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Battlefield 4
Battlefield 4
2013 | Shooter
Guns & Gear (1 more)
Gameplay Mechanics
Plot (1 more)
Annoying supporting characters
Short And Sweet
I am not a big Battlefield guy, nor am I a big FPS fan, but I picked this up in a sale and actually had a decent time playing through the campaign. I am not a fan of online gaming, so I just stuck to the campaign and although it was brief and the plot was rubbish, I did enjoy playing through it. If you aren't looking for anything too deep and have a few hours to kill, then this is definitely worth picking up in a sale, just don't expect anything complex or deep.
No. 7 Cherry Lane (2021)
No. 7 Cherry Lane (2021)
2021 | Animation, History, International, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The movie is a lot to unpack. It is a love letter to international film. Madame Simone Signoret's films are screened and discussed throughout. The films serve as a guide to the various relationships within the film. No. 7 Cherry Lane deals with the 1967 student uprising and the aftereffects of the Chinese Civil War as Mrs. Lu is a Taiwanese refugee in Hong Kong. The animation is static, either the cels were shot at 48 fps or cels took up multiple frames to give a slow motion effect to all the action. The film is also comparable to Soul since both deal with life and falling leaves.
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
2017 | Action/Adventure, Fighting
Great gameplay (4 more)
Fun either playing solo, duo or squads
Expansive maps without being too big
Big selection of guns, equipment and vehicles
Decent graphics
Random bugs and glitches (2 more)
Can run very poorly at times with low FPS and lagging
Cheat players
Fantastic enjoyment although frustrating at times
A solid early access game that has ultimately spawned a number of competitors in the genre.

Whilst this game is by no means the inventor of battle royale style games it has delivered a fun and compelling game that has proven extremely popular.

Having only recently come out of early access the game has just realeased a second map both of which are large with open areas, hill ranges, towns, schools, prisons and more that contain a wide variety of weapons and equipment to arm yourself with.

The game is certainly challenging to win but is top fun win or lose.

The biggest issues with this game currently are the FPS drops and lagging which can be extremely frustrating. The game also suffers with random bugs which sometimes can be funny and other times cause you to die which can also be incredibly irritating. There is also issues with hackers on the game with the developer already banning a considerable number of accounts.

All in all this is a great game that should only get better as the developers continue working on it to improve it and add additional content.
Battlefield 1
Battlefield 1
Graphics (2 more)
WWI setting
Character stories
Through the mud and the blood
Disclaimer: I am not an online gamer, so when I play through Battlefield or COD, I am simply reviewing the campaign.
Battlefield 1 is set during the first world war, which isn't a setting that we have seen much before in video games. The campaign is broke up into several different soldier's stories and each of them is engaging and entertaining in their own right. The weapons and mechanics are fun to experiment with as well, even if some liberties are taken with the level of weaponry available at the time. If you like FPS games and are looking for an alternative to futuristic sci fi shooters, then this is one for you.
Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2
Mechanics (1 more)
Stand by for Titanfall
When the first Titanfall game was released, I wasn't interested as it was an online only Xbox One exclusive. Then when it was announced that the sequel would have a campaign and would come to PS4, my interest was peaked.
Titanfall 2 wasn't what I was expecting, it's a weird blend of futuristic shooting games like Infinite Warfare and a weird anime. It feels a lot like a third party game from the PS2 era and that's not an insult, it's actually a compliment.
In the current landscape of high end, AAA games and low budget indies, it's nice to get something in-between. A fully realised 3D FPS that isn't afraid to be quirky and try something different. Although it may not be for everyone, it is definitely worth picking up and playing through at budget price.
Comedy, Entertainment, Gaming
Quality content (4 more)
Great community
Highly engaging
Skilled gameplay
Daily content
Mainly sticks to FPS games so not for everyone (0 more)
Livestreamer from his mums basement!
Having watched Stonemountain64 for many years now I have watched him grow from a YouTube only content creator to a Livestreamer alongside YouTube and various other social media platforms.

He led the charge as the first known serious streamer to move his Live stream content to Facebook gaming and has continued to grow year on year with live viewership growing from a few hundred each stream to routinely over 10k now.

