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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Dear Mr. M in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Dear Mr. M
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"M" is a famous writer whose best days are probably, if truth be told, behind him. He's best known for his novel, Payback, which tells the story of a high school history teacher, Mr. Landzaat, who went missing one winter after having an affair with one of his female students. That student, Laura, had moved on to a relationship with a boy her own age, Herman. The two were staying at a vacation cottage and were the last ones to see their teacher. Did they have something to do with his disappearance? Now, M lives with his beautiful (much younger) wife and little daughter in an apartment. They have a neighbor who seems to have a odd fascination with the couple, but why? The novel weaves together the tales of these disparate characters.

I had heard a lot about Koch's novels and was excited to win this one via a Goodreads Giveaway. It was certainly interesting and definitely different than many novels I read. I have to admit that it was a rather slow read, especially the first three quarters or so. There was actually a point where I was considering giving up for a bit, but I soldiered on. Some characters in the novels never have names (just initials), and we don't really get insight into who our varying narrators are. While I understand why (and it adds to the drama of the novel), I'll confess that it gets a little confusing at times. You really have to stay on your toes as you read.

Still, the novel is definitely more compelling toward the end, and I found myself staying up late to finish it. The twist at the end was certainly not what I expected. The varying viewpoints wind up working out well, as you really see the story unfold from everyone's perspective. Still, I found the story a bit diluted by a bit of a "meta" storyline about writers, as well as an odd insertion about M's father and his role in the resistance, as well as M's own views, which never really seemed to have a full role or point in the tale. I enjoyed the novel, but I didn't love it, and it (frankly) exhausted me a bit.

I received a copy of this novel via a Goodreads Giveaway (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated The Vices in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
The Vices
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I won an ARC of this book from Goodreads First Reads giveaways.
The Vices is a story of the Vice family. A clinically depressed clan who also happen to be pathological liars, art forgers, smugglers, & extortionists. The main character in the book, Oliver Vice, is actually dead when the story is written. It's told from the point of view of his "best friend" a fellow college professor. The friend recounts the mysterious story of Oliver's death & then flashes back to occurances throughout their friendship.
In the end, all is not as it is originally presented. The family is a sham. At first the why of this story seems the end there were parts I was right about & portions where I was completly off base. Those portions are what were able to let me rate this a 3. Nothing really happens in this book yet at the same time a family is torn to shreds without there really being a result...unless of course you view Oliver's death as suicide, then you could conceviably argue that the death stems from the lies his family maintained.
Wolves of Dynamo
Wolves of Dynamo
Gareth S. Young | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unsatisfying conclusion (1 more)
Flat characters
Needs a lot of polish
This book arrived unexpectedly in the mail – I believe it was from a Goodreads Giveaway, but I was never notified I’d won one. It’s even signed by the author!

I am….a little puzzled on how I feel about this book. It has a bit of a confusing, dream-like quality to it, which fits the book, but left me a little less than satisfied. It always felt like I was forgetting details, or like the book assumed I knew things about the world that I didn’t. (Much like many dreams.) The plot was unique, the characters could have used more depth, the division between forest and city was indistinct, and the conclusion was unsatisfying. It could have been very good, but I think it needs a lot more polish.

The physical book itself felt like an ARC, even though it’s not. I think it’s the simplistic cover and the typesetting. It just doesn’t feel – finished. Like much of the book. I’d give this a pass, but I might be interested in future writings by the author, if his style matures and his editor improves.
The Invention of Wings
The Invention of Wings
Sue Monk Kidd | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
**I received this book as part of a Goodreads giveaway**

On her 11th birthday Sarah Grimke's mother gave her a gift she did not want. That gift was Hetty. Hetty is 10 years old and is now to be Sarah's waiting maid.
Two girls forced into positions they have no desire to be a part of and no way to get out.
As they both grow older together and separately, they both search for the freedom they both want. Hetty, the freedom from being a slave and Sarah, freedom to speak up for what she believes in.
This book is a strong testament to the rights and responsibilities of women and slave owners and teaches us all to never give up in what you believe.
This book brought tears to my eyes on several occasions. Seeing women struggle to get to where the want to be, make me feel very sad. I'm sure if I lived during those times, I would manage, but not being able to read and further my education would really hurt my heart. I encourage every woman to read this book. It will make you appreciate where you are in your life today.
The Interestings
The Interestings
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book as a giveaway on Goodreads.
First, I must say, this was the first book I read by Meg Wolitzer. And while it was long, she is a great writer. The story flowed in a way that didn't make it seem as long as it really was.

The Interestings, is the story of 6 friends who meet at an art summer camp. Ash, Ethan, Jonah, Goodman, and Cathy had all been to camp before, but this was the first year for Julie, who later became Jules. The friendship that they formed during this summer was one not to be broken, even over time. Spirit-In-The-Woods was a 'magical' place for Jules. Having just lost her father, she needed someplace to go that she could be free. The story is told through her eyes.

