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Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Sep 21, 2022 (Updated Sep 21, 2022)  
And it's LIVE! Happy Release Day to me.

The ebook is available now in the #KU program. Apologies if you are waiting for the paperback and hardcover versions. Amazon are taking their time with those.

A kingdom in mourning… Six Princes turned dark in their grief… One maiden holds hope to save them.

Selene, the Swan Herder for the kingdom of Melthkior, once filled her days in the company of the Royal Family. She grew up as a companion for the Princes of the kingdom, and they enjoyed close friendships. But when the Queen died during the birth of her sixth son, everything changed. The King fell into mourning, and the Princes turned dark and cruel in their grief.

Now, as a maiden, Selene must endure the brutal mockery and abuse from those she once called friends. Her only allies are her beautiful swans and those on the kitchen staff who love her. Until the mysterious Conway appears and seems determined to be a part of her life.

Conway is fascinated by the girl with the silver hair and dismayed by how she is treated. He welcomes her into his heart, and Selene slowly begins to trust what she feels is real.

Can Conway show her a different way of life, or will she stay stuck in a cycle of suffering? And when the Gods become involved, a curse strikes the six Princes of Melthkior. Will Selene choose to help them, or leave them to their fate?

Goodreads Link:
Smashbomb Link:
Universal Purchase Link:
Sons of Thunder (Brothers in Arms Collection)
Sons of Thunder (Brothers in Arms Collection)
Susan May Warren | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved the concept of Sons of Thunder. It had great potential and I’ve seen tons of five-star reviews for it. Sadly it didn’t meet my expectations.

I had a hard time reading it for a few reasons. One was the writing. It had a sort of funny style. It was as if short dramatic phrases were placed at the end of a paragraph, but the phrases were not dramatic in any way, nor were the necessary. It made the whole thing feel awkward. It was also hard to follow and I got confused a lot.

The second was the romance. I immediately saw and understood how Markos looked at Sofia. But their relationship jumped around from courteous to in-love to friends to not-talking, and I couldn’t understand where they actually stood or how they saw each other. It was like a whole first chunk of their relationship was missing from the book. There was no connection to the characters.

Third, I didn’t like the Chicago club stuff at all. It turned me off right away.

As I mentioned above I didn’t finish Sons of Thunder. There was nothing compelling me to continue, there wasn’t any plot, and the characters were beginning to aggravate me and I didn’t connect with them. I skipped to the very last page just to see what happened, and was not surprised to see that exactly what I thought would happen, did happen.

I was very disappointed by Sons of Thunder, especially considering all the five star reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. I really wish I had loved it, but I must share my 100% honest opinion. Please know that I and the few other readers who didn’t like it are the minority by a landslide. I hope you’ll consider other reviews before you make a decision.
Mother's Day Out
Mother's Day Out
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
**I received this book as a part of Goodreads Giveaways**

Margie Peterson is your typical stay at home mom. As if carpool lines, PTA fundraisers, and school newsletters weren't enough to keep her busy, she decides to take a part-time job to help with the family finances. The job she took is not one that is typical of a stay home mom, but it's one that is sending her on quite an adventure. She gets the opportunity to work for a private investigator. The job is simple, but could be dangerous at times. Her first case goes off without a hitch(almost). The second, on the other hand, get really complicated really fast when she finds a dead body in the bathroom of a gay bar!

Margie Peterson is the mom we all hope that we could be. She's strong, fearless, and is able to think quickly on her feet. All great characteristics of a private investigator, but it tends to also get her in trouble from time to time.

This book had me laughing out loud, and sitting on the edge of my seat. There is a twist around every corner and mystery that you have to get to the bottom of. I enjoyed this book, but only gave it three stars because even though it had me on the edge of my seat, it took a while for me to get there. It took me nearly a month to read this book. Some because my life has gotten busy and there is hardly any time to read. But books that are hard to put down find a time to get read.

I do recommend this book for mystery/thriller/chick-lit. And I will read more from this author and this series.
Local Girls
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Three friends walk into their favorite dive bar, The Shamrock, and are shocked to see their favorite actor, Sam Decker there. When he joins their table and starts buying drinks, the conversation turns to each others pasts and how their lives got to be at the point they are. This night will change everyone's lives forever.

From the beginning of the book, we know that someone is going to die. And now I am just trying to figure out the when and how. The book flips between present day and the past when the group of three girls used to be a foursome.

