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Everything, Everything
Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable Love Story
This book follows Maddy; a teenage girl who suffers from a rare disease that prevents her from leaving her house. Her uneventful daily like is shaken up when a new boy moves in next door.
Maddy reminds me of a princess trapped in a tower, but the tower is her own body. She understands that Olly isn't going to come save the day. She actually afraid of letting him into her life. The best part of this book is seeing Maddy decide what risks are worth taking. Once she decides to let Olly be a part of her life her view on the world starts to change. Overall this was a great book, and Maddy's love story proves that the best things in life come with a little risk.
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I struggled to get into this to start with. I understand the author was just giving us background information so we would understand what Rania had been through for the last ten years or so but I found myself not liking it so much.

It picked up when Hunter turned up and I quickly found myself intrigued by how the Iraqi girl and the American boy would communicate with each other. It was surprisingly sweet, learning each other the others' language so they could communicate more effectively.

I liked how Hunter also jumped to Rania's defence though he hardly knew her and wanted to help her with her situation, getting angry whenever she had to nip next door to the Mosque, while he was helpless and in pain.
Runes (Runes, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book through Newgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Runes is the story of a teenage girl who has everything should could possibly want until her father's plane crashes, and a mysterious guy moves in next door. Raine has a great relationship with her parents, she is on the school swimming team, and she has the start of a great relationship with her best friend Eirik. Then, Torin moves in next door and her world starts changing. She sees things no one else can see, and she begins to have feelings for the mysterious new neighbor.

Raine is a character you can easily love. She is a good girl who always tries to do the right thing; especially, when it comes to her friends. She always has a positive outlook, and you can't help but cheer for her. Raine is a very well rounded character, but the rest of the characters seem extremely flat or one dimensional to me. Her best friend Cora seems like she is constantly jumping from guy to guy and is never happy. Eirik is a very vague character, he's around but pretty much only to hang off of Raine. I would like to see more development with these characters in the next book.

The idea of Torin, Andris, Meliina, and Ingrid being Reapers was not something I saw coming. I purposefully didn't read any information about this book because I didn't want the surprise to be ruined, and I'm glad I waited. The idea of reapers is refreshing and not something that is currently popular with currently paranormal romance.

The pacing of the story is just right, there is always something happening and it left me wanting more, more, more! I couldn't put the book down, and I actually read it in 1 day.

The one thing that kept this book from receiving 5 stars from me was the ENORMOUS amount of grammatical errors and missing words I encountered while reading. I think the author needs to have someone else proof read the next book, or hopefully I received an early enough copy that it wasn't finished with the process.

Overall, this book is a wonderful adventure that I was truly lucky to get my hands on. I absolutely can't wait for book 2! You won't want to miss this book!
Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country (1991)
Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country (1991)
1991 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
“Star Trek is not bloody Shakespeare” – – I’m sure someone has said that at some point (probably, my wife!). But here, it is! The late Christopher Plummer comes roaring into the series joyfully quoting the great bard (from the original Klingon version!).

Trek got firmly back in the fast lane again with this movie. The fun was back! David Warner becomes the only character to date to appear in two consecutive Trek films as different characters (with curiously Michael Dorn becoming the next – see below!). He gets a meatier part this time though. But he – and indeed everyone else – is upstaged by Plummer’s marvellously over-the-top performance.

Iman is memorable as a cigar-smoking shape-shifting alien, leading to some wonderful Kirk-on-Kirk action, and the delivery of one of the best lines of comedy in the series: surprisingly self-deprecating for the normally ego-centric Shatner. There’s also a welcome call-back to the ‘Kirk gets the girl’ joke of the original series, which you realise, with a shock, has been completely missing from all of the previous movie outings.

There are also a nice range of cameo appearances in here. Christian Slater – a lifelong Trek-fan – has a bit part: apparently he framed, rather than cashed, his cheque! And Michael Dorn – already playing Worf in “The Next Generation”, and to appear as Worf in the next movie – plays Worf’s grandfather, a Klingon defence attorney!

But my favourite piece of trivia relates to a completely different film. Al Pacino was filming “Frankie and Johnny” in the studio at the same time, and a scene (sadly cut from the final film) called for Pacino to look surprised after opening a door. So director Garry Marshall arranged for Shatner, Nimoy and Kelley in full Star Trek costume, to be standing behind the door when he opened it. (Garry Marshall quote here). Love it!
Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror
The night HE came home
John Carpenter and Debra Hill created in just 30 days what some horror directors couldn't achieve in 30 months, a perfectly paced, well acted and truly tense slasher movie.

From the opening tracking shot to the final montage everything about this film is on point.
Donald Pleasance as Dr Sam Loomis delivers each of his warnings about Michael Myers with such gusto that you truly believe that Myers is the embodiment of evil.
Jamie Lee Curtis is brilliantly believable as the girl next door Laurie Strode, who Myers hunts down this Halloween night.
Nick Castle as Myers has such suttle movements and the now much copied head tilt.

The story of the young Michael Myers who viciously murders his sister Judith at age 6. Now 21 Myers escapes from Smith's Grove sanitarium and heads for his home town of Haddenfield.
Once there in one night Micheal will raise unholy hell and with Dr Loomis in pursuit trying to stop his escaped patient.

The music is iconic not just Carpenter's memorable theme but the music throughout helps to raise the tension. The camera work is amazing, one very famous scene in particular always delivers a chill.
This is truly a horror masterpiece.

