father is Vietnamese. The fact that she seems to deliberately sabotage her own life is the most tragic thing about her.

The time does jump around a bit, but this didn’t confuse me at all - the chapter headings made sure of that - in fact they gave some interesting history lessons (e.g. French colonialism, Japanese occupation).

It’s a weird and wonderful one (my favourite kind!), sometimes bordering on the grotesque (ditto). Bodily functions and food that I wasn’t sure about, galore! (I’d still try the food though, although I draw the line at dog…).

The supernatural elements showed that these things are still very much a part of Vietnamese culture (spirits and demons both feature).

Some parts are achingly sad, some made me feel a bit ill, and others were actually quite amusing. I couldn’t put this book down. The joy of it was that I didn’t know, couldn’t predict, what was going to happen next!

I’m really interested to see what Kupersmith writes next if this is her debut - what an imagination!
Many thanks to Jellybooks for giving me the chance to read this wonderful book.
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Scott O’Dell | 1960 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong heroine (2 more)
Accurately conveys feelings of loneliness
Brings a little known piece of history to attention
Pretty depressing for a middle grade book (1 more)
Themes of loneliness will likely be missed by many given the age group
The story of the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island
This was my absolute favorite book growing up and I still cherish it more than a decade later.

Island of the Blue Dolphins is based on The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island: Juana Maria, a Nicoleño Native American left alone on San Nicolas Island for 18 years. She was the last surviving member of her tribe and died after she was rescued. This incredible story has largely been lost in the greater narrative of American history.

The story follows a young girl named Karana as she learns to survive on her own. Facing certain death, her tribe flees the island and Karana is left behind. The story has plenty of adventure as Karana fights to survive, learning how to be resourceful – hunting for food and materials for clothing, building shelters, and dealing with the local wild dogs and other dangerous creatures on the island. Where this book really shines is how the writing managed to portray Karana’s feelings of isolation and loneliness which really struck a chord with me.

The book is beautifully written and I’ve read it countless times since it was first gifted to me in elementary school. I look forward to when my own daughters grow older and I can share this story with them. This is a wonderful book for all ages that I absolutely adore. Fantastic for middle grade girls just getting into reading.
I don't know about you, but I can't say I've ever spent much time considering the fork - it's just one of those things we have in everyday life. Of course, some cultures would think about forks much less, as they don't use them at all! Bee Wilson takes us on a tour of the history of domestic cookery and the implements used. There is a good deal of focus on the West, but also lots of information about the different Eastern cultures and how their different approach to eating has a visible impact!

The book is very well written and very entertaining and not at all heavy or pompous. There are some illustrations in the shape of line drawings, but this is the one area for me where a few more illustrations would really have helped things. I'm afraid I still have no idea what a potato ricer looks like, of why I would possibly need one!

This book made me think (but without the head wanting to explode!) about the origins of words and sayings associated with food and eating and how they came into being. It also made you think about other things; when you realise that the balloon whisk is a relatively modern invention, your mind boggles at all the whipped desserts our ancestors enjoyed and how they were actually made without what is to us a fairly basic piece of kitchen equipment! I can't imagine using a bunch of twigs for 3 hours to whip up some egg whites!

A really different book and a really interesting one - highly recommended to anyone with an interest in cooking or social history.

David Gawain Gillham (0 KP) created a post

Nov 25, 2019  
First things first, when I woke up today I did not think I would be in church today, but this film had piked my interest as I like a good trueish story.
Right next thing it did not help the lights came on at the start of the film & I was the only idiot that thought you should tell somebody oh & dick in front of me was eating the loudest food possible which forced me to move.
To the film. Every film based on actual events has to be taken with a pinch of salt. People in America have boycotted this film mainly their American hero is portrayed but an English lady. That should not really matter as this story of a very brave lady needed to be told. It is really well done & the way some of the music incorporated into the film is a clever touch. It manages to highlight how barbaric being a slave was and luckily it has mostly been eradicated these days. An underrated film that is a good education about a part of American's dark history. 8/10
Woven in Moonlight
Woven in Moonlight
Isabel Ibanez | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A beautiful and lush fantasy based on Bolivian culture
Woven in Moonlight is a beautiful and lush fantasy, based on the culture and history of Bolivia. It is set in the fictional country of Inkasisa. Ximena is a stand in for the Condesa, the last remaining royal of the Illustrian people. Her people were driven from La Ciudad when Atoc, of the Llacsan people, usurped the throne using an ancient relic. The Illustrians live in isolation and poverty while the Llacsans rule Inkasisa. When Atoc demands that Catalina, the true Condesa, marry him, Ximena travels to La Ciudad in her place. Her plan is to act as a spy and retrieve Atoc's ancient deadly relic. Atoc is a cruel and dictatorial ruler, but Ximena comes to realize that not all Llacsan people are bad. She questions everything she has been told about who the true oppressors are, as the Illustrian people did not treat the Llacsans well when they were in power. She meets a kind princess, a vigilante, a healer, a guard and a maid, among others, and changes her views. The story is fast paced and the writing is beautiful. I really loved this book - great world building, fascinating magic (woven animals created from moonlight!), and wonderful descriptions of Bolivian food and clothing.
Super Size Me (2004)
Super Size Me (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Documentary, Drama
Look, no shit eating at McDonald's for 30 days straight with bare minimum activity is unhealthy - but this is still one of the most fun documentaries ever made and it's not like that's the only ace-in-the-hole this has anyway. Holds up even after three watches, Spurlock's nonchalant, breezy energy towards making himself a human test subject for such a ludicrous experiment in and of itself is entertaining. But couple that with his goofy gravitas and cavalcade of hilarity then this just becomes even more of a blast to watch. Undeniably this was instrumental in shaping the fast food world of today, but contrary to popular belief this is also still very informative with a lot of those type of facts that just make you disappointed in the human race. And even though so much has changed since then that this should theoretically be obsolete, it isn't - because not only does much of this still unfortunately hold true to this day, but it's beyond interesting as a time capsule of a time that seems like forever ago even though it was just in recent history, one that you can consistently compare to today's take on the subject. The blend between fast food hit piece and McDonald's diet journey is immaculate, and as with even the weakest of Spurlock docs it's clear that a chief goal here is to just create a movie that you can have a really good, memorable, and unique time watching. We watched this for health class in seventh grade and - to be frank - we were all a bunch of juvenile little shit-heads so this would have sated our appetitive for celebratory immaturity on its own; but then the teacher let us basically commentate on the movie *as* we watched it and that was one of the greatest school days I've ever had. Forever one of my favorites.