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Brightley & Glow
Brightley & Glow
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don’t often read Children’s Bedtime stories, as I think myself to be a grown up person (sometimes). But I couldn’t ignore Brightley & Glow by Sophie Carmen, as the cover was too gorgeous.

Even though I am past this whole bedtime story moment, I sometimes do read children's books. Maybe because I get nostalgic. Or maybe, because sometimes, we forget to look and remember the little things. And Children's books are all about little things in life. Moments and fragments that we often remember to forget as adults. Take a moment to look in the sun. A moment to smile to a person. Create a little space for yourself. Breathe. And be happy!

Brightley & Glow is quite short, but full of amazing art. I loved the way everything was represented, the dark background and the bright colours surrounding it. The story was also really cute. Brightley is a shooting star and his job soon will be to start bouncing and slowly fall out of the sky, so children can make their wishes. But his brother, Glow is a shining star. And his job is to stay close with the Moon and keep shining at night. When it’s time for Brightley to leave, both him and his brother become very sad and try to solve this unfairness so they can stay together.

I found the story in Brightley & Glow quite moving and absolutely adorable. It brought out many feelings inside me. How it feels when you see a loved one leave, and you know they have to go, and you have to accept the fact. But it also shows us how you can still love someone so fiercely and innocently that you are willing to give up everything for them.

If you have little ones, I highly recommend this Children’s Bedtime Story. It is short, but adorable, and the images are really cute as well!
A Sundered Moon (Legends of Elessia - Shadows Over Garm #3)
A Sundered Moon (Legends of Elessia - Shadows Over Garm #3)
Luís Falcão de Magalhães | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A SUNDERED MOON is the third book in the Legends of Elessia series and should be read in sequence as this one starts not long after the other finishes.

Lucius and Memphala are recovering from their battle with the Blood God. Oskar is looking for his crossbow. Hilda returns to Gotthilf. And Donata is helping heal the wounded, which just never ends.

Told from many perspectives (including a fruit fly!) you get a fully rounded picture of what is happening to all of the characters. I loved the interaction between Lucius and Memphala. The changes in both of them were brilliantly written. The rest of the characters, barring one, didn't change much, just continued to act as they had which was perfect.

Donata is the one character who changed the most and I was both thrilled and disappointed. Thrilled - because it showed that the Lady of the Pines wasn't uncaring about the war going on with her people. I loved the trials Donata went through and the strength her character had. Disappointed - because after everything, her story just fizzled out. I could understand her resentment towards both Lucius and the situation, but it became bitter. It seems even the Gods of Elessia can't overlook some things and get help from unusual quarters, even if their world is at risk.

A full-on action book that takes you from one crisis to another. I found this to be a wonderful addition to the series and loved the epilogue with Lucius, Memphala, and Silas. This definitely needs to be read as a series or you won't understand a single thing. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
April 7, 2023
Exodus (Valen's Pack #2)
Exodus (Valen's Pack #2)
Bailey Bradford | 2015 | Dystopia, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
So Valen is happily mated with Aaron and life is good, right? Well, not quite. In this sequel to Run With The Moon, the pack is still integrating and although Valen is doing what he can, it is still a 'them and us' situation. Still, he manages to come up with an idea which will help both sides work together as well as building up their village.

Of course, nothing is quite as straightforward as that and Rivvie and Matthew are the ones we hear most about (as it's their book). They get off to a very rocky start but the attraction quickly flares up. Matthew is feeling very insecure as he used to be the one that all the ladies wanted as they knew he wouldn't make them pregnant. Now, he's surrounded by all the buff bodies of the shifters and he feels like he's not needed anymore. Add to that, he's upset because Rivvie isn't flirting with him anymore and he doesn't quite understand that as he thought he was into females.

 So we have all that going on but hey, that's nowhere near enough. Throw in a couple of natural disasters - earthquakes, twisters, floods and storms - plus some rabid humans, a missing shaman and a mother who can't work past her grief. This book is full-on action with a fast pace that will keep you turning the pages. There is more to Rivvie than just being a joker and there is more to Matthew than just being a stud, but it takes the two of them time and patience to learn that.

