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Fatoumata Diawara recommended Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys in Music (curated)

Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
2012 | Rhythm And Blues
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite Watch

"I love Alicia Keys - the voice, and the fact that she plays an instrument. The image of a woman being in control of her instrument - it's not often something we see in pop music. We need to play instruments. It's important for our daughters in the future. If you know how to compose, you're free. You can be more than just a singer. You can compose for movies, theatre. You've got more opportunities, more freedom. I do a lot of things as well as music. People call me for other things, different projects. You're part of things that men can do. Because most of the time, projects get given to whoever can play an instrument. People will call you if they like your work. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. The fact that you play an instrument gives you more credibility to work on other things."

BASEketball (1998)
BASEketball (1998)
1998 | Comedy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Hilarious film about a made-up sport, free from all the corporate nonsense associated with the other major sports, and one where less athletic people could play.
From the early days of the sport's creation to the tension starting to tell in the creators (one wants to keep the sport true to its roots, the other wants to capitalise on the commercial success), this hilarious film shows Trey Parker and Matt Stone in real life for once, and is their funniest live action appearances since Cannibal: The Musical.

Paul Kellett (118 KP) created a post in Solo Gamers

May 9, 2019  
"Wait, you can play boardgames on your own? How does that work? Isn't it dull? and wouldn't you just rather play a video game?"

These are the most common questions I see asked whenever someone says they play solo boardgames and, if you have never experienced modern boardgames with solo rules, then you are quite right to wonder what, why and how. Let me shed some light on this side of our wonderful hobby.

You can never play enough games

Whilst we have a great group to play games on a Tuesday, 3-4 hours a week is not always enough to scratch that itch, especially if you want to play something bigger and more involved.

There are a lot of great games that need a good few hours to really get into and are not really suitable for playing in the pub on a Tuesday. If you can't meet up with anyone on other nights, then being able to play a game solo is a valid option.

Some benefits include:

*Being able to really get into the theme of a game

*Not having to worry about being slow and annoying anyone else

* Being able to play without distraction.

*Getting away from computer screens/technology.

So why play solo?

There are many reasons why people play solo games, from not having the time to get to game nights, needing something to do when the kids are asleep to just wanting to relax.

For me, I work on computers and my eyes are suffering from looking at screens all day so being able to sit down and play a boardgame is a great way to unwind and rest my eyes whilst still keeping my brain active. I can come home from work and play a short game (like Friday, Onirim or Deep Apace D6) for half an hour or more to unwind - much better than just vegging out in front of the TV.

I love deep, thematic games which tell stories. If I get a few hours free on a weekend, I can spend a Sunday afternoon lost in another world, no distractions, no stress, just me enjoying an interesting story. It's like reading a book but you are actually involved in the adventure.

So how does it work? Do you just play both sides against yourself?

No. Well, yes, you could and people do, but there is much more.

The solo gaming community has grown massively over the last few years with the 1 Player Guild on the Boardgame Geek website boasting well over 15,000 members worldwide and games designers are taking note (many of them being actively involved in the solo community themselves).

As such, many games released nowadays will have either variant rules for solo play or whole expansions or sets of cards designed purely for solo play. There are even games designed purely for solo players.

The easiest games to play solo are co-operative games. This type of game has players working together to reach a common goal in order to win the game. With a few exceptions (games with hidden traitor mechanics), all co-op games can be played solo either playing one character or taking control of two or more characters. This can get a bit heavy and confusing having to keep track of multiple characters' cards, skills, and what not, but if you know the rules fairly well, it gets easier. A lot of people do this to learn a game before bringing it to the club to teach to the rest of us.

Some good solo co-op games include:
* Robinson Crusoe
* Gloom of Kilforth
* Space Cadets: Away Missions
* Legends Untold

Then there are the games that have specific components purely for solo play. These will sometimes change the basic rules or add "Automa" or "dummy" players which function as close to a human player as possible. Usually this is a separate deck of cards that give instructions on what the dummy player will do each turn.

Games with Automa cards include:
* Scythe
* Viticulture
* Xia: Legends of a Drift System (The Automa is included in the Embers of a Forsaken Star expansion)

Finally there are the solitaire games, the ones designed from the start to be 1 player only games, these include:
* Friday
* Hostage Negotiator
* Deep Space D6
* Unbroken

A lot of these tend to be smaller, shorter games that are ideal for sticking in your bag and taking with you to play wherever you are. I often play a quick game of Deep Space D6 at lunchtime at work and when I am out working as drum tech for bands, it's cool to be able to fill in the downtime with a game of something.

