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6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Testosterone by Danough O’Brien & Liz Cowley was a work very different from anything I have ever read before. While I did give it a lower review I believe that the topic makes it worth a read it its own right. The fact that one thing that seems so small could destroy our entire world is amazing, yet the events that happen is the book I believe to be true. There were a few little surprises during the book that a reader might miss if they are not fully paying attention. I will not be forgetting this book anytime soon and will be keeping an eye out for the movie that it deserves.

Multiple objects crash into Earth with no warning as they were undetectable by our radar, and land in various bodies of water. At the crash sites, there are no remains to be found except for a mist that covers the planet temporarily. When the mist clears it becomes apparent that something devastating has happened to all the mammals on the planet. The males no longer produce testosterone. This means no more sex drive in males, in fact, they no longer even have the ability to have sex. The worst part is that there is no more viable sperm.

The lack of testosterone in the males could mean the end of the human race as no more children can be born naturally. Then it is discovered that all of this was an alien attack meant to weaken the human population on the planet over time. In a last ditch effort to save the human race all the world leaders team up to create Havens. These Havens must be kept secret form most of the population and the alien drones watching the planet. While the outside world falls into turmoil as it ages with no young to replace those passing away. Selected people are still having children through artificial insemination and preparing for war with an unknown enemy in secret. How long can these secret Havens stay a secret and when will the attack come, if at all?

What I liked best was the subject matter itself. I have never encountered an end of the world book where aliens first attack humans on a biological level. The concept was refreshing. I did, however, find the book to be dry at times. Years passed during the story but the only way to tell was because the author directly states how much time passed. The story just did not move very well at all.

Target readers for this book are mature young adults and older. Topics of artificial insemination and infertility may make this book inappropriate for younger readers. The reading level itself is not that difficult. I rate this book 2 out of 4. While the concept and subject matter was different and interesting the way it was presented was not. This is one of the few times that I would like to see it as a movie because I believe a movie version would be better.
Cindy Cipriano | 2018 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best about the book was honestly James himself. Even if he seemed somewhat creepy at times he is a great guy. (0 more)
What I didn’t really like was the abrupt change around chapter fifteen. I understand the need for it but it was a little rough at first. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Fading by Cindy Cipriano may not contain vampires or werewolves yet it still has a slightly supernatural/paranormal feel to it. This book is in a similar group as Twilight as a forbidden love book. Also, this is only the first book in a series that is expected to be three or four books long.

Leath is the typical seventeen-year-old high school girl. She has her mother’s full support after her father died and her two best friends Victor and Anamae. The three of them have been considering college visits and what the future may hold for them. Leath and Victor have always been close but when Victor starts showing interest in being more than just friends with Leath she resists him. Victor believes Leath is confused and will come around to recognizing her feelings for him but Leath is not too sure. Then while working in her guidance councilor's office Leath sees the transfer file for a new student, James.

As if fate put them together James and Leath run into each other on Jame’s first day and they instantly become inseparable. Leath feels as if she has known James for her entire life and James feels the same way about her. Leath wonders if James is the same boy that Leath has actually been having dreams about all her life. Is she prepared to make the huge sacrifice required for her to be with James? Leath must choose between her friends, family, and freedom, or James before he makes the decision for her.

What I liked best about the book was honestly James himself. Even if he seemed somewhat creepy at times he is a great guy. His willingness to live alone and possibly face the wrath of his race just to protect Leath from his societies traditions are commendable. What I didn’t really like was the abrupt change around chapter fifteen. I understand the need for it but it was a little rough at first. I also didn’t understand completely why the fading worked so well on Leath that time when it didn’t work the first time. The only difference I can really come up with was the medication Leath was on and everyone else forgetting James helping her forget as well.

Teens of all ages will find this book to be appealing as the language is mild and there isn’t really any inappropriate content. Readers of romance will defiantly enjoy this book more so than fans of other genres. I give this book a rating of 4 out of 4. Fans of teen romance will love this twist on a classic forbidden love story. The entire concept of fading allows for the story to move on without having messy explanations in the middle of everything.
Eden Summer
Eden Summer
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I keep falling behind on wiring my reviews, sorry! I really need to get back on track. I finished this on Tuesday I think? I really enjoyed it, although it isn't quite worthy of five stars.

