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ClareR (5603 KP) rated Love After Love in Books

Apr 17, 2020  
Love After Love
Love After Love
Ingrid Persaud | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely loved Love After Love, but I will start this review with a warning. The first chapter goes in to graphic detail about the domestic abuse that one of the main characters, Betty Ramin, suffers at the hands of her husband. It does set the scene well, and explains not only why she is such a strong character and her motivations, but also the cultural attitudes behind domestic abuse.

I really liked the characters in this novel (other than Betty’s husband, of course), particularly Betty and Mr Chetan. Mr Chetan is the glue joining Betty and her son Solo together for a time, until Solo learns a terrible secret about his mother. After this, Solo goes to live with his paternal uncle in New York. I expected to not like his uncle, but he turned out to be another lovely character, who treated Solo like his own son. Solo becomes increasingly lonely, and struggles with his mental health.

The end of this book broke my heart completely. It was so sad and unjust and again, highlighted cultural attitudes.

I loved the way this was written, and became immersed in the Trinidadian turns of phrase, made all the more immersive by the author recording themselves reading the first chapter so that we on The Pigeonhole app could hear them.

It’s a beautiful book, and I would recommend it wholeheartedly.
Return of the Living Dead 3 (1993)
Return of the Living Dead 3 (1993)
1993 | Horror, Sci-Fi
On the surface, Return of the Living Dead III may seem like another zombie crawling splatter fest from genre favourite Brian Yuzna, but underneath the copious amounts of gore, is a tragic and often melancholy story about forbidden love, and hiding ones true nature. Sort of like the principles of King Kong, masquerading as a gory zombie flick, with a dash of Romeo & Juliet.

This wouldn't work quite so well if it wasn't for an equally menacing, touching, and occasionally emotional performance from Melinda Clarke, playing a character who is wrestling with her urge to consume flesh after being bought back to life following a fatal motorbike accident. Watching her humanity slowly vanish whilst her boyfriend (J. Trevor Edmund) tries to protect the woman he loves is genuinely sad. The rest of the cast are fine, but Clarke is the glue that holds everything together, whilst giving us an incredibly memorable horror anti-hero.

The effects work done on the various creatures and the subsequent gore is great. All done practically, and when it comes to the more visceral moments, this movie doesn't fuck about. It also builds up as it goes on. The last 20 minutes are absolutely nuts in almost every way.

ROTLD3 came highly recommended to me as a horror fan, and I would pass on that recommendation wholeheartedly. A hugely bloody film, with a whole bunch of heart.
Spontaneous (2020)
Spontaneous (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm not someone who typically ventures into Romance territory (although I will quietly admit to quite liking The Notebook...) but the promise of people exploding at random intervals drew me in... I have simple needs.
Turns out that Spontaneous is a wonderfully heartfelt (and gory) tale of two college kids who fall in love.
The two leads played by Katherine Langford and Charlie Plummer are some of the most likable characters I've seen in ages. Their chemistry is top tier, and their relationship feels real and relatable and is the glue that holds the whole narrative together.
The gory side of things is quite something. It's nicely spaced out so it doesn't steal the spotlight, but Jesus Christ it's anxiety inducing. I was just on edge for the whole runtime wondering when someone else would violently explode. Would it be mid sentence? Would it be one of the characters I liked? "No one has blown up in a while, and I'm so nervous" is a thought that kept popping (pun fully intended) into my head. Somehow, it's a cute enough love story that is just tense as fuck. Hats off to everyone involved!

Watching Spontaneous is a ride. It's uplifting, suitably visceral, wonderfully acted, and feels meaningful.... definitely nearly(...) cried on more than one occasion. It's all backed by a great soundtrack, and has some lovely cinematography and inspired style choices. Absolutely recommend this one, for romance and horror fans alike.
Possessor (2020)
Possessor (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
From the mind of Brandon Cronenberg comes his second feature length, Possessor, and the best way I could sum it up is that it's a subtle assault on the senses. Although it occasionally throws unsettling imagery at the screen now and again, these moments are seldom and fleeting. The main assault comes from the constant sense of dread that is present from it's visually striking and bloody opening, straight through to it's pretty insane climax. I just felt on edge consistently, thanks to the minimal but forboding score, top notch editing on display, and some quite brilliant performances.

Andrea Riseborough is great, as she was in Mandy, and her presence in modern horror is a welcome one. Her character is the overarching glue that holds all the emotional strains of the plot together with a cold core.
Christopher Abbott is wonderful, as he essentially plays two seperate characters, and sells his descent into madness perfectly.
The supporting cast include the likes of Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tuppence Middleton, and Sean Bean, and it's honestly just a pretty solid cast all around.

The plot is intriguing in a dystopian sci-fi kind of way, and has enough horror elements to really get under the skin. The scene that the already recognisable poster image is taken from is one of the most recoil inducing and uncomfortable scenes I've seen in a while. This premise played out with a decent screenplay, accompanied by sudden bursts of extreme violence, give Possessor an identity of it's own, and make it a modern horror entry that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the big boys.

