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    Wedding Planner by The Knot

    Wedding Planner by The Knot

    Lifestyle and Social Networking

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    Download The Knot Wedding Planner app, your guide to staying organized and on budget, finding the...

6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Selfies was a fun combination of modern day vanity and the old belief that taking a picture of someone captures a part of that person's soul.

It was...okay. I liked how the story was told in a series of photo descriptions. The build up towards the ending is pretty well paced, although the strange break at the beginning where the random kid delivers exposition felt a bit out of place. It felt like it would have served better as an epilogue, rather than an opening.

My biggest problem was that I really couldn't take the story seriously. It was never scary or creepy for me.

I guess I've just read one too many <a href="">creepypastas</a>;. (I had an addiction to them earlier on in the year.)

This short even follows the general format of a creepypasta, down to the girl getting the phone from a creepy old man in a store that mysteriously disappears after the phone is passed off on her. The story was at least well-written, and properly edited, which is more than I can say for most creepypastas out there.

You can read it for free <a href="">here</a>;.
    Math Adventure

    Math Adventure

    Education and Games

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    "Math Adventure" is the best tool for your kids about mathematic. It teaches kids from counting to...



    Shopping and Lifestyle

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    Shop right from your phone and never miss out on another deal ever again! With the app, you’ll...