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Bitterness, stalking, and a neighbor to die for

What's a girl to do?
Trailed by a stalker in New York City, Willow Thomas, a young ad executive, scurries back to her small North Carolina hometown and the lake house where ten years earlier a scandal revealed her entire life had been a lie, and a seed of bitterness took root in her soul. The cocoon of safety Willow feels upon her arrival home soon unravels when she meets opposition from her family, faces the man she left behind, and the stalker reveals he is close on her heels. Can Willow learn to trust God to tear out her roots of resentment, reunite her family, ferret out a deadly stalker, and to rekindle the love she left behind?

My Thoughts: This novel grasps the reader's attention from the first sentence. Full of action and suspense the reader won't want to put it down.

Willow's family had been keeping secrets from her for years, she had a mother who didn't want her and a stalker on the loose.

The story of forgiveness, of a family that finally comes together. It's a story of how a family can overcome jealousy and bitterness toward one another.

This was an interesting story-line and full of action. I enjoyed reading this book and I have to say my favorite character had to be granny. With her faith in God, her prayers and her notes that she left behind really made the story and brought the family together.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Beasts Made of Night
Beasts Made of Night
Tochi Onyebuchi | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free ARC of this book from for an unbiased opinion.

Tochi Onyebuchi's debut novel definitely shows a balance of light and dark in all it's themes.

The story is of a city ruled by a royal family, their top advisers called Mages. The Mages use children called "aki" to literally eat the sins of others, the sins branding their skin like tattoos after they've consumed them. The main character, Taj, is a cocky teenage aki who is desperate to provide for the family he was forced to leave behind. After defeating a sin-beast of the King's, he finds himself in the employment of the royal family. Unlike most aki, his tattoos never fade and almost all of his skin is branded from one sin or the next.

I felt like the story was very interesting. The different classes within the city, as well as the different characters within each class were well developed. Around half way through the book, the ability to put it down went out the window...I had to see how things ended...

And then they didn't.

I'm not sure if Onyebuchi's plan is to write a second book, or if we, as readers, are meant to decide for ourselves what the future of Kos is. What still lies ahead for the city, the palace, the aki, Taj. I suppose either is an option. But I, personally, like a strong ending, and leaving off where it did left me feeling wronged as a reader. I really enjoyed the book until that.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Christian Bale reprises his role as Bruce Wayne/Batman in the final installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises,and is forced to come face to face with new villains once again. This time it is the terrorist leader Bane (Tom Hardy) and cat burglar, Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway).

In the previous movie Batman had to combat the famed Joker who caused havoc in the city of Gotham. Joker convinced Harvey Dent to seek revenge against Batman and those responsible for the death of his lover, Rachel Dawes. Dent decides to use his lucky coin to decide the fate of those he assumes are responsible, Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman) and his family being just a few of the people captured within Dent’s grip of revenge. While Batman saved the life of Gordon’s young son, many still die. Batman decided to let the public think that he was the one responsible for all the deaths to keep Dent’s name in good standing with the public. Gordan on the other hand knows the truth.

The Dark Knight Rises is set eight years after the extensive damage the Joker brought upon the city and its residents. During this time, Batman isolated himself within the walls of Wayne Manor as Gotham rebuilt itself with the help of Gordon and John Blake (Joseph Gordon Leavitt).

During a celebration of Dent’s life and his successes, Gordan is tempted to tell the people of Gotham the truth behind the murders eight years ago but finds that it may not be the right time to do so. Terrorist leader Bane arrives and takes over the celebration and wounds Gordon forcing his subordinate Blake to take over. After Wayne learns that one of his projects he had been investing in over the years was actually being used for nuclear devices, Wayne decides to shut down the project. One of Wayne’s business rivals is suspected to have employed terrorist leader Bane to takeover the company and use its nuclear devices against the city.