I'm going to put in a trigger warning as there are mentions of substance abuse, physical abuse, death, adoption and suicide.

Jess's best friend has gone missing. Through interviews with the police and Jess's personal recollections, we begin to build up a picture of Eden's life before her disappearance. Her sister had recently been killed in a car accident, and her seemingly perfect relationship with Liam was more complicated than anyone realised. Bit by bit, Jess - and we - begin to piece things together and discover where Eden has gone.

The girls are only young - 15 I think? - and very much have the all-consuming passion that young teens feel. As in, every little issue feels huge, and things feel far more serious than they might to an older person. I remember feeling this way. I think it was portrayed so accurately, the way fighting with your best friend feels like the end of the world and a family argument overwhelms you with guilt. It was a bit annoying in some ways, though; no fault of the author, of course, I just get a bit annoyed at kids taking things too seriously. I look back at myself and think how stupid it was to get so caught up in such little issues. So the things that Jess gets so worked up over just seemed a bit trivial to me, like she was exaggerating too much. But as I said, this creates the teenage voice really well in my opinion.

The things that both these girls have gone through are massive, though - Jess was attacked and Eden's sister killed. That's pretty hard for a young girl to deal with, and these are not the problems I'm saying are trivial. These are hugely important and emotional issues and I think it's great to talk about. I love books with these real, albeit sad, events. I think it is so good to discuss all the feelings and situations that follow, and also emphasise how it is not the end of the world if something bad happens. life will continue. Eden says how she feels her sister's death becoming more distant, more bearable, and how she doesn't want that to happen. She feels guilty, as if she's forgetting her and moving on. This is so important. She also thinks about killing herself due to guilt - which I won't ruin too much - but then realises how she shouldn't take life for granted. Her sister would've given anything to be alive still, and she shouldn't be throwing that away.

It was a really good read and I found myself wondering what was going to be revealed next. It was wel written and perfectly captured the young voice of Jess. If I read this when I was younger, I think I would've adored it. I would've understood it and connected to Jess more than I did now I'm older. 4 stars, definitely worth a read.
Once Upon A (The Stained Duet #1)
Once Upon A (The Stained Duet #1)
Charlotte E Hart | 2017 | Erotica, Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bloody Hell, What an experience that was, I have absolutely no idea where to start with this review, I have so much white noise running through my head at the mo, this page-turning addictive read has short-wired my ability to well, frankly articulate, I'm like a goldfish gasping unable to convey much at all.
All my concepts and thoughts are ping ponging around my brain as I try to analyse and dissect what I have just indulged in.
So I'm going to try to compartmentalise all my concepts and thoughts internally so I can analyse everything that is "Once Upon A"
I want to remember all my first impressions without forgetting anything as this is such a unique read with so many indefinite angles to the characters involved.
So First Things First, A Warning!!!
This a very dark read, dealing with some very disturbing stuff, if this is not your flavour, well you have been cautioned.
Myself, I happen to like fiction that stretches my boundaries, forcing me to contemplate instances outside my comfort zone, forcing that discomfited almost uneasy feeling.
This definitely Delivered in spades and them some.
So brief synopsis, Alana Williams is an author living with various pen-names One of these names she has decided is going to write the next BDSM/Kink bestseller all she needs is some research into the scene.
Enter Blaine Jacobs, Blaine of the humiliating set-downs and filthy mouth, All round degenerate of the highest order he doesn't play, annihilating his opponent is his kink.
So Alana is going to learn in a big way what it means to be Blaine's obsession and he is going to enjoy every Humiliation and lesson he bestows while making his little brat thank him prettily.
All in the name of research of course.
This Tale is probably gonna be marmite for people, me I abhor the rank stuff, I'm more of a peanut butter sort of gal, this story is so my peanut butter and I was nuts for the whole nine yards.
This book is so much more than the sum of its parts, I really think what this tale ultimately imparted to me, the main lesson I found myself taking away from this was acceptance.

