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The Neighbour
The Neighbour
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FOR SALE: A lovely family home with good-sized garden and treehouse occupying a plot close to woodland. Perfect for kids, fitness enthusiasts, dog walkers . . .
And, it seems, the perfect hunting ground for a serial killer.
On a hot July day, Garrick and Olivia Lockwood and their two children move into 25 The Avenue looking for a fresh start. They arrive in the midst of a media frenzy: they’d heard about the local murders in the press, but Garrick was certain the killer would be caught and it would all be over in no time. Besides, they’d got the house at a steal and he was convinced he could flip it for a fortune.
The neighbours seemed to be the very picture of community spirit. But everyone has secrets, and the residents in The Avenue are no exception.
After six months on the case with no real leads, the most recent murder has turned DC Wildeve Stanton’s life upside down, and now she has her own motive for hunting down the killer – quickly.

Loved this book! Once I started reading I was gripped by the story and I just couldn't put it down.
This has to be one of the most cleverly plotted thrillers I've read in years with its twisty reveals, red herrings and ample misdirection, which throws you off the scent many times!
Every time I thought I had it; Bam; hit the floor as the rug was pulled out from under me.
This is a twisty, creepy thriller with a likeable detective in the form of Wildeve Stanton who works hard to find the killer while battling with her own grief.
On The Avenue, behind every door hides a secret, and behind one of these doors is a serial killer that has been living in plain sight. But which door? The chapters give a snapshot view into each of the ongoing lives, into each of their secrets, slowly building up to an emotional terrifying conclusions.
A very chilling enjoyable read that kept from going to bed as I would not stop reading until I got to the end!
Highly Highly Recommend and would give more than 5 stars if I could!

Thank you to the author Fiona Cummins, publishers Pan Macmillan and NetGalley for my digital advance copy of the book in exchange for an honest and independent review.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a big cowboy romance fan, so I was excited to grab this one to review. Ruth Logan Herne was a new to me author and the synopsis of the story sounded intriguing. So, I settled in for the day/night and read through nearly to the end (then I got tired so HAD to go to sleep so my CNA job wouldn't fall to pieces the next day!), but quickly picked it back up and finished it the next morning. It was that good. I loved every part of this story wholly and it will be with me forever! This is a book that I will be sharing with all who want a wonderful, inspiring read!

Colt, Angelina, Nick and Sam, along with the other characters in the story, really gripped my heart. I loved watching Colt and his changes in life after leaving his city life to come home to his country family ranch. Angelina, bless her, I loved her character! Seeing her interact with Colt was a refreshing part of the story! These two were perfectly chiseled to be just the right amount of flawed.

I can't give this book less than 5 stars! It's worthy of so much more. It had me twisted up inside and had me falling in love at every turn. From start to finish, this book is epically created and has the perfect amount of inspirational faith and hope woven among the pages. I can't wait to read more about these beautiful characters in book 2! Well done, Ms. Herne! You've gained a new fan in me! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
The Storm (The Rain, #2)
The Storm (The Rain, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My rating: 3.5

This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

What would happen if water became fatally harmful to humans? This is what Virginia Bergin continues to explore in the second novel in the young adult, dystopian series, The Storm. Fifteen year old Ruby Morris has been trying to survive by herself only getting through each day by telling herself "everything is going to be OK." With the belief that her Dad is still alive, she sets off to find him whilst trying to dodge violent people, the British army, and, of course, the rain.

As the story develops it is revealed that Ruby may be a key character in ending the global apocalypse, however she does not trust the scientists involved in finding a solution.

Since the first book it appears that Ruby has matured a lot. She is able to take more responsibility and even help other people. Like in the first book, The Rain, Ruby is narrating her experiences to the reader as well as her deceased mother. As her mother disapproved of swearing Ruby blocks out certain words with a symbol. In some ways this makes the story suitable for early teen readers, however it is fairly easy to work out what the missing words are and therefore may not be appropriate for some readers.

The Storm was much more exciting to read than the previous novel. Ruby was less annoying and was much more mature. It is interesting to discover how the situation develops. There is a lot of action to keep the reader on their toes.

One issue with this book is how the ending is written. It almost feels like Bergin tried to end the story quickly. The whole story was carefully planned out and narrated however the end was rushed.

Overall, The Storm is a great continuation of an interesting concept. It is much better than the first part of the story and keeps the reader interested. Although intended for young adults, there is nothing to stop adult readers from enjoying it too.
    ACCUPLACER Test Prep!

    ACCUPLACER Test Prep!

    Education and Reference

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    ACCUPLACER TestBank is on Sale! (Lifetime access - No subscription) "Here's How You Can Beat The...

