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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Verity in Books

May 21, 2019  
Colleen Hoover | 2018 | Romance
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lowen Ashleigh's life is basically falling apart. She's a broke writer who hasn't left her home in days, maybe weeks. Her mom had been living with her while sick with colon cancer, including hospice for the last three months. Now Lowen's mom has passed away, and Lowen is emerging back into the real world--financially broke and somewhat emotionally broken. Her agent calls her to a meeting, where she's asked to ghost write the final books in a series for the popular author Verity Crawford. Verity--who has been seriously injured in a car wreck--is unable to complete her books, and her husband, Jeremy, wants to hire Lowen. Lowen needs the money, so she agrees. She also finds Jeremy attractive and interesting, and she arrives at the Crawford home to go through Verity's office and manuscripts. There she finds an unfinished autobiography of Verity's--one that sheds light on how her twin daughters passed away, her relationship with Jeremy, and more. Lowen finds its chapters horrifying and hides it, but as her feelings for Jeremy grow, she wonders if he should see its contents. And she wonders if Verity is as truly injured as she seems.

"I'm not looking for my fifteen minutes of fame. I'm looking for a paycheck."

So I've never read anything by Colleen Hoover, but so many of my Goodreads friends were raving about this romantic thriller. When I saw that I could read it via Kindle Unlimited, I jumped at the chance. It was definitely an interesting read and one that really picked up in the second half. It's a different sort of tale, too, which made it a refreshing read. Be prepared for a dark story--Verity and Jeremy have lost both of their young twin daughters, and now Verity is injured as well. Verity's autobiography is not light reading, and overall, the story is a creepy, bleak tale.

"I think Verity might have made up the term. After our daughters died, she said we were Chronics. Prone to chronic tragedy. One terrible thing after another."

When Lowen comes to the Crawford home, she picks up on some of this eerie energy that permeates the book. However, Hoover makes sure that we know that Lowen is an unreliable narrator as well. She's a sleepwalker, often so tired that she herself isn't sure if she's sure of what she's seeing or hallucinating from exhaustion. As a reader, we aren't sure who to trust. It makes for an engaging story, where you are never sure what (or who) to believe.

"My mother used to say that houses have a soul, and if that is true, the soul of Verity Crawford's house is as dark as they come."

Overall, I'm not sure I can rave about this one quite as much as some reviews I've read, but I did enjoy it. It's a quick read, it's ominous and spooky, and there are some great dramatic twists and turns. The ending makes up for a lot, so I would certainly say it's worth a read. I know that a lot of Hoover's books are not quite like this one, but I still look forward to reading some of her other books.
Hello, Sunshine
Hello, Sunshine
Laura Dave | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sunshine (Sunny) Mackenzie has a great life--a hit YouTube cooking show, several published cookbooks, and the potential for a show on the Food Network. She's also happily married to her husband, Danny. But all it takes is a few Twitter posts from a hacker to destroy Sunny's life. Because, you see, she's been living a life built on lies and subterfuge. Disgraced, alone, and broke, Sunny returns to her childhood home, to a complicated relationship with her sister and a six-year-old niece she barely knows. Sunny has a plan to get her life back, but it involves a new set of lies. Is it worth it--and worth sacrificing a potential relationship with her sister?

This was an interesting novel. I must admit, I was bothered the entire time I was reading it, because it felt like a weirdly familiar story, but I could never place why. You know how something is often in the back of your mind? I don't know if I've just read too many books, have a terrible memory, or if I've truly read a book with a similar plot (disgraced chef returns home): it could be all of the above. But it did affect me sometimes as I was reading.

Sunny was a tough character. It was hard to tell if I liked her. She was terrible to lie about her entire professional life, yet she was backstabbed pretty badly by her hacker. I was willing to let those two equal out, but then after all said events, she still made a chain of pretty awful decisions. Her slow learning--and lack of sense--was a bit frustrating to me, although she did grow on me as the novel progressed. The book falls back on some plot cliches and predictable story turns, though there is one good twist. It's slightly marred by a lame reason for said twist, but still: it did take me by surprise.