He was right. It's full of honesty and trust, more so perhaps than the normal pronouncement of love. To give yourself to someone who wants to cause pain, needs to even, to offer them that with no recriminations and bathe in the glory of their honesty, too? That's a love unencumbered by restriction or temptation.

So That's all from me guys and gals, So Sorry for the vagueness but this is really something you need to go into blind and just behold.
Once Upon A (The Stained Duet #1) By Charlotte E Hart is so well written and such a fascinating read, managing to portray the decadence of such a lifestyle, while still managing to connect with the reader's heart, this is a rare talent that many authors fail to achieve, not so Miss Hart all her arrows shoot true and I thoroughly enjoyed each and every word, I will be waiting with baited breath for take two of Blaine and Alana.
Thank you to the author for providing me with an advanced readers copy, this is my own personal opinion.

Arc Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Wandering in Wonderland (Book #1)
Wandering in Wonderland (Book #1)
Aislinn Honeycutt | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lewis Carroll didn’t get it right?
A GIANT thank you and gratitude to The Parliament House publishing and the author for giving me this opportunity to read this book. I did a cover reveal and I knew right off the bat that I was going to love this book. I was right.

We follow Jessica whom eats a bit of cookie and winds up forgetting her past life. Once she is told that she has died and is now in Wonderland, Jessica struggles with the acclimation of this unique land that is only read in a book. She’s escorted by a White Rabbit named Horace (Not a genuine rabbit, but in this story, White Rabbits is Wonderland’s term for queen’s guards). She comes across Rion, the Caterpillar (but disguised as a man at the time) and he gives her a journal that belonged to a Hatter named Rorie (quite a few R names here.)

Anyway, she is taken to the Queen of Hearts, whom happens to be Alice. As a new comer to Wonderland, the new comers are to look through the Looking Glass to show where they are meant to be in Wonderland. You could be a Crafter or a part of the court, the Looking Glass shows you who you are. When Jessica looks through the glass, she is struck as are the other members of the palace that she is shown to be a Spade.

Spades declared ware on the palace before Alice took the throne. Wonderland is a magical place, but it can choose who it likes and doesn’t like, and who gets to leave and stay.

I don’t want to give away too much, so I’ll stop there for time being.

I’m going to be the first to say that Alice in Wonderland is not my favorite story. I don’t like the Disney cartoon (though I did as a child, what was I thinking?) I do love Tim Burton’s spin on it (IT’S NOT A REMAKE!) but the original story I just couldn’t get into it. The summary and the excerpt to this story was just too good to pass up. I had a feeling I would enjoy the story, I just didn’t realize how much I would.

I read this in days (would have been less if I didn’t have a full time job). It’s a unique spin on the story. This isn’t so much as a retelling as it is a what if or an addition to it if Alice became the queen of hearts. So don’t go into this story and think it’s a retelling, because it is not.

I adored the characters including Alice and Jessica. There are some dark moments, but me being a highly sensitive person, it wasn’t as triggering, but I will say there are some there. I loved the twists in the story and how Jessica really does come to terms with her new found role in Wonderland.

This is a first in a series. That’s my only complaint! Why must have the (im)patience for the next book and the wonder (lol) as to what is going to happen with Jessica? Can’t tell you the ending, Wonderland wants you to know it from beginning to end.
You Should Have Left
You Should Have Left
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
by author Daniel Kehlmann is imaginatively written in such a way that you’re reading a scriptwriter’s notes from his notebook, as he is writing them. The main character bares his soul about his life, his thoughts and dreams. Much of it is mundane everyday stuff, until you realise that what is being said actually has a very different meaning. Darker and more horrific than it at first may seem.

Writing his screenplay, and lying to his boss about his progress, the screenwriter takes his family, wife Susanna, and four-year old Esther to what he wants to be a writer’s retreat. Yeah, it does sound rather like The Shining. But even though there’s less of it, there’s even more to it… Stick with me. I’ll explain.

