Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated Lucid in Books
Jun 7, 2018
When I first heard of Lucid by Adrienne Stoltz and Ron Bass, I knew it was one of those books that I definitely had to read. At first I thought I was going to be disappointed with this book, but it completely took me by surprise!
Lucid tells the story of two girls - Maggie and Sloane. They are as different as night and day except for one thing, they each dream of each other. As the story progresses, each girl falls in love and is afraid that maybe theirs is the world that is actually just a dream. The question is which girl is just a dream and which one is real?
Merriam-Webster defines the world lucid as "having full use of one's faculties: sane." I think the title of this book definitely suits it. Everyone around Maggie and Sloane think they may be going insane. Also, since this is a book about dreaming, Lucid works well.
I don't really like the cover besides the fact that it's shiny. Other than being shiny, the cover is a bit to boring and plain for my liking. I wish it was a bit more decorative instead of just a girl lying in a bed upside down.
The world building for Maggie and Sloane was fantastic! I love how the authors made each girl seem real and like their reality was the real one. It was difficult to tell who was real and who wasn't right up until the very end.
The pacing started out so very slowly for the first half of the book. In fact, it was so slow, that I felt like I was torturing myself reading it, but I really hate not finishing a book. Plus, I was hoping it would get better. Luckily, it get way better. It was almost as if I was reading a whole different book with how suddenly the pacing changed! I found myself reading the second half of the book like there was no tomorrow. It was just so good!!
I enjoyed both the characters of Sloane and Maggie. Although, if I'm honest, I did like Sloane a bit better than Maggie. Sloane seemed to be more grounded whilst Maggie was just a bit too all over the place for my liking. Plus, I felt more like I could be friends with Sloane. There are a few points in the book where the characters come across as being older then they are judging by their language. Plus, Maggie's seven year old sister sounded more like she was Maggie's age. I've never known a seven year old to speak and act like her!
The dialogue was a bit boring at the beginning of the book, but like the pacing, it definitely gets better in the second half. As I stated in the previous paragraph, there were times when the characters appeared to be much older than they actually were. I think the authors seemed to forgot how teenagers talk (as well as seven year olds). There's some acting terminology that's not really explained like the word "flunky" which I still don't know really what that means. There's quite a bit of swearing in this book, so this is definitely more on the side of mature young adult.
Overall, I did really enjoy this book even if the first half was painfully slow. The ending of the book was quite good and unpredictable albeit a bit confusing. I'm still a bit confused about the ending, but maybe that's just me.
I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+ due to the language and themes.

Michael Packner (32 KP) rated The Strangers (2008) in Movies
Jun 15, 2019
Because you were home.
This is my favorite film of all time. To me, this film is literally horror nirvana. This remains to this day the only film to ever truly scare me. This isn't some fake supernatural hocus pocus. This is reality. While the film may only be INSPIRED by true events, and not something that actually happened, it could happen, and it does happen...every day, whether you want to come to terms with it or not. The crazy thing is that if Bertino had been able to do this his way without any studio intervention, this film would've been 10 times darker and 10 times better. I don't care what anyone says, this film is a horror heavyweight that pays true homage to the birth era of horror.

