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Fitbit Flex 2 Fitness Wristband
Fitbit Flex 2 Fitness Wristband
Wearable Technology > Smart Watches
6.6 (28 Ratings)
Tech Rating
Good quality, robust strap (0 more)
No direct interface (1 more)
Struggled to see the LEDs in direct sunlight
A decent fitness tracker to get you up and about more
First things first, this is not a smart watch - there is no interactive screen, it won't tell you the time and you cannot get an accurate measure of your steps at any point in time.
With that out of the way, and the context set, lets have a look at how well it does what it means to do.
Straight out of the box, it was very easy to set up the flex 2 - syncing to my phone and assembling it was easy - the fitbit itself is a tiny little nugget that clicks into a charging cradle and slots back into the strap quite snugly. Bluetooth pairing and setting up an account was easy.
The item is very light and not clunky at all. While the clasp on the strap is quite hard to close and open again, I am sure this would ease over time, and is actually quite reassuring - it is not going to fall off your wrist in the supermarket!
A simple double-tap on the front of the fitbit is enough to get a measure of your progress - there are 5 LED's on the unit and you get one full light for each 25% of your step target plus the next light flashes more the further through the next 25% you get. For some people this would be enough, and I dare say you would get in the habit of how far through you should be each day. However, I have a vitality account where points (and therefore prizes!) are rewards for more activity. While I could change the target to my needed 12,500 steps I would need to know how close I am to guarantee I get there (and don't have to do the 10pm jogging on the spot routine before bed). Having had smart watches in the past, this would be a deal-breaker for me.
The device gives alerts for alarms, messages and calls with a different coloured light assigned to each. For me this was largely pointless as with no idea who the message/call was from, and with my phone always in my pocket or hand I didn't need this alert.
The fitbit app delivers quite a bit more functionality than the device itself - taking your activity and turning it into calories and exercise minutes based on your stats. Together with the app, the device delivers quite a good all-round fitness tracking capability. The only question is whether you need more of a display on the strap itself, or are happy to use the app for this.
My only other gripe is that in direct sunlight (even Scottish sunlight!) it was quite hard to see the LED's light up to track progress.
I won't really go into the accuracy of the device - all trackers use different technology and give credit for different movements so it seems silly to test the "accuracy" of one against the other. I will say it wasn't far off from another device I used so was not totally "wrong".
If you are looking for a light fitness tracker that you can largely just ignore and are happy to check the app for more detailed progress, then this is a great little device. If you are expecting something to rival a Garmin/Apple Watch or more complex fitbits then this is not really for you.
That Inevitable Victorian Thing
That Inevitable Victorian Thing
E.K. Johnston | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun escape (0 more)
A little TOO lighthearted (0 more)
A fun alternate history romp
Representation, people! This book features a bisexual, intersex young woman. (I say woman, because she is female-presenting and uses female pronouns.) It also features a not-quite-love-triangle that turns into something more like polyamory. (Sorry, that's a bit of a spoiler, but you can see it coming from a mile away, and the cover description heavily implies the same.)

It's not realistic in the least - everything falls together nicely and it's a bit of a "princess saves the day by virtue of being a princess" kind of plot. But the twist on the history is a very pleasant one - and making the British Empire an Empire that values diversity and the melding of cultures and not looking down on anyone because they're different is a really nice change of pace. It's a WONDERFUL bit of escapist fantasy given today's world, I have to say.

I'd actually really like to see the darker side of this same world explored. One of the main plot points in the book is that there is a computer database of genetics. Everyone in the British Empire, when they turn 18, is encouraged to have their DNA sequenced and entered into the computer to find good genetic matches. They then have the opportunity to chat with those matches and eventually meet them. It's accepted custom, and you're definitely viewed as odd if you choose NOT to do it, though Helena's parents were a love match and never had their DNA matched through the computer. Helena's love interest is a boy she grew up with, she really only ran her DNA through the computer for kicks. So it's not mandatory - except for royals. But that this computer and database exists leaves room for a darker side. What about genetic modification? Forced marriages for certain genetic outcomes? That has to be happening somewhere. That Inevitable Victorian Thing really only looked at the fun, light-hearted, good uses of this technology. I'd love to see the other side.

