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2020 | Card Game, Fantasy, Fighting
Head to head competitive games are great, especially during the current lockdown situation. My wife and I could play 1v1 games all the time and be quite happy. That’s why we really enjoy abstract games so much. However, head to head fighting card games are something that my wife and I can kinda get heated over. How did Sorrim do for us? Keep reading.

Sorrim is a competitive 1v1 (or 2v2 or 3v3) card game for two players. A player wins once all of their opponent’s fighters have been knocked out. Fighters are all of differing magic (element) types and therefore can only be equipped with sigils (spells and attacks) of matching type. Whittling the opposing fighters’ health to zero will award triumphant players victory!

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are retail copy components, and all copies will have components matching these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, but to give our readers an idea of how the game plays. You are invited to order from The Game Crafter directly, your FLGS, or purchase through any retailers stocking it after it is released. -T

To setup the game, separate and shuffle the fighter deck and sigil deck. Deal each player a set of colored chips to keep track of values for each fighter. Fighter cards will be flipped and revealed at the beginning of the conflict. Roll the die to determine starting player and the game can begin! Note: this preview will be using the introductory 1v1 setup, though games can also be played on 2v2 and 3v3 modes with slightly different rules.

Each fighter will have their own stats to track as shown on their cards: Might, Altruism, Trickery, Health. Fighters will also possess special abilities printed on their cards to be used during the game.

Sigil cards will show either the word “Passive,” which will be active throughout the game or triggered by a special event, or they will show a group of numbers to indicate the required rolls needed to launch a successful attack.

On a player’s turn they will consult the fighter’s passive abilities to see if they will trigger. Next, the player will roll the die and compare with their cards to cast a sigil (spell). If the rolled result matches a sigil it may be cast. Opponents will check any passive abilities and adjust Health by amount of the fighter’s Might. Play continues in this fashion until one player’s fighters are all reduced to zero Health. That player loses and the winner must then mock the loser until the next game played.

Components. This game consists of some cards, a die, and some translucent chips. Each copy will be provided a link to the designer’s document to print off the rulebook and the stat sheets to track fighter stats as they change throughout the game. The cards are acceptable quality, the die is just an entry-level normal d6 (we were sent green with white ink), and the chips are TiddlyWink style. Everything is… fine. The art leaves some to be desired, especially in this era of gaming where art can elevate a good game to great, and a great game to amazing. This art does not help Sorrim. It’s not terrible, but it’s not wonderful either. Not my style.

All in all, the game is actually pretty decent. It is very quick-playing, especially the 1v1 mode, and after playing one game you kinda want to try some of the other fighter and sigil combinations. Any time a game makes you want to play more, that’s a great thing.

With Sorrim, my final thoughts are that it is a good game. I wouldn’t call it great, but there are several interesting mechanics and the variability/replayability built in is quite good. There are lots of two player battle card games, and Sorrim brings something a little different. The theme is enjoyable, and the gameplay is fast. There isn’t a ton of strategy involved as turns are dependent on rolling a number that matches your sigil cards, but it does deliver an easy-feeling, low-stress battle game for two. For some reason you just don’t feel annoyed when you lose, as can be the case with other PvP games. If you are looking for something in your collection that gives you this quick gameplay and is relatively rules-light, head over to The Game Crafter and give Sorrim a try.
The Walking Dead: Our World
The Walking Dead: Our World
8.3 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Zombies (2 more)
Walking Dead cast
Various missions
Repetitive grinding (1 more)
Every player thinks they need an armoury
Brilliant AR Game
So... an AR game, featuring your favourite characters from The Walking Dead tv & comics. Powered by GoogleMaps so even the street names show up! Headed up to the main high street & took out walkers in AR mode between the drunks on the street with Daryl at my side... 3 of my PoGo friends instantly downloaded this & have been glued.
Save survivors, take out outposts of hostile humans, take out waves of walkers in infestion missions.

Downside is out of the 4 building types everyone builds armoury to upgrade weapons & forgets everything else needs upgrading too.
This causes lots of grinding to upgrade instead
Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to preface this by saying I only read a SNEAK PEEK, not the full book.

Scarlet was suggested to me as a cross between Veronica Mars (who I love) and Daria (who I know next to nothing about). Scarlet writes and reads fanfic about her favourite television show, Lycanthrope High. It's one of those books where you connect with the main character because they <i>get you</i>. The tv show, movie, book comic or video game character that you fall in love with feels like a real person - and Scarlet understands that. Her straight-laced best friend, Avery, not so much. It's a unique take on the high school experience with an awkward protagonist you want to know more about. I suggest you check it out.
Like Father (2018)
Like Father (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama
There are good moments. (0 more)
Some bullshit moments (0 more)
Solid fun little movie.
Enjoyable little movie. The game show scene is great but could’ve been better executed. The karaoke scene was terrible and hokey. Which might be the point but I still didn’t like it. Kelsey framer was very good and likable. Kirsten bell was also very good. I feel like the movie missed some moments that could’ve been better written and the writers could unwrapped some parts better. But overall we liked watching this story unfold.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Oct 21, 2018

