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Tomb Raider (2018)
Tomb Raider (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure
Lara Croft, the fiercely independent daughter of a missing adventurer, must push herself beyond her limits when she finds herself on the island where her father disappeared.

3D screening of this one... yes I never learn! You know what I'm going to say... 3D ain't for me. Again, nothing particularly stood out in this one for me with the effects. There felt like very little point in doing it in 3D apart from gouging some more money out of cinema goers.

Being that this preview was only the day before general release I really wasn't surprised that there were so few people there. I really wish I'd waited for the 2D showing.

Here's where we take a swift turn from where I thought my waffle would go for this one... It's an action film with a strong female character, and a lot of us were sold after the first outing of our tomb raiding totty. This one however felt like I'd just found a treasure chest full of Fool's Gold.

I'm not entirely sure that I liked much in it at all. There seemed to be several bits that were surplus to requirements, and honestly didn't even vaguely add anything to the production. And even if you suspend belief, as you would expect to do in this kind of film, you're still left with several bits that just make you stop and say "no".

You heard me talk above about people leaving the secret screening before even five minutes of the movie were done with... two people left this screening half way through. Admittedly I don't know why, but when you couple that with the fact I've never seen so many people going in and out of the screen during a film... well, I get the feeling everyone was a little bit bored. A lot of what was happening wasn't really engaging enough to hook you in until that "big bad" reveal. If it hadn't been for the fact I knew it would bug people who were sitting up and across the aisle from me, I'd have had my phone out like I was sitting at home on my sofa watching a movie on Movies 24.

I want to say I was extremely disappointed in this, but to be honest it doesn't really make me want to express any feelings that strong about it.
The High Moments
The High Moments
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I am very excited to be part of the Instagram Tour for The High Moments by Sara-Ella Ozbek. Thank you to Kaleidoscopic Book Tours for this amazing opportunity, and for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

<b><i>The High Moments is a book about Scarlett.</i></b>

She’s not perfect and she has a very tricky relationship with her mother. All she wants is to be successful and for people to like her.

She is one of those people that make goals on New Year’s Eve, and then reflect back one year later, just to realise that nothing has changed. But one day, she does decide it’s time for a change. So she moves to London. She doesn’t have a particular plan, but she does want to be a designer.

She ends up getting a job at a modeling agency with a very low salary. But the fashion industry is the worst place you can go to, if you are willing to change yourself, just to appeal to others.

<b><i>Which is something Scarlett, obviously, does.</i></b>

She makes friends that aren’t that real. She hands out with the wrong crowd. And she sleeps with men she shouldn’t. She takes drugs. She consumes alcohol. Way more than she is supposed to. But at least people start to recognise her. They invite her to parties she could only have dreamed of. Surely that can’t be all that bad? Well – it is.

<b><i>And she doesn’t really learn from it, until it’s way too late.</i></b>

This book was compared to The Devil Wears Prada, and I don’t agree with that comparison. The Devil Wears Prada is a gem, and the first of its kind, so it shouldn’t be a very easy story to compare. Just because this book follows a woman that works in a very fast paced fashion industry it doesn’t mean comparisons should be thrown left right and center.

Additionally, Scarlett is a very insecure person. And despite her goal in design, she doesn’t show a lot of determination. She seemed to care way more about her parties, than to be good at her job and get promoted in her career. But I think that her immaturity comes with her age, and the story was captured in a time when she still needed to experience everything and grow. Which she does, at the very end of the book, even though it’s a slow start.

Aside from this, I really enjoyed the book, and it only took me one day to finish it. I was very invested and entertained, and I have only praise for that. The scenes were very realistic and the characters were very real. The plot was predictable, but I expected that. Every time Scarlett would make a bad decision, I knew it would come back to bite her. And I also knew she would learn to grow from all the mistakes she made – which she does. And that pleases me.

<b><i>“Everyone always wonders how good people can do terrible things, but bad behaviour is the easiest thing in the world, really. You just don’t think about it.”</i></b>

If you love fast-paced books, filled with humour and fashion, I promise you will enjoy The High Moments by Sara-Ella Ozbek. It will lift your spirits and make you giggle. And on top of that, it will make you discuss Scarlett’s choices in life with your best friend. What more do you want in a book?
The Accidental Guardian (High Sierra Sweethearts, #1)
The Accidental Guardian (High Sierra Sweethearts, #1)
Mary Connealy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy cow! This book was fantastic! I have been a forever fan of Mrs. Connealy's since I read Petticoat Ranch. She is absolutely one of the best Christian Western Romance writers out there and I will forever sing her praises. When I saw she had another series releasing, I was all for jumping on that band wagon (no pun intended!)! Sitting down to read this, I had it read it less than two days, it was just that captivating.

Opening the pages to Deborah's story, watching her try to protect her sister and the young ones was amazing. I could feel myself becoming Deborah, telling her younger sister just what to do to keep them safe. When Ms. Connealy enters Trace into the picture.....well, whew! Not only was I instantly pulled to him, his protective side in a man like him, really made me swoon through out the book! I loved that! Seeing him with Deborah, his caring way toward her, was undeniably God-filled and romantic.

Mrs. Connealy has created yet another keeper for my shelf! She has taken a story of intriguing suspense, wrapped it up with her trade mark swoon-worthy cowboys and sassy heroines, and dished her readers an unforgettable laugh out loud, love story. This book is perfect for that rainy day, or long drive for a summer trip. Don't wait to get this one. Go grab it up now! It's 5 star worthy and so much more! Well done, Mrs. Connealy! Well done!!! I am highly anticipating the release of book 2, The Reluctant Warrior.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
    X-VPN No Log Proxy

    X-VPN No Log Proxy

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TacoDave (3721 KP) rated The Fall (2006) in Movies

Aug 8, 2019 (Updated Aug 8, 2019)  
The Fall (2006)
The Fall (2006)
2006 | Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Acting (2 more)
Visuals - so amazing!
Unlike any movie you have seen before
Contains spoilers, click to show
I can't really write a review of "The Fall" without spoilers, but this is the kind of movie where spoilers don't necessarily matter. What makes "The Fall" so amazing is much more about the visuals, the mood, and the direction.

Lee Pace plays a Hollywood stuntman in 1920s Los Angeles who was recently injured. He is stuck in bed in a hospital, filled with depression about the current state of his life.

As he lays in bed one day, a young girl with a broken arm enters the room and begins talking to him. They become fast friends, and he begins telling her a fantastical story about five heroes on a quest. The story is told in many sessions over several days, and each time the visual style and costumes and characters change slightly to match what the girl is imagining as she listens.

I won't spoil any more of the story, except to say this: the man has an ulterior motive for telling this particular story, and sometimes the lines between fantasy and reality, between a happy ending and a tragic one, are blurred.

The real star of this movie is the cinematography. The first time I saw it, I literally gasped at one particular scene transition. It was just perfect. The colors are bold, the settings are almost unreal - like nothing I've seen before (even though they exist in the real world) - and the costumes are amazing. I have literally never seen another movie, before or since, that looks like this one. It is stunning.

They say the director, Tarsem Singh, spent years scouting locations to meet his perfect vision. And it was totally worth it.

If you've never seen "The Fall," I wholeheartedly recommend it. I even own it on DVD, so if you want to borrow it, let me know.
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    The Voice: Free To Sing

    Entertainment and Music

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