Smashbomb (4683 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Council

Mar 18, 2020  
Hey Influencers!

I think we're all very aware of the current situation with Coronavirus and how it's going to have a huge effect on people's social lives. So I was thinking - can we all come up with some of the best items in any/every category for everyone to watch/read/play if we are all stuck inside?

It would be a great way to get people talking - and what's better to talk about than a good book or movie!

If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions please feel free to drop a comment below!

Smashbomb Team :)
Show all 13 comments.

ClareR (5589 KP) Mar 18, 2020

Books to read with your kids (various ages, eg 3-5, 5-7, 7-9, etc), Books to cheer you up, I’m reluctant to say apocalyptic/ dystopian books, because I don’t think we need it, to be honest! But we could make them, and people have the choice to look and not look 🤷🏼‍♀️
Books that are up for release - loads of authors are having to postpone book tours because of this, so some need all the help they can get, especially first time authors.


Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) Mar 18, 2020

ClareR I like that idea!


Smashbomb (4683 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Partners

Mar 18, 2020  
Hey Partners!

I think we're all very aware of the current situation with Coronavirus and how it's going to have a huge effect on people's social lives. So I was thinking - can we all come up with some of the best items in any/every category for everyone to watch/read/play if we are all stuck inside?

It would be a great way to get people talking - and what's better to talk about than a good book or movie!

If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions please feel free to drop a comment below!

Smashbomb Team :)
Show all 3 comments.

Night Reader Reviews (683 KP) Mar 18, 2020

I think this is a great idea. Is there a way that we partners can help?


Smashbomb (4683 KP) Mar 19, 2020

@Night Reader Reviews At the minute, with the influencers, we're coming up with lists of items for different groups of people in isolation such as families, couples, individuals, etc. So if you can think of anything to add to those lists that would be great - or even to come up with some new ideas on how we can get people talking! :)


Connie (244 KP) rated Discord in Apps

Jun 14, 2018  
Communication, Games, Social Networking
7.8 (55 Ratings)
App Rating
Pretty good for gaming
I have been using Discord for some time, and I have to say that this app helps me get together with my gang as we play games in different areas of the world. It's a free program with a paid option, and it's easy to create your own servers or to join others that interest you.

It should be noted that both text AND voice channels are accessible through the free version of the app. Also, Discord is accessible through your web browser, much like Telegram.

The paid service is called Nitro, and it runs $50 for a year or $5 per month. I've no information about how well this service works, but I intend to try it out and will update once I have done so.
Spotify Music
Spotify Music
Entertainment, Music
8.6 (230 Ratings)
App Rating
Playlists, Updated Music, Free Service (0 more)
Huge difference if you use it on phone or PC (0 more)
I love Spotify, and I only have the free version, as my playlists are so good updated, that I can still listen to everything I want, even when the only was is for the songs to shuffle.

If I am using it on the phone, there are ads every 15 minutes, even though it should be every 60 minutes. And I can only forward a song 6 times per hours.

The same free version, but on my PC - ads just pop up, and I can close them, which don't disturb my music at all, and also I can shuffle and play any song from my playlists that I want.

This being said - why the inconsistency? And what is the point of buying the premium?

Demi (22 KP) rated OXENFREE in Apps

Apr 25, 2018  
8.5 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
Narrative (3 more)
Excellent game
This game is incredibly fun. The basic concept is something like a cross between the movie Frequency and Stranger Things with a fun synth score. A group of teens end up on a haunted island in a series of time loops and have to use radios to communicate with the ghosts and break free. It's an easy way to lose a few hours, and then play all over again with a few surprises. This is among my top IOS games for sure.
Letter Jam
Letter Jam
2021 | Card Game, Deduction, Party Game, Word Game
Collaborative (1 more)
Word strategy
Free form style instead of turns (2 more)
Complicated rules
Not sure it works for family
Enjoyable if you love word play but not for everyone
I enjoy word games and therefore like playing this game. However, it is a hard game to learn and I'm not sure it works for families as my teens struggled to think of decent clues. Doesn't work so well with low number of players as you have to rely too much on NPGs. Good if you have a few wordy people.

Nicola (24 KP) rated Spotify Music in Apps

Feb 25, 2019  
Spotify Music
Spotify Music
Entertainment, Music
8.6 (230 Ratings)
App Rating
Free or reasonable monthly prices, huge selection of music (0 more)
Only one device at a time (0 more)
Best music streamer
Great selection of music with daily mixes with artists you frequently listen to and similarly music. Can make your own playlists, follow artists and save music for offline playing with no ads if you get the monthly membership. Only one issue is that although you can log into many devices, you can only play from one them.