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<b><i>I received this book for free from Netgalley/Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Well, then. This is going to be one of the harder reviews to write, isn't it. (And it'll probably come out a little choppy, but um... bear with me.)

Okay, so how about I start with this: <i>The Prophecy of Shadows</i> is great, but the only thing working against the book is the instalove between Nicole and Blake. But even the instalove isn't much of a bother – Nicole is attracted to Blake from the get go, but she's not as <em>obsessed</em> as Danielle, who would threaten anyone in Blake's proximity. Yet?

Anyways, the first book in the <i>Elementals</i> series brings yet a new idea to the <a title="Mythology" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">mythology</a> genre, sort of following in <a title="Raye Wagner" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Raye Wagner's</a> footsteps. When Nicole first moves to a new school, she is quickly thrown into the world of witches, people who are descended from Greek gods but not exactly demigods. Witches in Madow's newest series are those not directly descended from a Greek god (basically, a generation or two later...?) and their powers are mostly based off of color theory (definitely not getting into the specifics of that one). Nicole is weirded out and dismisses the entire idea at first, but quickly has a change of heart.

The book is also a little slow on the pacing side, especially for those who like constant action. Madow spends approximately half the book setting up the plot and introducing the world of witches, and I personally think that in itself is good enough without being overwhelming. Even though the witches in the <i>Elementals</i> series are similar to witches in general, I enjoyed learning how each color corresponds to a particular emotion or talent. Any particular legendary creature fighting comes later on in the book.

It'll be interesting to see how Madow takes the series with the sequels, and I'll be looking forward to the sequels (which, by the way, have extremely interesting and adventurous titles).

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Ross (3282 KP) rated The Shadow Saint in Books

Mar 23, 2020  
The Shadow Saint
The Shadow Saint
Gareth Hanrahan | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A struggle but overall good
*Book received from Netgalley and the publishers in exchange for an honest review*
I wanted to love this book. I would have been happy liking it. In reality, I tolerated it.
The sequel to The Gutter Prayer takes us on a different journey, with initially very little familiar ground and people. Over time the story reflects more of the world that was covered in the first book, but it is quite a strange and unnerving start to a sequel.
The narrative follows two new characters, one a spy for a foreign country with numerous personalities at his fingertips, the other a minor noble from another country. Both find themselves in Guerdon, the scene of the first book, the city that has been mostly sheltered from the atrocities of the Godwar. Here we also are reunited with Eladora, the young historian with a hint of magic abilities.
This sees a number of new countries, Gods, races and magic introduced that were not in the first book. While one always expects something new, some of these were fairly major and important aspects of the world and should have been in the first book. For me it just came across as a late decision to write a second book and reluctantly start changing and expanding the world.
The plot is a little flimsy if I'm honest, it is just some people doing some things and then deciding to do other things, with seemingly little logic to it, or overall plot. It was quite a struggle to remember who was doing what and why when switching between PoVs in new chapters. This isn't helped by the number of new characters introduced being largely interchangeable, especially during the minor noble's story (there was one fairly important plot point late in the book where someone he had met turns out to be someone important - I couldn't remember him at all!).
The writing style is a little elaborate for my tastes and made it hard to focus on what was actually happening - there were times an event had been referred to but I hadn't even noticed it because I wasn't able to concentrate. The book is very heavy on narrative with very little dialogue, making it harder to follow the action among the flowery phrasing.
A book of this length should have taken me a little over a week to read, but this took me almost 4 weeks. Admittedly part of this was due to events in the world and at work, but also my motivation to read it was eroded and I struggled through about 5% a day.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
And so to the latest incarnation in Spider-man Homecoming. After seeing Tom Holland in Civil War, well, let's just say that I was not convinced. Then the adverts where he's making the home movie of everything... yeah that began to grate a bit.

There's no origin story with this one, or with his appearance in Civil War. I'm not sure how I feel about no Uncle Ben, or that they're regressing Aunt May every time she appears. But I do love Marisa Tomei, and she does get a fantastic last line.

Somewhere before this film went into production I reckon someone thought "We need something that's not quite a bad a Spider-man, but not quite as serious as The Amazing Spider-man." Someone else was walking by and overheard. "You should zhush it up with the Avengers treatment."... and so Homecoming was born.

The effects are of course way better than 2002, and everything is pretty bright and shiny since it was properly Marvelised. As much as I initially didn't like Tom Holland, I have to admit that he makes a good film. My only major issue is that it seems more concerned about bringing him into the Marvel Universe than leaving him out there developing his own film.

