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Sally is shocked to learn that her aunt Letta has been murdered in the restaurant that Letta owns in Santa Cruz. The evidence seems to point to Javier, Letta’s sous chef. Yet Sally doesn’t think he’d murder Letta, so she starts digging into Letta’s life. She uncovered some surprising secrets, but which of them might have gotten Letta murdered?

I really enjoyed this debut. It got off to a bit of a slow start as Sally dealt with the aftermath of having a relative die, but this section does help develop her character and sets up suspects. Once she fully commits to the investigation things pick up. We are introduced to several viable suspects. The story touches on some other issues as well, presenting them in a well-rounded manner and never forgetting that this is a murder mystery, both of which I greatly appreciated. The climax was creative and fun. I’m definitely looking forward to finding out what happens to Sally next.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Three Colors: Blue (Trois Couleurs: Bleu) (1993)
Three Colors: Blue (Trois Couleurs: Bleu) (1993)
1993 | Drama, International, Mystery

"I saw Blue for the first time when I was in film school. I checked out a VHS tape from the library and watched it on a twelve-inch TV/VCR. The movie finished and I sat staring at the dark screen while the tape auto-rewound. When it reached the beginning, I pressed “Play” and watched it a second time. When it stopped the second time, I turned everything off, went to bed, and stared at the ceiling. A week or so later, I finished the trilogy and thought, If these are called movies, we need a new name for everything else. I’ve never seen music sewn through film so deeply, as if the actors were thinking the soundtrack while they were acting. However he did it, Kieślowski caught the chaos of being human without the mania (for instance, the elderly woman carefully disposing of recyclables). His films are life-affirming for the jaded—they are the smartest and sexiest of unintentionally philosophical films, never talking down or forgetting to entertain. And the ending of Red—well, isn’t that the ending of everything?"

Three Colors: Red (Trois couleurs: Rouge) (1994)
Three Colors: Red (Trois couleurs: Rouge) (1994)
1994 | International, Drama, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I saw Blue for the first time when I was in film school. I checked out a VHS tape from the library and watched it on a twelve-inch TV/VCR. The movie finished and I sat staring at the dark screen while the tape auto-rewound. When it reached the beginning, I pressed “Play” and watched it a second time. When it stopped the second time, I turned everything off, went to bed, and stared at the ceiling. A week or so later, I finished the trilogy and thought, If these are called movies, we need a new name for everything else. I’ve never seen music sewn through film so deeply, as if the actors were thinking the soundtrack while they were acting. However he did it, Kieślowski caught the chaos of being human without the mania (for instance, the elderly woman carefully disposing of recyclables). His films are life-affirming for the jaded—they are the smartest and sexiest of unintentionally philosophical films, never talking down or forgetting to entertain. And the ending of Red—well, isn’t that the ending of everything?"

Three Colors: White (Trois Couleurs: Blanc) (1994)
Three Colors: White (Trois Couleurs: Blanc) (1994)
1994 | International, Comedy, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I saw Blue for the first time when I was in film school. I checked out a VHS tape from the library and watched it on a twelve-inch TV/VCR. The movie finished and I sat staring at the dark screen while the tape auto-rewound. When it reached the beginning, I pressed “Play” and watched it a second time. When it stopped the second time, I turned everything off, went to bed, and stared at the ceiling. A week or so later, I finished the trilogy and thought, If these are called movies, we need a new name for everything else. I’ve never seen music sewn through film so deeply, as if the actors were thinking the soundtrack while they were acting. However he did it, Kieślowski caught the chaos of being human without the mania (for instance, the elderly woman carefully disposing of recyclables). His films are life-affirming for the jaded—they are the smartest and sexiest of unintentionally philosophical films, never talking down or forgetting to entertain. And the ending of Red—well, isn’t that the ending of everything?"

Scream (2022)
Scream (2022)
2022 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Melissa Barrera (1 more)
The gore
Hello Sidney
Watched today I liked it it alot as a long time fan of the scream movies going back to to 1997 when I first saw the first one and loving it even getting the twist after the first half an hour and seeing all the sequels as well at the cinema over the years the second film is still my favourite of all the five. When I heard the team behind ready or not was gonna make this movie I was excited cause I loved that movie so I knew what I was gonna get with one. Any way on to the film everything I would expect from a scream movie the gore the creepy voice on the phone played once again by Roger l jackson all the talk about sequels reboots and other stuff not forgetting the return of Sidney Gail and dewey it wouldn't be the without them . I also liked at the end when they put for wes a fitting tribute to wes craven. Also once again worked out the twist again but I won't give it away here spoilers
Boogeyman Booty call
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
90 of 235
Boogeyman Booty Call
By Harpie Alexa

Creatures of the night deserve a little romance too!

She was just a human, but she was everything to him.

When an ad for Monster Match pops up on his phone, Gary the Boogeyman is intrigued, that is until the wretched programming takes over his device completely. So he fills out a profile.

All signed up and receiving DMs, Gary has no choice but to go on at least one date, but he's not looking for love or anything special. He's looking for a Bootycall and for his phone to stop acting up.

But what happens when the mystery woman is someone he knows? Someone he admires? Do humans even have big enough hearts to love creatures of the night? Demonic beings called... Boogeymen?