With the team surrounding him and 6 days of live streams he is able to put put quality content regularly on his YouTube channel for those that miss live streams, want to watch the funny clips, catch ups or general gameplay.

His community is, by and large positive and friendly as is the man himself.

A top quality content creator that is well worth a watch.
Halo 5: Guardians
Halo 5: Guardians
A great Halo adventure (3 more)
Shooting and new movement mechanics are awesome
Looks great and runs smooth
The addition of Master Chief's surviving Spartan squad from the books!
Too much time spent as Spartan Locke (2 more)
Give us more Master Chief!
No split-screen co-op
Too Much Time Devoted to Spartan Locke
When people play a main-line Halo game, they want to be Master Chief, and they want their friends playing as allies while sitting on the same couch. The inclusion of Master Chief's elite Spartan squad is an obvious split-screen co-op opportunity, but apparently not obvious to Halo's new developers. Halo 5 is in excellent game, no doubt, but it is marred by this baffling choice as well as another: you play as Spartan Locke more than you do as Master Chief. It feels as if you get barely any time back in the boots of everyone's favorite Spartan, and that sucks, big time. Outside the campaign, multiplayer and Forge are great as always, and the game is worth any FPS fan's time and money.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Dark Souls Remastered in Video Games

Aug 14, 2019  
Dark Souls Remastered
Dark Souls Remastered
2018 | Simulation
I admit it, I never was able to beat the original Dark Souls when it was released on Xbox 360 and PS3 back in 2011. A PC port of the game was also released but had limited 30FPS and clearly hadn’t taken mouse and keyboard controls into account. The game was difficult, but I’m the type of player who’s happy to replay an area on a level multiple times, however if I get to a point where I don’t feel like I’m making progress, it’s usually on to the next game for me. That being said, I do love the Dark Souls games, regardless of how difficult they are and how horrible I am at them. I love the atmosphere, I love the weight of your armor and weapons, I love the scenery, and at times I even love the challenge. This isn’t a review specifically about Dark Souls however, as the gameplay hasn’t changed at all from the original (DLC’s included of course), but rather a review of whether the remastered version is the definitive version that folks should play.

For those of you who have led a sheltered life, Dark Souls is a third-person action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware. It was the successor to their previous game Demon Souls (which was a PS3 exclusive) and carried over much of the game mechanics. The game takes place in what I call a semi-open world environment connected to a central area. You are free to travel to and from areas at will, although some areas will be inaccessible until you complete specific tasks. Bonfires act as checkpoints for each level, and at a bonfire the player can heal, refill their healing flasks, and level up if they have collected enough souls to do so. The downside to resting at a bonfire is that it resets the enemies, so areas that you worked hard to clear out must be cleared out again. The game is lauded for its difficulty, and for players to learn from previous mistakes to overcome obstacles, present company excluded of course.

The release of Dark Souls Remastered was an effort to address many of the shortcomings of the original from a purely control and aesthetic point of view. I was lucky enough to review the game on my Xbox One X and the new 4K visuals and lighting effects are truly a site to behold. The world while still dark and dreary, now boasted cleaner lines. While it’s difficult to describe how good it looks (there are plenty of websites dedicated to comparing pictures between the original HD version and the new 4K version) it is absolutely noticeable. The textures no longer look muddy, and the creatures almost pop off the screen. This IS the definitive version if you are looking for the absolute best console version of the original Dark Souls game out there.

While folks may balk at the need for 60FPS on a game that was clearly playable at 30FPS, it does make a noticeable difference. Your character responds more fluidly and there is never any perceivable stutter. When a game’s FPS drops below 30FPS as it did in various areas of the original, it can have a horrible affect on the player and lead to some unnecessary deaths. While many will argue about the ability to distinguish between 60FPS and 30FPS, there is no denying that consistent frame rates in this game can literally mean the difference between life and death. This is not an issue with the remastered version as there were not discernable drops in FPS in even the most crowded of areas.

