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Home on Huckleberry Hill
Home on Huckleberry Hill
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was such a unique Amish book!
     I loved the synopsis of the book; it is part of the reason I originally wanted to read this book. It turned out to be a great story, with a storyline I had never read in an Amish book before. Women everywhere want to be heard and loved for who they are, the Amish women are no different; it is just harder for them to show it. Jennifer Beckstrand explained the situation very well and made everything seem very plausible. She also did a great job describing the setting, the characters and their emotions. Jennifer Beckstrand really crafted a very good story about communication, forgiveness and second chances. With a little quirkiness thrown in, the Home on Huckleberry Hill is sure to be an interesting and fun read for everyone. I truly enjoyed this book.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.