The cast of characters in this one is limited, and it was refreshing to read a novel told from just one perspective (Sunny's). Sammy, her niece, is the best. I wanted more Sammy. The funny parts in this novel are just plain funny--there were pieces that made me laugh out loud. I also enjoyed the novel's message related to our society's current trend of living life based on social media. It does a good job of portraying the complicated relationship between sisters as well.

Overall, this one was a little predictable, but still interesting and often fun. A quick, breezy read.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 07/11/2017.

You can read my review of Dave's novel, EIGHT HUNDRED GRAPES, <a href="">here</a>;.

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Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Tomi Adeyemi | 2018 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ends on a massive cliffhanger (0 more)
Fantastic debut novel
Have you ever reached the end of a book and yelled "NOOOOO!!!"? Because I just did. Children of Blood and Bone ends on a HUGE cliffhanger, and I'm even more upset about that than I would be normally - I got this book as an advanced reader's copy through Goodreads. So not only do I have to wait for the sequel to come out, THIS BOOK ISN'T EVEN OUT YET. *screams internally*

That massive frustration aside, I LOVED THIS BOOK. African-inspired fantasy novels are starting to crop up, along with other non-European based fantasy, and I'm loving it. (You can find Russian inspired fantasy that I've read previously here and here, and Jewish/Arab fantasy here.) Adeyemi is a Nigerian-American author, and this is her debut novel. It definitely shows some hallmarks of a debut novel - the dialogue is a bit stilted in places, and it's a little bit formulaic - but the world building is excellent.

Children of Blood and Bone is a story of oppression, and the sparks of a rebellion. I assume the rest of the trilogy will deal with the actual rebellion, but given the cliffhanger it ends on, I'm not actually sure of that. When Zélie, the main character, was very young, magic failed, and the king, who was afraid of maji, took the opportunity to kill every maji in his kingdom before they could find a way to regain their powers. Since then, every person who could have become a maji as they grew (they're marked by their white hair) has been treated as a second-class citizen. They're forced into slums, used as slave labor, kicked around by nobility and guards, made to pay higher taxes, and forbidden to breed with the other classes. They don't have magic - and they have no way to get it - but they're treated as trash by the king that hates them, and accordingly by the rest of his subjects.

At the beginning of the book, a magical artifact resurfaces that restores magic to any diviner (potential maji) that touches it. This, of course, is not okay with the king, and most of the book is about the race to use the magical artifact while being chased by the king's son and his guards who are trying to destroy it. The conflicted prince has secrets of his own, though, and as the book weaves through jungles, mountains, and seas, he wavers in his mission.

It's always difficult to review books without giving too much away about the plot, so I won't say much more about the events. I really enjoyed that they rode giant cats - leopanaires. Zélie and her allies ride a lion leopanaire, which is apparently somewhat unusual. Most of the guards ride leopards or cheetahs, while the royal family rides snow leopanaires. The magic is unique, the gods and religion are beautifully fleshed out, and overall I just really loved this world, and I'm very sad it will be so long before I can dive back into it.

You can find all my reviews at
Amity & Sorrow
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

So when I read the blurb about this book, it definitely interested me. I find these kind of cults interesting. Amity & Sorrow: A Novel by Peggy Riley is such a good read when it comes to religious cults and just a great read in general.

Amaranth is on the run from her polygamous, cult leader husband. She's also brought her two children, Amity and Sorrow, with her. When she crashes her car in Oklahoma, she doesn't plan on staying. However, after spending time with Bradley, she wants to stay. Sorrow, her eldest child, wants to go back to her father. Amity just wants to make her sister happy. Sorrow will do anything she can to get back to the compound and her father. Will Amaranth stay with Bradley or will she miss the compound's ways?

