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Ugly by Kelly Vincent
Ugly by Kelly Vincent
Kelly Vincent | 2022 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so happy when I read the synopsis for Ugly by Kelly Vincent. This sounded exactly like the kind of book I needed to get me out of my reading slump. I was correct in my assumption. I absolutely loved this book!

Ugly is the story of a teenager named Nicole, or Nic as she goes by since she hates being called Nicole, Nic is 16 years old and lives in Oklahoma. Nic is made fun of at school and everywhere she goes. She's constantly being mistaken for a male everywhere she goes. During her sophomore school year, she starts questioning her sexuality and her gender identity.
It's obvious that the author knew exactly what she was talking about before writing Ugly from being gender non-conforming to even the therapy sessions Nic goes to. Ugly is definitely a well written book for sure. I like how Ugly draws attention to the struggles of not conforming to every day gender and sexual standards. I also want to give a shout out to the author for mentioning asexuality in the book. (I wish more LGBTQ+ books would talk about asexuality.) However, one minor gripe I have is that it mentions a character might be asexual because they didn't want/hadn't been in a relationship. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction. Asexuals still can want a romantic relationship. Aromanticism is the lack of romantic attraction. (Even then, asexuality and aromanticism have many more identities under their umbrella.) If the character was an aromantic asexual, it would have made more sense why they didn't want a relationship. Other than that, I loved everything about Ugly. My favorite part of the book (although all of it was fantastic) was when Nic goes to Scotland and sees just how different the people over there are compared to the people in the United States. I felt the same way as Nic when I lived in the United Kingdom. It did feel like people in the UK were less judgmental and more accepting than people here in the US.

Reading Ugly was like being in the mind of a teenager throughout a school year in their life. While the book goes through even the mundane day to day life of Nic, I still thoroughly enjoyed reading about Nic's life. Her struggle of trying to fit in whilst being made fun of and bullied really resonated with me. I felt like I was reading a biography about my life almost. I've never identified more with a book before! I think many teens and adults that were bullied, even those that are secure in their sexuality, will be able to relate to Nic on some level. Nic was the most relatable character I have ever read about. I would have loved to be friends with someone like her back in school (and even today). I also loved Nic's best friend Sam. Sam was just about the opposite of Nic both personality wise and looks wise. I loved how much Sam really cared about Nic.

Trigger warnings for Ugly include profanity, underage drinking, some minor drug use, some talks of politics, child molestation (though the book doesn't go into detail), bullying (including characters telling another character "kill yourself"), and depression.

Overall, Ugly is a book that should be in every school library as well as every public library. I feel like it's such an important book for teens (and adults), especially for those struggling with their sexuality and/or gender identity in this day and age. The research the author has put into the book as well as the author's ability to write a solid novel help to make Ugly such a fantastic read. I would definitely recommend Ugly by Kelly Vincent to everyone aged 14+ whether they are part of the LGBTQ+ community or not. This is a book that everyone should read due to its important topic.

(A special thank you to Goddess Fish Promotions for providing me with an eBook of Ugly by Kelly Vincent in exchange for a fair and honest review.)
Black Widow Vol. 1: S.H.I.E.L.D.'S Most Wanted: Volume 1
Black Widow Vol. 1: S.H.I.E.L.D.'S Most Wanted: Volume 1
Mark Waid, Chris Samnee | 2016 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Man, I so wanted to be bowled over this one! But, in the end? Not so much!

Let's see.. Natasha Romanoff is still BW? Check! Mark Waid is writing? Check! Chris Samnee is handling the art? And, check! Seriously, sounds like a recipe for "Win!", but I didn't think so. And, I am know I am in the minority (along w/hating "emo" Robert Pattison-as-Batman), but that is what makes GoodReads so great: freedom to express your opinion on books read!

I quite liked Samnee's art! I thought his (in my opinion) very Steve McQueen/1970s "spy flick"-influenced style worked PERFECT for this! I know he worked on DD (w/Waid), but I did not check it out as I <i>like</i> DAREDEVIL, but I don't <i>love</i> it! Going forward, I can't wait too more work coming Chris' way!

Now, Waid's writing? It never gelled for me! I normally gravitate towards his scripting, but for I dunno. The writing overall felt "off" and at times, the flashbacks didn't always fit as seemlessly as they should have! Even his dialogue for Natasha just didn't "Wow!" me in any way!

At the end of the day, I don't there is much else I can say that hasn't already been said! It seems like mostly everyone liked/loved, while I didn't! That said, read it, and make up your own opinion! Just like I did...!
Let&#039;s Explore Diabetes With Owls
Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls
David Sedaris | 2014 | Biography
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve listened to three or four David Sedaris audiobooks now. This one wasn’t my favorite, but it wasn’t my least favorite either. That being said, it was very funny and entertaining as always. This collection of stories made me think more than others have in the past, so that was nice.

Sedaris has an uncanny way of making the every day boring stuff sound hilarious because of the way he interprets it in his mind and because of the way he says things the people. You know how stuff sounds better in your head, but you say it anyway and then people look at you like you have a third eye and webbed feet? That’s half of his humor. I love it.

I recommend Diabetes with Owls to any Sedaris fan, new or old. If you’ve never listened to him before, I recommend Live for your Listening Pleasure to get an overview of his best.