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An Indelible Day
An Indelible Day
Cairo Marques | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
C's character was intriguing (0 more)
The book was too short for the amount of information it was trying to convey. (0 more)
An Indelible Day by Cairo Marques is a short story only about 30 pages long that shouldn’t take readers longer than a few hours to finish. Broken down into three parts there are easy to reach stopping points should a reader not be able to read the entire thing in one sitting. For those such as myself who do not know what ‘Indelible’ means I took the time to look it up and it is loosely defined as something that can not be forgotten.

 It is difficult to write a summary of a book of this length without creating nothing but one big spoiler but I will try my best. C appears to be a nice man but something is fundamentally wrong in his life. It would seem that C has trouble not only feeling, processing, and expressing his emotions but also connecting with those in his peer group. Yet a rescheduled doctor’s appointment could lead him on a path to a potentially life changing encounter.

 What I liked best was C’s character as he is very intriguing. There seems to be layers to him just asking to be uncovered. I couldn’t help but wonder about C’s past and why her has the difficulties he appears to be suffering from. Sadly what I didn’t like was that after finishing the book I found myself asking why this was important. What was the significance of these events? In the preface the author mentions most readers will probably fall into one of two categories. (1) Those who find it pointless and wanting their time back of (2) those wanting more. While I find myself in the latter categorize the vagueness of the ending really let me down.

 Ideal readers for this book would be busy adults who don’t have the time or the concentration to read a long novel. As I can only classify this book as fiction there is no one genre preface that I believe would enjoy this book over another. The writing style is not so complex that it requires a high reading level, skill, or specific knowledge to enjoy. I rate this book 2 out of 4 or 3 out of 5. The book was very well written and was an enjoyable read. Yet it was too short for the amount of information it was trying to convey and the ending was unclear. Honestly the book would have gotten a higher rating if it was longer, contained more backstory, and gave more details about the results of the chance encounter. I also felt like there was some deeper meaning or point to this story that I was missing.

Review by Melissa Espenschied of or
Every Other Day
Every Other Day
Jennifer Lynn Barnes | 2011 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Warning: Spoilers ahead. And they'll probably be in all caps.

I have mixed feelings about Every Other Day.

The good:

It literally got my adrenaline pumping. Barnes has a good voice for YA novels.
I loved the protagonists and I hated the antagonists. I love Skylar, she's my favorite! I would want her to be my little sister. I love Bethany! (well, in a love-hate kind of way. I like her snark and her sarcasm.) I love Kali. She's totally my favorite kind of kick-ass heroine with supernatural powers.

The not so good:

I almost stopped reading this book a few times. Once right in the middle of chapter 2, because what was happening didn't really click with what the summary said was going to happen. I put it down for a while. When I finally picked it up again, it got exciting right at the end of that chapter.

I tore through it until right before the halfway mark, when something happened and I took it the wrong way and thought "oh no, she's turning into a vampire, it's one of THOSE books," and got really mad, and wanted to quit again. But I kept reading and discovered my assumption was incorrect. And then I read some more and I discovered that she was, indeed, part vampire. I mean, I guess I should have known what with the hourglass filled with blood. But seriously?

Point is, it was hard for me to read for an extended period of time, because I got frustrated.
I couldn't quite tell if it had a plot, or just a lot of events that happened. (See my post about plotless books here for more about that.)
It took me a good long time to get through it. For something so exciting, you would think it would be easier to read more than two or three chapters at a time. I'm not sure why: Maybe the drama was getting to my head and I just had to put it down.
WHAT THE CRAP IS WITH SKYLAR DYING OMIGOD SHE WAS MY FREAKING FAVORITE!!!!1 *breathes* okay Haley, you can handle this… be professional… *sobs and hits head against wall* Okay you can't just kill off a main character like that. Skylar was the reason I kept reading the book and then YOU KILLED HER.
That was not an ending. It needed like, four more sentences. Also: the fact that it is totally the first book in a series? Gah. What's wrong with writing stand-alones?
Obviously, for me, there is more bad than good: but, it was addicting enough that I HAD to finish it.

