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All Wrapped Up (Geek Girl #1.5)
All Wrapped Up (Geek Girl #1.5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Geek Girl</a> - ★★★★
#1.5 <a href="">Geek Girl: All Wrapped Up</a> - ★★★★

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<b><i>Geek Girl: All Wrapped Up is a Christmas special and a spin-off from the Geek Girl Series, written by Holly Smale. It is cute and full of Christmas spirit and I only have one regret - I wish I read it in December.</i></b>

In this book, we follow the lovely and geeky Harriet again. She is stressed about her first date, but her friends come to the rescue. They have an action plan on how to make this boy fall in love!

As I have already mentioned in my Geek Girl review - I love Harriet's personality. Her geekiness is something that I didn't read much about while growing up and it makes me happy that it slowly starts to be available to teenage girls.

Geek Girl: All Wrapped Up features Christmas and I loved all the facts about different Christmas traditions all over the world, all the Christmas jokes and recipes in this book. When reading, I could feel the Christmas Spirit on every page and it was wonderful.

There isn't a big story line or any twists happening, but Geek Girl: All Wrapped Up is a lovely festive addition to the original Geek Girl series. I can't wait to read the next book and see what Harriet is going to do next. Something mischievous, I am sure!

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Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
The girl tech geek (0 more)
The rest (0 more)
I fell asleep
It just went on and on! I had a good nap though, so thats a plus

D Kinney (0 KP) created a post

Jan 28, 2018  
Self proclaimed geek-girl, love Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Star Wars, and GoT to start the list. Read anything I can get my hands on. Avid yoga and paddleboarding enthusiast.
Geek Girl (Geek Girl, #1)
Geek Girl (Geek Girl, #1)
Holly Smale | 2013 | Children
6.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can also be found on my blog:
Even though I kept hearing great things about Geek Girl, I never really happened to read it. A month ago, my teen sister borrowed the whole Geek Girl series and told me this is something I must check off my list. And here I am one month later - loving the first book!

Geek Girl tells the story of a young teen Harriet, who is a geek and gets bullied at her school. She might know all the science answers, but she has no clue why people are laughing at her when she goes outside with a cartoon hoodie.

But when Harriet gets discovered by a modelling agency,she realises how things can get different, and she has to choose whether she wants to risk losing everything by changing who she really is.

A very funny and geeky read, where I couldn’t stop but giggle a few times. One moment really got me though:

‘’If somebody offers to shave your legs,’’ she snaps, ‘’let them.’’

Harriet is a typical geeky high-school character, and you can’t help but love her weirdness, her silliness and the ways she believes in.

The read was somewhat predictable from the beginning, and there wasn’t any big plot twist or cliff-hanger, but I believe that this book didn’t really want to achieve that anyways.

This was a perfect read for me to relax and enjoy reading - reminded me of my high-school days and made me remember a lot of similar moments.

I am recommending it to all of you out there - that love being different and are not afraid to stand up for yourselves, no matter how much people laugh at you.
The Last Confession of Autumn Casterly
The Last Confession of Autumn Casterly
Meredith Tate | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A powerful story of two sisters
The Last Confession of Autumn Casterly hooked me from the first chapter. The sisters Ivy and Autumn lost their mother to cancer three years ago, and their father has remarried. Ivy is a nerd girl band geek and Autumn is the “bad girl”, dealing drugs and getting into trouble. They barely communicate, but when Autumn is kidnapped, Ivy knows something is very wrong and does not give up on Autumn despite others assuming that Autumn’s disappearance is just due to her own bad behavior. This book is a well written thriller with excellent characters, and skillfully explores the bond between the sisters, friendships, and families. The author also examines how girls’ lives are valued less than those of boys. It was hard to put down and thought provoking.
Read my original review on my blog:

Geekhood: Close Encounters of the Girl Kind is a greatly humorous, relatable book about the struggles of a 14-year-old Geek.