After finding out the truth Bruce Wayne decides to return to the streets of Gotham as Batman, though the decision is met with great resistance by his trusty butler Alfred (Michael Caine). Bane has taken the lead in bringing Wayne Enterprises down and an intense confrontation leaves Batman hurt and condemned to an inescapable prison. Bane is left free to wreak uncontested havoc on Gotham, once again bringing a violent storm of perilous destruction upon its people. While Batman is stuck in Bane’s prison, we learn the sordid history of Bane.

To say much more would give a lot of the story away. Suffice it to say, The Dark Knight Rises is this year’s best comic book movie so far. The graphics, action, soundtrack and opening sequence are amazing. The storyline leaves you wanting more. Christopher Nolan has does an excellent job in all the installments of Batman but is remarkably exceptional in the third and final installment of the series.

Dean (6925 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Forza Horizon 3 in Video Games

Aug 21, 2018  
Forza Horizon 3
Forza Horizon 3
2016 | Racing
Amazing Graphics, from the cars, scenery and weather effects (2 more)
Good soundtrack
Sooo many options: Freeroam, events, championship, bucket list challenges... Almost endless
Auction system could use tweaking (1 more)
Another mode so xbox live races focus more on where you finish
Groundbreaking Driving game
I've been playing video games for a long time, since the spectrum before moving on to the Megadrive. I love driving games and can honestly say this is probably the best and most fun I've played to date! Not since PGR2 has a driving game been this groundbreaking.

You can sense the PGR2 influence in the realism of the environments and cars and some game modes. Along with a similar skill system. The weather effects are amazing from Fog, rain, clouds along with the times of day including dawn, sunset, night time create so many looks and experiences. You'll pull over to stop and watch a sunset. Every car looks and sounds as it should right down to the interior drivers view. It's a beautiful looking game.
The game itself has tons of variety. You can just cruise around, challenge a rival to a set route, random 1 on 1 races in Free roam. There are exhibitions and championships, you can create your own as well and fully customise the weather and time of day, car class and types of cars. There are bucket list challenges that can be done for times, skills, drifts, jumps, speed etc. Again fully customisable to create your own. There is something for everyone here and it's just so much fun.
The only minor points are the auction system for selling, buying could be better but you don't really need to use it. The other issue when racing others online your place is overall is decided partly on your skills during the race. This does include being quick and clean racing... but you might find slower drivers who drift a lot get more xp and end up ahead of you on the leaderboard even if you beat them in the race.
Overall though the best driving game to date. Roll on Horizon 4 in October.
Memrise: learn languages
Memrise: learn languages
Education, Travel
7.5 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
Used to love this app (0 more)
Now, not so much (0 more)
This app started of really good when I first downloaded it. I used it to aid me while learning Japanese. It has cool short games and activities to help you learn and remember old and new things every day. It was so good that in fact I bought a subscription for it so I could do more things. When you become a pro member you get listening activities from native speakers, listening games as well as pronunciation exercises.

However, after using it for a while, I noticed it was harder for me to learn how to construct larger sentences. It was just a case of remembering what kanji was used instead of actually learning how to say/write the sentences. So the app is only great for learning words and short phrases.

Then my card details were updated and I lost my pro-member benefits. I found out that they now want to to pay for things that were previously free such as the difficult words which saved words you were struggling with and help you learn them separately. So now the only thing you can really do on the app is learn new words and recap old ones. 4 out of the 7 games now need subscriptions which seems unfair.

It is also hard to add new people who actually play on the app as well. (You need to pay to use this as well now, I believe) but it allowed you to compete with other players on a weekly score board. Only problem with that is you couldn't search for anyone. You had to know someone who played the game as well and add their user name. The alternative was to type in a random name in the search bar and see who came up and hope they were still active.

This app is good for learning basics words, and phrases, and kanji if you study Chinese or Japanese. But it will not help you with fluency. And you basically have to buy it to seek all the other features which make the app what it is.
Phoebe's Light is the first book in suzanne Fisher's Nantucket Legacy. In this first book, we find our main character Phoebe Starbuck a Quaker on her 18th birthday; September 8th, 1767. Her father Barnabas decides it is time to pass along Great Mary's journal. Great Mary was Pheobe's great-grandmother and was well known for her wisdom.