Julianne Moore recommended A Wrinkle in Time in Books (curated)

A Wrinkle in Time
A Wrinkle in Time
Madeleine L'Engle | 2015 | Children
7.8 (37 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I also loved Madeline L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle in Time.” My introduction to it was by my fifth grade teacher, Mr. Jeness, who read it aloud to us in class, a chapter at a time. Each day I could hardly wait for him to begin reading. I very closely identified with the heroine, Meg Murry, a girl who felt extremely disenfranchised in her world. She was physically awkward – skinny, with glasses and braces and crazy hair – felt socially inept, and was close only to her very brilliant, but very strange baby brother, Charles Wallace. Their father, a scientist, has been missing for some time – and one night the crazy ladies next door (witches, presumably – science fiction witches) prevail upon the children, and their friend, Calvin to “tesseract” through time and space to rescue Meg’s father. When they reach the planet where their father is held captive, they discover that it is a place where there is no free will, and beings are governed by a tyrannical “IT” a pulsing, logical brain that insists on conformity. Meg triumphs at the end, by using her illogical self – her passion for language, her emotional heart, and her tremendous love for her family. She saves them using only her awkward, non-conforming self as a weapon."

Mae and June and the Wonder Wheel
Mae and June and the Wonder Wheel
Charise Mericle Harper | 2017 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Mae and June and the Wonder Wheel by Charise Mericle Harper is about June who loves to play with her dog Sam, especially since she is the only one to whom the dog can talk. When her grandmother sends her a big chalkboard on a wheel, with detailed instructions on how to use it, June is thrilled, and she and Sam have a lot of fun completing the suggested tasks. It's even more fun when a new girl moves in next door and ends up in June's class. Mae seems really nice, but classmate April is bound and determined that Mae will be her friend. The girls have to learn to get along, and eventually Mae and June become fast friends.

This is a very positive, fun story for beginning readers. The illustrations are very helpful in showing what is going on in the story and add a lot to it. Other nice touches are June's sometimes cranky teenage sister, the fact that Mae is a character of color without this fact taking over the story, and the adventure of the wonder wheel. This was a cute book about friendship, about pets, about family. June was a fabulous little kid, though a bit too much over the top at times. Still I liked how she stayed true to herself
Silver (The Silver #1)
Silver (The Silver #1)
Cheree Alsop | 2011 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is written from Jaze's perspective and it gives you a real insight into how he is feeling about losing his dad and moving to a new town. As soon as he moves there he realises that something is wrong - the amount of silver in the school metal detectors might have been a clue! He meets the pack that are already living there in an unforgettable manner. He finds a friend in Brock and 'the girl next door', Nikki, who just happens to have Hunters as parents. This all helps Jaze as he tries to look after his mom, tries to come to terms with his dad's death and the betrayal of who he knows was involved.

This story was extremely well written, the characters all had depth and there was a lot to the story itself. For once there was no Inst-Love but friendship actually came first. Yes Jaze was attracted to Nikki but proved that you don't always have to act on it straight away and it just might be a plan to get to know her first! The friendships that he makes with Brock and Mouse are quiet but loyal and an absolutely perfect foil for the action of the Packs. I loved the way the story unfolded and am definitely looking forward to the rest of the series.
An Unlikely Proposal
An Unlikely Proposal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me say this book definitely surpassed all my expectations!!

I know we've all been there... that isle of books at the store with the Harlequin titles trying to decide if we want another feel good, know how its gonna end type of story. LET me advise you. This book IS NOT your typical Love Inspired book (of which I will admit to reading ... almost everyone published). I had to do a double check of the page count with this one honestly. Toni Shiloh managed to fit SO much depth of character, layered background, and faith based elements that I was enamored of the book from the beginning and scratching my head wondering how something so marvelous could come out of such a tiny package!

I loved the plot, a true friends-to-lovers/ girl-next-door/ marriage of convenience story that I have.. uhem already reread. I loved Omar's little ones that Toni Shiloh filled with life and love. Plus, I really enjoyed the circumstance that Toni Shiloh put Trinity and Omar into! Great chemistry and awkwardness between the two of them.

Overall, one of my favorite reads ever in terms of modern character development and storyline. A definite 5 star read you DO NOT want to miss!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Sid Krofft recommended The Wizard of Oz (1939) in Movies (curated)

The Wizard of Oz (1939)
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
1939 | Fantasy, Musical

"I, on opening day, saw The Wizard of Oz — 1939, in Providence, Rhode Island. I even remember the theater, the Majestic Theater. Our dad [took us] and we slept in the street that night to wait for the first showing of it. And of course, just like everybody else on this planet, it’s made a lifetime impression on me. As a matter of fact, I think that H.R. Pufnstuft, which was our first television show, the whole feeling came from The Wizard of Oz. It wasn’t like it, but the story — with a boy instead of a girl, and all the characters and the trees and the witch — but we went in a whole other direction with ours. As a matter of fact, when the first Pufnstuft movie came out a year after we did the series, Time Magazine said it was “the next Wizard of Oz.” That was quite a statement. What else? Margaret Hamilton — as a matter of fact, I think the very last job that she had before she left us was in Sigmund and the Sea Monsters. She played the crazy lady next door who kept seeing the little monster and nobody believed her. She did two or three episodes for us. And the reason she wanted to do it? She wanted to meet Billie Hayes, who was Witchiepoo. She said Witchiepoo is the best witch; as a matter of fact, Billie Hayes met her at the airport and they became great friends. And the reason for being of Land of the Lost? In 1940 there was a movie called One Million B.C. Marty was just a couple of years old, and I was eleven. I had never seen a dinosaur moving; no one had. Only in our schoolbooks. I would take him to see One Million B.C. with Victor Mature… wow. That made a huge impression. It scared the hell out of me. Because, like I said, we had never seen a dinosaur moving before! And that idea gave us the idea to do Land of the Lost."
