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Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)
Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)
Becca Fitzpatrick | 2009 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm still tingling from the ending of this wonderfully delicious book! I immediately went in search of a sequel and discovered that there is one set to release in November (thank the heavens!) titled Crescendo, phew! Sooooo, on with my review!
I decided to read this novel after reading multiple reviews of how fantastic this book is, especially since I have been looking for a good angel saga ever since I read Sharon Shinn's entire Samaria series in less than a week. (5 books) There is something refreshingly different about angels in the Fantasy genre of literature, instead of the almost-cliched use of vampires, werewolves, and witches. Not that I've had my fill of those, either, but change is good.
The lust-filled tension between Patch and Nora reminds me of a certain other famous couple in YA Fantasy, except Patch isn't nearly as secretive about what he wants. After stepping back and thinking about his character, I came to the conclusion that what attracts the fairer sex to the bad-boy type is not necessarily his "badness", but his confidence. The biggest clue that Patch was not normal was the amount of confidence he exuded around Nora. And I don't recall my sex ed. classes ever being as interesting as Coach McConaughy's class! Truly, I don't think I could say one bad thing about this book. The loose ends will obviously be answered in future books, such as Nora's father's death, Dabria's fate, and what Nora's mother will do about the farmhouse. The ending was almost a complete surprise to me, and unpredictable in many ways. I'm also curious as to how Nora Grey's parentage will play a part in future books and the massive potential that comes with it. I also like how Nora is not totally dependent on Patch and seeks to solve her own problems and fight her own battles - more strong woman than damsel in distress. Her best friend Vee provides a bit of comic relief, as well as adding a human element to balance the supernatural aspects of the book. I could go on and on. I'm also very curious if the topic of God will be addressed in any future books, since it would seem that acknowledging heaven, angels, the Book of Enoch, etc., means doing the same for God. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Crescendo!
At Love's Command (Hanger's Horsemen, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever read a book by Karen Witemeyer? If not, you are missing out on some of the best fiction books out there. At Love’s Command is the first book in a new 3 (or 4) book series and wowzah what a fun start to the series it book was. Even if you do not like westerns, I can guarantee that you will like this one. Karen Witmeyer has a similar writing style to that of Mary Connealy, and Ronie Kendig.

I think I smiled within the first few pages of At Love’s Command as Karen Witemeyer brought forth her character's fun wit and charm. I loved their believable personalities and their willingness to be strong in their beliefs. Matthew is now one of my favorite male characters ever. He showed humility, leadership, love, and most of all a deep trust in turning to God with any problem that came his way. Dr. Josephine was also a most likable character, I loved her “10-dollar words”, and the verbal sparring she sis with Matthew and others from The Horsemen gang. She was also a strong independent woman, but she was humble and showed wisdom when she knew others had better knowledge of the situation than she did. I will say it again, I LOVED this combination of characters.

The storyline pulled me in right from the very beginning, as I said, I was smiling from some of the interactions within the first few pages. It was so believable, combined with the bits of history thrown in, interwoven with some good action, and the theme of turning to God in every situation made this book so enjoyable for me. I will definitely be reading the rest of the books in this series. <br/>I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the intriguing storyline (that I am so looking forward to reading more of), and for the characters continually pointing back to God as their source of strength and wisdom. I HIGHLY recommend this book.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Magic Spark (Enchanted, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MAGIC SPARK Enchanted: Book One Sara Dobie Bauer Em Shotwell Wendy Sparrow

Four Stars

This book was fun to read. I enjoyed all three stories. The authors gave a unique twist to true love and the HEA. Out of the three I enjoyed SARA DOBIE BAUER Destiny's Dark Light the most. The author gave us something different when it came to witches and prophecy. You would definitely want to continue the next book. I did enjoy the other stories the characters all had flaws and were a little crazy. I would like to explore more from these authors. Wendy Sparrow’s When A DemiGod Courts Death was well written and a enjoyable short story. The author gives you a different spin on God and human children. Needing a match to stay alive. The lines were funny and flowed without too much pause. I would like to read a full story. The book that had me like what is happening was These Roots Run Deep. The characters had me a little upset because of the lies and all the neediness. The main character wanted this man to stay and went to great lengths to make that happen. I didn’t like her personality or how she used her family to get what she wanted. No woman should have to feel like they only way he will stay is if you put him under a spell. If he halfway out the door let him leave. You deserve better.
I didn't just love this book. I loved this book. It's moving. This book isn't just a biography of Rory Feek's life. It's the story of a true love, that will last beyond death. A love that is strong and unbreakable no matter the circumstance. It is a book that left me smiling, and left me with tears. This is a book that will be with me forever and I will turn to it many times over. 

