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Alternate cover edition for ASIN B01N9TCPQX
For all editions see here

Descended from dragons. Condemned to death. Driven underground.

Andie Rogers is no stranger to secrecy. After watching her dragonborn mother get taken away at a young age, she has had to learn to use her sorcery inherited from her father to disguise all trace of her own dragon's blood magic. Now, no longer a child, Andie must attend The University, center of all magic and government in Arvall City, to learn to wield her magic and become a fully-fledged sorcerer.

But Andie has another goal in mind.

Dreams of her tormented ancestors calling out to her have haunted her since she was a child, and Andie knows she must answer their call and discover the truth. But she must do so in the magical capital in the world, surrounded by powerful sorcerers determined to uphold the lie at all cost. If they discover that she carries the blood of the dragonborn, death with be swift and her people will never get a chance at redemption.

Will Andie risk everything to shatter the lies that the world has been fed for so many years? Can she set her people free?

I thought it was brilliant! I love the whole dragon element the story was well written and flowed really well. Strong characters and female lead. Loved the academy and definitely a series I want to see develop!
Amazon Echo Auto
Amazon Echo Auto
GPS & Navigation > Vehicle GPS, Smart Home
7.6 (9 Ratings)
Tech Rating
A digital assistant on the go (4 more)
Hands-free calling
Unlimited music
Relies on cell service (0 more)
A cool Alexa device - for your car!
I was chosen to purchase a pre-release version of the Amazon Echo Auto through Amazon's website. It works just like a normal Echo, except it is designed for use in the car.

The mount for the Echo Auto is a strip of thick rubber that sticks to the dashboard and includes a magnet that keeps the Echo firmly in place.

The Echo uses bluetooth to connect to your cell phone, and can connect to your car's speakers via bluetooth or an included aux cable. It is powered by a cigarette lighter plug or USB port.

If you already have Siri or a newer car, you might have some of the Echo's features already. I drive a 2008 minivan, so the Echo actually added tons of abilities that I didn't have access to already.

For example, I can now use the Echo as a hands-free phone device. I've tried it multiple times and the sound quality is great and the person on the other end hears me fine. I can also ask Alexa to navigate to an address and, using Google Maps, hear step-by-step instructions to get where I'm going. And if I'm listening to music or a podcast, it will pause them so I can hear the voice say "In 600 feet, turn left" or whatever. And since I pay $8 a month for Amazon Music Unlimited, I can ask Alexa to play almost any song and it will instantly play in my car.

Not only that, but the "regular" features of Alexa are included. I asked "How many feet are in a mile?" and it answered (correctly). My kids have asked it what certain words mean and have asked it to tell jokes. They can play 20 Questions or Jeopardy while I'm driving. The possibilities are almost endless.

I only have one problem with the Echo Auto: it relies on a cell signal. So when I drove my daughter to camp on Sunday - way out in the middle of nowhere in the woods - I lost cell service and my music cut off suddenly. (I had asked Alexa to shuffle music from Weird Al Yankovic to keep my kids entertained, and we were enjoying it! Plus, I could ask Alexa to play the original version of a song after we heard the parody version so my kids would have context.) I understand that this is a known limitation, and since I live in a major city it won't often be a problem. But I thought I'd mention it for people who might live in places with less cell coverage.
An Unexpected Role
An Unexpected Role
Leslea Wahl | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard being a teenager, but when your mother is an author and uses your life as inspiration it can make living difficult. That was life for Josie DelRio. When her mother's newest book comes out, it sends Josie's classmates into a frenzy of malicious teasing, so Josie heads to North Carolina to spend the summer with her aunt.

Josie plans on spending her summer on the beach, taking it easy and trusting that she can find a place to fit in and have a summer on anonymity.

This was a delightful story, everyone can relate to being a teenager and what high school can be like. It is full of mystery, suspense, and some romance.

