Transforming Gender, Sex, Place, and Space: Geographies of Gender Variance
Transgender, gender variant, and intersex people are in every sector of all societies yet little is...
Gender, Development and the State in India
Gender, Development and the State in India offers an original contribution in two ways: firstly as...

S/He: Sex & Gender in Hispanic Cultures
Hierarchies and disparities based on sex and gender have characterised nearly all hominid societies...

Who are You?: The Kid's Guide to Gender Identity
Brook Pessin-Whedbee and Naomi Bardoff
What do you like? How do you feel? Who are you? This brightly illustrated children's book provides a...
Contestations Over Gender in Asia
Lyn Parker, Laura Dales and Chie Ikeya
This book brings together the work of scholars from around the world in a consideration of how...

Gender and Family Entrepreneurship
Leo Paul Dana, Vanessa Ratten, Veland Ramadani and Robert D. Hisrich
This book focuses on gender and family entrepreneurship, as they are interrelated concepts...

Rose Macaulay, Gender, and Modernity
This book is the first collection on the British author Rose Macaulay (1881-1958). The essays...

A FREE sex quiz - Gender Mind Benders
Weather and Games
█ Spend hours of fun answering questions designed to test your masculine and feminine side. The...

Body, Gender and Purity in Leviticus 12 and 15
The so-called purity laws in Leviticus 11-15 reflect a cultic and social view of the male and female...