Stupid Auto Correct on Kelsey Grammer.... ugh

Orchard: A 9 Card Solitaire Game
Orchard: A 9 Card Solitaire Game
2018 | Card Game
I love playing games with other people. Absolutely LOVE it. However, I also love playing games solo as well. When a game comes along that is specifically designed for solo play only, I tend to like them more than multiplayer games that include a solo mode. Also included here are cooperative games where the solo player just quarterbacks multiple players. But a game that is designed for solo play and even includes it in its title? I cannot recall many games I have played like this. But how is this one?

Orchard: A 9 Card Solitaire Game (simply Orchard from here on out) is a solo game where the player is attempting to harvest the most fruit from trees that are bred for high yield. As there are no players to play against, the player will instead compare their ending score with a table in the rulebook. Will the player’s game result in a “Pal-tree” score or will they score enough to be considered “Almost imposs-apple!”?

To setup, place the dice and Rotten Fruiteeple on the table. Shuffle the 18 cards, deal two decks of nine cards (two games worth), and choose a deck to play. Flip the first card over to start the orchard, shuffle the remaining cards and draw two into hand. The game is now setup and ready to begin!
Turns in Orchard could not be simpler: Play a Card, Place Dice, Draw a Card. From the two-card hand, choose one to be placed in the orchard with one very important rule: the newly-placed card must overlap another card in the orchard by overlapping matching tree types. So, a card can only be placed if the apple tree overlaps an apple tree, etc. More than one icon may overlap the existing card, but each icon must match types below it.

Once the new card has been placed, for each icon overlapped, a die matching the fruit type is placed on the icon. If this is the first time the tree has been overlapped, the die face is placed with value 1 showing. However, the die will increase in value each subsequent time it is overlapped (total die values of 1, 3, 6, 10). Therefore, when a card has been overlapped four times on the same icon, the maximum number of points has been reached for that icon. Should a player wish instead to forego any die placement and be unable (or unwilling) to place a card correctly, they may place any card, overlap an icon, and then add a Rotten Fruiteeple atop the mismatched icon. This spoils the fruit for the remainder of the game, so no further dice may be placed upon it, and also reduces the final score by three VP at game end for each token placed.

Finally, when the card and die have been placed, the player draws another card into their hand. When the final card has been played, or no further legal placements can be made, the game ends and the player totals up the dice values to arrive at their final score.
Components. This game is 18 cards of good quality, a bunch of custom dice, and two Rotten Fruit meeples. Everything is good quality and size, and it fits into a really cool sliding deck-box. The art, for me, is fine. The colors match fruits from the real world, and the dice match those color well enough too. I feel like different fruit choices could have been made to increase accessibility for our color-blind gamer friends. The plums and apples are both small and round (with an ever-so-slight different shape on the apple). I don’t know what other fruits would have been more appropriate – I’m not a botanist. Similarly, the dice are custom made with the pips looking like a plum or apple, and two sides of the dice showing a leaf icon. Perhaps in the interest of differentiation, instead of the leaves, the different dice colors could instead show the matching fruit style (if only the plum and apple looked differently enough). So instead of leaves, the red dice could show apples, the yellow dice could show pears, and the purple dice could show, I don’t know, eggplants? I am not color-blind, so these do not affect me, but it is something I have taken to commenting on as I review more and more games.

All in all, Orchard is a really good little game of overlapping and puzzling out next moves. The games are super-quick and engaging, and I always want to improve my score each time I play. When a game forces me to play again and again I feel it is a sign of a good game. I have plans to keep this one in its own special place where I can just grab it and go, instead of being dwarfed by my collection of much larger game boxes. If you are like me and pine for good solo play, then perhaps you should check out Orchard: A 9 Card Solitaire Game. The rules are light, game play is simple and fast, and it keeps drawing me in every time I look at the box.

Also let me know your highest score because I apparently am trash at this game, even though I really enjoy playing it. Have you scored in the top tier? Those must be some delicious fruits.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Tomb Raider Definitive Edition in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
2014 | Action/Adventure
I remember the days of Tomb Raider coming out on the PC in the irregular shaped packages and the outcry some people had over the outrageously curvaceous proportions of Lara Croft. As the series has unfolded to not only include two cinematic features as well as entry into the console market the mix of action, adventure, and puzzle solving has been a staple of the series. Square Enix has released Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for next-generation consoles and I was very happy to experience the game on our PlayStation 4 system.

The game has been given updated graphics which really show off the amazing character facial animations of the series as well as the dynamic lighting and other graphical effects that are made possible with the new consoles.

This time out Lara is stranded on an island and must fight for survival against the dangerous people that occupy the island and will stop at nothing to protect its secret.