I enjoyed this book, it was a fast easy read. I do like that the author was able to insert Bible verses to help encourage the main character. What I saw in the book is that sometimes you just have to let go of things, don't carry your problems... let God take control and see what He can do!

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Google Maps - GPS Navigation
Google Maps - GPS Navigation
Navigation, Utilities
8.7 (141 Ratings)
App Rating
Works great on my Android. (0 more)
Sometimes roads are closed. (0 more)
Gets me where I need to go
This is the primary app I use to get me places. I sometimes travel for work so having this app has been a lifesaver. If there's a wreck or traffic issue coming up on my route, it automatically recalculates and gives me directions to go around it. All I need is the address of my destination and it will take me right to where I need to go. Let's not forget to mention the voice is very soothing when she's giving directions out loud. This is very handy when I'm in Georgia which is a hands off device hands free state. The only issue I have with it sometimes is when the road in trying to go on is closed or it tells me to do a u turn where there are signs visible that says to not do a u turn. But if I just keep driving or go a different way, it will automatically recalculate the route for me and gets me back the way I need to go. It does creep me out when I have GPS location services on and my phone asks me to rate and review what ever place I was at or drove by. But that can be stopped by turning off the location services GPS feature. This replaced the MapQuest website and it is also a good companion to fill the quiet when you are on road trips by yourself.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Underdogs in Books

Jul 2, 2019 (Updated Jul 2, 2019)  
Chris Bonnello | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A big thumbs up for neurodiversity!
I liked this - it’s such a positive, uplifting book, set in a world where cloned soldiers have taken over the country. The seemingly only free humans (the rest of the population are crammed into overcrowded citadels) are all young people with autism, anxiety, PDA, developmental delays and ADHD (I may have missed some conditions!), and they are fighting to stay alive.

This story shows how these young people’s conditions affect them, and how they cope with them - how they use their conditions, which are seen as a weakness by many, to their advantage. Neurodiversity is so well described by the author, and it was really interesting to be in the heads of the main characters. I honestly think that this book should be read in schools (year 6 and above, it’s a bit too graphic in places for younger readers, I think). With more inclusive education in schools, I think that this book could help students to understand their fellow classmates. And really, as an adult I learnt something about them too.

I’ll be interested to read any other books that follow this, and I’ll be keeping an eye out!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and the author for serialising this book.

Connor Sheffield (293 KP) created a post

Jun 12, 2017  
I may be a little bias with this franchise, but I can honestly say this looks incredible. It has taken the best elements of previous games such as the beautiful visuals of Black Flag, the ever evolving free running elements of AC3, Black Flag, Unity, and Syndicate.

It also has its own new elements as well though, with the new setting of Ancient Egypt, using an actual Eagle for the franchises famous 'Eagle Vision', which will allow you to fly and look over an entire settlement to discover the path you want to take to get to your target, or the path you're going to use to escape, and not to mention the new executions that are seen including throwing knife after assassinating a previous target, and shooting a bow after leaping from a tree, utilizing a slow motion element to allow the player time to target the enemy.

The new RPG system seems similar to that of Injustice 2, but obviously for one character and not requiring you to quit the game to equip it. The new combat system seems very reminiscent of Bloodborne from the Dark Souls series on PS4, including the ability to parry, and slide away from enemy attacks, which might mean the combat it somewhat more difficult compared to the often easy combat system of the previous games.

In Conclusion, I think Egypt is a perfect setting for this franchise, and a great place to begin the franchises reboot. I will certainly be pre-ordering this game, possibly the statue edition when it's announced. I know for a fact I will love this game, and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

We all know it's important to read and study our Bibles, but as anyone knows it's really hard to know where to start. With a shortage of time, maybe you tried before and gave up. This book is written to help teach us to keep our focus to keep in God's word and studying.

Jen Wilkin helps lead and guide you through the process with a pointed plan to help the reader get into God's word.

