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The Equalizer 2 (2018)
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery
Smart action flick with a tremendous Denzel performance
I really enjoyed the first EQUALIZER film. Based on the TV show of the same name, it followed the exploits of Denzel Washington as he "righted wrongs". I nicknamed this film "how to kill bad guys with things you find at your local Home Depot", for that is what happens. Denzel's character improvises traps and weapons to dispatch the evil-doers.

So...I was "all in" when they announced a sequel to this flick. I figured that Washington and his frequent collaborator, Director Antoine Fuqua (both Equalizer's as well as helming Denzel's Oscar winning performance in TRAINING DAY) would make things "bigger and badder" as often happens in sequels - bigger stakes, more bad guys, bigger - and trickier - improvisations - this time, perhaps at a Walmart!

But I was wrong - they didn't go bigger, they went smaller and smarter - and the movie is better for it.

In EQUALIZER 2, we get more personal with Denzel's character, Robert McCall. There still are plenty of bad guys getting the punishment they deserve, but it is the toll on McCall and the reasoning behind why he is doing what he is doing that is at center stage in this film, putting the weight of this film, rightfully so, on Denzel's more than capable shoulders. He comes through - as he always does - tremendously well. There is one scene where Denzel is trying to get a teenage boy to walk away from a gang. I was amazed that I was watching an "Academy Award" level scene in the middle of an action flick, but that is absolutely what it is.

Now...make no mistake...there is plenty of action, chases and violence in this film, but Fuqua shows great restraint, giving the violence a purpose instead of being gratuitous. Even when they have a final battle in the middle of a hurricane-level storm, Fuqua rightfully focuses on the people element of things - and not the spectacle of the elements and circumstances.

Both Fuqua and Washington make some smart choices in this film, which makes it a smart movie, well made with just enough action to please all.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2086 KP) rated Dark Horse in Books

May 4, 2022 (Updated May 4, 2022)  
Dark Horse
Dark Horse
Gregg Hurwitz | 2022 | Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Always Bet on Orphan X
Evan Smoak’s latest client is giving him pause. Evan prefers to help the innocent who have gotten in over their heads. The call he’s taken is from Aragon Urrea, the kingpin of a major drug operation in South Texas. Evan initially hangs up on Aragon, but decides to help him because of his request. Aragon’s daughter was kidnapped from her eighteenth birthday party by a rival drug cartel, and Aragon needs someone to get her back without starting a drug war. It isn’t long before Evan realizes just how bad the rival gang is. But can he find a way to fulfill his mission without compromising who he is trying to become?

Yes, this book does address the cliffhanger ending from the last book, but it spends a couple of chapters setting up this book before it gets into that. I’ll admit, I struggled to get into the book. The beginning was a little slow. It was using that time to make the new characters complex enough that we could root for Evan to succeed. It worked, because once that was established, I was hooked and raced through the book to see how Evan would overcome overwhelming odds this time. The violence went a bit further than I felt it needed to, even for this series. Evan continues to evolve as a character, and I love watching him struggle to overcome his training. While not as dramatic as the last book’s cliffhanger, we are definitely left wanting to know what is going to happen to Evan next. Fans of the series will be rewarded if they stick with the book.
IA: Initiate
IA: Initiate
John Darryl Winston | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Naz seems like a normal boy. Both his parents have died and the only family he has is his younger sister Meri. Moving from foster home to foster home in the ghetto for the disadvantaged called the Exclave, earning spare money running errands for local shopkeepers.

But Naz is not a normal boy. He can remember nothing before waking up in hospital three years previously following the car crash in which his father died. And he hears voices in his head, or rather one voice which seems familiar although he does not recognise it.

Following an apparently random act of gang violence on the way to his his first day at high school, his life begins to change and he starts to question exactly who he is and what makes him the way he is.

Told from Naz's point of view the reader is drawn into his tale of discovery as he goes about is every day life of school and afterwards in the Exclave. Naz is a very likeable character, concerned for the safety of his sister above all else and suspicious of strangers. He is clever and quick witted but doesn't really use his talents, drifting through school and life in general with the minimum of effort, generally happy with his lot until he is forced to re-evaluate his life as events unfold around him.

The story is paced well with periods of Naz leading his life and going to school, which is made interesting by his observations on everything around him, interspersed with things that Naz does or sees, or that other people say and do, that really make the reader realise that there is 'something else' going on, a bigger picture that Naz is unable to put together, although he gets glimpses. There are also chapters at the start of each section describing a lecture given by Naz's father which adds some more clues.

The ideas here are certainly interesting - this is science fiction of a subtle kind, where only the edges of Naz's life are visible to both him and us, with outsiders often recognising that there is more to him, more that he can achieve. The supporting cast works well, from the hard-pressed merchants fighting the big multiple chain stores to the menacing gang members and other more eccentric inhabitants of the Exclave.