Things are not going as planned, for this unnamed writer. His marriage is on the rocks and his screenplay is failing. On top of that there are a lot of strange goings on he cannot explain. Odd things are happening in the house he’s renting via Airbnb. Maybe it’s haunted, or just tricks of light are playing with his mind giving him that illusion. Either way, it’s a slow descent into darkness that the author of the notebook does not seem to notice himself. Not straight away.

But as the reader I get to see that every now and then there’s things hidden in the text the writer seems not to be aware of. He’s spiralling downhill I’m wondering about his mental state, or if the house itself, or something in it — something supernatural — is playing with his mind.

How long can he hold it together? He’s got responsibilities to look after his kid, but he can hardly look after himself. He’s already forgetting which lies he’s told and mixing his dreams (and nightmares) with reality. Even he doesn’t know how it will end, and starts to think about leaving his notebook behind in order for it to be found… and it has been, I’m reading it now…

Several of the notes in his book get to the end of the page and are never finished, which to my mind, is in keeping with the distracted, confused voice of this note taker and adds to the setting’s dark, oppressive atmosphere.

Clever, surreal, with a kind of rhythmic writing, akin to memories of sitting in the back of the car and being rocked to sleep. The only difference would be the rude awakening. The slamming of the brakes. When the harshness of reality jolts you awake.

Yep, this unsettling, nightmarish journey, had me glued to the pages, even though at first I was not entirely sure I understood what I’d read… It’s a short novella sized book, and I must admit I had to read it again to fully appreciate this awesome piece of writing. It’s not your average horror, I can tell you! Nope, there’s nothing average about this at all. Incidentally, it’s translated from German and that fact may be why I thought it worked even better. No words are wasted. There’s a certain style to this book that makes me feel like he’s got something bigger, and maybe even better to come. I can see, however, it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. I personally wish I’d got to this one sooner.

Stark, sparse, and totally different to anything I’ve read in a long time. I loved it. An alternative read without a doubt. A very short read, in fact. What’s more, this review took longer to write about it, than it did to read. Twice.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
2008 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
Caroline is visiting her mother, Daisy, in the hospital while her mom is basically on her deathbed. We are in New Orleans and Katrina is well on its way to making landfall in the next few hours. Daisy tells Caroline to get a book out of the bag she brought to the hospital. This book winds up being the diary of a man named Benjamin Button; a man with an unusual condition of aging backwards. This is the extraordinary story of a man who wasn't expected to live to see his childhood, the people he met and grew to love, the challenging obstacles he had to face, his eventual adulthood, and beyond.

This was my favorite film of 2008. I found it fascinating from the very first frame. It has a running length of two hours and forty eight minutes, but it certainly doesn't feel that long. There were a few times when I wanted to look to see how long the movie had been going, but I'd put it off and then wind up forgetting about it. The film length is not a factor as the events that unfold go by rather quickly.

This film is magic. I don't mean that in the hocus pocus kind of sense. It made me feel things I wasn't aware could be felt after seeing a film. I almost cried. More than once. That's rare in itself, but on more than one occasion during the same film is pretty much unheard of for me. It was the first film I had ever seen that had made me feel better about myself after the credits rolled. On the way home, I wound up not turning the radio on or anything just so I could reflect on the movie for that much longer and keep this rare, warm, fuzzy feeling for as long as I could.

This is arguably Brad Pitt's best role, at least from the films of his I've seen. Making something like having the mind of a seven year old while having the body of an eighty year old man believable is probably not an easy task, but he pulls it off rather flawlessly. The make-up effects are something to behold, as well. The way these effects are used to show people aging in this film is just remarkable.

I've heard a lot of people compare The Curious Case of Benjamin Button to Forrest Gump. The truth of the matter is that other than both films being told in a narrative style and that characters sit on a bench at some point in both films during the time this story is being told, there really isn't much the two films have in common. I for one prefer Benjamin Button over Forrest Gump, but I'm not taking anything away from either film.