Oh - while the book definitely has a Victorian flavor, it's definitely set in modern day, or perhaps a little past. It's not Victorian era.

Fun little book. A good escape from a racist, homophobic world to a more diverse, accepting one. But a little TOO fluffy bunny for my personal tastes.

You can find all my reviews at
The Jetsetters
The Jetsetters
Amanda Eyre Ward | 2020 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlotte Perkins is 71, and her best friend has just died. Long single, she longs to be touched and loved again, so she writes an essay (a rather racy one at that) to the "Become a Jetsetter" contest to win a trip for her entire family (and to perhaps meet someone). Charlotte is shocked and elated when she actually wins, earning the the chance to take her three children to Athens, Greece and on a nine-day cruise to Barcelona, Spain. Lee, a struggling actress who has just returned home on a "break" from acting (and from her famous ex-boyfriend) figures she has nothing better to do. Cord, her son, a wealthy New Yorker, isn't thrilled about being trapped on a ship while he struggles with his sobriety. And Regan, an exhausted mother of two daughters, can't believe it when her irritating husband Matt joins the group. This will be a particularly fun trip since Lee and Regan haven't spoken in ten years. Trapped on this adventure together, secrets come out and the Perkins family suddenly learns more than they ever wanted to know about each one another.

It took me a while to process this one. I really enjoy Amanda Eyre Ward's writing, and I have such a soft spot for her book, The Same Sky, which is one of my absolute favorite novels. This book is very different from that one, and it took me some time to warm to the pacing and the characters. Charlotte turned me off in the beginning, and I was just slow to get into the book. We learn that the Perkins kids had a rough childhood, but one that also bonded them together. Yet when the book opens, none of them are particularly close to each other--or their mother.

"This day, and the two more excruciating days that followed--days of sand and beer-scented misery--would be the last time Lee went on vacation with her mother and siblings. Until thirty-two years later, when they became jetsetters."

The book presents the story from not only Charlotte's point of view, but that of each of her wayward children. None of the kids are easy to like at first, but Ward's prose makes them come to life before our eyes. They are fallible, for sure, and it's hard not to feel a bit sorry for everyone. I for one am not sure I could handle being trapped on a cruise ship with a group of unhappy family members.

"Oh. Charlotte's children. To her great sadness and bewilderment, Charlotte's three adult children were lost to her, and perhaps to themselves."

The novel does an excellent job at portraying all the difficult relationships in the book, giving us an in-depth portrait of a complicated family. While the story is told solely over the span of their trip, we learn all about Charlotte's life--much of it hidden away from her children--and the lives of her three kids, even bits and pieces of their childhood and backstories. No one has had an easy go of it, for sure. How much do parents, and their actions, affect their kids, the book asks. How do families in general influence the people we become. They have so much power: both to help and to hurt.

It's funny, this wasn't always a story I enjoyed, even though there are humorous and touching moments, but I recognized its powerful parts too. Overall, I would rate this at 3.75 stars, rounded up to 4 stars here. It's worth a read.
Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter, #1)
Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter, #1)
Sherrilyn Kenyon | 2009 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, before I start my review, I have a little pet peeve about Sherrilyn Kenyon's writing: She'll switch from one character to another without warning. There I am, happily reading along from Amanda's viewpoint, when all of a sudden it's Kyrian. Ugh! I know I've read other authors who do the same thing, but somehow it flows better and isn't like - what just happened?! Okay, end rant.