This leads to what you are probably reading this review for…is it worth the price of admission? If you have never played Dark Souls before, then this is absolutely the version you should purchase. Not only are the FPS and visuals greatly improved, but it includes all the DLC from the previous version as well. If you have played it before but are interested in going through it again, then I certainly would play through this version as the graphics and frame rates make it well worth your time. If you have no desire to replay the game, or if it didn’t appeal to you the first time around, then there is little reason to pick it up. While there are notable visual improvements, there is no additional content (outside the DLC) or any changes to the game mechanics themselves to warrant a replay.

As I mentioned in the beginning of this review the original version came out in 2011 and I’ve had seven years of playing numerous other games under my belt to go back and best the enemies that lie within. So, with the much-improved graphics and smoother gameplay was I able to beat Dark Souls this time??? Well sadly no, apparently I still haven’t improved enough over the years to beat this game (and while I have Dark Souls II and Dark Souls III, I haven’t beaten those game either). I was able to play through most of the levels to see how the visuals had improved, but the same bosses still took no pity on me. Maybe another seven years of practice will make all the difference, until then maybe I’ll go back for one more try.

Pros: Smooth 60FPS, Incredible 4K visuals, Smoother game control

Cons: Still too tough for me, Lacking additional content
Overlord (2018)
Overlord (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Saving Private Ryan meets Resident Evil!
Had heard mixed reviews on this, but saw it for 4 bucks for Black Friday so I figured I couldn't lose!

Basically, to prevent the Allied forces being massacred on D-Day, US troops are ordered to detonate a Nazi communication tower. A small band of brothers actually makes it to the ground and finds a small French town equipped with a cute French girl and her brother. When a Nazi commander comes calling for more than an interrogation, the surviving troops must decide whether t reveal themselves to save her.

I actually really got into this movie and thought the action mixed with horror was pretty cool. Some of the fight/shootout sequences were cleverly done along with some of the secrets and experiments the Nazis are hiding deep within their stronghold. There are tough decisions and ultimate sacrifices to be made and the film threads the needle between genres successfully. I could see how if you were thinking this was going to be a full out horror film you would be disappointed; however, I had kind of heard a little about it ahead of time so my expectations were redirected.

The SFX held well throughout and didn't stick out as being bad or taking you out of the action. When some of the more extreme elements are revealed, I went along with it like I was watching my son play one of his weird FPS games. A lot of the film did feel like I was watching Call of Duty or something like that. Boy do I wish I could have those yeas of my life watching my son play that crap back!

Colossally entertaining!

Slime Rancher
Slime Rancher
2017 | Casual, Simulation, Strategy
Fun & Creative (4 more)
Colourful Graphics
Leisurely Gameplay
Relaxing to Play
Beautiful Worlds
Game Mechanics are sometimes a little screwy (2 more)
Lose Inventory when you get 'Knocked Out'
Only 4 Inventory Slots & can only carry one stack of a particular item
An Adorable Adventure
The playing of this game came about when my 8 yr old wanted to watch me play a game on the Xbox, my usual FPS range of games obviously not being suitable for her to watch, I dug this one out of my digital game pile. I've got to say, this is a pretty awesome game. It's cute, it's fun and it allows you to get creative. As you play you open up new areas using Slime Keys, and each one is just - *so* pretty. In each of these areas you have the opportunity to catch new slime breeds, work through new challenges, and find treasure. I recommend opening up the Slime Science area of the map as soon as you can because this allows you to make gadgets that make your Ranching life tons easier. As it's not an overly expensive game, the mechanics are a little screwy sometimes, especially with the jet pack and that can become frustrating, and if you get knocked out by falling in the Slime Sea or being attacked by Feral Slimes you lose everything in your inventory and you lose a day (which means the slimes in your Ranch get grumpy if they run out of food). The only other thing I found super annoying was you only have 4 inventory slots and can only carry one stack of a particular item (so if you have 50 Carrots, you can't carry any more even if you have open slots), if you're exploring away from your Ranch you run out of space *really* fast. Overall, the game is fun and relaxing to play - with the exception of a few minor issues. I would recommend if you enjoy chilled out games or just want a break from your regular playing style :)