    Subliminal Vision Boards

    Subliminal Vision Boards

    Lifestyle and Health & Fitness

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Veronica Pena (690 KP) rated I Still Believe (2020) in Movies

Apr 25, 2020 (Updated Apr 25, 2020)  
I Still Believe (2020)
I Still Believe (2020)
2020 | Biography, Drama
10.0 (3 Ratings)
rip my heart out why don't you
Contains spoilers, click to show
Hear me out. The thing about this film is that if you know anything about Jeremy Camp and his story, you know that Melissa dies. Spoiler alert - but I don't think that's news to anyone. I think what makes this film so good is that it's about a love story but it's almost four different love stories. It's about Melissa's blind, unwavering, awe-inspiring love for God. It's about Jeremy's renewal in that faith and in his belief and his love of God after Melissa dies. It's about Melissa and Jeremy's incredible love story - to walk through the fire together, until the end, to put it the way his dad does in the film. But it's also about God's love. And this is coming from a girl who is unsure about what to believe in the slightest. I'm not the preaching, church-going, praying person. I'm not even sure if there is a God, but I believe that people believe it and I respect them for it. Maybe I'll find it one day, maybe I won't. Regardless, this film is beautiful.

What annoys me about the critics that watched this film and their reviews is that they're almost surprised that she dies and that it's a Christian film. Like, do you know anything about Jeremy Camp and who he is? He's literally a Christian singer - for a living. I think this is one of those films where the audience is way more insightful than critics. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I feel like it's so easy for critics to critique and not just escape in the film. But I digress.

K.J. Apa and Britt Robinson are forces in this film. I think that they already have long, successful careers in front of them, without a doubt, but when they work together, they make some serious magic. This is their second film together and I could watch them in a million more. Shania Twain was a nice plug. I think sometimes when you put big country stars in films - Trace Adkins, Shania, etc. - it can be kind of overpowering (depending on the film), but she's very understated but memorable. The standout though, to me, other than the leads was Gary Sinise as Jeremy's dad. There's a moment towards the end of the film where he's just overcome and he leans against the wall and there's a picture of K.J. (meant to be Jeremy) under him and it just hits you. I feel like that was his strongest moment and one of the best moments of the film.

Overall, I think this film is really beautiful. I'm sure I'll come back to it a million times more. I definitely recommend watching it, just have tissues.

Chloe (778 KP) Feb 13, 2021

I have just watched this and completely agree, great review 👍


Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated the Playstation 5 version of Guardians of the Galaxy in Video Games

Oct 25, 2021  
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy
2021 | Action/Adventure
This game is absolutely fantastic and a contender for one of my favourite games of this year. In fact I actually prefer Starlord in this game to how he's portrayed in the films. I guess it's also safe to say Im really enjoying this game as I've played it solidly now for two days, I'm only on chapter 8 and there's apparently 16 chapters so I'd say if that's true it's a pretty meaty game. I'm honestly having and absolute blast with it and if you are a fan of the characters, the world and the lore you really should pick it up for sure. Id say is a cross between The Order a light version of Mass Effect and Tales Of Arise If you need a comparison and more importantly it's nothing really like the recent Avengers game. It's not overly challenging however on medium anyway unless you let enemies overwhelm you (I've died roughly 4 times I'd say) but that's not bothering me at all because it's so much fun and if you want more of a challenge you can crank it up. Graphics are awsome, voice acting is great and the humour is on point, controls are responsive and characters have a nice weight to them and overall it's an incredibly polished game that's clearly had a lot of love put into it by huge fans of the source material. The soundtrack also kickass and really does add to it alot really getting you going when it all kicks off action wise. Ive only had 3 really annoying bugs one where I got stuck in the floor and had to restart, one where a character was stood on a bar with his head in the roof and the other where a tutorial message got stuck in the middle of the screen but reloading sorted them. Like I said earlier however it's the lore, environments, characters and creatures that have mainly pulled me and it's a joy to explore the different detailed areas (even though they are quite linear experiences) and it's absolutely crammed to the teeth with dialogue, collectables, costumes and little details everywhere from the films and comics. The end of the day it's quite a casual affair but to me that doesn't matter I'm just loving spending more time with these characters and essentially living in a rich and dense sci-fi world (it's almost like a Star Wars game at times and is better than any of the Star Wars games we have had so far if I'm honest). An absolute must buy for any sci-fi or Guardians fan.

ClareR (5784 KP) rated Something Dark in Books

Nov 12, 2017  
Something Dark
Something Dark
Lemn Sissay | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An unflinching look at the Social Care system in the UK
I went to see Lemn Sissay read poems from his last book 'Gold From The Stone' last year at the Chester Literature Festival, and I've been hooked ever since. His poetry is very personal, and so I was interested to see what this would be like.

This is his story of being taken in to care and the resultant damage. It's a one man show, there's no one else on stage with him, and I think this is indicative of how his life has been lived. He has always had to be self sufficient, from the day that his Foster parents (who had parented him from birth) told him at the age of 11 that 'he' didn't love them anymore (it would be more accurate to say that they didn't love him). They didn't even say goodbye to him: his brothers and sisters didn't get to say goodbye, and he was ushered into a car with his social worker and taken to a children's home.

This illustrates how children in care are 'emancipated' at 18 and expected to cope on their own. Most of them have no family or many friends, and are left to fend for themselves. Lemn was given the information to start the search for his birth mother, which is a very interesting part of the story (which I won't divulge!)

I'm actually going to see this performed by Lemn next week (14/11/17), and I'm very much looking forward to it.