The title is pretty straight forward. Amity and Sorrow are the names of the children in this book. I kind of like the title although I think it's not very original.

The cover is simplistic. I was a bit confused though when I started reading the book because the two girls look like adults judging by what their bodies look like. Amity is supposed to be 12 years old, and although Sorrow's age is never revealed, she is referred to as a child. I think the cover would've suited this book better had it looked like a pre-teen and a teenage girl holding hands.

The setting and world building were done beautifully. Everything was written the way I'd think a polygamous cult would be and the how the people in it would act. Riley's portrayal of a woman who escaped from a religious cut is fantastic!

I can not fault the pacing in this book. Not once was I bored when reading Amity & Sorrow: A Novel. Every chapter ending left me wanting more. Every page came alive in my mind for me.

The characters were very well developed and well written. I enjoyed reading about Amity. I loved her innocence and the way she was protective of her sister. I couldn't stand Sorrow, not because she wasn't written well but because I just found her to be so much of a spoiled brat. Amaranth was a great character, and I thought she was a great mother to her children.

Like the pacing, the dialogue is fantastic. The children who were raised in the religious cult speak the way I'd imagine them too. The dialogue between the characters is very interesting. There's no real swear words although there are sexual references.

Amity & Sorrow: A Novel by Peggy Riley is a fantastic read that will leave its readers thinking about it long after they've finished the ending. It is a touching story about love, survival, and the human spirit.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+ due to sexual references and adult themes.

(I received this book for free from the Goodreads Firstreads program).
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

“Life, as any chancer knows, is 10% planning, 10% design and 80% totally winging it …” and Catherine Bennetto’s debut novel <i>How Not to Fall in Love, Actually</i> provides a perfect example. The protagonist, Emma George, does not have the most stable of lives: a job she is not that great at, a disappointing boyfriend, and not much hope for the future. Clinging on to dreams of working in the film industry in New York, Emma plods on in her frustrating London job, however, things are due to get a lot worse.

A quick succession of events leaves Emma boyfriend-less, homeless, penniless, grandmother-less, and, to top it off, pregnant. Although letting off a woe-is-me aura, Emma does not realise how fortunate she is. A series of serendipitous incidents, a fashion-obsessed mother, and a sister on the other side of the world make Emma’s life more bearable. Moving into her late grandmother’s Wimbledon cottage and acquiring a handsome lodger, with a loving family just around the corner, Emma’s life has the potential to be happier than it has ever been before – if only she could see that.

<i>How Not to Fall in Love, Actually</i> (a title presumably inspired by the film Love Actually) is a typical British romantic comedy that provides light-hearted relief with its jovial narrative. Full of eccentric characters – a foul-mouthed four-year-old, a felony-obsessed octogenarian, and a harried mother of four – this novel is certain to entertain, although whether it deserves the “laugh-out-loud” status it promises is questionable (but then I am more of a laugh-inside type of reader).

One of the best things about this book – and many British chick-lit – is the authenticity of the characters and settings. Although a few of the scenarios may be toward the extreme end of the scale, none of the occurrences are too far-fetched, and all the characters are relatable in some way, despite their idiosyncrasies.

Personally, I tend to avoid chick-lit, finding them rather lowbrow and written for the sake of writing. Books that have love or sexual encounters as their key theme are not something I enjoy. Therefore, I was pleasantly surprised when <i>How Not to Fall in Love, Actually</i> exceeded these rather low expectations. Admittedly, there are one too many sexual references and far too much swearing, particularly from a four-year-old character – although that does add to the overall humour - but the general storyline was enjoyable. Despite the title hinting at a love-focused story, there were so many other elements to the plot, resulting in a much more interesting novel.

