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The Supernatural Enhancements
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard to describe this novel. On the one hand there is a pretty straightforward mystery at its center, full of clever puzzles and hints of conspiracy. On the other though is a possible haunting, a weird romance, and a very unusual narrative structure. The book is told in the form of journal entries, letters, notepad scribblings, security camera transcripts, and other means. This method can be very effective at slowly revealing answers, and may make this possibly the first "found footage" novel, but it also somehow removes the suspense in many scenes, and periodically makes things unnecessarily confusing. Still, I enjoyed reading this book, and would be interested in a sequel, so that should say something.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Paranormal Activity (2007) in Movies

Oct 28, 2019 (Updated Jan 27, 2020)  
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Paranormal Activity (2007)
2007 | Horror
The Found-Footage Rebirth
After the huge sucess of the blair witch project, Paramount pitcures and blumhouse decided many years later to rebirth the found-footage movies. And this result was this and so many god damn sequels later.

Here's how confusing the timeline is and how many sequels this movie has...

The film is the first (chronologically, the third) entry in the Paranormal Activity film series. A parallel sequel and prequel, Paranormal Activity 2, was released in 2010. The success of the first two films would spawn additional films in the series: the prequel Paranormal Activity 3 in 2011, and Paranormal Activity 4 (the sequel to the second installment) in 2012. The fifth installment, The Marked Ones, was released in 2014, and the sixth installment, The Ghost Dimension, was released in 2015.

So really this is the third movie in the franchise, but it came out first, than a prequel/sequel with the 2nd one, than the prequel with the 3d one, than the sequel to the 2nd one which is actually the 4th movie. Makes any sense, no!!!!! Confusing fuck yes!!!!!

Anyways the plot: Soon after moving into a suburban tract home, Katie (Katie Featherston) and Micah (Micah Sloat) become increasingly disturbed by what appears to be a supernatural presence. Hoping to capture evidence of it on film, they set up video cameras in the house but are not prepared for the terrifying events that follow.

Its very slow, its not that scary, nothing really happens, just people watching footage on a computer, repeat that couple of times, make sure who ever is holding the camera make it shake and out of focus. Also Cameras!!!!! So Many Cameras.

This movie was so overhyped and in the end that was its downfall. That and not being actaully really scary. Makes this film, really not good.

Lastly shout out to @Sarah for getting the hints/clues for this movie correct.

Jazzy Jeff (7 KP) rated REC (2007) in Movies

Jan 6, 2018  
REC (2007)
REC (2007)
2007 | Horror
7.5 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Zombies (2 more)
Tense zombie chases
Shaky found footage (0 more)
My favorite horror film
Contains spoilers, click to show
The film offers newbies to the horror genre the kick they are looking for within the horror genre. Suspenseful, intense, scary, and gory, it is without a doubt one of the best Horror movies of the past decade, if not of all time, and one i have remembered. 2007 had not seen a whole lot of found footage movies, or those of memorable ones other than cloverfield and the blair witch project, so this style was relatively new, and it's yet to have been done better. We follow a young reporter and her cameraman (who represents us as the audience) as they become unwillingly quarantined in an apartment with its residents, pleading with the outside for their escape. An outbreak is turning those infected into flesh eating "zombies" carried within the people as a standard illness at first. This film creates the "you are there" experience like nothing you have seen or will see before, and that you are just as desperate to escape as the camera crew. Nothing within this film feels staged, the emotions feel raw and geniune. The scariest moments are things that are happening in the frame but not front and centre, those things lingering in the dark or the corner of your eye. As the story slowly gets revealed, you get more unnerved by the events unfolding. There are brilliant and terrifying scenes that will stay with you for life.

However, the rest of the franchise doesnt give as much impact as this one presents.
The Ritual  (2017)
The Ritual (2017)
2017 | Horror
Nothing new
The problem with The Ritual is that horror films set in a forest with weird goings on have been done before. Many times. And sadly The Ritual has nothing new to add.

I'm very glad it at least didn't go down the shaky cam found footage route, as that has been done to death. It does well to create a tense and uneasy atmosphere but I wouldn't say it was particularly scary. Creepy at best. The characters are alright but I didn't feel like they were particularly well developed and they were fairly weak. The plot wasn't bad but all in all it was just an okay horror film. Nothing special. I've heard the book is much better!
Let There Be More Light by Pink Floyd
Let There Be More Light by Pink Floyd
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The structure of 'Let There Be More Light' is not conventional. It goes through different things - you think it's going to go one and it goes the other. But much more than this record, before Bill and I started playing together in Body/Head, I found this 1968 live footage of Pink Floyd on YouTube. They were playing and it was almost like people were dancing to abstract music. There were visuals and it was amazing. In 1968, they were doing stuff that we're just doing now. Syd Barrett was sitting down and playing prepared guitar, like Bill does when he does his solo stuff - and other people who play prepared guitars do. That was all really inspiring, originally to the band, I think"

