Last Chance: A Future Apocalypse Caught in a Trilogy
The earth's epilogue was a forgone conclusion. Our World selects seven of the best human beings...
Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction

Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work
Neoliberalism isn't working. Austerity is forcing millions into poverty and many more into...

Future of Electricity Demand: Customers, Citizens and Loads
Tooraj Jamasb and Michael G. Pollitt
What will electricity and heat demand look like in a low-carbon world? Ambitious environmental...

Global Tea Science: Current Status and Future Needs
Liang Chen, Xin Chao Wang, Zeno Apostolides and Anita Pandey
Tea is the most widely-consumed beverage in the world. Like other crops, tea cultivation faces a...

Be Bad First: Get Good at Things Fast to Stay Ready for the Future
We are operating in a world defined by constant connection, rapid change, and abundant choices. News...