Archie, a true Geek to his core, has a lot going on in his life. His parents are divorced, his step-dad is a Tosser, the only thing his friends are good at is the Game, and, to top it all off, he is struck by surprise by a Close Encounter with a Beautiful Goth.

After Sarah tries to help him battle his problems and insecurities, Archie replaces his snarky interior monologue with the voice of his psychic self, trudging alone along the path to psychic alignment. But things don't go quite as he hopes, and he soon makes a serious mess of things. How has it all gone so wrong?!

When he no longer wants to be associated with the Geeks he once called friends, he starts to realise that maybe this isn't what he wants after all. After so long of trying to fit in and fly under the radar, it turns out that maybe doing what you love is enough to keep you truly happy.

Geekhood: Close Encounters of the Girl Kind is a hilarious book, following Archie's combat with problems that are well-known among us teens. I love the script of the interior monologue, and I think a lot of people can appreciate Archie's attempts to mask his true feelings and use of his interior monologue to express himself without others hearing. Definitely a good book, which I enjoyed far more than I expected! A strong 4 stars from me.
The Breakfast Club (1985)
The Breakfast Club (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Drama
80s brat pack stars (0 more)
A little boring and slow in parts (0 more)
Dramatic vintage teen flick
Contains spoilers, click to show
They did a good job at portraying all of the types and attitudes of highschoolers during the 80s. As an 80s teen myself, I enjoyed this movie back then as I could identify with the kids portrayed - the rich girl who thought she was above everyone, the smoker, the geek, the jock, and the introvert (I was a geeky introvrrt). Too bad kids in real life from different backgrounds can't figure out how much alike they really are behind their facades the way they do by the end of the movie. My teen daughter in 2009 enjoyed this movie too so I guess today's teens aren't much different. Would be a good movie to show teens in school to show how they can be friends and get along if they put their differences and prejudices aside.
The Words
A. Jade | 2023
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
103 of 235
The Words
By A. Jade

He was the talented bad boy everyone wanted.
I was the irrelevant geek everyone hated.

He was the sun...drawing all of us in.
I was a black hole...taking up space.

He was destined to be a star.
I was destined to remain an insignificant no one.

Until he made me believe I was special...

And then he destroyed me.

I never thought I'd see Phoenix Walker again after he broke my heart, but fate had other plans.

One tour. Eight weeks. Forty shows.

Countless opportunities to make him pay.

The world thought he was a God...
But I knew the truth.

This was not what I was expecting at all!! I first of all did not expect this to have me crying at 3am in the morning. Honestly Lennon was one of those characters that completely steals your heart shes that girl we all are well except for the talent! She’s not some skinny popular girl and what happens to her is heartbreaking genuinely right through to the ends she is a really gem of a character. I’m such an emotional reader and this book had me gripped. Phoenix is a dick from start to finish i still don’t think he deserves her at the end either!
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Ashley Poston | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun, geek-tactic modern retelling. (0 more)
Fairytale meets fandom.
The blurb: ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN ONCE UPON A CON. When geek girl Elle Wittimer sees a cosplay contest sponsored by the producers of Starfield she has to enter.

First prize is an invitation to the Excelsicon Cosplay Ball and a meet-and-greet with the actor slated to play Federation Prince Carmindor in the reboot.

Elle’s been scraping together tips from her gig at the Magic Pumpkin food truck behind her stepmothers back, and winning this contest could be her ticket out once and for all. Not to mention a fan girls dream come true.

Teen actor Darien Freeman is less than thrilled about this year’s Excelsicon. He used to live for conventions, but know they’re nothing but jaw-aching photo sessions and awkward meet-and-greets.

Playing Federation Prince Carmindor is all he’s ever wanted, but the die-hard Starfield fandom has already dismissed him as just another heartthrob.

As Excelsicon draws near, closet nerd Darien feels more and more like a fake – until he meets a girl who shows him otherwise.