As superb of a film this is, its one downside is its length. That will probably turn a lot of people off. I was a bit weary when I first realized how long it was, but once I was finally in the theater watching the film, it all went by so quickly. My eyes were literally glued to the screen the entire time. The story is sad overall, but it moved me in ways no film has ever done before in the past. It's well worth whatever price you pay for the ticket and it's well worth sitting through the close to three hour duration. I wouldn't tell you it was the best movie of 2008 if I meant otherwise.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
2008 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
For fans of the “Star Wars” saga, the notion of the Clone Wars has intrigued fans ever since it was first mentioned in 1977. Unfortunately fans had to wait until the Prequel Trilogy almost two decades later to lift the lid on the events of the war that changed the mythical galaxy far, far away.

There have been video games, books, and comics that dealt with some of the events, but since the film series focused on the start and end of the war, many believed that much of what transpired would remain a mystery.

Thankfully, creator George Lucas and a talented team of digital artists has set to the task of filling in the missing pieces in the form of a animated series which is scheduled to debut in the Fall.

The new series gets a cinematic boost with the theatrical release of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”, which is a welcome treat to fans of the series. The film opens with the news that the son of gangster Jabba the Hutt has been kidnapped, and Obi Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker are tasked with rescuing the captured infant.

The Separatist forces under the leadership of Count Dooku, have restricted many of the main Hyperspace routes in the galaxy, and the Hutts control key routes that the Republic will need for troop deployments. The Jedi hope by rescuing Jabba’s son, they can secure a treaty with the Jabba which will allow them greater access to Hutt space and will keep the Hutts from supporting Dooku and his minions.

Unfortunately, Anakin and Obi Wan have their hands full leading a squad of Clone Troopers against a massive droid army as they attempt to hold out until reinforcements can arrive. After an impressive battle sequence, help finally arrives as does an unexpected surprise in the form of a young Jedi Padawan named Ahsoka.

Ahsoka informs Anakin that she has been assigned by Yoda to be his Padawan learner, and despite his misgivings, Anakin takes the talented yet young and naïve learner under his care.

Unknown to the Jedi, a larger and more sinister plot is underway and Dooku and his assassin Asaj Ventress are orchestrating a very deadly plan that will leave the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance.

The film is a grand adventure and contains much of the ingredients that made the live action series a true juggernaut in cinema history. The film deftly mixes action, adventure, and humor with a story that is entertaining with solid pacing.

Matt Lanter does a satisfactory job of voicing Anakin and the cast does a great job of voicing the CGI recreations of the beloved characters.

The CGI effects are top rate and unlike the last films in the series never overshadow the characters and the story. The sound effects were equally impressive from the distinctive sound of the lightsabers and blasters, to the sound of the war machines, I soon found myself forgetting it was a cartoon, and instead saw only the Star Wars that I have loved since I first saw the original as a small boy.

While some may say that the film is little more than a glorified television Pilot, I prefer to look at it as a very welcome return to the big screen of the greatest Sci Fi series ever made.
Raising Arizona (1987)
Raising Arizona (1987)
1987 | Comedy
Story: Raising Arizona starts as we meet H.I. McDunnough (Cage) a petty thieve that has a habit of robbing convenience stores, he falls for police officer Ed (Hunter) and after his third spell in prison he decides to settle down with Ed and hope to start a family.

When the couple learn they can’t have children, their lives take a turn for the worse until rich businessman Nathan Arizona Sr (Wilson) has 5 babies, believing they can help, they steal one of the babies and the events of the film follows them trying to keep the baby and avoid the law.


Thoughts on Raising Arizona


Characters – H.I. McDunnough has been in and out of prison for the last decade each time getting closer to the arresting officer, deciding he wants to go clean he gets married and plans to start a family, only for his past to come back and haunt him forcing him to return to the life of crime. He is a character that has fallen into the life of crime and just can’t get out of it. Ed is a police officer that hasn’t had the best life, she falls for H.I. getting married and wanting to start a family. She learns she can’t have child, turning to a life of crime to get her own child. Nathan Arizona Sr is the father of the five babies willing to pay anything to get his son back legally or not. Gale is one half of criminal buddies pairing of H.I. that after breaking out of prison turns to his friend for help.

