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    Wanelo Shopping

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Night Moves (2014)
Night Moves (2014)
2014 | Drama
Not very exciting
The premise of this film sounded interesting, but really was quite boring. The acting and visual landscape shots were good and kept me interested, but a lot of the movie is waiting for things to happen and then waiting after certain things happen.

Two environmentalist partner with an ex military marine to devise a plan to blow up a hydroelectric plant that they believe is harming nature in an act of sabotage. They meet up, iron out the details, then procure the necessary materials they need to get the job done.

Their scheme goes mostly the way they thought with one big exception they find out about the day after the deed is done.

The three handle the news in different ways and with a varied emotional reaction. They then start doubting each other will be able to keep the secret of what they have done and tensions begin to mount.

I hoping was hoping for more going on and there were long sequences where not much actually happened. I found myself checking the time every 20 minutes which is never a good sign.


Erika (17789 KP) Sep 7, 2019

I've been debating watching this movie for a long time, but it does sound super boring.


Andy K (10823 KP) Sep 7, 2019

Yeah it was kind of a snoozer.

Secrets in the Stacks
Secrets in the Stacks
Lynn Cahoon | 2022 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What Secret Led to Murder?
The newest member of the Survivors’ Book Club is Darcy, who has survived breast cancer as a young adult. While she is finishing up her college degree, she is living with her grandmother and working part time for Rarity Cole at Rarity’s bookstore. Returning home from work one day, Darcy finds her grandmother murdered in their home, and she turns to the book club for help in figuring out what happened. Can they do it?

I was a bit surprised that the characters weren’t reintroduced. Since it had been several months since I read the first in the series, it took me a bit to remember who everyone was. Once I did, I fell under their spell again. I really do like the cast. The story was entertaining, although the ending was weak. While it did answer the big questions, it raised a few more that aren’t addressed. There were some timeline glitches and other editing errors that should have been caught. Hopefully they were addressed between the ARC I read and the finished version. While the characters draw you in, the story should have been better.
Aerobics Can Be Deadly
Aerobics Can Be Deadly
Ryan Rivers | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Killer Workouts Are Fun for Us
Sho Tanaka and Levi Blue have decided to make a triathlon the first item they tackle on their bucket lists. When they go to the local gym to sign up to train, Levi manages to get them jobs as background extras in an aerobics video being shot the next day. However, when one of the stars dies during the first scene, Levi is ready to jump in and find the killer. Will Sho go along with it? Will they figure out what is going on?

While this is the first book in the series, it follows the novella that really introduces the characters. I read them out of order, but I didn’t have trouble figuring out the main characters and their relationships. There are plenty of laughs, especially in the beginning, but as the book progresses, things get more serious, lending itself to some great characters moments. Not that the humor ever goes completely away. Meanwhile, we have a strong mystery that kept me guessing until the very end. I will definitely be back for the prequel soon.