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Take Me Home Tonight (2011)
Take Me Home Tonight (2011)
2011 | Comedy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you’re planning an 80’s party anytime soon, make sure to download the soundtrack to Take Me Home Tonight. The opening montage alone reminded me of everything I loved about the 80’s. It also gave us a glimpse of Matt Franklin’s high school years. Matt, played by Topher Grace, was the kid voted as “Smartest” in his class, one who existed on the outer fringes of high school popularity, who always had his eye on the most popular girl in school, Tori Fredreking, but could never muster up the courage or find that “in” to catch her attention.

Unsure of where his life is taking him, Matt decides to take a break from MIT during the summer of ’88 and ends up working at Suncoast Video. Of course, who should come strolling in to his store one day but Matt’s high school crush herself. Hoping to impress her, Matt ditches his Suncoast nametag, and tells Tori, played by Teresa Palmer (a deadringer for Kristen Stewart, if Kirsten were blond and more animated), that he works for Goldman-Sachs. Tori’s a banker herself, it turns out, and her curiousity is finally piqued and she encourages him to attend Kyle Masterson’s annual Labor Day party.

Matt relies on his twin sister Wendy, played by Anna Faris, and their best friend Barry, an intense Dan Fogler, to help him build on this “in” and finally get Tori’s phone number. But Matt isn’t the only one having to deal with the confusing transition into adulthood. Wendy has to decide if she wants to pursue her Masters or settle down with her boyfriend Kyle, while Barry just got fired from his car salesman job. The three of them decide to attend the end-of-summer party thrown by Wendy’s boyfriend Kyle, played by Parks & Rec’s Chris Pratt, all with the intent of “living in the now.” Apparently living in the now means commiting grand theft auto, experimenting with cocaine, perpetuating a lie and crashing a bankers’ party.

Despite the silly hijinks, Matt isn’t hard to root for, especially given Topher Grace’s signature sympathetic awkwardness. Fogler’s comic foil to Grace’s straight-man dances precariously along the line between funny and WTH? When the movie about Sam Kinnison’s life is ever made, Fogler should be given serious consideration.

There’s good chemistry between the cast and there’s just enough sweet romance to balance out the outrageous situations. Silly, predictable entertainment, made more fun by the nostalgic soundtrack, this movie is tamer than most of the R-rated comedies of recent note. Think any John Hughes movie meets Hot Tub Time Machine.
Doctor Who - Series 12 (New Season 12)
Doctor Who - Series 12 (New Season 12)
2020 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
Getting stale
When Doctor Who first came back into our screens, I loved it and loved it for quite a few series however the longer the show has been running for, the more tired of it I become. Like with any tv show, I think there comes a time when you should call it a day before it starts to become stale and people lose interest. I’m afraid to say that Doctor Who has gone past that point for me.

Don’t get me wrong, this was still a fairly enjoyable series. I adore Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor, I think she’s rather wonderful and I’m surprised at how many people don’t really rate her. I also find all of her companions quite bearable and probably the most bearable out of all of those that have come before - most likely because they haven’t tried to shoe horn in some cringey romantic aspects with the Doctor. Although I can only think of The Chase when I look at Bradley Walsh.

The problem is that the storylines are all getting a bit old and rather samey, whether they’re new enemies or old ones returning. Especially with the old foes returning, how many more times can we see the return of the Daleks or the Cybermen? It’s been done too many times. It was nice in this series to see the return of a familiar friendly face and it was nice in a way to see the return of a familiar and much loved enemy, however without spoilers I will say that this returning face isn’t quite as good as the one that came before it.

Overall this was an enjoyable series but not particularly memorable, and I really think they should consider giving this show a rest for a while.
    Driving Quest!

    Driving Quest!


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    A realistic car driving game with a twist! Complete missions at day & night! Deliver pizzas & more!...

    Good for Enterprise

    Good for Enterprise

    Business and Productivity

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    Good for Enterprise App Store Description IMPORTANT NOTE: Good for Enterprise® is a comprehensive...



    Social Networking and Lifestyle

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    The must-have app for all lovebirds. "No facebook, no Google+, just privacy - iThinkOfYou is the...

Day 21 (The Hundred, #2)
Day 21 (The Hundred, #2)
Kass Morgan | 2014 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

In Kass Morgan’s bestselling <i>The 100</i> no one had set foot on Earth for centuries after a devastating war that rendered the planet uninhabitable. One hundred teenagers have been sent from the safety of a gigantic spaceship to test out whether or not it is yet safe to repopulate the Earth. <i>Day 21</i> continues on from the first book and the group is about to discover that they may not be alone.

 As with the previous book the story is shared from four different points of view: Wells, Clarke, Bellamy and Glass. It has been three weeks since the hundred crash-landed and there appears to be no sign of radiation poisoning, however some people are falling unwell with unidentifiable illnesses and others have become targets of an unseen enemy. Things take a dramatic turn after the capture of a stranger, a girl who was not from their ship. Is it possible that she is an Earthborn, and therefore how did people manage to survive the Cataclysm?

Back on ship Glass and the rest of the Colony face their own life-threatening problems. Oxygen is running out and it will not be long until there is no air left to breathe. In a mad panic the risk of radiation on Earth is forgotten as the civilians scramble to get onto the remaining drop ships. However there will not be room for everyone.

At first this book did not feel as exciting as <i>The 100</i>. The settings are no longer a new concept to the reader and the love triangle involving some of the key characters was already a little tiresome. Nonetheless once the plot begins to climax once again, it becomes really enjoyable.

Although it is not clear, the ending implies that there will be more to come in this series, which is great as there are a lot of unanswered questions about the characters’ futures. This is a must read for lovers of dystopian literature, however make sure you have read the first book before progressing on to <i>Day 21</i>!