 A brilliant second book in the series and I can't wait to read more. Thoroughly enjoyed it and definitely recommended.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
January 20, 2017
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
1981 | Comedy, Horror
Steps away from most of the stereotypes (2 more)
Comedic Horror
Great practical effects for the time, even better than some modern day films
One of the classic Werewolf Films that any horror fan should watch
An American Werewolf in London should always be apart of any Werewolf film or horror film Fan's collection. It's comedic, yes, but it's still a great horror as well especially for it's time.

The cast isn't full of big Hollywood names, but that's what makes this film so good. You don't expect anything from the cast so the film shows you something like you've never seen. Though there are a few cast members that have big names such as Rik Mayall (R.I.P), but he isn't a main cast member, and serves only as a background character in a pub.

The story of two Americans, on a tour of England, with some comedic humour towards the atmosphere of England as we begin the film in the countryside. David's friend complains about the weather, whilst David himself is enjoying his time being out in the open.

The films practical effects are incredible, from the large wolf itself to the actual transformation, which sees limbs being extended into unnatural form, and David's mouth extending into a about, using only practical effects and no CGI. This is what makes this film so damn good!

The soundtrack is one of the cheeriest IV heard for a horror film as it contains multiple versions of the classic song Blue Moon, as well as Creedance Clearwater Revival's classic song Bad Moon Rising. Which eases some of the horror but not by much.

The film also differs from other werewolf films as it mocks the supernatural myth elements such as silver bullets, but includes some of the lesser known myths about the pre-transformation period such as the bizarre nightmares which often involve the cursed being to see themselves naked in a woods stalking and sometimes eating an animal raw, often deer or rabbit, and this film includes that as well as another very bizarre nightmare involving Nazi Demons.

The other great aspect to this film is the appearance of Dave's dead friend throughout the film, as we discover he is trapped in purgatory unable to pass on until the curse is lifted (a.k.a David needs to die). It's not the fact that Jack appears though that makes this element of the film incredible, it's the way he looks when he appears. Everytime Jack shows up, his body is more and more decayed and he becomes very zombiefied during our last encounter with him in the film, and the practical effects and makeup truly add to the grim reality of this aspect. The makeup was so grim in fact, that Griffin Dunne, who portrays Jack, wasn't overly pleased that this gruesome makeup would mean that his mother wouldn't be able to watch the film because it was that horrifying. There were even pieces of dangling rotten flesh, which was accidental but left in because it looked more realistic.

The film is funny, it's gripping and it's horrifying as we watch the beast stalk the people of London and then the next morning, we see a normal man and as we begin to watch him lose his mind, we sympathise for him.

Highly recommend this to any horror fan of you haven't seen it already, and if you haven't...why not? It's brilliantly written and brilliantly directed by the amazing John Landis.

BookwormMama14 (18 KP) rated Winter in Books

Jan 2, 2019  
Marissa Meyer | 2016 | Children
8.9 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review to come.I have really enjoyed this series. Exploring a future version of Earth where the moon in populated, there are only a handful of actual "countries", cyborgs, androids, and emperors work together to bring peace and safety to both Lunars and Earthens. However, I found Winter to be mercilessly long. That being said, this was an epic finale to The Lunar Chronicles. I am SO glad that I FINALLY read this series.

I have become quite attached to all of the characters in these books. I think Cress and Scarlet are my personal favorites...along with Thorne and Wolf. Of course, the majority of the series revolves around Cinder and she truly turns out to be a remarkable girl. Winter has MANY different perspectives, making it easy to get a little muddled, but doesn't take long to get in the flow. I think by having so many point of views of the surroundings and activities it helps fill a lot of would be gaps. This is also a contributing factor to why the book is so long. Hardcover is 827 pages in length and took me about a week to complete. To keep this review spoiler free for anyone who hasn't read the first three books, I will simply state that Winter wraps the whole story up quite nicely. And despite its length, this is a journey that I am glad I was a part of.

The Lunar Chronicles is not a Christian series and is marketed as "Young Adult". I feel that it is appropriate for this age group (and adults can enjoy it too of course!). The romance is clean and sweet. There is no foul language that I can think of. There is some violence as the wolf hybrid soldiers reign terror on Luna and Earth. Also there is a pretty epic battle to wrap everything up.

If you enjoy sci-fi and young adult fiction, I think you would enjoy this series! Check it out and let me know your thoughts!

