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Damsel Distressed
Damsel Distressed
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

This book turned out quite nice. It's almost inspirational for the bigger girl (which I am). How Gen overcame all the struggles she'd faced in her life. I've been feeling all of her highs and lows with her because I think she's going through something we all face but hers has been harder with her finding it hard to deal with the death of her mother.

I could tell that there were feelings of more than friendship between Grant and Gen, and he was a really great friend to her, as were the rest of the group, even Andrew when we finally got to know him.

I also liked Evelyn, she tried her best to make Gen feel like part of the family after Gen's dad married her and she grew on me a lot throughout the story.

Admittedly I was only going to give it four stars but I think the amount of times I cried or nearly did means it got to me, so I bumped it up half a star.

A nice big-girl romance.
Ultimate Sacrifice
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What an unexpected twist this tale took for me as I definitely did not see it coming. I found this to be an exciting read with interesting characters and I read it all in one sitting. I was gripped by the death of a character right off the bat and I was held captive until the horrific end. The only reason I gave it four stars was because there were times when the story lagged and seemed to go off the beaten path. I still recommend this book.

{I requested a copy for review purposes only and made no guarantee of a favorable review. The opinions contained within are unbiased and my own.}
Mirror Image
Sandra Brown | 2007 | Romance
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fast, light, easy and absorbing, just what I look for when I need help getting out of a book standstill. So it's not high literature, it's implausible, mostly predictable, dated, the main character's morals questionable, so what? Sometimes you just need a Jackie Collins-esque book that requires little attention, that's what you get here. If it wasn't a throwaway book, meaning I wouldn't read it again or remember much about it in the future, I'd almost give it four stars because of the fun factor alone. So, if you like a little romance, a bit of mystery, have a taste for the ridiculous and don't expect much, then you'll probably enjoy it.
The Brightest Night
Bri Stone | 2018
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Brightest Night by Bri Stone

Four Stars

I love stories that get to the point and don’t mindlessly drag on. The author made this story an enjoyable easy read. Thom and Perrie are likable characters. They weren’t perfect at the start. They had baggage that they wanted left behind. I enjoyed Perrie's personality she didn’t get starry eyed over a guy. She didn’t give up herself for him either. She lived her life for herself and didn’t put up with any mess. The easy flow from page to page was what had me hooked. Some stories have useless I moments and unnecessary dialogs. Here everything had a purpose and place. Would definitely read more from this author.
King Series Bundle (King, #1-4)
King Series Bundle (King, #1-4)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read the first one back in December and was drawn into the story especially with how it just ended. Then I saw the four book box set for 99p and bought it straight away.

KING - 4 stars

WTF?! You can't just end it like that!

What a way to end it. Who's the kid? Where's Max?

I really need to read Tyrant now to see how it all plays out. I'm sure everything will work out in the end but something tells me it's going to be a bumpy ride.

TYRANT - 3.5 stars

I finished it a little before midnight and got all the answers I needed but I honestly didn't see a lot of it coming. I liked how the author put some serious thought into who was who and how it was going to link it all together in the end.

I still love Preppy!!

LAWLESS - 3 stars

I liked Bear so I was interested in what girl was going to turn his head and never did I think a little girl who he made a promise to ten years ago would be the one. I loved that scene! BUT what is with this series and ten year age gaps?

I have to also admit that by the end of this that I was beginning to lose interest in this series. It's being dragged out for too long. Just go and kill your arse of a dad already!


I lost interest in this. I got fed up of the same stuff happening. People want him dead. People just seem to want everyone dead in this series and I didn't care anymore, hence me getting to chapter four and not wanting to carry on.

It might have been better if i'd read something in between each book to break them up somewhat.

I stand by what I keep saying about Preppy being my favourite and I might read his story when it's released but for the rest of them. Nope.
Star Wars: Rebellion
Star Wars: Rebellion
2016 | Entertainment, Fighting, Miniatures, Science Fiction, Wargame
Star Wars: Rebellion review: A fully operational 4-hour board game
Looking at the box for Star Wars: Rebellion, the massive new two-to-four-player galactic board game from Fantasy Flight, I had only one thought: "Look at the size of that thing!"