Not only excited for her birthday, but the ship Fortuna has arrived in port. Phoebe has always imagined that she loved older widowed captain and she hopes to finally capture his attention. When Phoebe runs into the captain he is very interested in Phoebe's birthday gift and wants to read this journal for himself.
Soon Phoebe finds herself married to the captain Phineas Foulger and on a voyage with two things, her great grandmother's journal and a man sent by her father to mind her; Matthew Macy a cooper whom she once loved until he turned away from God.
Pheobe soon finds that life at sea is not the trip she envisioned. Seasick and disillusioned, she turns to the pages of great-grandmother Mary's journal and she finds a secret that has consequences for everyone on the ship.
This is a book that the reader will find hard to put down. Full of history and mystery; the plot takes the readers on many twists and turns and keeps your interest going.
I truly enjoyed this book and found it difficult to put down. Anyone who loves historical fiction will love this book. The author has done her research well and brought this research to life in her novels. I look forward to the next book in the series "Minding the Light".
I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes historical fiction.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Very concise and to the point. (2 more)
The exercises at the end of each chapter are an absolute gift for new and aspiring writers (and I'd imagine even experienced ones). Each one is actionable and aims towards publishing successfully.
Essential for any authors that want to be self-published (especially on Amazon), as the author is writing from their own experiences.
The only reason I even knew this book existed was because I stumbled upon the authors YouTube channel.

From watching his videos, I understood the level and tone of the advice he would be giving in his books, and I've gotta say, the guy is an absolute gift to the writing community.

Even if you don't buy any of his books, there is so much to learn from him for free on his YouTube channel: from plotting to selling, this guy pretty much has it all.

Saying that, I still 100% recommend buying his Write Faster, Write Smarter book series, because I can't stress enough how amazing his targeted exercises are.

For this specific book in the series, he explains how to effectively sell books to targeted audiences. This can sound a bit controversial, as if you were simply copying an idea and trying to cash in on it. BUT THAT'S NOT IT AT All. Chris Fox himself shuts down the idea of copying hit books quite early on. What this book will do, is explain to you how to use popular tropes to your advantage.

If you're not really sure about this book from my review, check out its page on Amazon and read the first few pages. Better yet, check out Chris Fox's YouTube channel and get a feel for what this guy is like, because at the end of the day we all absorb information differently and find certain things useful that others simply don't.

Anyways, I hope that this helped someone find the tools that they need in order to do Storytelling some justice.

Peace out,

Cori June (3033 KP) rated The Dragonstone (Mithgar, #1) in Books

Dec 3, 2018 (Updated Dec 8, 2018)  
The Dragonstone (Mithgar, #1)
Dennis L. McKiernan | 1996 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The book follows our heroines and heroes hoping to avert a possible disaster by finding the jade egg and defeating a wizard. Their only real map a puzzle of a prophecy that they have to figure out. It does use a lot of what I call "old or high" language where the meanings have changed from today's usage and there are a lot of thee and thine. As well as a peppering of what I think is Japanese and possibly French words. He also really likes the word whelm. The Dragonstone is philosophical inclined and many discussions about free will vs. predestination are inside.

Technically, I rate this book as 7 1/2 stars (I'm not sure how to do a half rating & enjoyed it enough to round up). I received over half of his books over ten years ago about the same time as the LOTR movies came out. Yes, they are very similar. You can tell he is a LOTR fan. Like a lot of his books, this story starts in the middle and builds through flashbacks. One of my favorite things about this books series is that you get multiple p.o.v. And you can read the series all hodgepodge with few as "true" sequels or trilogies- most of those are contained as one book now.
Death of a Nurse (Hamish Macbeth, #31)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poor Hamish. He’s still as unlucky at love as he ever was. After spying an attractive nurse, Gloria, while out making rounds on his beat, he arranges to meet her for dinner. He’s stood up, and only finds out several days later that the nurse has been murdered.