As a woman who is married to her best friend, I couldn't imagine going through what Rory did with Joey. I wouldn't be able to stay strong and move on. It would be too heart shattering, in my opinion. But, through reading Rory's story, I know I can do it. I know I can remember the good things, the fun times, the inspiring moments that my best friend left me with. Rory's story is filled with hope and faith. The way he talks about Joey is incredibly moving and I loved feeling a part of his life, if just for a little bit. 

Reading this book, however, opened new feelings for me! I followed this story closely, especially since my husband knew Joey and Rory somewhat for a time, having bounced at the Longbranch in Raleigh, NC where a lot of country singers got their start. I followed the singers' story, how Joey was battling her cancer but determined to live life a certain way. I followed the pictures of their beautiful family and sweet baby girl! I was utterly devastated when I read of Joey's death, and sweet little Indie with out a mama! Oh how my heart ached for them all. But, the words that Rory penned in this book truly helped me to see life in a new way. Truly inspiring! 

I highly recommend this book to all with 5 stars and nothing less. It's a story of one man's journey with the love of his life and their struggles with battling her terminal cancer. It's a story of one man's faith in God. It's a story that is truly amazing and you will definitely need a few tissues as you read through these beautifully written pages. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
A Sherlock Holmes Devotional: Uncovering the Mysteries of God
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every once in a while I read a book that is just trying way too hard to be cool. Sadly, this is one of those books.

Sherlock Holmes was an amazing detective. The Bible is an amazing book. So why not make a Sherlock Holmes devotional? The answer is because the two are about totally different things, and when you try to make a secular thing spiritual, you end up with poison.

I requested this book with suspicion (the same publisher had a bunch of other awesome-looking books, and this was the only one I was iffy about), but I hoped it would surprise and maybe impress me. Sadly, it’s actually worse than I imagined.

For example: The first devotional is about the Case of the Cardboard Box, where a woman has a package delivered to her with two severed ears. The devotional goes on to praise Sherlock for solving the crime, and then diverts to “We can hear the voice of God. Sherlock said the ear is amazing. See how these two are connected?” And yes obviously that’s a paraphrase. But it was the point of the devotional.

In staying in this same idea, let me tell you a story and give you a practical on how it made me feel.

Did you know in the Appalachian mountains, some people put Mountain Dew in their babies bottles? It’s cheaper than milk and the kids get addicted to it young. Obviously it causes major health issues like diabetes and sever obesity, the kids end up loosing their teeth before they even break skin, and (though I haven’t researched it, I’m sure) that some have died.

In the same way, the Bible tells us that newer Christians thrive on smaller amounts of doctrine, simple statements of truth. In the new testament, a Christian not moving past that stage is considered an adult still drinking baby milk. But the milk isn’t enough, and eventually, their faith will die if they don’t move forward. So Mountain Dew is like Baby Milk. See how the two are connected?

Sorry, but this book isn’t baby food. It’s poison. I love Sherlock and I love Jesus. But I find this book offensive
The Seekers (Amish Cooking Class, #1)
The Seekers (Amish Cooking Class, #1)
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
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Showing Amish culture
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Seekers is the first installment to Wanda Brunstetter's newest series, Amish Cooking Class. I really enjoyed this book. In The Seekers, Heidi starts an Amish cooking class. I loved all the different individuals and their own stories and what bought each one to the cooking class held by Heidi.

This book revolves around a woman named Heidi Troyer and her Amish cooking class.Heidi Troyer and her husband of eight years, Lyle, have no children yet. She loves her Lyle and their life together but desires children, also. Lyle refuses to adopt, believing that if it is God’s will, Heidi will be able to conceive a child. Heidi considers giving cooking classes since cooking has come naturally to her and classes won’t take time away from her husband. Heidi will lead six lessons over the next three months.

The Lord prepares students for her first class. The students come with different problems to the classes and through out the book, they find solutions. First is Loretta, a widow and single mother of two little kids that just wants to learn a more simpler way of life. She wants to know more about being Amish, so learning Amish cooking in an Amish home sounds beneficial.
Second, Charlene is engaged to a wonderful man, but has no experience in the kitchen. Her financé has a mother who is an expert cook and doesn’t like Charlene. She doesn’t want her future mother-in-law to know she can’t cook.

Third is Eli, is a young widowed man who is part of the Amish community and also doesn't know how to cook much of anything. His wife had been killed by a hit-and-run driver. He couldn’t cook, and eats out frequently after work.

Fourth, Kendra is a young lady who got pregnant out of wedlock and was kicked out of her home by her dad so he wouldn’t be embarrassed in front of church or social friends. The young man also left her.

Last but not least is Ron. He pulls his older RV into the Troyer’s yard, hungry and broke. He tells Heidi and Lyle the first lie, that his rig needs repairs and he needs a place to park until he can repair it. He ends up in the cooking class without planning to be there. The Troyers share their food and time, but he holds his secrets close. A Viet Nam vet with PTSD, Ron always finds ways to justify what he does.