I borrowed Winter from my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Merissa (11784 KP) rated Hot Fey Moon (Wildeward Academy #4) in Books

Aug 10, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Hot Fey Moon (Wildeward Academy #4)
Hot Fey Moon (Wildeward Academy #4)
Gwyneira Blythe | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HOT FEY MOON is the fourth book in the Wildeward Academy series and we rejoin Victoria and her coterie as they prepare to leave Wildeward. Frankie is back in the fold but hasn't... erm... 'completed' his bond with Victoria.

I LOVE THE LODGE!!! Ms Blythe, please! I'm begging you. Somehow, please get Victoria back to the Lodge. I'm not bothered about the Academy, but if she could get her Lodge back, I'd be eternally grateful. Thanking you in advance!

Ahem, now, back to the story. Achoris continues to be shady although this time you find out a little more about it. I can't wait for his story, just to find out all about him. He keeps so much hidden.

Frankie and Victoria want to complete their bond but the timing is never quite right. This is unfortunate as he becomes hot property once they're in Fairyland. Oh, and what a wonderful place that is. Really made me want to go for a visit! And because I know the written word doesn't always convey the meaning, let me just clarify that that was sarcasm! What a place. And those cuffs. Eurgh!!!

Some secrets are spoken, but more are still kept hidden. Teasers abound (I think I know who the wolves were with Flis) and the story continues to amaze. The ending was just perfect. Victoria is showing her strength and it is simply perfect. I love how I am drawn into each book fully, loving the story and the character it focuses on. But, once it has been completed, with the hints given by this amazing author, I am immediately looking forward to the next.

This series continues to enthral me with every word and scene. A fantastic story that I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending... but, please, start from book one so you get the full picture.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 10, 2021
Shift Work (Night Shift #1)
Shift Work (Night Shift #1)
TA Moore | 2021 | Crime, LGBTQ+, Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's only 117 pages, but packs a mighty powerful punch!
I was gifted my copy of this book, and I thank Ms Moore for that.


I went into this book thinking it was a complete story. And its freaking NOT!! It's a mahoosive cliff hanger, and my poor kindle is lucky to still be working!

Cos there I was, merrily reading away, not paying much attention to how much I have left, and BOOM! The end crept up on me and I was OMFG and JHFC and all kinds of loud swear words a sailor would be proud of!

Oh, this is a bloody good book, but you need to know, its a cliff hanger, one of Dover Cliff size and I didn't know that!

Anyway, now I've ranted about that, here's what I really thought ;-P

I bloody LOVED this book! These werewolves are somewhat different, and it took me a little time to piece together the clues about how they are around "that time of the month" (I loved those little jokes, they proper made me chuckle!) They are dark and deadly around the full moon. Cade has just a few days to find out who the girl is in the morgue, the one who shouldn't be there. Working with Marlow, who is Night Shift (capitals intended, its how it is said in the book) and null. It took me a while to figure out what THAT meant, and I'm not entirely sure I've fully got it, but you make your own mind up.

I've not tagged this as romance. There is steam and attraction, but there is no romance here, not yet. Oh they have a moment in the bathroom that was rudely interrupted, but once they get some time together, the chemistry will explode, I'm sure.

I have it on authority that the next book isn't too far away, and I really hope that Ms Moore doesn't cliff hang that one, cos I'm not sure that my kindle can survive a second trip to the wall so close to the last one!

It's only 117 pages, but packs a mighty powerful punch!

So, all in all, a bloody good book, but April needs to hurry the chuffing heck up!

5 stars (but I would, even for such a short, cliffhanger book, give it more if I could!)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
City of Heavenly Fire
City of Heavenly Fire
Cassandra Clare | 2015 | Children
8.4 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
The conclusion to the Mortal Instruments was certainly a pleasing one. There is nothing worse than reading a great book or series, or perhaps watching a tv show that creates a multitude of story lines... And then fails to resolve them. It leaves the reader with a sense of dismay and confusion. What happened to my favourite character? Did the problem ever get resolved? No one likes that feeling.

Cassandra Clare did a wonderful job of making the reader feel like the series had all of its loose ends tied up. People found or lost their loves. Villains plotted and heroes fought. It was beautiful. (And incredibly long.) I never found myself drifting from the text, although I love long books, so I may be biased. Each change of scene held my attention and I was loathe to put the book down each night to go to sleep. While I am sure that there were some scenes or dialogue that could have been trimmed to improve the flow of the novel, I never found those things distracting to me as the reader.