American Murder: The Family Next Door (2020)
American Murder: The Family Next Door (2020)
2020 | Crime, Documentary
Contains spoilers, click to show
This documentary is told through video clips and police footage regarding a missing mother and her children. Shannan is shown in a montage of social media videos talking about her happy family and everything appears normal, they are a family of husband, wife, 2 children and a dog.
After a friend is unable to contact Shannan, the police are called as well as Chris - Shannans husband-who come out to her house and find no trace of anybody in the house, it's like the family vanished into thin air, even a neighbour has no footage of them on his surveillance camera to show of anything suspicious. That neighbour does suggest, however, that something seems off with Chris but it is brushed off.
As the documentary continues, it becomes evident that the neighbour had every reason to be suspicious.
It's certainly a different way to tell a story, as usually it's told through interviews given to the camera or interviewer, so I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it. It turned out I found it just as interesting as a regular documentary if not more, because of watching everything unfold in reality. It was an interesting watch that's for sure, but the outcome is very sad.
Cloverfield (2008)
Cloverfield (2008)
2008 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Loved the Story (0 more)
Camera at times (0 more)
Lost Footage Gold
Contains spoilers, click to show
As a lover of monster movies I have to say that this movie was good. I loved the fact the this is a home grown US monster. I had never heard of any of the actors and actresses except Lizzie Caplan. I have to say that they did a good job. A found footage monster with a story that affected so many people at once. A mysterious creature attacks New York City for some unknown reason. The movie follows a group of friends that are affected by the attack of "Clover". The attack leads to a residual affect of events that cause catastrophic problems for the group. The movie tells a nice story that is actually believable. The camera shots at times are a little shaky; so if you are prone to motion sickness then this movie may not be for you. If you don't like movies without happy endings then this also isn't the movie for you. A soundtrack makes a movie for me but with this movie....there is no soundtrack and it worked. A perilous journey with a monster. As Siskel and Ebert would say...I give this movie two thumbs up
The Ritual  (2017)
The Ritual (2017)
2017 | Horror
OK, this film isn't trying to do anything new. A bunch of friends decide to head off hiking and take a wrong turn/short cut into the woods. Luckily for us, they don't meet James Corden singing, instead they start to feel like they're being followed, have weird dreams and are eventually stalked by a strange giant monster (which is gradually revealed over time).
This does have a feel of the blair witch but benefits from not having that annoying "found footage" aspect where people running for their lives insist on filming the event.
The film builds tension brilliantly, has some particularly creepy moments and doesn't fall down for trying to explain what is happening too much. Rafe Spall is excellent and none of the characters make any stupid illogical decisions that cause you to shout at the screen.
Show all 6 comments.

Ross (3282 KP) Apr 25, 2018

yes it was on amazon prime, sorry


Sarah (7798 KP) Apr 25, 2018

Argh thanks I was hoping it'd be Netflix! Never mind

The Dinosaur Project (2012)
The Dinosaur Project (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
5.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
More found footage, this time of the prehistoric persuasion, there really is nothing new here and nothing to get excited about in all honesty. The opening sees a boat pick up a backpack floating in the river which in contains tapes showcasing the efforts of a group of explorers who get a little more than they bargained for when they head into the Congo jungle.

Luke Marchant desperate to please and win over his intrepid father sneaks on board the plane taking the group to the jungle, once there they are guided to where it is believed dinosaurs once roamed. The footage is all shot from the POV of the film crew while Luke sets up mobile cameras in and around the camp site, even managing to attach one to a baby dinosaur giving us quite a unique view point.

The film moves through the gears, but at the end of the day it’s no Jurassic Park. There are some nice scenes and the CGI is pretty good, but that is as far as it goes. The cast of relative unknowns don’t do enough to make the film anywhere near as tense as it probably should be, and we’re better off waiting till a dinosaur appears on screen to get any real enjoyment out of it.

It certainly won’t be the worst film you’ll ever see, but you won’t miss anything should you choose to avoid it.
The Double Life of Veronique (1991)
The Double Life of Veronique (1991)
1991 | Drama, Fantasy, Music
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In January 2007, after a particularly difficult shoot (both physically and emotionally), I found myself back in Chicago with some time on my hands. I didn’t want to edit, because I didn’t have the energy to confront the footage. The Gene Siskel Film Center was showing several of Kieślowski’s films, including all of his later work. Every day, I would make my way to the theater in the evening and sit there eating dark chocolate, letting the work pour over me. It was like a religious experience. I came away from that series feeling revitalized. The Double Life of Véronique and Blue were especially breathtaking. Sławomir Idziak’s photography left an indelible impression on me and changed the way I look at light. One year later, I went back to New York to finish that difficult film, and I finally had an outlet for all the good energy Kieślowski had given me."