Gloria’s employer, Mr. Harrison, soon has a new nurse, and it doesn’t take long before there is another body, and another murder for Hamish and his new constable Charlie to investigate. Instead of having to deal with Inspector Blair as usual, Hamish is at first pleased to find the case being handled by Inspector Fiona Hemming, but it becomes all too apparent that her interest is as much in Charlie as it is in solving the case, and she has little use for Hamish. The killer is no match for Hamish’s intuition and power of deduction, however. Luckily for Inspector Daviot Hamish is only interested in seeing justice served and getting back to his quiet highland existence, so he has no qualms about once again letting his superiors take credit for solving the case.

All of the usual suspects make an appearance, Dick and Anka, Elspeth, and of course Priscilla. This book was so typically Hamish, and I loved it. Fans of the series should really enjoy this one, but the mystery would work as a standalone as well.

NOTE: I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
Baseball Highlights: 2045
Baseball Highlights: 2045
2015 | Card Game, Science Fiction, Sports
It’s 2045. Baseball has bored everyone to death (NOT my opinion – GO CUBS GO!). So Big Baseball has turned to employing robots and players have begun to improve their game by adding cybernetic body parts to themselves. This is the future in which I want to live. Editorializing aside, only the best and most exciting players can make in the new bigs. Will your team of Naturals, Cyborgs, and Robots claim victory, or will your players be bound for the minors – or worse, the scrap heap?

Baseball Highlights: 2045 is a dueling card game with an interesting twist. It uses elements of card drafting, hand management, take that, and deck building to weave a satisfying experience that can be enjoyed by baseball fans and non-fans. I will not go into explaining the entire rulebook here, but I do want to touch on some items that turn this into something more than your run-of-the-mill deck builder.

DISCLAIMER: This game has quite a few mini expansions. While we do have all the expansions in our collection, we will only be reviewing the base game (though I am sure there are some promo cards in my “base game”). Should we decide to review the expansions in the future, we will add it here or link to the full review. -T

Each player begins the game with a deck of starter players belonging to a generic team (Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, etc). Each card has a combination of immediate actions, threatened base hits, pawn movement speed, and costs printed on them. By playing a card from your hand on your turn you will threaten a hit, cancel your opponent’s hit(s), and/or attempt to score your runners home. Here’s the twist. The Visitor player will play the first card and potentially threaten a hit. Play then stops and it is the Home player’s turn to try to affect the threatened hit(s) using a card from their hand. If they can cancel the hit, then the Visitor player’s plans are dashed and play returns to them to try to cancel the Home player’s now-threatened hits. This back and forth using different portions of each card is a little awkward to get used to, but after you get the hang of it, becomes a very cool little variation on the simplistic card value comparisons found in WAR.

After you play through your hand of cards and determine the mini-game winner, a phase of the game to draft “free agents” allows players to use icons on the cards to purchase stronger cards from the offer row. If the alternating play of the main game had your head spinning then deciding which of your teammates to replace with free agents will definitely cause some anxiety. But this is how your team improves. Do you get rid of the player that threatens Home Runs but provides you with zero purchasing power or do you oust him to the minors to call up Kris Correa? These are important decisions, coach!

Components. This game is basically a card duel game with player mats and tracking tokens that are completely unnecessary (but very nice). The cards are great quality! The individual player mats are a great place to organize your game cards and components. The pawns are just red, white, and blue wooden pawns. Nothing special there, but the colors are important and symbolize how fast the baserunners are. The components are great, and the insert is functional, so that’s a huge bonus for me.

Is the game good? Quite. I love the back and forth. I LOVE the baseball theme. I love the deck building aspect. I love being able to use this game as a tournament game, though I haven’t yet played it that way. Maybe soon! In any case, this is an excellent game and definitely worth taking a look at and trying for yourself. We at Purple Phoenix Games give this one an over the fence bomb of 9 / 12 (with special guest scorer Tony – I think Josh will like it, but I’m unsure if Bryan will).