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Bird (1700 KP) rated Hearthstone in Apps

Jan 24, 2018  
Entertainment, Games
8.6 (13 Ratings)
App Rating
Addictive gameplay (5 more)
Deck construction
Variation of card types leading to huge combinations of tactics
Look, feel and atmosphere
Well polished
Can play for free for as long as you like
Super-addictive fantasy card game

Tony Mcfadden (0 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Ghostbusters in Video Games

Jul 9, 2018  
I love you can upgrade their equipment. (0 more)
I hate you can only play story mode. It would be even more fun if it had a free roam mode to drive around, and go on other missions. (0 more)
The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited
The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited
2015 | Massively Multiplayer
Friendly Atmosphere (2 more)
Free to Play
Easy to Learn
Awesome Game
Been playing ESO coming up to 2years now, and still love it as much as the first time I launched it. The players are super friendly, questlines are great, character creation was a lot better than I expected too.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Super Mario Run in Apps

Nov 8, 2017  
Super Mario Run
Super Mario Run
The game (0 more)
The proportion of the game you can play for free (0 more)
The game is great - a clever little variation on standard Mario games whereby Mario automatically runs along and all you have to do is jump (should really have called it Super Mario Jump), cutting down on the complexity of controls.
You can play the first round of levels (I think 6 levels) but to play after that you have to pay £9.99. While I know apps are not developed without profit in mind, this is the first time I have seen a game of this profile have this. I don't mind apps where you can buy extra lives or power-ups but to ask people to pay for the game which was supposed to be free is a bit of a cheek.
There are other game modes - one where you race through 10 very short levels to progress through levels to rescue Peach, and one where you play against other players, looking to collect the most coins, but these both get old quick.
After finding out how little of the game I could play, and getting bored of the free content, I deleted the game. The lure of collecting things to build a little town wasn't enough for me.
But it was fun while it lasted.

Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Armored Warfare in Video Games

Dec 8, 2017  

Armored Warfare - Announcement Trailer | PS4

The military free-to-play MMO lets players take control of cutting-edge war machines and join forces with friends to carry out the most difficult co-op missions, compete with rival teams in PvP mode, or experience the real tank action.

Coin Master
Coin Master
6.6 (37 Ratings)
App Rating
Some times you just want to play a pointless game to waste time and this game is honestly perfect for that. I actually have a lot of FB friends who play this so it does make this game a lot more fun because it keeps you going without getting bored with the game. Plus They give you a few ways to earn extra coins and spins for free which I'm always a fan of.
Spotify Music
Spotify Music
Entertainment, Music
8.6 (230 Ratings)
App Rating
Access to every song in itself library (2 more)
Can be free
Depends on if you pay money
Spotify gives you the ability to listen to any song at any time, assuming you aren’t on Free Mobile. The app for the phone is pointless if you don’t have Preminum. You can’t individually pick a song and can literally only shuffle play. However, on computer app and Playstation app, it is a lot more free, all you have to deal with is adds. Spotify Preminum is only really worth it if you are listening to it on your phone, becayse it does give you access to everything.
Blizzard has made all the right noises about being committed to building on Overwatch, providing new heroes, maps and gametypes for free across the game’s lifespan. With a tremendously successful start
Critic- Tom Hoggins
Original Score: 5 out of 5

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Gumballs & Dungeons
Gumballs & Dungeons
9.0 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
Awesome Free Game
This game is completely free to play, and its super addictive. The higher your level is the more game functions you have access to, so the game never gets repetitive or boring. Once you reach a certain level you can join an alliance and talk to others who play the game. The community is great, and most of the older players are willing to help those that are new.
When you first start the game your main goal is to go on quests in dungeons. Whenever you complete the required quests for a dungeon you rescue that dungeons gumball and add it to your collection. You then have the choice of starting the next maze or picking an endless quest. An endless quest lets you play until you die, and you might come across hidden gumballs in a maze.
The game includes a lot of different gumballs all of which have different abilities. My favorite part is trying to collect them, and then using them to reach higher floors in the mazes.
2018 | City Building
Simple easy to learn and play (3 more)
Great combo, love if you build the building you get the inhabitant for free
Start small, with only a few resources, and you build and interesting engine
The forest and the events really change the game, from game to game.
a little shallow, I'm anxious to add the expansions to give it more depth (0 more)
Most adorable city building game I know...