<i>How Not to Fall in Love, Actually</i> is obviously targeted at women, but can be enjoyed by adults of all ages. Those in their twenties and thirties may be able to relate to the struggles Emma is dealing with, whereas older generations may be able to reminisce about their past dilemmas. Whatever the reader’s situation, this book brings laughter, relaxation and the realisation that life is not so bad.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
“Thriller of the year” according to <i>Observer</i>; it makes you wonder what all the other thrillers were like. <i>Gone Girl</i> is a contemporary crime thriller by American author Gillian Flynn. Likable “Cool Girl” Amy Dunne is missing; the police think her husband has something to do with it, but what really happened?

Flynn begins the novel with an epigraph: “Love is the world’s infinite mutability; lies, hatred, murder even, are all knit up in it; it is the inevitable blossoming of its opposites, a magnificent rose smelling faintly of blood.” – Tony Kushner, <i>The Illusion</i>. This implies that love and hate, and perhaps murder, will be the main issues within the novel. It hints that relationships may not be all that they first appear, which becomes evident as you read deeper into the book.

Split into three parts, the first section alternates between a first person account from Nick Dunne, the husband, of what is occurring on the day in which Amy disappears and the following days when both he and the police are attempting to determine the truth about what has happened and trying to find out where Amy is; and diary entries from Amy dating as far back as 2005.

To begin with I did not think much of the story and did not particularly like Amy, despite her being portrayed as a likable character; however I soon got into the story siding with Nick and wanting him to be innocent even though evidence and suspicion were mounting against him.

Initially I assumed that the truth would not be revealed until the end of the story rather than on the first page of part two. For the remainder of the book Nick’s narrative remains the same, progressing from where it left off at the end of part one; whereas Amy, instead of diary entries, she is telling the reader the truth about what happened on the 5th July – the day she went missing – and the subsequent days and weeks. At this point I became a bit bored with the story; as the reader we know the truth and it is frustrating that the police are getting it wrong. However part three contained more suspense than the rest of the novel.

So, why only three stars? As I already mentioned it did not seem that great at the beginning and to be honest I did not feel satisfied with the ending either. One of the main things that bothered me was the use of swear words. I understand that many people swear and so it is inevitable that these words would end up in novels; however in my opinion there is swearing and then there is <i>swearing</i>. This was beginning to border on the latter. Yes some of the characters were angry but I thought the use of expletives was slightly overdone.

Despite these misgivings it was a well-written piece of fiction that I think others may enjoy – the ratings on <i>Goodreads</i> certainly suggest that; but for me it was not anything special.
The Painted Ocean
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher Corsair in exchange for an honest review*

This is another one of my books that I read for #Beatthebacklist 2017 challenge, most of these books are Netgalley books that I have not managed to get around to reading….sorry Netgalley.

Oh I don’t know where to begin with this book,I was very apprehensive about reading it as the rating on Goodreads is 2.86 which is pretty low and only saw a handful of 5 star reviews. I didn’t read any reviews beforehand as I wanted to go in with an open mind.

This is Gabriel Packards debut novel and is definitely an interesting read but unsure of what genre this would fall under as it’s a story of this Indian girls life and just how awful it is.

‘The Painted Ocean’ is told from the perspective of Shruti, her father has just upped and left, disgracing her mother according to her uncle and the rest of the family. With little money and her mother unable to speak English life becomes difficult for Shruti, especially when her Uncle is arranging for her Mother to return to India to marry. Shruti will not be moving to India with her mother as her existence will ruin her mothers chances of marriage, however when Shruti mentions to the headmistress that her uncle has threatening her she finds herself in the care system and her mother abandons her. Shruti’s life sucks, she is now in the care system and being bullied by other kids at her school as she is the only Indian girl until Meena arrives. Meena is also Indian,but she has this way with words and people and gets everything she wants. Shruti clings to Meena as she has shown her kindness and becomes her friend…but is she really her friend?

The book follows Shruti from eleven years old to when she is an adult but I felt the writing didn’t progress as her age did. There were lots of ‘Like’ and ‘Cos’ in the writing that I felt was overly used and got quite annoying in the end and she would even use this terminology when she was an adult.