Something about this book that I liked is that you get to see how the girl get to this point in their life. I liked the flashbacks and it transported me back to my high school days. I could see me and my friends in this same situation although my friends and I were not quite as wild as these girls.

One part that really struck me was a reference to Virginia Woolf and her suicide note. In the note she says, "I don't think any two people could have been happier than we have been." The character reading this mentions that this phrase is said twice in her short suicide note. I find it ironic that the author mentions a phrase twice in this book, "Only boring people get bored." I think deep down these girls were bored, but used the antics they pulled help to add some excitement to their lives. Another interesting thing about this book, is that we are never really introduced to the narrator. I can only recall her name being mentioned twice in the book.

**I received an uncorrected proof of this book through Goodreads Giveaways and this review is based on that copy.**
Bring Her Home
David Bell | 2017
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bring Her Home is...fine. It's a perfectly serviceable summer read that moves briskly. The plot is interesting and I did want to know how everything turned out. There are plenty of twists, some more easily guessed than others, although the last(-ish) one starting around page 355 and continuing until near the end was a bit much. While I don't expect the story to be realistic, it still stretched my plausibility meter for the book. <spoiler>I just find that two major events concurred one the same day at basically the same time is extremely unlikely.</spoiler> I would have liked a tighter, less convoluted answer to everything, plus another character's viewpoint besides Bill, Summer's dad, maybe Paige or Detective Hawkins. The book is told through Bill the whole time, all 425 or so pages, and it could be tiring as he has next to no impulse-control. I understand some of what he did, but at the same time, I found him irritating and felt like the police should just lock him up until they solved the case. Also, characters who should be keeping facts confidential (a guidance counselor and a pastor), just spout off for what they think is the greater good or something. I'd be pissed if something I had said or done in confidence was told without my say-so, I don't care what the case should be, I'd never trust those people again. There are a few other things that raised my eyebrows and made me think "as-if!," but nothing I can divulge without spoiling so I'll keep my trap shut. Anyway, overall, the book is entertaining and diverting, just don't expect it to blow your mind.

Received through Goodreads Firstreads giveaway.

Sam (74 KP) rated All That She Can See in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
All That She Can See
All That She Can See
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cherry has a bakery. She knows exactly what people need and serves them something to cheer them up. What her customers don’t understand is that she bakes magic into everything to defeat their problems.

Cherry sees Meddlums – creatures that personify people’s problems. They are everywhere, following people around and never leaving them alone. That is until people go into her bakery, and Meddlums are stuck outside, slowly disappearing as Cherry solves everyone’s problems through food.

All That She Can See reminded me a lot of a Disney story, which isn’t surprising coming from Carrie. Lots of the reviews over on Goodreads slate this for being too Disney and pink and fluffy but I loved it. It makes a great change from the books I’ve been reading lately and it’s nice to read something that’s soft and an easy read.

It does have an abstract focus on mental health, showing how everyone has their own problems. It also raises the question of whether you can ever fully fix someone’s emotions. Cherry does everything to make people where she is happy, but in Plymouth, where this book is set, the happiness becomes too much and raises its own issues. It just goes to show that no matter what you do and how hard you work, people will always have their own issues.

I loved the way that Cherry sees bad feelings as monsters and Chase sees good ones as monsters. It shows their different personalities and how a generally happy person will easily see the bad things and a generally sad person will always see the good things happening to other people.

This is an absolutely brilliant read and I need a sequel!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Au Pair in Books

Apr 4, 2019  
The Au Pair
The Au Pair
Emma Rous | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a book that everyone seemed to be talking about on Goodreads, so I picked it up. I'm glad I did. It was an engaging, quick read that kept me interested and guessing. The story alternates between the present-day, told by Seraphine and the past, leading up to the twins birth, as told by Laura, the young au pair. We learn that the Mayes family has a history of sadness and tragedy--especially when it comes to twins. However, Rous is very good as slowly unfurling her plot, letting us carefully uncover exactly what happened not only with Seraphine, Danny, and their older brother Edwin, but with their mother, Ruth, and with Laura.

The book is certainly weird and intriguing early on. It's very readable and certainly creepy at times. I did wonder why Seraphine didn't just take a DNA test from the beginning: at least then she'd know if Edwin and Danny were her brothers! There was a lot of hand-wringing and angst. Which, okay, I can understand if you believe you don't belong in your family, but it was a little much at times. There were a few cliches and predictable moments, but the plot was also really interesting and just dramatic enough to draw me in and keep me flipping the pages. I was fascinated to see how things would all turn out. And while Seraphine could irritate me at times, I overall liked both Laura and Seraphine as narrators and characters.