I also praise Cassandra Clare for the way she writes her dialogue. The characters seem so much more realistic as a result. I find myself laughing at the jokes or smirking when Jace or Clary say something snarky/sarcastic. I'm left with lines or quotes that I absolutely love (and save to my goodreads quotes.)


I love Jace and Clary's relationship. They are supportive of one another, and I believe bring out the best in the other. But they are not perfect, which makes the coupling that much more authentic. You relate to Clary (unless you're a brunette bombshell, Izzy, or you know... Excessively hairy and prone to outbursts when the moon is full, Maia) because she is authentic. She has her selfish moments, times when she is incredibly strong and others when she's unbelievably stubborn. Jace is the guy you wish actually existed because he's strong, protective, and maybe, when he lets his guard down, just a little bit sensitive.

I'm just wondering one thing - why did Jace expect to have sex (for the first time, mind you) with Clary in the demon dimension? The one they expected to die in. Boys.

Izzy and Simon? Well they don't make as much sense, but are still cute together in their own way. Simon is generally the perfect sidekick. The best friend you always wanted and sometimes the one you never knew you needed. Izzy is the female archetype that you should live up to - tough, courageous, and loyal.
Studies in Sorcery
Studies in Sorcery
2021 | Card Game, Science Fiction
We’re all nerds here, right? What was the best class the gang took in the Harry Potter series? Defense Against the Dark Arts of course! Learning spells to protect ones’ self (oneself? themselves??) from an onslaught of dark spells looked so fun in the movies. *DISCLAIMER: I have never read a Harry Potter book. I made it one chapter and couldn’t do it, but I have seen the movies several times.* In any case, what if you could learn the other side of these spells? The offensive ones? Well that would be cool right? What if you could get a full master’s degree in Dark Arts? Welcome to Studies in Sorcery.

Studies in Sorcery is a competitive card game that uses elements from other well-loved games and puts them with a wonderful theme and some very interesting card synergies. The game takes place over four school semesters (rounds) and each semester lasts four weeks (turns). Can you students complete your thesis using the research grants you are given, or will you fall flat to repeat the program again?

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this preview. These are preview copy components, and the final components may be different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, but to give our readers an idea of how the game plays. You are invited to back the game on Kickstarter launching October 6, 2020, order from your FLGS, or purchase through any retailers stocking it after it is fulfilled. -T

To setup, separate each deck of cards into like piles (Levels 100, 200, and 300 of the projects, graveyard cards, candles, vials) and shuffle them. Lay out the moon phase cards and semester tracker, placing the tracker tokens (skull erasers in the prototype) on the start of the cards to begin play. Set out the candles and vials in their own piles, as well as the point modifier tokens. Deal project cards according to the semester tracker in a 3×2 pattern under the moon phase and semester tracker cards like is shown in the photo below. Initially the graveyard pile will have three stacks of two cards each face-down next to the draw pile. Each player receives a research grant card, two thesis cards to choose one from, and two 100-level project cards from which the player will choose one. Give the first-player token (in this prototype it’s a cute LEGO skeleton) to the player who last attended school, and the game may begin!
Each player will be resolving actions, committing materials to their projects, and using completed project abilities each moon phase (turn). The actions one may take are: Dig, Buy, Cram, and Project Action. When a player uses the Dig action, they are searching for materials. A player can look at the items in the first pile of graveyard cards and take all the contents. If they do not like them, draw a card from the draw deck and place it on the first pile. Continue this for the next pile, and if unsatisfied the player may draw the top card from the draw pile OR either a candle or vial from the supply of stock cards.

Buy actions allow a player to use any unwanted materials or research grant monies to purchase additional candles, vials, or project cards from the middle of the table. To Cram, players may commit up to two materials from their hand to a project by placing the materials under the project cards. Project Actions allow players to use actions printed on any of their completed project cards. These can be very powerful.

Once each player has taken one of these actions, move the tracker token on the moon phase card to the next icon – Commit. To commit materials to projects, simply place the cards under the selected project (exactly like players do with the Cram action). Once all players have completed their commits, they may complete any projects that have sufficient materials by discarding the used materials and flipping the project card to its opposite side earning the printed points at the end of the game.