Most of the characters are very likable. We see Heidi as a three-dimensional woman of faith, and get to know her students through their everyday lives. I love how this book focuses so much on God. I also love the recipes and how after each class she gives a notecard with the recipe and a verse on the back.
Where do I even begin? This quote pretty much sums up this book. "Truly, what a conundrum Vance Everstone was becoming." When I began The Everstone Chronicles I utterly despised Vance. However, his story should be an encouragement to us all, that through God's forgiveness and redemption ANYONE can change. Wow, just wow!

Violet Hawthorne has been raised to be a lady, a woman of upstanding morals, with a brother who is quite the opposite. Violet wants nothing more than to be free to live her own life unhindered by the past...or present...circumstances.

As Violet and Vance are (quite literally) thrown together, they begin to see each others weaknesses and strengths. Vance is such an encourager, but has difficulties opening his heart to Violet. Violet is wonderfully creative and has compassion and overflows with forgiveness. But she is timid and fearful of doing or saying the wrong thing, she severely lacks self confidence. As events progress she must decide the life that she wants to live.

This storyline is wonderfully creative and moving. Vance's need to protect Violet and his ever growing love for her is beyond romantic and sweet. Written in first person we only get to see things from Violet's perspective. Although we don't see much growth in her self confidence, we see her growth in her spiritual life. She comes to the realization that putting her trust in man will disappoint, but trusting in God is what she truly needs.

In conclusion, this entire series is moving and inspiring. The Everstone family has seen it's share of heartbreak and trials. But through it all, they have kept their eyes on the Lord and they have been brought closer together. Dawn Crandall has created a lovely series and I can't wait to see what she writes next.

I received a free copy of The Cautious Maiden from Whitaker House. I was not required to write a review and this does not influence my review, positive or otherwise. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
This is only the second Amish book I have ever read, but I really like the setting for fiction literature. The romance is clean, the majority of the characters have conservative values and traditions, such as the importance of God and family, and the language is clean. I love the way that the Amish community supports one another in business endeavors, or is so willing to lend a hand when tragedy strikes. One of the characters, Zanna, actually makes a business out of rag rug making, which intrigued me enough to try my hand at the craft myself.
Zanna does something completely out of character for the typical Amish young woman, but manages to fight for what she wanted despite the consequences of her actions, finding support in her oldest sister, Abby. Abby is more of a side character to the main plot of what is happening to Zanna. Abby nurses unrequited love for another character throughout the entire book, which is never really answered to, though there were hints of this changing in the next book in the series. Many of the characters are memorable in their own unique way, such as James's skill with making carriages that earns him employment to make a princess carriage for Disneyland, of all things. One of the older married couples also struggles with dementia throughout the book, which makes for some interesting and poignant scenes.
I could not have predicted how Zanna's predicament would impact another family so much for the better, or even how the book would have gathered all the lose ends at its finality, but the book came together very well with a sweet ending. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
An Inconvenient Beauty
An Inconvenient Beauty
Kristi Ann Hunter | 2017 | Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kristi's debut series is beyond fabulous and she wraps it all up perfectly with Griffith's story! With several laugh out loud moments and an equal number of touching scenes that will tug at your heart, you will want to read this book in one sitting. (If only that were a reality in my household.) Griffith has been my favorite since the first book, A Noble Masquerade. And he completely lived up to (and quite possibly exceeded) my expectations that I have held on to. Especially picturing him as Chris Hemsworth...

One of the aspects that stood out to me in this story, is discerning God's direction for our lives. Especially when it comes to thinking that we don't deserve happiness, or a second chance, or forgiveness. These blinders can distract us from the GOOD that God wants to give to us.

I.LOVE.GRIFFITH. That is all...actually, I could go on about him for hours. So, what I want to highlight is his protective nature. His family is more important to him than anything, and he would go to any lengths to keep them safe and cared for. However, that means he puts their needs before his own. And this sacrificial love hasn't left much room for him to worry about his own future. BUT, when love strikes, things change. You could say his "world is turned upside down." He is adorable and hilarious!

Isabella is my new favorite woman in the Hawthorne Series. Even though she has secrets to hide, it is impossible to ignore her pure heart. And Uncle Percy, can only be described as the opposite of pure. The bitterness that stemmed from a heartbreaking loss has turned into a vendetta.

Four books, five if you include the novella, a slew of Hawthornes, romance, kidnappings, adventures, foiled plans, and upstanding and *ahem* SWOONY gentlemen...while my heart is sad that this series has ended. I am so thankful for the friends that I found within these pages.

I received a complimentary copy of An Inconvenient Beauty. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.