Overall, this was a good read--fast and twisty. I probably could have used a notepad to draw out the family dynamics by the end: there are some fun twists and turns there. It's a good book to embrace and enjoy the craziness and drama. It can be a little melodramatic, but overall a fun read. 3.5 stars.
The Illumination Of Ursula Flight
The Illumination Of Ursula Flight
Anna-Marie Crowhurst | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The strong female characters (0 more)
Even though this book has a nice looking cover I can’t say that it is a book I would have picked up myself
The Goodreads blurb reads

“Born on the night of an ill-auguring comet just before Charles II's Restoration, Ursula Flight has a difficult future written in the stars.

Against the custom of the age she begins an education with her father, who fosters in her a love of reading, writing and astrology.

Following a surprise meeting with an actress, Ursula yearns for the theatre and thus begins her quest to become a playwright despite scoundrels, bounders, bad luck and heartbreak.”

On the face of it it sounds like a ‘coming of age’ historical drama, which it essentially was, and not in an era I really have much an interest in. So it was nice to read something a little out of my comfort zone.

As the blurb says, Ursula is a young girl with aspirations of the stage. Unfortunately for Ursula her parents have a life planned for her and being a lowly actress is not one of them. The story follows Ursula's struggles to follow her parents wishes whilst trying to stay true to herself.

I loved the way this was written, its told from Ursula's point of view and interspersed with little snippets of play writing by Ursula. Ursula is a very strong character that is way ahead of the era she lives in. What I loved most about this book was near the end, i won't spoil it, but suffice to say I think the author was very clever with the ending she chose.

To summarise, it’s a well written well reserached coming of aged historical drama with a strong female lead and an admirable feminist message.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Forgotten in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Tupper leads a busy life as a corporate lawyer. But after her mother passes away, she takes a month-long leave of absence (basically unheard of in her firm) to visit Africa -- the dream trip her mom never had the chance to take. But things go awry and Emma gets sick in Africa. Shortly after, an earthquake hits the region where she's recuperating, and her one-month trip becomes a six-month odyssey. Unable to communicate from her remote village, Emma finally returns home, only to find out that everyone thinks she died in Africa and that life has gone on without her.

This was an interesting novel. It's a fun and diversionary story, to say the least, even if not much of it seems too rooted in truth. Emma is so easily declared dead in a mere six months? When she returns back to find her apartment rented, the new tenant has no issue with her staying with him, and even wearing his clothes? Hmm. Okay. A romance triangle is thrown in, of course, with Emma's pre-Africa boyfriend having moved on (or has he?). So much of the book seemed downright silly to me, but I found it oddly addictive. Emma's a little irksome from time-to-time, but I'm not sure what I would do if I came back from vacation and everyone thought I was dead and had sold my life out from under me! It's a good exploration on how we often lead our lives out of habit and ease, versus truly going after what we truly want. Nothing earth-shattering here, but an enjoyable read.

Thanks to Goodreads for giving me a copy of this book through their First Reads/Giveaway program.
The Girl with a Clock for a Heart
The Girl with a Clock for a Heart
Peter Swanson | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
George Foss is enjoying drinks with his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Irene, in a Boston bar when he is convinced he has spotted his college girlfriend, Liana. When George returns later that evening, his suspicions are confirmed. George hasn't seen Liana for twenty years, since she disappeared in a cloud of uncertain (and illegal) circumstances after their first semester freshmen year. As such, he knows that Liana has probably been on the run for the entire period. She quickly asks George for help, and he finds himself embroiled again in Liana's drama. Quickly he wonders if his safety (and hers) is at sake.

This is the second book I've read by Swanson now, and I've liked them both well-enough, but haven't been overly impressed with either. So many people seem to love him, so I was kind of disappointed that I didn't enjoy this one more. I never connected with any of the characters, and the book just sort of meandered about, taking a while to get to its various points. Yes, it certainly has some twists and turns, and some "aha" moments, but I was always waiting for some big shocking moment that never came. Instead, the plot was rather straightforward. George was a rather spineless creature who seemed to get into trouble easily, while Liana was never fully fleshed out. I would have liked to learned more about her - besides the fact that she was "heartless."

Overall, while I found the plot for this one intriguing, it didn't wow me, and I don't think this one will stay with me very long.

I received this novel via a Goodreads Giveaway in return for an unbiased review - thank you!