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Rob Zombie recommended Dracula (1958) in Movies (curated)

Dracula (1958)
Dracula (1958)
1958 | Horror
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"""I could go on forever with the list, so I just picked five random ones, because I go through periods where I watch certain movies a lot. I don’t know why — I’ll get on a kick. I’ve been on a kick lately of watching Dracula, the 1931 version with Bela Lugosi, over and over and over and over. You know? I love everything from the ’30s. The 1930s is my absolute favorite time period for horror movies, because they were just so demented and sick. Sometimes you watch them and go, “Wow, they get away with a lot.” Then, of course, the codes came in and it ruined the party. When you watch movies from the 1940s, they seem so tame and so dry, but everything from the ’30s is just amazing. Lugosi in that film is so iconic, he doesn’t even seem like an actor giving a performance. Some of these people transcend to something else. It’s like Marilyn Monroe or something. They became something else. Sometimes people will make fun of his performance because of his accent, but he’s so… It’s so funny. I love watching him, because his performances are so unique. Sometimes there’s other people in the film — like David Manners, who’s like the lead, good-looking guy, and he’s so wooden and so 1930s-stiff acting, and Lugosi seems like Brando. You can see he’s so in it that when they yelled, “Cut!,” he didn’t cut. You can just see it. He’s so committed that his performance is funny, because it’s on such another level from anyone else in the film. Everybody in those movies back then, you watch them and it’s just — it’s that feeling like, “Eh, you know, even though they’re supposed to be boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, they don’t [seem] like they’re having sex or something.” Lugosi seems like he wants to f— everything in the movie constantly. He just has that vibe. Really weird, man. You know? He does, essentially, I guess. Yeah, he does. He’s just not tame. I don’t know, maybe because he was Hungarian or whatever, he just has a different way of approaching, but he does not have that “uptight American actor from the ’30s” vibe at all. He just steals every moment. Not just him; Dwight Frye as Renfield is amazing. It’s funny — actors seem like they don’t want to do these types of movies, but as soon as you play a villain in something that’s like a horror movie, that’s what you’re going to be remembered for. Even if Anthony Hopkins won an Oscar for whatever — Remains of the Day or Howard’s End or I can’t even remember what it was — he’s Hannibal Lecter. Doesn’t matter if Jack Nicholson won an Oscar for Cuckoo’s Nest or whatever; he’s Jack Torrance. It’s so funny, these roles are just so — they stick."""

The Muppets  - Season 1
The Muppets - Season 1
2015 | Comedy, Family
Intelligently funny
The Muppets is a 2015 mockumentary style series that aired for only one season, and is currently available on Disney+ . It follows the personal and professional lives of the Muppets behind the scenes of Miss Piggy's late night talk show.

The Muppets are an institution. There won’t be many people that don’t know of the Muppets, and most will have grown up with them in some form whether it be the original tv show, the earlier films or the most recent film reincarnations with Jason Segel. For me, my fondest memories of the Muppets come from the films (The Muppet Christmas Carol is by far the best Christmas film) and from the Muppet Vision 3D show in Disney World, so I had no preconceptions over what this show would be. And it’s an absolute hoot.

This is a wonderfully funny and smart show, and the mockumentary style similar to The Office and Parks and Recereation works very well. It manages to bring clever adult humour without reducing itself to crudeness. It’s whip smart, witty and full of relevant pop culture references that are often laugh out loud funny. There are so many instances in these 16 episodes where I couldn’t stop laughing, although a particularly highlight involved Bobo the bear and The Revenant. And not only is this funny, it’s also full of heart. It features some fairly meaningful and important topics and for the most part it deals with these well with an appropriate amount of humour.

The great thing about this show is that it isn’t just the Kermit and Piggy show. All of the other Muppets are featured in equal measure and for me personally I loved this as some of my favourite moments were with the likes of Rizzo, Pepe and Chip the IT guy. I also now have a new found love for Uncle Deadly, I never realised how brilliant a character he was before! This show also brings in some fantastic guest stars, from the likes of Reese Witherspoon and Joseph Gordon-Levitt to Liam Hemsworth, Ru Paul and Josh Groban, all of whom have no problem in sending themselves up and being the butt of the jokes.

It’s a shame then that this show falters two thirds of the way through due to the storyline and relationship between Kermit and Piggy. I’ve never been a fan of Piggy as I find her very irksome, but she’s bearable in small doses. However the show seems to do a complete u-turn on their storyline midway through and suffers because of it, as it becomes dull and predictable and nothing we haven’t seen before for Kermit and Piggy. The rest of the show and characters are still hilarious, but Kermit and Piggy really bring down the tone.

If you’re an adult and a fan of the Muppets and are looking for some adult, intelligent laugh out loud humour, you can’t really go wrong with this. Just try not to concentrate on the storyline too much.
The Ron Burgundy Podcast
The Ron Burgundy Podcast
6.9 (7 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
The fake ads that Ron reads (0 more)
Not really that funny (0 more)
By the beard of Zeus! Ron Burgundy has himself a podcast!
Will Ferrell brings his popular Anchorman character, Ron Burgundy, back for a 12 episode season of 'The Ron Burgundy Podcast'. So far, we're only 2 episodes in, so I'm possibly a little premature in reviewing and rating this. Hopefully so, as I feel there is currently a lot of room for improvement.