One of the films of the year for me!
Trick 'r Treat (2007)
Trick 'r Treat (2007)
2007 | Horror
Quite possibly the epitome of fun Halloween based horrors, Trick 'r Treat has a lot to offer.

There isn't one solid narrative, but rather several different stories with different characters, all taking place in the same town, on Halloween night. This format means we get treated to a multitude of genre staples - werewolves, zombies, serial killers, vampires - they're all tidyly woven together to give us a decent semi-anthology adventure. Well eventually anyway... It does feel a little messy to start with, erratically jumping from story to story, but a little perseverance is rewarded around the half way point where everything is put together in a satisfying manner.

The aesthetic of Trick 'r Treat is great. It has a distinct Halloween-y look, whilst managing to feel otherworldly in places. The swamp zombies look pretty creepy, and the werewolf transformations are visceral and inspired. The true star is the glue that holds this all together though - Sam. This little sack headed creepy fucker somehow manages to be adorable, and horrifying. I mean, he uses a bitten on candy-lolly to slash people up! Only people who don't respect the more traditional aspects of Halloween however. He's become something of an beloved character in the horror world - it would be great to see Sam return in a follow up some day.

Trick 'r Treat is a little cheesy at times, and takes a while to reveal it's clever side, but it's a perfectly enjoyable slice of Halloween horror, with a good cast (featuring Anna Paquin, Dylan Baker, and Brian Cox), a memorable anti-hero (the adorable little shit), some great effects and make up work, and a great music score by Douglas Pipes.
Certianly worth a watch, even if it's a seasonal thing.
The Jigsaw and the Fan
The Jigsaw and the Fan
Stewart Bint | 2012 | Humor & Comedy, Paranormal
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Albert Carter, staunch shop steward at Jebson's glue factory and upholder of worker's rights, dies and sees the light at the end of a tunnel it seems there's a problem. The next world is on strike and before Albert can even find out if he is heading up or down he is banished back to Earth as a ghost to wait until the strike is resolved.

Finding himself stuck in Marlston Manor a stately home owned by a Lord, he soon rails at what he sees as the injustice of the common working man having to pay to have a look around and decides that as a ghost, perhaps he can teach a lesson the to aristocratic owner by scaring everyone away. A battle of wits ensues, with the other resident ghosts and the mortal staff pitted against Albert's scheme. But Albert has a terrible secret. He knows he is right and so won't be denied his opportunity to settle the social injustice he perceives. But little does he realise he is just a pawn in a the latest match of a long game being played by adversarial guardian angels.

The whole of this book is a blast from beginning to end. Bint makes good use of all the characters and situations, pushing everything to the maximum for farcical effect. And it works, there are so many good chuckles throughout the book and a smile will not be far from the reader's face. He also manages to weave in a neat thread of social satire, always perceptible but never unsubtle, taking in allusions to the miner's strikes of the 1980s as well as every class war that has ever been fought, seemingly at the whims of the guardian angels. But as they say, who watches the watchers?

This is a whole load of fun and if you want something a bit lighter to make you smile, this book is perfect.

Juliette Jackson recommended track Rip It Up by Orange Juice in Rip It Up by Orange Juice in Music (curated)

Rip It Up by Orange Juice
Rip It Up by Orange Juice
1982 | Pop, Punk
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Rip It Up by Orange Juice

(0 Ratings)


"It's such a tune! That's the main reason it's on this list, I want everyone to listen to it more. I love the vocal delivery – that crooning is my favourite – that really smooth, male, cheesy-sounding vocal: I love it. “I love the sentiment. I don't know exactly what it's about but I'm guessing it's about when you meet someone for the first time and you screw it up and you gotta start again. Or you meet someone and you're too awkward to be cool and you're like ""fuck! I just wish I could meet you all over again and be a cool, normal person.” I love the lyrics ""When I next saw you, my heart reached out for you! My hands stuck like glue to my sides."" It sounds like the feeling you have in a dream where you can't run. It's another one we listen to in the van all the time. It's just such a banger. “We always wanted to do a cover of it but we haven't quite got round to it yet. I really enjoy covers. It's really fun to take someone else's song and rip it up, pull it apart and add new music into it, whole new parts, or take lyrics out and put new lyrics in and just fuck it up. I love playing covers live and surprising people with them, because we can see it in their faces: they know we're playing something they know, but they can't work out where they know it from, because we're playing it so differently. “At the moment we're covering Bonnie Tyler's “Total Eclipse of the Heart” and it's just so bombastic: I didn't wanna totally change it. We used to play a cover of Madonna's “Beautiful Stranger” and that one was really different from the original. If we did ‘Rip It Up’ I'd definitely sing it in that crooning voice, because I love it so much. I'd get Celia to try and play that weird bubbly bass line with some cool pedal."

Transformist of the Heart and Soul
Transformist of the Heart and Soul
Melinda George | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unique design and compact. (0 more)
Needs more/better prompts (0 more)
Wonderful Self-help poetry journa
Transformist of the Heart and Soul by Melinda George is a self help journal mixed with a poetry book.