For a nerd, Peter has got game. We're on the third incarnation of films this side of 2000, and we're on the third (and potential fourth) love interest. I like that they're jumping that around a little, it does help make each lot feel slightly different, but it does get confusing... and obviously you can keep an eye out for other love interests who make appearances.

It seems unfair to compare all three films (which is a bit tricky as that was partly the idea of this whole post) because each of them have their own bit of the movie spectrum. The daft, the heart-wrenching and the blockbuster, all have their place in the collection. Gun against my head I'd probably still pick Andrew Garfield as my favourite, but Holland is right there too.

That being said, I still don't like Spider-man as a superhero...

*ducks under the table to avoid the barrage of abuse*

He's too chaotic, he's just too young (in this one) to really understand the full implications of what he's doing. I personally don't understand why he would be worthy of movie fame over other characters. It has been pointed out to me that as he's just a "regular Joe", that people can identify with him more over the other options of Gods or mutants... but hell... I'm mutant and proud!
Sealed with a Curse
Sealed with a Curse
Morgan Sheppard | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
beautifully written retell
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I love the books that are steamier and smexier and sometimes more violent. This book is neither, and I loved that fact that it wasn't!

I can't write a blurby bit, so not gonna bother, but I might rave a bit!

Selene is an old soul, I think, that she can, even when faced with the escalation of the bullying from the princes, NOT want them punished in the way they are. She wanted them to LEARN from it, yes, but not to the extent it was.

I loved that the Gods these people prayed to heard them, and stepped in. Loved that they had a voice too, even it was briefly! The bickering between the Sisters was wonderful to read.

Like it said, it's not steamy, there is the bullying in the beginning though, of Selene by the eldest brothers. It does get physical. Be mindful of that if you have triggers.

There is, though, MUCH love here. Selene loves her swans (as did I!) and the people around the castle. And in time, she does come to love Conway. Who, I thought, was a bit hedgey about why he came to the castle, and i thought there was more to him that there was, but it turns out I was reading between none-existent lines there!

It's full of description, in depth descriptions of people, places, flowers, even ribbons! I loved reading those. I could picture them, you know?

I loved all the supporting characters around the castle. I want to know what's got up a certain someone's behind, though, that was never made clear!

What I loved most though, was the interpretation of this tale. I never heard of this tale before, and at the end of this book, there is a bit about various versions and how they differ. I read that, and I loved that little bit of extra info.

There is also a bit that says we might hear from the brothers again, and I really want that! It would be nice to get into their heads, especially the eldest two, NOW rather than before. To see where they are at, and what they thought of their former selves.

All in all, a wonderful read, that kept me up way past my bedtime. I loved it, I really did. Bar Disjointed Lives, this is my favourite read by this author.

5 full and shiny, moon-touched stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Kill Switch
Kill Switch
Penelope Douglas | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating

17 of 235
Kill switch ( Devils Night book 3)
By Penelope Douglas

"I've done far worse than what I went to prison for. She has no idea how bad this can get."


Sending him to prison was the worst thing I could’ve done. It didn’t matter that he did the crime or that I wished he was dead. Perhaps I thought I’d have time to disappear before he got out or he’d cool off in jail and be anything but the horror he was.

But I was wrong. Three years came and went too fast, and now he’s anything but calm. Prison only gave him time to plan.

And while I anticipated his vengeance, I didn’t expect this.

He doesn’t want to make me hurt. He wants to make everything hurt.


First thing’s first. Get rid of her daddy. He told them I forced her. He told them his little girl was a victim, but I was a kid, too, and she wanted it just as much as I did.

Step two… Give her, her sister, and her mother nowhere to run and no fuel to escape. The Ashby women are alone now and desperate for a knight in shining armor.

But that’s not what’s coming.

No, it’s time I listened to my father and took control of my future. It’s time I showed them all—my family, her family, my friends—that I will never change and that I have no other ambition than to be the nightmare of their lives.

Starting with her.

She’ll be so scared, she won’t even be safe in her own head by the time I’m done with her. And the best part is I won’t have to break into her home to do it.

As the new man of the house I have all the keys.

For gods sake this woman knows how to kick you in the guts with trauma! This has so many trigger warnings. This book makes you feel everything it’s quite graphic and she doesn’t hold back! Whether you like this series or not the woman writes abuse better than anyone I’ve read she gets you feeling all the emotions. I still can’t stand these men but there is a catalyst for each one of them that being the worlds worst parents they certainly didn’t do their kids any good. One thing I love is these women are strong and ruling the world is on the agenda!
The Lightning Thief
The Lightning Thief
Rick Riordan | 2005 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (100 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one has been on my ‘to-read’ list for a couple of years now, since the film came out and I saw how much enthusiasm my teenage American cousins showed for the books. I must say, I enjoyed it and I’ll be reading further in the series.

