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Export Contacts For WhatsApp (0 KP) created a post

Sep 27, 2021  
When coming to text messaging, WhatsApp is the one that comes to everybody’s mind. Because it is free, easy to use, and it is more than just a messaging app. For businesses, WhatsApp is the best tool for marketing & promotional work.

Users can send videos, images, locations, and documents easily. It has become one of the essential communication modes among people. Marketing via WhatsApp is among the trendiest concepts in the field of Mass SMS.

Export Contacts For WhatsApp is the app that quickly separates all the active WhatsApp contacts from the bulk list and exports them into a single file.

Download the app here:

Jcadden76 (64 KP) rated Spotify Music in Apps

Jun 12, 2018  
Spotify Music
Spotify Music
Entertainment, Music
8.6 (230 Ratings)
App Rating
Download and listen offline (2 more)
Great library
easy playlist creation
sometimes the navigation bars on the right-hand side overlap and are a pain to use (0 more)
Music Online Offline and everywhere in between
Love Spotify.

Currently my family and I are on the family plan so we have 6 logins. With the ability to all have our own accounts inside the master account, this is perfect and worth every penny we pay each month. The free version of Spotify is good but it is nothing compared to the full blown paid version.

If you are on the fence about whether you should pay for Spotify or not, trust me... you need to splurge and at least try it.

Saskia (283 KP) rated Slack in Apps

Aug 30, 2018  
Business, Productivity
8.6 (7 Ratings)
App Rating
Fairly simple to use (2 more)
Free to download
Good communication app for businesses
Poor security (2 more)
You can't have group conversations
Can be awkward to follow threads
Just good
So I work for a rather large logisitics company and we used slack as a way of each department staying connected. We stopped using it after about 6 months because the company found that security was poor and not to the standards to what our company wanted it to be. I liked using the app because it meant I could ask for advice and speak to colleagues from all over the country but sometimes it was difficult to follow the conversation topic because other people would be having another conversation in between. It was simple to use as in setting up and 1 on 1 conversations but I never found out how to do a small group chat and also how to reply to one comment even though someone mastered that straight away. So in short some things were a lot easier than other things. All in all I think it's a good app but should be aimed at maybe school/college/uni groups not company's that may share sensitive or important information.

Lenard (726 KP) rated Anna (2019) in Movies

Jul 1, 2019  
Anna (2019)
Anna (2019)
2019 | Action, Thriller
Luc Besson loves to make intricately plotted action movies. Anna is set near the end of the Cold War. The CIA and KGB use whatever methods they can to gain an advantage. In 1990, the KGB captured several CIA operatives and Agent Miller is seriously pissed off. At the same time, a Russian junkie is tracked down by the KGB to become a sleeper agent. But Anna, once she cleans up, is a striking beauty who wants to be free. Luc Besson keeps the viewer guessing on who is the puppet and who is the puppet master. Anna is Luc's calling card to write the new Black Widow movie about a KGB agent who turns into a spy for the US.
WhatsApp Messenger
WhatsApp Messenger
Communication, Social Networking, Utilities
8.3 (187 Ratings)
App Rating
easy to use, worldwide, voice chat, video calls, group chats (0 more)
My Most Used App
I am honestly so thankful for this app. Having two of your three best friends living internationally - in "third world" countries no less, figuring out how to effectively keep in touch can be difficult. However thanks to Whatsapp I have been able to talk to them both EVERY DAY extensively and constantly, just as I would if they were in the same town as me. Not just via text either, but through voice texting - being able to hear my best friends voice in real time from across the world at any given moment FOR FREE is a miracle to me. And being able to video chat with while shes standing at the base of the pyramids or in a museum full of antiquities is pretty darn awesome too.
Strike Force Heroes 3
Strike Force Heroes 3
The world of Free to Play Games has a fantastic new entry with the arrival of Strike Force Heroes 3. The game is harkens back to the classic side scrolling action games of the past but incorporates modern graphics, sound, and physics in a winning combination.

Players pick a squad character and then enter a mission armed with a variety of weapons such as an automatic rifle and a pistol. Players can switch between weapons as needed with a single key press and use the mouse to get a full 360 degree range of fire and vision as the leap between the various platforms to dispatch enemies, gain power ups, and avoid traps.

The campaign of the game offers 50 new missions and there are also new weapons and perks such as an aim bot that greatly help combat available for players compared to the previous game in the series.

The game also offers some solid music and sound effects, much better than one would come to expect in a free to play game and really helps ramp up the intensity of the game.