So. You can decide if you want to read it or not. It really depends on your taste, and what you want in a YA novel.

Recommended for ages 14+
Muito (Dentro Da Estrela Azulada) by Caetano Veloso
Muito (Dentro Da Estrela Azulada) by Caetano Veloso
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"There was a record store in the Times Square subway station, and another one on 42nd Street, both of which had big “international sections,” as they called it. It included everything from the rest of the world, all on vinyl, but with no information. You’d look at the cover and go, What’s this like? It was a total crapshoot. But occasionally, I’d hear something that would blow my mind, like a Fela Kuti record; the first one I picked up was called Expensive Shit, and obviously I picked that up because of the title. The covers were the best—like Cambodian pop records with a bunch of people in traditional garb, all holding electric guitars—and you’d look at them for clues. You’d think, What in the world could that be? You’d buy it, and it would be pretty cool. In 1986, I did a fiction film called True Stories. I guess you would call it a musical comedy. We were doing the mixing in San Francisco, so I’d go down to the big Tower Records on North Beach and go to the international section. One day, I came back with a whole bunch of Brazilian records, because I had maybe heard of a couple of the artists, but didn’t really know what their records were like. One was a Caetano Veloso record called Muito, and then there was a Milton Nascimento record, and probably a Gilberto Gil record, and those blew my mind. They had elements that were psychedelic and that had a Brazilian feel. They were really beautiful, but then I dug a little bit more and found out they were also really political. These guys had been exiled, thrown in jail. I was connecting with it, and I realized that my generation didn’t know any of this music. So I asked our record label, “Can we license this music, and can I make a compilation of my favorite cuts?” That one record led to another one: There was a Brazilian series, then a Cuban series, because Cuban music had not been available in the United States for decades. And I started my own label, Luaka Bop."

Stranger Things - Season 3
Stranger Things - Season 3
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Just everything (0 more)
Getting better with age
I've loved all 3 seasons of ST so far but this is the best so far. It's just just sublime. All the characters get depth and development whilst introducing a few new ones. The nostalgia shown in this is superb and unapologetic. At one point Mike and Lucas are having a convo about coka cola classic vs new coke and (very post modern tongue firmly in cheek) Lucas says 'classic is good but the remake is better'. Terminator, evil dead, back 2 the future, day of the dead, invasion of the body snatchers and many more are lovingly referenced with possibly the greatest and funniest being a brilliant neverending story shout out. The gore and horror is there in spades with more a focus on body horror and some very 'Lovecraftian' scenes which are equally awesome & disgusting. Steve & Dustin are the stars and continue their great team up from season 2 and honestly I think a spin off where they have a detective agency would be an amazing show that needs to be made!! It'll make u laugh, it'll make u cry but you will love it...PS keep watching for a post credits scene in last episode! Season 4 I cant wait!!!

J Cole recommended Makaveli by Tupac in Music (curated)

Makaveli by Tupac
Makaveli by Tupac
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The reason why I love this album is because I was a little older, I was in sixth grade. What really made this album incredible was the production. This was the first time I started really taking notice of the production on an album. I knew the beats on All Eyez On Me were incredible, but it was the first I said, ‘Damn, there’s a lot of live bass on this album. There’s a lot of live guitar.’ Everything had a sound, and it’s some of his deepest material front to back. ""Collectively, from ‘Hail Mary’ to ‘Krazy’ to ‘Against All Odds,’ it’s deep. This album gets better for me as time goes on. Me Against The World is like that too, but Makaveli is really the one where the older I get, the more of it I get. Every year that I get older, I hear this album differently. I know more about life, so I’m like, ‘Oh shit, this is what he meant.’ So Makaveli is super special. I could talk about that album all day. It was the percussion value, in terms of it sounding tight and live and jazzy in a sense, and his deepest lyrics"

    Rusty Lake: Roots

    Rusty Lake: Roots


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