I'm a fan of the original Anchorman movie, but I don't love it anywhere near as much as a lot of other people do. There's a lot I find funny about it, but I think it only worked as well as it did because of the team of characters surrounding Ron (ie Brian, Brick and Champ), enabling some fun banter and improvisation. In the podcast though, it's pretty much just Ron, although he is accompanied on each episode by his quietly spoken producer Carolina and a guest 'expert'. It's basically down to Ron to carry the whole show, and so far it's very hit and miss. Don't get me wrong, I've laughed out loud on a couple of occasions, making myself look like an idiot as I'm walking home from work, but the rest of it definitely doesn't provide anywhere near the level of humour that the movies do. Still, it's early days, and I'll modify my review if things improve.
The Bride Test
The Bride Test
Helen Hoang | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Funny & Quirky
This is easily a 5-star book. I first found Helen Hoang through the Bookish First website, and I fell in love with the “The Kiss Quotient.” It was unique and honestly one of my favorite romances that I have read. When I first heard about The Bride Test, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I didn’t even read the blurb. I just knew that Helen Hoang was a new one-click author for me. Needless to say, when I got the opportunity via NetGalley to read The Bride Test I jumped at the chance.

The Bride Test brings some lovable characters from The Kiss Quotient and puts them into a new perspective. This book features Khai Diep, a character we briefly met in her last novel. Khai is such a well-written character, and I just loved Esme as well. Both Esme & Khai are well developed, and the chemistry was exciting and fun. What I love about Helen’s books is that they feature characters with autism, but it doesn’t define them. She puts so much thought and love into her books that it’s hard to read a book after it.

The plot kept me fascinated, and it was completely unique to me. I loved the cultural aspects present in this book, and I liked how it all played out. This is hands down my favorite book so far. It’s funny, it’s quirky, and it’s a book I never wanted to end.
The Grownup
The Grownup
Gillian Flynn | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I would rather be a librarian, but I worry about the job security. Books may be temporary; dicks are forever.</b></i>

This is no Gone Girl, nothing even remotely as good as Gone Girl, but, because it's so short, it was better at keeping my attention, so I wasn't so fussed about the kinda crappy ending.

This was a funny novel. Flynn is really good at inputting humour into moments of a book that could be taken more seriously, and that's what I loved so much about this book, the humour. The story was good... well the beginning and middle were, and then the end lacked any oomf, but it was our funny narrator who made this book something worth reading.

The plot for this was cliche as cliche can be, but I think that was intentional, because our narrator made fun of how cliche everything sounded. It was there to add some comedy value. The ending, as I said, was disappointing, only because it goes exactly as you would expect it to. I was hoping Flynn was going to pull another "oh-my-god" twist out after the initial twist, but alas.

Worth a read if you can get it cheap, but don't expect anything too amazing... that sounds weird to say after rating it 4 stars, but I did actually like this and it did hold my attention... it's just... I don't know, I can't explain it.
Mr January (Calendar Men #1)
Mr January (Calendar Men #1)
Bailey Bradford | 2018 | Humor & Comedy, LGBTQ+, Paranormal
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
really great, cute read
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I've read a few of Bailey's shifter books before, they tend to be short and sweet, so this one came out of left field and surprised me! And I've no idea WHY it surprised, just that I'm left feeling that and ya'll know I gotta share!

It's sweet, it's funny, (some proper laugh out loud moments!) it is emotional and it's sexy. And I really enjoyed it!

Albert is a geek and proud of it, and there are a few geeky jokes, and some not so funny comments, but they get shot down, right quick! Gregg is a model helping with a charity calendar and Albert has no illusions that he could ever land a guy such as Gregg, but Albert pushing all of Gregg's buttons, and some he didn't know he had so it's a matter of Gregg chasing Albert.

There is an on-going issues (I've already read book 2 when writing this review) with the photo shoot, and I don't know if it will ever get done, based on these two I've read, it might well be December before it gets done!

A thoroughly enjoyable read, some 180 pages,that fit in well on my list between two heavier reads, hence the hang over tag. I look forward to reading more of this series!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Out for Blood
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, I want to thank TWCS and Mike Walker for sending me this book because I flipping LOVED it! I honestly have not read a book so engaging in quite a while, so huge thanks! I'm likely to gush a lot whilst reviewing this, so I'll give you a brief over view now before going into a tad more detail but seriously this book is funny, touching, incredibly engaging, a fabulously fresh take on vampires and impossibly difficult to put down!

So let's pick up on some of those points, and I think the thing that deserves the first real mention is Mike Walker's writing style. He has such wit and dry humour that at times I was literally laughing out loud at this book (much to the aghast of some others in the doctors waiting room earlier today!) and I honestly tittered my way through the story. It's just so funny, even where it probably shouldn't be, and this is definitely down to the expert style of writing used by Walker. It's very hard to make me laugh at a book as I'm more of a fan of visual humour, but Walker had me literally rolling, and I'd love to thank him for cheering me up and making my sides ache!

This book was reviewed as part of a blog tour on Lily Loves Indie and the rest of this review can be viewed here -
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
Seeing Tony stark prove himself without his suit it is a funny film and has some interesting ideas and villain reveal is amusing (0 more)
The true main villain is a let down with his absolutely poor motivation being somewhat repetitive of the previous series especially as we will never see a confrontation between Tony and his archenemy (1 more)
Also having stark quit at the end seems pointless as we knew he was in the next avengers film
Iron man 3 a mixed final film
Contains spoilers, click to show
So here it is the final film of marvel's iron man series with Tony stark unlikely to return due to his death in endgame which means we will never see him fight the real mandarin look for him in shang chi however Downey is his usual great self and stark character arc is nice nod to avengers about him being just as heroic without his suit and his ptsd and the supporting cast are just as great.

The film is a fun action piece and has many hilarious moments.

It's shame the film has such a lame villain the twist while being funny you soon stop laughing that your left with another crap mcu villain something marvel is improving on fortunely his motivation are poor and he is a let down also the film with stark giving up being iron man felt redundant given we knew he was in age of ultron

Overall this still an enjoyable watch and will thrill the family