It’s probably for the best that Percy finds out about everything at the same time as the reader – I only know the basics of Greek mythology, and it kept me reading to find out why Percy (or Perseus, to use his full name) was coming so much under attack. I should probably mention that when I’m reading books on my Kindle, I have usually downloaded a lot of books at once, and then don’t bother re-reading the blurb before I start the book. It’s well paced, with a lot of action making it a book I got through quickly, although I also think it would have worked well slowed down a little.

I must say, I was struggling a little to talk about this book. While it is good, I think the characterisation could be worked on just a weeny bit more. Throughout, Percy refers to people as either friends or bullies, and, whilst he is immersed in camp and the reader is ‘just’ reading, I don’t think I was told quite enough about characters like Clarisse and Luke for them to have much of an impact in terms of how I should feel about them for Percy’s sake. Then, though I really liked that nothing romantic was introduced between 12 year-olds Percy and Annabeth, and I also liked her feistiness, I wasn’t all the way there in rooting for Annabeth either. I could even have hated Smelly Gabe (Percy’s detested stepfather) more. This may just be me, or possibly because I’ve just read The Hunger Games, which I find has so far beaten off competitors fairly well! Saying that though, I reckon this will get a lot better in the following Percy Jackson books.

I thought it was a great idea to use Greek mythology, and it was a great part of the plot to see gods using the trio as pawns to get their own way and/or create havoc. I loved the sub-plot about Medusa, and often wondered how Percy was going to get out of certain situations. I’ve just read a great <a href="">review</a>; that links the similarities of The Lightning Thief to Harry Potter, particularly the first book. They are definitely big similarities, and as the review author puts it, The Lightning Thief is like methadone when trying to come off Harry Potter. I thought that was an awesome way to put it, and probably accurate – Percy Jackson is a watered down version of Harry Potter!

Hazel (1853 KP) rated A City Dreaming in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
A City Dreaming
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My rating: 2.5

<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>
“The city never sleeps, but it’s always dreaming.” And, by dreaming, Daniel Polansky clearly means nightmares. <i>A City Dreaming</i> is, for the lack of a better term, an urban fantasy novel. Embracing elements of dystopia and steampunk universes, it is difficult to determine the time period in which it is set. What can be established is that, wherever you are in the world, you are never far away from a monster.

<i>A City Dreaming</i> revolves around a semi-anonymous character known as M. M appears to be some form of magician who wishes he could spend his days listlessly staring into the bottom of his beer glass. Yet with misbehaving creatures and warring goddess living in the city of New York, peace is a rare phenomenon in M’s life. From demons to murders and mind-boggling situations, there is never a dull moment.

Each chapter of <i>A City Dreaming</i> is, in some way, an individual story. Apart from the occasional recurring character, no scenario is ever continued after the chapter concludes. This is initially a cause for confusion. With no clear direction or purpose, it is hard to remain engaged with the author’s imagination.

Readers familiar with contemporary fantasy writers, such as Neil Gaiman, may understand Polansky’s vision – think <i>Neverwhere</i> and <i>American Gods</i> combined, but weirder. M spends the majority of his time either inebriated or on drugs, and, to be frank, it would not be surprising to learn the author was on drugs at the time of writing. Imagine Neil Gaiman on drugs; that is how bizarre this book is.

Despite his penchant for recreational drugs, M is an intelligent character that can humorously talk himself out of impossible situations. However it is often a hopeless ordeal to fathom the process of his intoxicated mind. As a result, <i>A City Dreaming</i> loses its thrill and excitement.

As this is the first Daniel Polansky novel that I have read, I do not know whether this is his usual style of writing or whether it was an attempt at something new. What I did observe was the intelligence hidden behind the excess of expletives and lewd content. Polansky writes with certain aptitude, almost as if he has swallowed a thesaurus.

Fans of Neil Gaiman and Brandon Sanderson may enjoy <i>A City Dreaming</i> more than new readers, since they will already be familiar with the style of bemusing narration. <i>A City Dreaming</i> does not live up to the definition of a novel, however as short, connecting stories it provides the intended entertainment. Almost certainly, this book will be received with mixed reviews; nonetheless it will undoubtedly eventually find its fan base.
    Otogi: Spirit Agents

    Otogi: Spirit Agents

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