Overall, I enjoyed this book, but I did like Fantasy Lover more than this one. While I don't always think Ms. Kenyon is the best writer (it sometimes feels disjointed to me) her world is very imaginative and interesting. The creatures/characters are intriguing, and the story was just plain fun to read. Hey, there's a tortured hero, what more do you need? I was really into it close to 200 pages in, then I had to put it down. The next day I picked it up and it didn't grab me as much as the day before. Though towards the end it started to pick up for me, and of course I'm a big sap for happy endings. That's why I read romances more than anything else. I don't know about other romance readers, but I've had a hard life and I need a little lightness in it. That's where romances help. Now that I've bared my soul (no pun intended - hopefully you'll get it if you've read the book), I think I'll get back to the review. Now where was I? I know that Talon will be in the next book in the series, but I can't wait to read about Acheron. If he doesn't have a book out now, Ms. Kenyon needs to start writing his story. Well, as I said before (I think), it was a fast and fun read!

Please excuse me if my review is a little disjointed (haha), I can't quite put into words how to explain how I felt about the book. Ah, oh well; can't win them all!
Phantom Thread (2017)
Phantom Thread (2017)
2017 | Drama
“There’s an air of quiet death in this house”.
The alleged acting swan-song of Daniel Day-Lewis (“Lincoln“) sees him deliver a brilliantly intense portrayal of a maestro in his craft with all the quirks and egotistical faults that come with that position.
Reynolds Woodcock is the craftsman behind a world-renowned 1950’s fashion house, in demand from the elite classes and even royalty. He has a magnetic personality, is overtly self-confident, obsessive, a cruel bully and treats his girlfriends as chattels that he can tire of and dismiss from his life without a backward glance. Trying to keep the business and Reynolds on track, with ruthless efficiency, is his sister Cyril (Leslie Manville, “Maleficent“).

 Looking for his next conquest during a trip to his seaside residence, he reels in blushing young waitress Alma (Vicky Krieps, “The Colony”). But he gets more than he bargains for.
This is a really exquisite and gentle film. Aside from some dubious fungi-related practices, there is no violence, no sex and – aside from about half a dozen well-chosen F-words – limited swearing (of which more below). This is a study of the developing relationship between the two protagonists, with little in the way of plot. Sounds dull? Far from it. This is two hours that flew by.

What it also features is (yet) another example of extremely strong women asserting their power. A scene (well trailed in Manville’s award snippets) where Cyril firmly puts Reynolds back in his box is brilliant: a real turning of tables with Woodcock meekly falling into line. And Alma makes for an incredibly rich and complicated character, one of the most interesting female roles I’ve seen this year so far.

It’s a stellar acting performance from Day-Lewis, and while Oldman fully deserves all of his award kudos for “Darkest Hour”, Day-Lewis delivers the goods without any of the make-up. It feels like Day-Lewis is a long way down the betting odds this year because “he always gets one”. He certainly gets my vote ahead of all of the other three nominees.
Kreips – not an actress I know – also brilliantly holds her own, and if it wasn’t such a strong female field this year she could well have been nominated.

Also worthy of note is the pervasive piano score by (suprisingly) Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood. It’s really lovely and counterpoints the rest of the classical score nicely. Its BAFTA and Oscar nominations are both well deserved (though I would expect the Oscar to follow the BAFTA steer with “The Shape of Water“).

All in all, this is a real tour de force by writer/director Paul Thomas Anderson (“Inherent Vice”, “There Will Be Blood”). How much I enjoyed this film was a surprise to me, since I have no interest in the “fashion industry” (as my family will no doubt be quick to point out!) and I went to see this more out of ‘duty’ based on its Oscar buzz than because I really wanted to see it.
The big curiosity is why exactly the BBFC decided that this film was worthy of a 15 certificate rather than a 12A. Their comments on the film say “There is strong language (‘f**k’), as well as milder terms including ‘bloody’ and ‘hell’. Other issues include mild sex references and scenes of emotional upset. In one scene, a woman’s nipples are visible through her slip while she is measured for a dress.” For a 12A, the board say “The use of strong language (for example, ‘f***’) must be infrequent”. I didn’t count the f-words… but as I said I don’t think it amounts to more than a half-dozen. Is that “frequent”? And – SHOCK, HORROR… visible covered nipples you say?! Lock up your teenagers! When you look at the gentleness of this film versus the violence within “Black Panther”, you have to question this disparity.


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