All the characters were unlikable, we had her mother that abandoned her though she didn’t leave for India for ages. Her Uncle was horrible and made sure she knew that she was unwanted and then there was Meena who had the gift of the gab but just used Shruti and would only be her friend when it was convenient for her.

I found the plot of this to be really unrealistic especially towards the end, everything just conveniently happened and some parts I thought were too strung out.

The story kept me interested and was easy to read but the writing style was not for me and I just found it to be unrealistic. This is definitely a book that you will love or hate.

I rated this book 2 out of 5 stars.
Lies You Never Told Me
Lies You Never Told Me
Jennifer Donaldson | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I won this as a goodreads give-away and am glad I did!

A gripping, thrilling, page-turning YA novel that grabbed you from the beginning until the last page! It touches base on many different relationships. How lies, secrets, desires and choices in life can haunt you, make you question things and make you rethink if the choices you made were the right ones. This was a quick read that kept you guessing. A mixture of romance, thriller, mystery and young adult relationships, struggles and emotions.

Lies You Never Told Me can be broken down into two stories.

The first is about Gabe, a teenager who gets lost in a relationship with his girlfriend Sasha and questions why he stays with her. Sasha is the typical high school popular girl and bully. He decides to break up with her, however Sasha does not want the relationship to end. Sasha tries different things to get Gabe back. She is the epidemy of a psycho ex-girlfriend. Gabe starts falling for another girl Catherine and that too is a complicated relationship in itself. And while this is all happening Gabe finds himself a victim of a hit and run.

The second story in Lies You Never Told Me is about a girl named Elyse who is a teenage high school student who tries to hide a family secret about her mother, while going to school, working and keeping her and her mother from becoming homeless. Her only outlet of feeling normal is from her drama theater class. She gets a role in the school play and her life gets even more complicated. She falls for her high school drama teacher, Aiden Hunter and she has to hide this from everyone including her best friend Brynn. And her story unfolds from there.

In the end, these two stories collide together in such a way, it leaves the readers wanting more and gives you that aha moment of why the book was written how it was.

I rated it 4/5 because it was a little confusing of how the two stories tied together until you got to the end. Both stories told in Lies You Never Told Me dealt with a complicated teenage relationship though both very different, psychologically gripping and written in a way you get pulled to the characters, the stories didn't collide until the end so you were wondering throughout the book why it was written like it was and felt disconnected from each other. You felt like you were reading 2 separate novels until the last few chapters.
I would highly recommend this book to YA readers and adults who want a fast read, like a book told in different character perspectives, want a mystery/psychothriller mixed in with romance and relationship issues, those who like engaging characters and teenage issues that adults can understand as well!!!! I would say it's a YA book that compares adults book authors like Gillian Flynn, B.A. Paris, Lisa Jewell and others with similar writing styles and plots!
On Bone Bridge
On Bone Bridge
Maria Hoey | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting plot (3 more)
Fleshed Out Characters
Well written characters
Great pacing
Starts out a bit slow (0 more)
One of my Favorite Books!
The synopsis for On Bone Bridge by Maria Hoey definitely intrigued me. Everything about it made me really want to read this book. When I won On Bone Bridge from a Goodreads giveaway, I was ecstatic! Luckily, this book didn't disappoint.

The pacing for On Bone Bridge starts off slowly for the first few chapters. However, it quickly picks up soon enough. Once the pacing picked up, I didn't want to put this book down. I couldn't wait to find out what happened next and to find out what Kay knew. I also couldn't wait to find out if Oliver would be alright.