Jen Wilkin has written a book that we all need, this is specifically written to help women get into and more out of their Bibles. How many times do we come to our Bibles in our quiet time and wonder what now? Where do I go, what do I read?

This book will help stir that desire to begin studying. " I approached my study time asking the wrong questions. I read the Bible asking "Who am I? and "What should I do?" The author continues on the explain how and where to begin.

Jen Wilkin skillfully shows the reader how to grow and build a foundation of Biblical knowledge with practical, charming and delightful fashion.

This would make an excellent study book for a women's Bible study to help them get more enjoyment and knowledge out of their studies.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Dragon Quest Builders Day One Edition
Dragon Quest Builders Day One Edition
I know. How could I have never played Dragon Quest Builders before? There are so many games out there to play that I miss quite a few so I play them when I can. I was intrigued by Dragon Quest Builders because it was clearly not a traditional Dragon Quest game. The plot takes from the original Dragon Quest as a parallel world where the hero accepts the Dragonlord's suggestion of each one ruling half the world which turned out to be a trap. The hero is defeated and the world goes dark and is overrun by monsters. This is where the legendary builder comes in. You can play as a male or female builder. The first chapter introduces you to the game mechanics. Basically this is Dragon Quest meets Minecraft. Your job as the builder is to gather materials and rebuild the land of Alefguard from the ground up and revive it and bring the light back to the world.

The builder starts her journey.

The tutorial is fairly straightforward showing you how to gather materials. Once you have the materials needed, you need to build and craft items. There are various NPC's that give you quests which are things they want you to build ranging from a crafting forge to a kitchen. This is also how you find crafting recipes for things. When you have the right materials you can build all these things and as you do this, your base levels up.

Use recipes to build things and rebuild the world.

When you go out to the world, the game doesn't really show you where to go. This can be good and bad. It's good because it encourages a lot of exploration and finding things on your own, but it is bad because sometimes it can be a bit frustrating trying to find the location of a quest and it can feel like a lot of time is wasted trying to figure out where you are going. You can switch the map to an eagle eye's view with a white flag that shows where your base is and a Q for the quest marker. You have to do your best to follow your compass, but it's not perfect. You just have to try to be patient and do your best to navigate until you get where you need to be.

You can use this view to see where your base is.

There are moments in the game where the monsters will show up and wreck your base. You have to fight the monsters in order to defend your base. Sometimes the fights are intense with four to five waves of monsters with a boss monster at the last wave. Once the battle is won, you can rebuild everything that got destroyed. The game isn't too punishing when this happens making rebuilding pretty easy.

Fighting monsters is rough, but you can rebuild easily.

While I did have fun playing Dragon Quest Builders, there are things I found to be mildly irritating. Sometimes the difficulty spikes in battles could be incredibly frustrating. The solution to this of course is to constantly build and upgrade your base. The other thing is having to constantly watch the hunger meter. This is represented as loaves of bread next to your health meter. If it gets to zero, your health starts dropping. You have to constantly forage for food or fish and use the kitchen to cook meals. Honestly, this broke the game immersion for me. Having to constantly worry about not starving and having to stop building just to go hunting for food was not fun for me at all. It was an annoyance and I wished I didn't have to constantly do that when I wanted to focus on gathering materials and building spiffy things.

Hunger meter is low, time to go fishing!

There are four chapters in Dragon Quest Builders each in a different region. I did find it odd that when you went to each new world you lose everything and have to start over again from scratch with your weapons, tools, and materials. Getting food and healing items first is a priority so you can explore and build without too much hassle. You can re-learn the recipes in each new region and you also get new materials to build with. If you need a break from the main story, there is a free build mode which allows you to build to your heart's content with no monsters anywhere. You have at your disposal all the recipes you learned in the chapters, you can build whatever you like, and you can share it with your friends. Free build is a nice break from the main game and the only limits are your imagination.

