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Luke (278 KP) rated The Mummy (2017) in Movies

Jun 14, 2017  
The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Occasionally Funny (1 more)
Some Scary Parts
Tom Cruise (2 more)
It Couldn't Decide What Film It Wanted To Be
Strange Plot
This Mummy Needs To Be Put To Final Rest
I would describe this as a nose dive, at the start i was fully on board. I thought this was going to be the first tom cruise film i actually like, and then it go wierd... Boring... and just plain stupid.
The first half was good and fun, scary at times when the zombie outbreak happens...
And i have issues with a skeleton swimming, i feel like it would just sink and not be able to swim without skin to cup the water?
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Connor Sheffield (293 KP) Jun 16, 2017

Oh lordy! Although I think I would actually prefer if they had half the film with Tom Cruise as the lead then Brendan Fraser steps in and says "Move aside little kid, I've got this" *stares as the Mummy woman* "I really hate Mummy's" *Shotgun to the face*


Luke (278 KP) Jun 16, 2017

As long as brendan fraser saves the day and has cheeky smile as he knows he has won, i would watch that all night haha

Sourcery: Discworld: The Unseen University Collection
Sourcery: Discworld: The Unseen University Collection
Terry Pratchett | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another great Discworld book
I wasn't too sure about the Rincewind books when I first started, but he really is growing on me. Like The Light Fantastic before it, Sourcery is completely bonkers and moves on at an incredible pace. As with all Discworld books, it's very funny in parts and I love the fact that yet again I've found myself laughing out loud whilst reading. My only criticism would be that I don't believe some of the supporting characters have been quite as good as those from other books like Twoflower, the Luggage didn't seem as prevalent as it did in the past. Still a great entertaining read though.
The Proposal (2009)
The Proposal (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Romance
Great lead actors (1 more)
Cast chemistry
Great Rom/Com
As Rom-coms go this is one of the better ones of the last few years. Kinda mixing @Meet the Parents (2000) with @The Devil Wears Prada (2006) Most reviews seem split on the two leads, personally I think they do have a good chemistry in this. Along with a great setting, a strong cast including the funny Betty White (Goldengirls) make this a pleasing film. It is predictable, aren't they all? It does have some good laughs along the way as the love-hate-love relationship unfolds. It's an enjoyable feel good comedy with two good leads.
I'll Seize the Day Tomorrow
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is it bad that it took me a year to get to reading this book? Does that say something about me, or the book? Who knows.

Upon starting this bok I admit I had high expectations. I’m fairly spoiled when it comes to reading good books. And if a book isn’t something I like, I figure life is too short to waste my time reading it. The thing about this book is it was mildly entertaining, but if I want to read a book of funny personal essays, I’m going to read David Sedaris or the like. Sorry Mr. Goldstein, I’m just not diggin’ it.
Scrappy Little Nobody
Scrappy Little Nobody
Anna Kendrick | 2016 | Biography
8.0 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was first introduced to Anna Kendrick from the movie Pitch Perfect. She was a cute little nobody who made a place for herself in the acapella world. Although my favorite movie of her is The Accountant with Ben Affleck. I really enjoyed this book which I think was made even better with her reading it. It chronicles her life from growing up in Maine to getting jobs in low budget movies, and theater productions. I didn't know she had done so much before Pitch Perfect. The book was funny and she made you feel like you were sitting down to talk to your best friend.
Are You My Mother?
Are You My Mother?
P.D. Eastman | 1962 | Children
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fun Search for Mommy
A new baby bird is about to hatch. Knowing her baby will be hungry, the mother bird goes looking for food for him, but he hatches while she is gone. He immediately sets out to find his mother. Will he succeed?

This is a book my whole family remembers with fondness from when I was a kid. The pictures are fun, and the story is straightforward and funny with a heartwarming ending. Most of the words will be very easy for early readers, and a couple of the more unfamiliar words they should be able to sound out with a little adult help.
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Fun (1 more)
Cringeworthy Dialogue at times. (0 more)
It's fun.
If you go in to this movie thinking that it'll be a great movie you're going to be disappointed. What you need to do is to go into this movie thinking it's going to be solid four out of ten. It'll turn out that you actually ended up enjoying yourself. There were moments where I literally cringed.

That being said, I laughed during this movie. A lot. There were some great funny parts! Some really cool new sets and action scenes as well. I was also happy because I don't think that they made Han a flat character.
Rampage (2018)
Rampage (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Fun action movie.
*I won a copy of this Blu-ray in a @Smashbomb giveaway!*

Let me preface this by saying that I think Dwayne Johnson is hilarious when he wants to be, while simultaneously being a great action "hero." Both are on display in this movie. His banter with George is so funny. The action is what it is, and it was done pretty well.

I know this was loosely based on the video game, which I fondly remember playing at the arcade, but I didn't see all that many parallels.

Overall not a bad way to spend a couple of hours!
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Honestly, I was going to watch this film regardless because it has Jack Lowden in it, and I'll watch anything with him in it.
This is very much a movie made for wrestling buffs, and luckily, I have a cousin that's been obsessed with it, so I've had exposure. And, while that may be the target demographic, it is equally accessible to the non-wrestling audience. It's very much a story about family, and the dynamic between the actors made it completely believable. It was really heartwarming and funny, and even I, with my little black and un-beating heart, got choked up at times.
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Great story about friendshipi love (0 more)
Awesome sequel
I love wreck it Ralph and I was pleasantly surprised with the sequel. It was great for all ages and so funny. The underlying theme for me was how it's ok to want different things that your friends and family don't want, it's ok to make new friends and to not get jealous or scared if they are going in a different direction. It's a really great message for the younger generation.
It has some sad and meaningful content especially with this digital age ant the emphasis not to get to upset over comments on social media ect.
Great film