The plot for On Bone Bridge is definitely an interesting one. I also don't believe it's been done too many times. When Violet-May's and Rosemary-June's infant brother, Alexander, falls off of a bridge and drowns, everyone thinks it was just a horrible accident. However, Kay has her suspicions that it wasn't. We read about this time in her life. Then we read a little about when she's a teen, followed by her twenties. It's when she's in her late 30's that she crosses paths with the Duff family. She is invited by Rosemary-June's and Violet-May's brother, Robbie, to come leave with them in their house to keep an eye on things. Rosemary-June now has two kids of her own. A 3 year old girl named Caroline and an 18 month old named Oliver. When strange things start happening to Oliver, Kay starts to wonder if they are by accident or if something more sinister is going on as well as wondering if this is all connected to that day on Bone Bridge when Alexander drowned. Anyway, the plot is written very well. There are a few plot twists including one which could be predictable. However, On Bone Bridge is still a fantastic read. All of my questions were answered, so it was nice to have closure.

I enjoyed the world building in On Bone Bridge. This book definitely had me feeling some emotions for sure! Anyway, most of the book takes place in Ireland at different time periods. I think the author, Maria Hoey, did an excellent job in making the reader feel as if they were right there whilst everything was happening. I loved how most of the story also takes place at the Duffy family home. Kay was in awe of the house when she was little, so it was nice to read more about the place.

Trigger warnings include the death of a child and an animal, a spoiled child, swearing, violence (although not much and not very graphic), drinking, and cheating.

Overall, On Bone Bridge is a fantastic read. It's got a very interesting and strong plot as well as likable characters. The world building is written well too. I would definitely recommend On Bone Bridge by Maria Hoey to everyone aged 15+ who loves reading.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Joyce Girl in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
The Joyce Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Winner of the Impress Prize for New Writers 2015, Annabel Abbs creates a fantastic work of historical fiction based upon the life of Lucia Joyce. Although the titular character may be unheard of within the general public, her father will be known amongst the majority of readers. James Joyce, the eccentric author of<i> Ulysses</i> and <i>Finnegan’s Wake</i>, travelled around Europe with his family until settling in Avant-garde Paris, 1928. His daughter, Lucia, an ambitious, talented dancer describes the unconventional life as a child of Mr. Joyce, its ups and downs, and inevitable ruinous breakdown.

<i>The Joyce Girl</i> begins in Küsnacht, Zurich where Lucia is receiving treatment from Dr. Carl Jung – another well-known name; this novel is full of them. Struggling to come to terms with her current mental ill health and supposed repressed memories, Jung encourages Lucia to write her memoirs in order to learn of the events that led to this current predicament. Starting from 1928, aged 21, Lucia describes her life to Jung and the reader in brutally honest detail.

The unusual Irish family went through various successes and traumas in the intervening years, creating a humorous and emotional story. Lucia’s brother, Giorgio, caused the family enough problems without adding in the devastating heartache Lucia suffers from men who do not reciprocate her love. One of these lovers is the famous Samuel Beckett (<i>Waiting for Godot</i>, 1952), the first man Lucia falls for. It is fascinating to learn of the multiple connections these notable names had with each other. Although in retrospect it makes sense that the literary and artistic crowds would stick together.

From Lucia’s memoirs Jung formulates that the Joyce parents were extremely controlling, not giving Lucia the opportunity to live her own life – particularly within her dancing career. However, Jung still maintains that Lucia experienced emotional trauma and is insistent on retrieving those memories. What he eventually discovers will shock and possibly sicken the reader.

Through enormous amount of research, Annabel Abbs has put together a likely account of the Joyce family, particularly Lucia’s life. Using existing biographies, original letters and professional opinion, Abbs devises a logical narrative for the unfortunate dancer. Drawing upon knowledge of other literary greats and artists of the era, <i>The Joyce Girl</i> can be easily believed to be a true account, although doubtlessly some scenes must be based upon imagination.

<i>The Joyce Girl</i> will attract historical and romantic novel enthusiasts, providing an enjoyable, thought capturing story, as well as an opportunity to learn. Whether you are aware of James Joyce’s works, or even Lucia herself, <i>The Joyce Girl</i> is bound to capture your attention and draw your mind into the European life during the early 1930s. Although only her debut novel, Annabel Abbs comes highly recommended and it will be interesting to see what direction she has decided to take in her shortly expected second novel.