Part romance, part love letter to nerd culture, and all totally adorbs, GEEKERELLA is a fairy tale for anyone who believes in the magic of fandom. ~~

Fairytale meets fandom in this modern day retelling of Cinderella.

I am always here for a new take on a well loved story, and Ashley Poston has delivered a faithful to the original story that also makes for a good tale on its own right.

I have to start by saying look at that cover! When I saw it on the shelf in Waterstones *other bookshops are available* I knew I had to buy it.

I love the modern versions of the well known characters, Elle is a Starfield nerd. Her love of the classic tv show comes from her parents, who originally founded the Starfield convention.

Catherine, the stepmother, and the stepsisters, Chloe and Cal are perfectly spiteful as overwork and under appreciate Elle.

The prince in this version is Darien, a young Hollywood golden boy with insured abs, while the fairy godmother role is filled by Sage, the punk wannabe-fashion-designer. I love Sage!

There’s also a canine sidekick, Franco, a.k.a Frank the tank, any story that includes a very good boy has the makings of a winner for me.

Ashley Poston gives a nod to the coach from the original story with The magic pumpkin, Sage’s vegan food van and the ending is perfect with the ball and even the glass shoe.

Obviously we all know how Cinderella goes but Ashley Poston gets us to the end via a geek-tastic tale of fandoms, fan blogs, cosplay conventions and the movie making world.

The way that Elle and Darien begin to get to know each other via text makes for a sweet romance, each not knowing who the other is – Darien, who Elle doesn’t believe will make a good Carmindor, and Elle, being rebelgunner the blogger who slated Darien – I’ve seen some reviews saying it’s not realistic that they fall for each other via text, and so quickly, but it does happen, and anyway, come on! This is Cinderella, and in the original her and the prince fall in love after just a dance.

Geekerella is such a heartwarming story, it’s not often I read a book again, but this is one I’ll definitely turn to when I need cheering up.

I’m giving Geekerella 5/5 stars and I can’t wait to read more of Ashley Poston’s work. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Cutting Room Floor
The Cutting Room Floor
Dawn Klehr | 2013 | Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I read the synopsis of this book, I was definitely intrigued. When the opportunity arrived to review this book, I decided I'd take a chance on it. While I wasn't overly impressed with the book, it was still an alright read.

The title suits the book well. The chapters titles are written like a script and sometimes include blocking directions. (If you're not familiar with drama terms, you may want to look that up). The main characters are drama geeks as well.

I do like the cover! It's definitely eye catching, and it made me want to pick this book up.

I didn't really have a problem with the world building. I felt like the world building was done rather well except I didn't like how Riley seemed to find every girl she came across as hot. That just doesn't happen in real life, yet it happened to Riley in this book.

I felt like the pacing was a bit slow in this book. At times I was debating with whether or not I should carry on. However, there are some parts of this book where the pacing does pick up, especially towards the end., so not all hope is lost.

I found the plot line to be interesting enough. I was a drama geek in school, so the plot suited me. There was the whole muder mystery thing with Riley's favorite teacher, Riley's confusion about her sexuality, and Dez's stalker crush on Riley going on. I definitely wanted to know how things would play out.

I thought the characters were written fairly well. As I've said before, I didn't like how the author made it seem like Riley was hot for every girl she came across. Saying that, I did like Riley though. Everything about her (minus liking every girl) felt real, and her confusion was very realistic. I didn't like Dez. I felt he was way too controlling when it came for Riley and that he was super selfish. In fact, I'd even go as far as calling him scary. He was always there for Riley but only because he was a stalker. There's not one thing I liked about Dez.

The dialogue flowed smoothly, and all interactions between characters felt realistic. There is some swearing in this book, but it's not over the top.

Overall, The Cutting Room Floor is a decent read. The pacing could do with some work as it does come across as a bit dull some of the time. However, the plot itself is interesting.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 14+ who want a book to read to help them pass the time.

<b>I'd give The Cutting Room Floor by Dawn Klehr a 3.5 out of 5.</b>

(I was provided with a free paperback of this title from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).