This is very dark and gritty game as its mature rating would suggest and with the power of the graphical engine you can see Lara in stunning detail down to the beads of sweat on her face, every stranded here, and of course the dirt and damage she takes in the course of fighting for her survival.
Being able to customize her weapons is but one of the many advantages to the series and there of course is puzzle solving which the series is famous for.

One early segment of the game had me moving through a dark cave in order to try to get an injured Lara safety but some very dangerous people in hot pursuit. These are not the typical serial adventure bad guys who shoot first with bad aim and hope to take the heroine hostage, rather these are bad guys intent on killing her and anyone else who gets in the way as brutally as they can.

The collection comes with bonus outfits and DLC and seeing the game in 1080 resolution running at 60 frames per second is truly eye-popping as to a casual observer it would be difficult to see what was gameplay and what were cut scenes. Upon seeing it for the first time, my wife was highly impressed the graphical abilities of the game and became interested in storyline and events unfolding as she sat down and offered me gameplay help and advice.

That is the beauty of the series as hard-core and casual, male and female, gamers are easily drawn to the character and her adventurous.

While I have spent a lot of attention on the graphics and look at the game is important that we focus on the game itself and I’m happy to say that both the solo and multiplayer aspects of the game offer plenty of entertainment. There’s a good mix of action and story to the game and the less linear nature of the game and open environments make it very enjoyable especially to somebody who’s used to the affirmation tombs of the original games. While there is puzzle solving to the game there is also the ability said a difficulty that is best suited to your level of gaming and like any game of this type players have to accept that they are going to have failed or along with their successes as that is the nature of an action adventure game.

I did not play the earlier versions the game as my time with the PS 4 version of the game is my most recent experience with the series in a while. That being said, the graphics and gameplay easily hooked me and reminded me why I became a fan of the original games and this imaginative and immersive new installment is the perfect mix for fans new and old alike looking to experience the game.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Tenable in Apps

Sep 11, 2018  
9.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Better than expected
I won an iOS App Store voucher in a Smashbomb giveaway and this is one of the apps I’ve purchased with it. I also purchased the extra film & tv question pack.

As I’ve said before, I’m a sucker for quizzes and trivia. I do enjoy watching the Tenable tv show, although not as much as other quiz shows mainly because of the horrendously cringey scripted jokes that Warwick Davis comes out with. However fortunately you can skip these whilst playing on the app. I was concerned about how the app would work, as the show is reliant on contestants knowledge on a subject, whereas the app has to offer multiple choice. I had thought the use of multiple choice would make the game ridiculously easy, but believe me it doesn’t. All of the choices given are sensible viable options, and unless you know a subject 100%, there is a lot of margin for error. Which is good, as it makes me more difficult. I’ve often played this and can’t believe that the options I’ve chosen aren’t in the top 10. The only way this makes it easier for you is when you know absolutely nothing about a subject, as you’ve at least got a chance of picking a few right options just from pure chance.

This is quite a fun and addictive game, and much better than watching the show.
Game Of Thrones  - Season 4
Game Of Thrones - Season 4
2014 | Sci-Fi
The Mountain and Viper episode (5 more)
Purple Wedding
Dragons come into play
Finally this season the Dragons are big enough to be fun to watch Daenerys is finally becoming a strong leader and has some power. Without a doubt this season my favorite episode was the mountain and viper episode and what a great fight scene that consisted of. For the first time in game of thrones series i cant remember much about the final two episode so this is slightly disappointing but my biggest disappointment came in the fact they didn't bring the character Lady Stoneheart into play. By know we all know charterers that get killed on game of thrones don't always stay dead and in the book the character that was killed last season should of returned as a big bad but alas they didn't create her in the TV show and i was highly disappointed by this.

Tee highlight of this season was the second episode got to love a game of thrones wedding. Didn't I say the queen of thorns was brilliant
Inferno Squad (Star Wars Battlefront #2)
Inferno Squad (Star Wars Battlefront #2)
Christie Golden | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set just after the events of Rogue One, this novel is about how the Empire struck back. It features the elite Inferno Squad, put together to infiltrate one of the rebel cells. The novel is also inspired by Battlefront II.
I liked the characters in general, and the story was interesting and well-paced. There are also some Easter eggs from The Clone Wars television show. Christie Golden has always been a solid author of video-game/franchise inspired stories. I hope Disney gives her another book to write.
The Masked Singer
The Masked Singer
2019 | Music
7.7 (26 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
A celebrity singing competition that features top-secret celebrities facing off against one another while shrouded from head to toe in elaborate costumes, complete with a full facemask to conceal identity. With each performance, the host, panelists, audience, viewers and even the other contestants are left guessing who is singing behind the mask. One singer is eliminated by the audience and judges each week and reveals his or her true identity to the stunned panelists and audience. The American version of the Korean game show "King of the Masked Singer".