Loosely based on the 1998 video game of the same name, the board game version of Rebellion is ludicrously outsized. The galaxy, too large to fit on a single game board, here sprawls across two. Rebel and Imperial forces aren't represented by cardboard but by 153 plastic miniatures—including three Death Stars and two Super Star Destroyers.

Critic: Nate Anderson
Read the full review here:
Archangel's Legion (Guild Hunter, #6)
Archangel's Legion (Guild Hunter, #6)
Nalini Singh | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

So its taken me a good three weeks or so to finish this, and initially it was down to me devouring a four part series on my kindle, but then when I finished that I was still struggling to get into it. It could have been going back to Raphael and Elena after two books away from them, it could have been the handful of months gap between one book and then next...I don't honestly know, but it took me quite a while to get into it and then in the last couple of days I just thought it was about time I finished I did.

It was a struggle initially but it got more interesting the more I read.
Worth It (Forbidden Men, #6)
Worth It (Forbidden Men, #6)
Linda Kage | 2015
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not as good as some of the others

This series is a must buy for me. I've loved all of them so far, some more than others, admittedly, but none less than four stars.

This one didn't hook me as much as the others but I still felt a lot of emotion when it came to Knox. The poor guy. I wanted to equally hug him and slap him through out the present parts of the story.

I really like how the stories are inter twining. Cousins, brothers, best friends, school friends...its a little complicated at times but I like it.

My favourite Forbidden man has got to be Ten, still, but they're all really great. I can't wait to read Asher's story next!
Seduction and Snacks (Chocolate Lovers, #1)
Seduction and Snacks (Chocolate Lovers, #1)
Tara Sivec | 2012 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.33 stars. 4 for the first two thirds, 2.5 for the last third.

I thought that this book was pretty funny in places, some of the situations, some of the phrases, some of the characters were just pretty crazy and that made me laugh. Gavin was cute. I can't quite picture a four year old like him with his dirty mouth and angelic face.

I have to admit though that I lost interest a little after the 2/3 point. They were happy, they were a family...why did it have to continue for all that extra length of time?

Nevertheless, Gavin and the crazy humour kept me entertained. I just need to decide if I want to read the next book in the series or not.
She's Got a Way (Echo Lake, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gabi O'Brien has spent nearly her entire life at Briarwood Academy, an elite all-girls private school. She grew up there, went away to college, and then returned as a "housemother"-- living in a dorm with a group of girls who need Gabi 24/7. But when four of Gabi's girls get into major trouble, the only thing standing between them and expulsion is a four-week stay at Camp Echo. Camp Echo used to be a boy's camp for foster and needy kids, but was recently bought by Briarwood. Upon arrival, Gabi and her girls find only two employees left: its founder, the elderly Oliver, and its young handyman, Luke. The two are charged with a to-do list a mile long from Briarwood to get the camp in shape and have no interest in the plight of a group of snobby rich girls. Gabi, meanwhile, wasn't planning to spend her summer playing camp counselor and immediately finds herself in over her head, trying to care for her charges in the middle of the wilderness. Further, she realizes she's immediately attracted to Luke. The two are both fiercely independent individuals held back by their pasts. Can they get over these pasts and work together to save the four wayward girls, who desperately need them?

This novel contains the typical romance silliness with a somewhat crazy plot, but it's fun and enjoyable. It came at the perfect point in my reading schedule, where I needed a break from thrillers and intense fiction where all the characters hate each other. Some of it should be silly, but really Gabi and Luke (and the four girls) are endearing. There are certainly moments where Gabi's indecisiveness, fear, and bickering with Luke grow old; you find yourself needing her to just grow up a bit and control her own destiny a bit more. Still, the book is fun, even poking fun at romance novels with it's tongue-in-check rom/com allusions.

Luke and Gabi's building romance is enjoyable to watch, with added drama thrown in from their four teenage charges. As I said, Gabi can be a bit frustrating, but you can't help but feel for her plight (would you want to be trapped with four angry teens in the woods?), and Luke is rather charming. The novel does an excellent job of speaking to how the past can strongly influence one person's character, as well capturing the angst that comes with class differences (think Briarwood versus foster care). It gives the romance an added depth and surprising heart.

All in all, a fun, quick read. 3.5 stars.