 Follow one woman, possibly yourself through a discovery of self-love. Find acceptance and move on from damaging relationships with the aid of twelve heartfelt poems from someone who appears to have felt the same pain.

 Once you feel ready the journal side of the book asks readers to write their thoughts in the form of poetry and to create daily mantras. For those wanting more you can create a 24 day gratitude list and write love letters to yourself. For the final aspect of the journal readers (or should I say writers) can glue or tape in images or since the squares are black use a white colored pencil to draw in ideas.

 The poems are touching and probably relatable for a large number of people, as sad as that is. I also enjoyed how compact the book is, it is small enough to fin in a purse, backpack, or suitcase without taking up too much room. This book is more of a journal than an actual book. Only twelve poems are found in the 79 page book. The back of the book dose say it is a self-empowerment journal inspired by poem, but I wish there were more poems in it. It also would have been nice if the journal had some more specific writing prompts in it.

 This book is directed mostly towards women. Specifically it seems to focus on someone leaving or recovering from a bad relationship. Readers should be prepared to or have a need to expose their hear and soul at least to themselves, which can be a painful process. I rate this book 3 out of 4. Over all the book/journal is very nice. I just with it had more poems and better/more specific writing prompts. The size of the book is nice for people on the go so they can write whenever they feel the inspiration.

Transformist of the Heart and Soul | Book| Austin Macauley Publishers USA

Amy Norman (1042 KP) rated Cursed in TV

Sep 25, 2020  
2020 | Adventure, Fantasy
I so wanted to like this! It has exactly all the elements I would look for in a fantasy programme.

Unfortunately, it just felt obscenely average. It was like a low budget Game of Thrones, but without half the intrigue, or interesting characters.

I enjoyed that the majority of the cast were actors I wasn't really familiar with, as it meant I wasn't lead with thinking things like "oh they will be important", or struggled to separate them from a previous role.
However, overall it just didn't work on this occasion. Most of them are forgettable, and no one in particular stood out to me as someone I either liked or hated (apart from one character but I think the audience is suppose to like them, or find them cheeky🤦🏼‍♀️).

The main antagonist was not imposing, or threatening, in any way. There is a lot of awful stuff that happens but I didn't feel that bothered by it, there was no tension, fear, or worry.

The magical and diverse creatures, looked like humans had covered themselves in glue, and rolled around in whatever environment was relevant to their clan.

The character development was flat, and almost childish for every single character. I'm not sure any of them were any different at the end, but they are supposed to have been on this 'journey'.

There were some gorgeous stylised transitions between scenes but again these feel wasted, as they were occasionally laughable to what they transitioned in to.
A great deal of the story felt very choppy, although oddly the story does flow but scene on scene felt like there was occasionally something missing in between.

The soundtrack was like some angsty young adult was selecting a soundtrack for their current break up, or favourite teen drama.

It is obviously an easy enough watch, and I think some young adults would really enjoy it, as it is uncomplicated, and some of it does look good.

As someone that loves all things fantasy, I just couldn't get on with it myself, which is a shame!
I will however be reading the book, so fingers crossed that is better.
White Stripes by The White Stripes
White Stripes by The White Stripes
1999 | Alternative
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I've got no idea what it's about but from what I can tell it's about a monkey that explodes things, a monkey that likes the colour red but doesn't like green apples, so he explodes the apples. I just think it's really cool. I love The White Stripes. I love Jack White. I love Meg White. I love how simple their songs are, and instinctive. It feels like they've just started playing at that moment and they're making it up as they go along, just seeing how and where it goes. Even the lyrics - the ""exploding monkey"" - it feels so random. They let the music go where it wants to go naturally, they don't get bogged down trying to glue together complicated bits of melody. Quite a lot of the process of songwriting is trying to find ways to stick bits together and it becomes mathematical in that way. Sometimes you get swamped and weighed down with two bits of music that you can't find a way of joining. And then I listen to The White Stripes and think ""Ahh! You just play them next to each other, you don't have to join them."" It's like what I said about Pixies, they make me feel like music can be anything and can be as simple and as messy as you want. And as loud as you want! I find it really freeing. A lot of songwriting is getting in the right frame of mind, so it's good to have this music that doesn't make you feel worried about what you're doing and not be overly precious about it. If one bit of music isn't working with another bit you've got, you can just throw it away and write another bit, it actually doesn't take very long and maybe it will be better. Or maybe it will be worse, but whatever! There's something magical about it. I loved the three-colour thing the White Stripes did, the little codes in the lyrics about the number three and the symbolism in the album covers. And the way they pretended to be brother and sister! Or were they? Or weren't they?! They're just so fucking cool. Out of all the bands to come out of the last twenty years I think they're one of the best. I'm also so glad they broke up. I'm so glad they stopped and that Jack White does his other stuff now. They left the things that they did and they didn't change. It was just perfect."