You see the friends go through several "Interesting" things together, marriage, jobs, kids, death, and something no one thought would/could happen.

All in all, this book was interesting, but not for any specific reason. This could have been any group of friends, that attended any summer camp, anywhere. I was always wanting to know what was going to happen next.
Ordinary People
Ordinary People
Diana Evans | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This isn't necessarily a book about race, even though it's set just as Obama becomes US President, and the main protagonists of the book are black. It's primarily, in my opinion, a story of relationships, and specifically the relationships of two couples: Melissa and Michael, and Stephanie and Damien. I was really looking forward to a book set in London (my home town) in the relative present day, but i have to admit that i felt very little joy when reading this book. I get that it's not necessarily a happy story; but it made life in a relationship and life with children seem so utterly depressing. No one seemed to be happy, and they all seemed to be completely incapable of speaking to one another. Small things become big things, big things become insurmountable. I felt like shaking them, to try and knock some sense into them - on many occasions!
Don't get me wrong - I liked it (a Goodreads 3 stars, which is a 'like'), but I didn't LOVE it. And I felt it could have been so much more.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read this book.

Erika (17788 KP) rated The Huntress in Books

May 4, 2019  
The Huntress
The Huntress
Kate Quinn | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
To start out with, I wish I could give this a perfect 10, but one of the main characters, Nina, was completely insufferable and easily, her chapters could have been cut out.
Alright, so, I don't consider books post WWI to be historical fiction, and I normally steer clear of WWII/aftermath fiction because bookstores and goodreads are inundated with hundreds of novels. But, I decided to pick up this book anyway.

Essentially, it's a Nazi hunt. There are three viewpoints from three different characters. As I mentioned, Nina was insufferable. Most of the reviews I read talked about their love of this character and the origin of the Night Witches (AKA female, Russian pilots). Ian was one of the other main characters, a former war correspondent who's a Nazi hunter, trying to find 'The Huntress', who murdered his brother. Then, there's Jordan, an American teenager whose father marries a mysterious German woman with a daughter.

I won't spoil the plot, but basically, you can work out the entire plot within the first few chapters. What kept me reading was the writing style, and every other character but Nina.

ClareR (5674 KP) rated Folk in Books

Jan 24, 2018 (Updated Jan 24, 2018)  
Zoe Gilbert | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An atmosphere that draws you in (2 more)
Beautiful prose
Interconnected short stories
Fairy tales for grown ups
This collection of short stories is set on the island of Neverness. All of the stories are interconnected and characters reoccur as adults after they were in a story as children. We see how an experience in one story then becomes a cautionary tale or a fairytale in another. I loved the atmosphere in this book: menacing, dreamlike, happy, sad - like a fairytale really.
The language used was really very poetic. If you're attracted to this as a Fantasy reader, the language is weighted more on the 'Literary Fiction' side. I like both, and this didn't even occur to me until I read another review on Goodreads! There are plenty of Fantasy writers out there whose prose can be lyrical!
I also liked how the beginning and the end of the book were connected. Very clever, original writing, this is a short story collection that didn't feel to me as though they were short stories. Well worth a read!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read this gorgeous book!
Defy the Stars (Constellation, #1)
Defy the Stars (Constellation, #1)
Claudia Gray | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn’t fully read the description of this one, and therefore didn’t know exactly what to expect when I started reading. What I found was a strong-willed, yet sympathetic protagonist with a bit of a chip on her shoulder, although not without reason, and an equally likable, and believable, android thrust together in an adventure spanning the galaxy.

Finding that as the only human around she is able to command Abel to do her bidding, Noemi orders him to help her find a piece of equipment that will aide her people in their was against Earth. Abel for his part would be happier to destroy Noemi, but his programming won’t allow it. There is some great character development as the two get to know each other and understand each others motivations. There is also more real science than I expected to get in a young adult scifi story, and that was a pleasant surprise.

This was my first encounter with author Claudia Gray, but if Goodreads is to be believed and there will be a sequel to Defy the Stars, then it will not be my last.
Ian Cook | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book for free through the Goodreads First Reads program.

Oh wow, where do I start? I loved, loved, loved this book! When I first read about it, I was a bit skeptical as it's not normally something I would read, but it's about redheads and my son is a redhead. Plus, I have a lot of family members with red hair, so I thought I'd give it a go.

I am so happy that I decided to read it. It is fast paced and has a very interesting story line. In fact, I would say it's one of the most original story lines I have ever read. There is a lot of mythology in the book about redheads which I also found very interesting.

I loved Rebecca's character and hated Neferatu which shows how good the characters are written. I did find the characters of Jim and Syreeta a bit annoying though.

However, this is definitely a book that deserves 5 out of 5 stars. If there were to be a sequel, I'd definitely buy it and read it as soon as.

A really fantastic read =D