I’m not really sure what the hell I just read but omg did I laugh!! I just can’t get my head round it! I mean the Boogeyman and his weird ass relationship with this mother and child not forgetting his crazy housemate!! I can’t wash out my eyes 😂😂😂
I Know Who You Are
I Know Who You Are
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Aimee Sinclair is an actress. She's not really famous yet, but you might have heard of her. Aimee is working on her latest film when she comes home and discovers that her husband, Ben, has vanished without his wallet, phone, keys, coat, or shoes. Initially she isn't too worried as the two had a large fight the night before. But he isn't home the next morning, and Aimee's card is declined when she tries to use it. The bank tells her her account has been emptied. She immediately suspects Ben, but the bank tells her it was her. Aimee has a history of "forgetting," but she's sure she would remember this. Soon the police are at Aimee's door, and her world starts to turn upside down.

"My husband is gone"

I really enjoyed Alice Feeney's first book, SOMETIMES I LIE, and this one lived up to expectations. I have to say that Feeney has cornered the market on confusing books with unreliable narrators who bring along messed up backstories. (How's that for a mouthful?) Aimee is an interesting character--an actress with a spotty past and flitty mentions of her "forgetting"--yet you can't help but feel somewhat drawn to her. Things go south pretty quickly once Ben disappears, and we are sucked down with her. Yet Aimee is tough, and she's pretty determined to figure out what is going on.

"Acting is easy; it's being me that I find difficult"

Like Feeney's first book, this one will leave you feeling confused and disjointed as you read, much like Aimee's brain. What is going on? Can we trust her? Can we trust anyone? Complicating things is the fact that Aimee's story alternates with that of a young girl who wanders away from home and, well, let's just say that doesn't end well. These two storylines are oddly captivating, motivating you to madly flip the pages. Eventually, I found myself caring not so much about what actually happened to Ben, but just caught up in Aimee's overall story and saga.

"Sometimes it's the people who love us the most that hurt us the hardest; because they can."

Now, be warned. This is not just a befuddling tale, but a twisted one. Feeney goes dark, very dark with our story here. Oh man, but it's a really good surprise, and while I saw hints of it, I loved it, and quite enjoyed how everything came together. (Or, conversely, fell apart?) The book keeps you guessing, that's for sure.

Overall, this is a really twisted, mesmerizing thriller that keeps you engaged. I will definitely be reading anything Alice Feeney writes. 4+ stars.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated 47 Ronin (2013) in Movies

Jan 12, 2021 (Updated Jul 4, 2021)  
47 Ronin (2013)
47 Ronin (2013)
2013 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
As expected this is a lot of eye-popping visual work in service of a story void of even a single drop of weight. Too much gorgeous design fetish on display to truly dislike in spite of it being executed as plainly as can be otherwise - for every mechanical, generic expository beat there's a splashpad of stunning locales, vibrant costumes, luscious CGI, sweeping sets, excellent props, and fully realized art backing it up. It's super atmospheric and the money is *definitely* on the screen but everything underneath the hood is not only lackluster but genuinely problematic. The idea to take one of the most legendary events in Japanese history and not only turn it into another passive whitewashed popcorn flick is gross all on its own, but to frame the entire thing around a bunch of wronged Japanese men + women having to constantly praise and apologize to a white man for bullying him or whatever is - quite frankly - beyond insulting. As much as I won't soon be forgetting the pop aesthetic experience this delivered upon, I'm also glad it bombed. A screenplay this goofy has no right being so tame. And see the skull guy on the poster? He's only in the movie for like 30 seconds so fuck you.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated The Mummy (2017) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Ah The Mummy, one of my all-time favourite movies, I remember the first time I saw the 1932 film with Boris Karloff when I was very young, scared the living daylights out of me, thank heavens for big backed sofas!

Then many, many, years later in 1999 Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz brought The Mummy back to life (excuse the pun) on the big screen with it wit, wonderful chemistry between Fraser and Weisz, some pretty nifty CGI during the transformation scenes of Arnold Vosloo’s Mummy and not forgetting that one line that so many off would throw into conversations as much as we could, “Apparently he was having a very good time!”.

Now 18 years later (oh damn now I do feel really old!) The Mummy is back with not only a reboot of the film, but also the start of the “Dark Universe“, a new world of gods and monsters that will be unleashed on to cinemas screens, starting with The Mummy, all the films will be connected by a mysterious organisation known as the “Prodigium” which is led by Dr. Henry Jekyll (Russell Crowe, (Nice Guys, Les Miserables) who we have been introduced to in this movie.

Tonya (52 KP) rated Cozi Family Organizer in Apps

Jan 13, 2018 (Updated Jan 13, 2018)  
Cozi Family Organizer
Cozi Family Organizer
8.3 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Calendars (4 more)
Everything syncs for all the family to use
Send sports or activity schedules to friends or other relatives
One Stop Shop For Family Calendar, Schedules, Lists, Meal Planning and More
I love this app! You can color code your family member's activities, customize reminders, upload a variety of different types of calendars to it and create a family master calendar. Then each family member can download the free app and have access to the master calendar. No more double booking the family, no more forgetting who was going to pick up the kids from which activities! You can also enter a sports or activity schedule and send the link to others. If the schedule changes, all you have to do is update the schedule and they will be notified of the change. Great way to keep extended family aware of the kids' game schedule.

The list feature is wonderful too. You can create grocery lists and whenever someone stops at the store they don't have to call home anymore to find out what you need. They can just check the app because the lists sync too.

There are additional features but those are my favorite two. You can also purchase the upgraded version for even more features including meal planning, birthday and contact lists, etc.