The high number of weapons and perks that become available to players as the game unfolds is really amazing as players have the freedom to find a loadout that best reflects their style of play rather than being forced to adapt to a rigid in game standard.

The game is played on a PC so that means that players will have to use a keyboard for movement. The W, A, S, D, as well as the Q key and other selected keys as the game unfolds for perks. Players will need to use a mouse as well as the ability to face left, right, up and fire in all directions is based upon the mouse to move the position of the gun and the mouse buttons to fire and reload. It can take some getting used to at first as well as the hang time that is associated with the jumps, but after a few moments it will be second nature for most players.

Players can also use the arrow keys in order to navigate the maps which involve lots of jumping and ducking and cover multiple levels. My first mission involved crawling the shafts, jumping over a trap frequently and climbing up a truck to leap to snow covered ledges as an example.

The enemies of the game are fierce as right off the bat I was forced to contend with shotgun and sword wielding bad guys who even coming at me one at a time were a challenge and took repeated and sustained fire in order to defeat. Let us also not forget that the enemies get harder as players advanced and that there are Boss Battles as well for players to deal with.

In Summary, Strike Force Heroes 3 is fun and challenging game that offers plenty of great things for fans of action games and who love to have a bit of retro gameplay as well.
In Toru: Wayfarer Returns, we as readers are once again exposed to way too much exposition and a nearly suffocating amount of passive voice. Normally, use of passive voice doesn’t really bother me. In most books, I am unable to identify said voice because it doesn’t disrupt the flow. Unfortunately the passive voice saturates this book so thoroughly that I am unable to make it past 15%. In fact, I can barely remember which parts of what I read were relevant to the current action of the book.

I gave this book several attempts, but each page felt like the written equivalent of trying to force-feed myself Miracle Whip. For that, I must unfortunately drop this novel. I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review.
The Silent Guides
The Silent Guides
Steve Peters | 2018 | Education, Health & Fitness, Mind, Body & Spiritual
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, the (not so) Silent Guides

I'm calling it that because I read (listened to?) the audiobook version.

Recently, I decided to give audible (or, more accurately, it's free month) a try, and this came up as one of the 'recommended first listens'. I'd heard, anecdotally, of the Chimp Paradox, even though I'd never read it so thought I would give this a listen, especially since I'd been having a hard time of late and had been feeling rather a bit of stress/was unable to 'switch off' from work.

I don't really know what I was expecting, but what wasn't clear - at least, not to me - was that most of this (say, roughly 80% worth) is actually more about raising kids and how to be a role-model to them. I don't have any.

(I do have nieces and nephews, though)

With that said, there were still some aspects that I could probably put to use in my personal life ...

Brenna (3 KP) rated Libby, by OverDrive in Apps

May 17, 2018  
Libby, by OverDrive
Libby, by OverDrive
Book, Entertainment
8.2 (26 Ratings)
App Rating
free to use (3 more)
pretty interface
automatic book return
both audio and ebook files!
need a library card to use (2 more)
selection can be limited
can take some getting used to
A Must-Have App for Any Book Lover
I discovered Libby at the suggestion of another internet user, and while I didn't even have a library card to begin with, I have since fallen in love.

Why I Love it: As a college student, I don't have a lot of spare money. As a college student who loves to read, this can be a problem! Libby solves some of these issues for me. It's basically an easy way to access the digital content from your local libraries. All you need is a library card. If you like audiobooks or ebooks, this is an app for you.

The Downsides: There are a few downsides to Libby. For one, you need a library card - but those are easy enough to come by, right? Second, the selection can be somewhat limited depending on what your library system houses. The best solution to this is to get multiple library cards, but while this is good for college students and out-of-towners, its not a viable option for everyone. Another issue is waiting lists on both ebooks and audibooks, much like you're actually checking out a book at a library. This is kind of annoying, but it's a small price to pay for an app that is otherwise really great.
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Probably the most useful app/website I use as an online book reviewer. Allows me to not only track my reading throughout the year, but also to divide it up so I can easily reference it. For example, if I've reviewed a book here, and on other sites as well, I can create a bookshelf for each website it's been reviewed on for quick reference.
The addition of the "Scan the book" feature last year (where it can quick scan the cover of a book and figure out which book it is) made adding books to my "to read" list whenever I'm at a bookstore or library beyond easy, and the ability to "reread books" has allowed me to keep a more accurate account of what I have read each year.
The giveaways are easier to find on the website than through the app itself, but they are awesome. Definitely a great way to get your hands on some free books if you're an avid reader on a tight budget, or if you like to read books before they come out.