Play continues in this fashion for four turns each semester and the game lasts four semesters. Therefore the game will last 16 turns total. Whomever earns the most points for combinations of completed thesis cards, completed projects, bonus point modifier tokens, and one point for each $8 worth of materials in hand will be named Valedictorian of their class and winner of Studies in Sorcery!
Components. Again, this is a prototype copy of the game, and I know some things will be different in the final version. However, what we were provided is a bunch of cards that have great art, are good quality, and are very easy to read and understand. The cute first player token will more than likely become a different component in the end, and the tracker tokens probably will be changed as well, but these are great bits to include in a game like this. The only negative I have about components is that I wish there was MORE color. Most of the cards are brown-heavy, and it’s completely fine, but I would love to have splashes of weird colors here and there. Overall, I am very pleased with the components in this game. Weird Giraffe Games always has great components in their prototypes AND final games.

It is probably no surprise that I love this game. The theme is wonderful, the wonky art is great, and it’s more thinky than one might imagine. The game play can be somewhat quick, or players can take excruciating amounts of time to think through their turns and chain together impressive actions. One thing remains constant – 16 turns to complete your thesis cards can be a huge undertaking. My first time playing I chose a thesis card worth 7 points (even though the rulebook advised me not to include those for the first play). I wasn’t even really that close to completing the thesis, but I may have with another two or three turns. But then again, that card is worth 7 points for a reason – it’s SUPPOSED to be difficult. My suggestion: take the rulebook’s advice and remove those thesis cards for the first play. Don’t try to be a hero.

Ahhhhhhh! I want to play it again right now just so I can attempt that thesis card again. But there are other thesis cards in the game. And other strategies to apply. And really, when you can’t wait to play a game, that’s a sign of a fantastic game for that specific gamer. Will this be a gem for everyone? I don’t know. It certainly works for me and my circle of gamers.

If you are a fan of the Harry Potter series (even though this is NOT a Harry Potter game) and need a thinky card game with that sort of fantasy classroom theme, or if your collection is begging for something new and quirky, or if you just love Weird Giraffe Games’ catalog and need every game they offer (I wouldn’t blame you), then you need to give Studies in Sorcery a look. Please consider backing it on Kickstarter launching October 6, 2020. I know my collection just got a lot cooler with this one.
Laggies (2014)
Laggies (2014)
2014 | Drama
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Laggies is a film that I walked into open minded and a little bit excited where they might take the storyline. As a millennial, I can relate to Keira Knightley’s character Megan as she is approaching 30 and she does not really have any clear direction in life. So when her boyfriend proposes, she freaks out and escapes for a week with her new 16 year old friend and her father. Believable, however rather than this film deciding to become something more akin to 2004’s Garden State, it instead abruptly turns in a “Hollywood” direction, badly.

While watching Laggies, I realized it has some pacing issues. At a 99 minute runtime it felt closer to two hours than a quick and entertaining story it should have been. While walking out the theater I thought that was the intent of the film and was a bit forgiving. Megan doesn’t exactly know where her life is going and neither do we. However as the days passed after watching this film, I realized these pacing issues made like this film less and less each day.

As the days passed, something else I realized was that Keira Knightley is not a leading lady. Her performance was boring, uninteresting and at times unlikable for a character that could have had layers, but did not. It made it hard to understand why she was doing the things that she was doing and why she ultimately comes to the conclusions she does. She seems like she is a 14 year old girl who “doesn’t talk” and we are supposed to look at her “British” smile and understand her without any acting to shed insight on her thoughts, which is actually annoying.

However her younger counter part, Chloe Grace Moretz (Kick Ass), shows yet again how she is a strong up and coming actress who has a good range already. She is believable as self-reflective and brooding 16 year old who is hoping and looking for something more for herself and her father played by Sam Rockwell (Moon). Rockwell reminds audiences yet again how solid an actor he is. He is actually the brightest star in this film as he steals every scene he is in and even manages to elevate Knightley to be likeable and attractive.

In the end, this film is not worth the full price of admission. It is more of a red box or film you may pause and watch when it comes on cable. Moretz and Rockwell are the bright spots of this film and fans of them may want to check this out, however Knightley is not a leading lady and this film suffers from her poor performance and an abruptly Hollywood script.