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    Boating Asia&Africa

    Boating Asia&Africa

    Navigation and Sports

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    The world’s #1 Boating app! A favorite among cruisers, sailors, fishermen and divers. Find the...



    Social Networking and Productivity

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    Tweetings is a Twitter client for the iPhone. It has an extensive feature list including lists,...

    Einstein™ Brain Trainer

    Einstein™ Brain Trainer

    Games and Education

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    Feed your brain with a personal coach! If you want to stay young at heart, and sharp mentally, take...

Hunter Killer (2018)
Hunter Killer (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Surpisingly Good
Ever since he uttered the immortal line "We Are Sparta" as King Leonidas in the 2006 surprise hit 300, Gerard Butler has filled the screen with unadulterated machismo and virility. So I was expecting just more of the same when I went to check out the submarine flick HUNTER KILLER, figuring it was just a "B" action flick with Butler throwing up macho line after macho line and punching anyone who was in his way.

But...HUNTER KILLER is, surprisingly, much, much more.

Telling the story of a "Hunter Killer" submarine under a new captain that must go into enemy territory to check out the sinking of another American submarine, this adept action-thriller by South African Director Donovan Marsh is a pleasant surprise for only 1/2 of the film is about the action aboard the submarine, or the action back at HQ where a screaming Gary Oldman insists on less diplomacy and more aggressive action. The other part of the film is a very gripping, tense and exciting "behind enemy lines" war flick following the exploits of 4 Special Ops members (led by Toby Stephens) who must grab a person and then unite with the submarine.

Color me shocked by this. While Butler and Oldman gave me exactly what I wanted, the Special Ops soldiers, the stakes and the action sequences are a notch above your every day effort. If you are looking for a fun action flick, that can easily pass a few hours on a rainy and cold Saturday afternoon, you could do much, much worse than this one.

Letter Grade: B+

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Friend Request (2016)
Friend Request (2016)
2016 | Horror, International, Mystery
Social media has come to play a vital role in our lives. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or any other service, we cannot seem to escape the hashtags or trending topics. Social media has us feeling more and more connected with each day that passes. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for all who have access to the internet.

In Friend Request audiences are introduced to Laura, a popular college student, who befriends a lonely girl, Marina, when a friend request comes through her social media feed. She recognizes something unique about the young girl and feels the need to at least reach a hand out to her. This move proves to be a mistake as Marina becomes very clingy and eventually prompts Laura to push her away and back to her lonely existence. Laura and her friends are quickly thrown into a world where they are haunted and pursued by demonic beings.

The film is ambitious in trying to be more layered than a film with the similar premise of having the internet play an important role in terrorizing the characters. Sadly, the Friend Request becomes to complex. There are several aspects of the story that are inconsistent and raise eyebrows as it makes one question where the story is going. It disappoints in not investing enough time in making the audience actually fear the demon that Marina eventually becomes. The opportunity for a building of tension, paranoia, and claustrophobia is completely missed because of a lack of depth with the characters and a running tally on screen to demonstrate how Laura is continuously losing friends due to the meddling of Marina’s spirit hacking her interfering with her Facebook account.

Friend Request misses the mark in trying to be a truly inventive horror film as it finds itself without an identity.
Secrets of a Charmed Life
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As the Luftwaffe rains down terror on London, two sisters are separated and their lives changed forever.

**I have done my best to not share any spoilers. I have not shared more than you will find on the back of the cover.**

Isabel MacFarland has finally agreed to share her story and secrets that she has hidden for years. Isabel chose to pass her history to Kendra, an American student attending Oxford. Her story follows the lives of Emmy and Julia Downtree during World War II. With the war becoming more and more of a threat, the sisters are evacuated to the country along with the rest of London's children. Emmy's dreams of becoming a designer cloud her vision though. Julia, who is much younger than Emmy, needs her protection. At what cost will Emmy see her dreams become a reality?

I was extremely pleased with the incredible story Susan Meissner tells. I feel like I need a week to digest and process Secrets of a Charmed Life. I went through almost an entire bag of Starburts in one sitting when the book was getting really intense! This book was not published by a Christian publishing house, but the story is clean, which I was very thankful for. There are too many books out there (even "Christian" books) that share too much detail that I don't want to read. This story is a huge journey of forgiveness of one's self. There are decisions that we make each and every day and we must live with the consequences. How we choose to move on will shape who we are and who we become. I highly recommend this book. I encourage you to get lost in the pages and discover that no matter the circumstances, forgiveness is not out of reach.