Creative Economy and Culture: Challenges, Changes and Futures for the Creative Industries
John Hartley, Wen Wen and Henry Siling Li
"The most ambitious, thoughtful and internationally aware assessment to date of the creative...

The Green Bubble: Why Alternative Energy is Not the Answer to Our Future Energy Needs
The fact is, we are hopelessly addicted to energy. It is the thin glue that holds our civilized...

Future of Almost Everything: The Global Changes That Will Affect Every Business and All Our Lives
From the man the Wall Street Journal describes as a 'global change guru', more than one hundred of...
China, the United States, and the Future of Latin America: U.S.-China Relations, Volume III
Provides insight into U.S. and Chinese involvement in aid, trade, direct investment and strategic...

Low Energy Low Carbon Architecture: Recent Advances & Future Directions
Providing a complete and in-depth overview of the available knowledge in the area of low energy and...

Custom Nation: Why Customization is the Future of Business and How to Profit from it
Anthony Flynn and Emily Flynn Vencat
Smart brands such as Chipotle, Zazzle, Nike, and Pandora are ditching the outdated 20th century...
Egypt in the Future Tense: Hope, Frustration, and Ambivalence Before and After 2011
Against the backdrop of the revolutionary uprisings of 2011-2013, Samuli Schielke asks how ordinary...