Overall a fascinating and thought provoking read, with plenty of questions left to draw the reader to the next in the series.
Brooklyn's Finest (2010)
Brooklyn's Finest (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The story of three cops Sal, Tango, and Eddie, “Brooklyn’s Finest” depicts a graphic understanding of the challenges faced by hardened policemen. Eddie (Richard Gere) is disgruntled and seven days away from retirement from the police force. Tango (Don Cheadle) is stuck undercover while his real life is breaking apart. Sal (Ethan Hawke) can’t afford to support his growing family. All three of them are about to have a week that will test who they are as cops in the not so clear-cut morals of the Brooklyn police force.

A hard-hitting and graphic film, “Brooklyn’s Finest” shows the complicated life of cops struggling to balance morals and justice. Audiences will find it strongly languaged, visually appalling, and emotionally striking. These cops are not the clean-cut ideals that serve and protect, but rather people who have intensified problems on the mean streets of Brooklyn.

For the three lead actors these roles offer significant stretch, particularly in the case of Gere, who displays a physical and emotional depth in the film that is engrossing. Another worthy performance is that of Wesley Snipes as Caz, a gang leader who has recently returned from prison and is now seeking a path to new better life. With complicated characters like these, the film takes a hold of viewers by examining right and wrong in the world of both cops and criminals.

In short, “Brooklyn’s Finest” is a well-paced gripping story played by strong actors. However, audiences should be warned that the tough subject matter and hardened characters make it a far cry from traditional police dramas. This is a film that is likely to offend those who have strong ties to the ideals of police life or a distinct dislike for violence. For the rest of the movie-going public, “Brooklyn’s Finest” is a well-scripted film that is hard to ignore.
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery
A “Good Guy” meting out justice in a bad way.
There’s something really satisfying about seeing our ‘hero’ Robert McCall giving bad ‘uns a bloody nose (and far worse) as immediate punishment for a crime committed. My parent’s pre-war generation would wax lyrical about the days when police officers or teachers could give a kid a “good box around the ears” as a lesson for a minor infringement. (“Ah, the good old days…. That’ll learn ‘im”!). But equally there’s also the queasy feeling here that this is a vigilante being judge, jury and executioner. Thank GOODNESS then that it’s Denzel Washington and he’s OBVIOUSLY a good guy that will never get it wrong!

Washington returns here as the righter of wrongs, now working as a Lyft driver in Boston (clearly Uber either lost the bidding war or they were not considered to be as cool a brand anymore). Through his job he crosses paths with various troubled souls and is often able to help: sometimes with just an encouraging word; sometimes with more physical activity! By way of validating his good guy credentials, he also takes under his wing Miles (Ashton Sanders) – a local black kid at risk of being dragged into the Boston gang scene.

But this is all window-dressing for the main plot, involving bad guys (for reasons that escaped me) tidying up a lot of CIA loose ends in Brussels in a very brutal way. In charge of the investigation is Robert’s ex-boss Susan Plummer (Melissa Leo) and to help out further Robert has to ‘reappear’ to his ex-partner Dave York (Pedro Pascal). As in the first film, events lead to an explosive western-style showdown.

Directed again by Antoine Fuqua, the film oozes style from the impressive opening shots of a Turkish train, where the cinematography by Bourne-regular Oliver Wood is exceptional. The action scenes are well-executed, and includes a superb science experiment that will puzzle any viewer who thinks “hang on a minute – flour doesn’t burn”!

Reading again my review of the original film, I went off on a rant about extreme screen violence in sub-18 certificate films. There is certainly – as the British film censors (the BBFC) describe it – “strong violence” in this film, with some pretty brutal murder scenes. If anything though I thought the violence was a little less gratuitous this time around, which I welcome.

Denzel is the greatest asset of this film though. He acts up a hurricane (literally), and without his calm and powerful presence at the heart of the film, this would just be A.N.Other generic thriller. It’s also great that this time around the excellent Melissa Leo gets more screen time, as does her husband played by Bill “Independence Day” Pullman. (Is it just me that gets Mr Pullman confused with the late Mr Paxton? I spent all of this film thinking “Oh how sad” though all his scenes before I realised I was grieving for the wrong guy!). In terms of mistaken identity, this film has another in that a key villain Resnik looks far too much like Mark Wahlberg, but is actually Canadian actor Jonathan Scarfe.

Where the film stumbled for me was in having too many parallel “good deed” sub-plots. One in particular – you’ll know the one – feels completely superfluous, beggars belief and could have been excised completely for the DVD deleted scenes.

Do you need to have seen the first film? No, not really. There is exposition about McCall’s back-story, but if this was covered in the first film then I had completely forgotten it. It certainly didn’t detract from this as a stand-alone film.

A cut-above the norm, Washington’s solid performance makes this an entertaining night out at the flicks.