Performances – Nicolas Cage is wonderful in the leading role, where we see him show moments of his crazy level while giving a performance you will remember. Holly Hunter is great too where we see her create a performance where you feel for the pain and confliction her character goes through. When we look at the supporting cast we do get good performances from everyone that will give us enough to enjoy what we saw.

Story – The story here follows an unlikely couple that decide to take a child because they couldn’t have one of their own. We follow the build up to their relationship and focus on how the couple’s life had the ups and downs before the incident. By using a very real situation people could go through by not being able to have children and showing the fact the adoption process isn’t the fairest on the people that would offer a good home is important for the film. the hapless events the couple go through adds to the story and as with most of the Coen bothers movies we get lots of arcs that come together to add up to a final act which pts everything together.

Comedy/Crime – The comedy in the film comes from the events that the couple must go through, usually coming from H.I. actions in what is a crime world where he is a petty criminal taking any advantages he can.

Settings – The film takes us to the open America where money would be tight leading to the mistakes being made by the people who are just desperate for anything to come their way.

Scene of the Movie – The diaper chase.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The baby forgetting scenes.

Final Thoughts – This is a classic crime comedy that shows us just how talented the Coen Brothers are, we get to see the best of Cage and a story which can be enjoyed by all.


Overall: Crime Comedy that is a must watch.
Scoob (2020)
Scoob (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Another film that snuck its way through to VOD (and is thankfully now streaming). As much as I love Scooby Doo, I did not have the desire to pay money to view this one.

Here I would normally put an extended synopsis, but I'll be honest, after watching the film I don't think I could tell you what the story was. I'm not sure it actually matters anyway.

The beginning of the film confused me. From every trailer that I saw I thought this film was about the mini Scooby Gang. At least that's what I remembered. So having seen lots of clips of them as kids, coupled with the posters meant I was left confused when it was hardly a feature of the final product.

Apart from me evidently forgetting the plot of the film, it was a classic Scooby story with a modern twist, and ultimately you can't go wrong with that. You get all the things you expect from masked villains to hair-brained schemes that seem to fool the minions... and that is all pretty satisfying stuff to watch.

A note I made very quickly was that the voices left a lot to be desired. While capturing the essence of the original cast would be very difficult, there's no denying that the actors from the live-action originals did a very good job... here we had no real comparison at all. Gina Rodriguez (who has been knocking it out of the park recently) probably being the only exception. I just truly don't know how anyone could possibly be better than Casey Kasem and Matthew Lillard. MVP of the film was definitely the bike cop when questioning Scooby and Shaggy, quality content, loved the end of his scene.

Despite the nostalgia of everything it doesn't make up for some truly awful dialogue, it's very inconsistent and yoyos between bad and good (when I say good, in this case, I probably mean cheesy). There are a couple of true gems though, my favourite being an early line from Shaggy with some heavy foreshadowing.

The yoyoing of the script is generally reflected in my notes on the film as a whole. For every laugh, there was something negative I wrote down. Scoob! was very self-aware, which was amusing to begin with, but it began to grate a little.

I was at least thankful that the CG animation actually became less of an annoyance as I got into the film, I wasn't a fan. The majority of the film managed to get a pass, but sadly I really disliked the portrayal of Dick Dastardly and Muttley in this style. As much as I'd like a Hanna and Barbera universe, I do not care to see anymore in this look. And absolutely no more Dastardly looking like Gru with his minions.

"But Emma... you gave this film a pretty decent rating and all you've done is grumble about it!" Yes, yes I have. But... I still enjoyed myself, and like I said, for every bad note there was a laugh or a moment that made me happy. And sometimes having a rant about a film's pitfalls is just something you need to do.

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