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Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Nanuk in Tabletop Games
Jun 12, 2019
Nanuk, technically, is a polar bear. The same found on the cover of the game box. He is attempting to nom on an Inuit hunter. But worry not, in this game Nanuk does not eat people. Just the animals that have been hunted by the people to be brought back to the village as a result of your pig-headed boasting. Oh, you say you can bring back 17 fish in three days? I say you’re doomed.
I do not want to get in a habit of explaining games in my reviews, but I feel like Nanuk could benefit from it, so I will be quickly paraphrasing.
In Nanuk play goes around the table where each player must increase either the number of animals (and you can change the animal type) or the number of days of “the Hunt.” Example, I increase the current boast from three deer in one day to four birds in one day. Once a player no longer thinks the combination of animals and days will a successful hunt make, they must flip over their voting token to the doomed side. The last player to have upped the ante is the Hunt Leader and the naysayer is the, idk, Doom Leader I think. Then everyone evaluates the animal and Inuksuk (the awesome humanoid stone statue) cards to determine if they should join the Hunt or Doom team, flipping their voting token thusly. Every player then must contribute at least one card from their hand that will be shuffled together as the results of the Hunt. Should the boast parameters be met between the cards contributed and cards drawn from the deck (equal to the number of days boasted) the Hunt team wins and spoils are split among the team members. If not, the Doom team wins the spoils. At the end of the game you are hoping to have amassed sets and pairs of animals to score the most VP. There are a couple other rules that I will leave you to discover, but that is the… meat… of them.
I received my copy of Nanuk cheaply from a BGG auction many years ago. I was not sure exactly what to expect of it, but I was diggin the cover art. Once we played it, and played it again, and more, I began to love it more and more. It’s not a long game, the rules are relatively simple, and it is very much a social game. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a “party game” because that term just has different connotations to me, but it will play 5-8 players quite comfortably. Many times I have a group of 6 or more and this always delivers. Please give this one a try and I know you will enjoy it.
Someday we will start making lists and such, and this will go on my list of favorite games that support a larger play count. That said, Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a 12 / 18 (because Laura has not yet played it).

Nickg24 (492 KP) rated Little Monsters (2019) in Movies
Oct 15, 2019
The film starts off showing us a guy going through the various stages of a break up with his GF.He then moves in with his sister and nephew,then he meets his nephews kindergarten teacher and offers to help her chaperone the kids on a trip to a petting zoo.All while this happens a zombie outbreak is going down at a secret military base,said zombies go on a killing spree (creating more in the process) and all escape and make their way to..the petting zoo.
Once both parties finally cross paths at the zoo,its a fight to get to safety for the adults and the kids to avoid going the same way as all the other visitors and before the army nukes the place.
This film was made and produced by the streaming company hulu and it's an absolute delight.Plenty of laughs to be had (especially from tv kids performer with a sex addiction who happens to be appearing at the zoo on that day) with one or two serious parts in between.
If the thought of a bunch of zombies singing and clapping along to some very recognisable kids songs while following a tractor makes you laugh then this is the film for you.

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graveyardgremlin (7194 KP) rated India Black (Madam of Espionage, #1) in Books
Feb 15, 2019
<b>India Black</b> is a well-written and entertaining read, featuring a no-nonsense, street-wise, and book-smart whore-turned-madam who is the namesake of the book. While I do like India and her voice, there was something about her that felt off, and after thinking about it I've come to realize that I really don't know her that well. I find that odd because the book is told first-person. Even though this is the first in the series and some authors may not want to divulge everything about a character, I think there needed to be more tidbits about India. What's her history? How did she grow up? Was she groomed to be a whore? Etc., etc., etc. Besides, French is the secretive one, we don't need two mysterious characters in one book. As for the attraction between India and French promised on the back of the book, well, it wasn't there. Now there's the promise for that in the future, but there weren't enough scenes with the two of them together for anything to actually happen except some minor discussions about the issue(s) at hand, some bantering, and a decent amount of bickering -- though luckily not too much of the latter to annoy.
The plot is fine, but there's really nothing new to distinguish it from others in Victorian mysteries. Actually, the book doesn't feature any mystery what-so-ever and it's more of a chase to retrieve top secret government documents; I've heard the term caper thrown around and that sounds about right for this book. After a while I felt like I was in <b>Groundhog Day</b> -- same scenarios popped up under different circumstances, but all with the same outcome, which became tiring. The historical facts would have been better served had they been more smoothly incorporated into the story rather than dropped in big chunky lumps that often bored me (and I <i>like</i> history). The atmosphere of the book was fairly well-done, though it seemed a bit too polished and clean, so a little more grit would have given it some needed realism. The main character is a madam who can't possibly live in best neighborhood, and no matter how well-mannered, groomed, or intelligent she may be, she has to live in a tough place.
While I do have those minor issues about the book, the question is, <i>"Would I read the next book in the series?"</i> Yes, I believe so, because overall, I did enjoy this foray into India Black's world and it has the makings of a very interesting series.