Dragon Quest Builders is a fun game, but there are points of frustration in it with the unbalanced level spikes which is why I took breaks from it often. However, the story is interesting and there are some great nods to the Dragon Quest lore itself as well as some reveals about the builder and various characters that add more depth to the story. To me, free build is where the game shines because it was so much fun just running around and creating whatever I wanted. It is a fun game that encourages creativity while enjoying a good story. See you at the next adventure!

Ross (3282 KP) rated Rejoice in Books

Oct 18, 2018  
Steven Erikson | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heavy-going treatise on man's reaction to alien interference
*** Disclosure - I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***
I have been planning on reading Erikson's Malazan series for some time but have yet to take the plunge. Getting approval to read Erikson's new sci-fi book gave me the chance to experience his writing style without such a big commitment.
The book itself feels like a short sci-fi story where Canadian sci-fi author Samantha August is abducted by aliens and is shown how the alien race are helping the human race, in order to keep Earth safe for their future use. The aliens start to implement a number of changes in the planet, and other planets in the solar system, in order to protect the human race, and Earth itself, from their inbuilt self-destructive nature. Despite these improvements (no violence, drugs or alcohol, replenished food stocks and animal populations) the human race do what we do best - look past the surface benefits with suspicion to find the underlying threat and to use it to further our own selfish goals.
This short is then padded out with more in-depth insight from a large cast of characters - the leaders of a large number of countries, Murdoch-esque media oligarchs, and a range of former arms dealers and warlords. Their insights give the book a feel like World War Z, where the same story is told from a number of different viewpoints to give the varying angles and opinions. While this does add to the overall story (where Samantha's chapters focus on the high level changes and reactions, we are treated to some localised insights), most of these characters are pretty throwaway and don't really seem to have a distinct voice.
The book itself is very heavy-going, with very detailed in-depth analysis of the political, religious, ideological, economic and sociological issues being faced by the human race when such an intrusion, though a beneficial one, is experienced.
This is not a book one can pick up for short periods or read when tired, it really does take some effort to concentrate to get the most out of it.
While it was an interesting take on how such a good thing would likely be ruined by human nature, the narrative was quite detrimental to the overall piece.
Playstation 4
Playstation 4
Games Consoles > Games Consoles
Software (2 more)
Easy to use
Controller battery charge is poor (2 more)
Overheat easily
Playstation Plus expensive
Sleek design, great software
The playstation 4 was not cheap when it first appeared on the shelves, but it was a must have for most people, including me. The fashionable sleek design with the black panels against the blue light and touchpad controllers made it look incredibly stylish for a games console. Playstation Plus membership is unfortunately quite expensive, and the memory is poor on the console... having to download the game software to be able to play it.. not many different games can be played, depending on your memory. Simple to navigate and also the choice of installing applications. The touchpad controllers made it much easier to navigate on a keyboard, with quicker typing. The playstation allows you to connect with fellow players all around the world, and make new friends. The fact that there is an option for headphones and microphones is both positive and negative. It's great to communicate with others, however can lead to verbal abuse which is quite unsettling when gaming with trolls. The playstation consoles have always been my favourite and never will I change to an XBox, which is lumpy, ugly etc. The use of other applications such as YouTube and netflix on the playstation is amazing for people who do not have smart TVs or access to streaming sticks. Recently Playstation allowed players to change their username (a long and very much awaited change for users! Breathing a sigh of relief to get rid of cringy usernames, or usernames that included their ex lovers). However again, Playstation want to make money however they can... if you messed up the opportunity with the game tag change, you were only allowed one free opportunity so you had to consider wisely. Otherwise Playstation would charge you to change your game tag once more (slightly unfair I think!) A year ago I bought the PS4 VR headset.. exciting at first but a lumpy headset which is connected via cable (would have been much more effective to have had this wireless! Such as the controllers).. at first there is motion sickness, but you soon get the hang of it. Again a great selection of games, however quite pricey!