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Dogfight (Special Operations, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>
Quite often novels concerning the Second World War are assumed to be about Great Britain, Germany or life in concentration camps. However, first in series <i>Special Operations: Dogfight</i> by Craig Simpson is set in Norway in 1940 where Nazi’s have invaded.

The story is about fifteen-year-old Finn Gunnersen and his best friend Loki whose families are deeply involved with the resistance. Although they are still young boys, Finn and Loki end up playing an enormous role. Finn survives imprisonment and goes on to help a British Agent who has parachuted into Norway. As well as being a brilliant piece of historical fiction, this novel turns out to be an exciting thriller for teenagers.

Although suitable for both male and female readers, boys of ages ten and up would particularly like this book especially if they have a fascination for aircraft. There is a lot of detail about different types of planes and the author has even included a few diagrams and details at the beginning of the book.

Finn is a great hero with admirable strength and bravery. Simpson does not undermine women however and includes a couple of amazing female characters with just as much courage as the men.

<i>Special Operations: Dogfight</i> is a work of fiction but it was inspired by real events. It’s Norwegian setting makes it educational in that it teaches the reader about the effect of the war on innocent people in countries less spoken about in history textbooks. Despite some of the areas being made up to suit the story, Simpson has done a magnificent job at keeping it historically accurate and must have spent a great deal of time on research.

<i>Special Operations: Dogfight</i> is a brilliant book for young readers. For some the historical setting may be off putting but the characters feel as modern as teenagers today. The story is exciting and has a fantastic ending, including a few plot twists you do not see coming!
All That is Solid Melts into Air
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>My rating: 3.5</b>

<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>All That is Solid Melts into Air</i> (the title taken from a Karl Marx quote) is the debut novel from Irish author Darragh McKeon. Set mostly in 1986, it follows the lives of several people in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster.

On reading the blurb I thought that the plot would be solely focused on the Chernobyl disaster however this was not the case. In fact it is difficult to pick out what the actual plot line was. Each character has individual storylines, some of which connect up, but the disaster is not completely the entire focus of the novel.

Beginning in April 1986 we read about Yevgeni, a nine-year-old piano prodigy and his life in Soviet Russia. We also discover his aunt, Maria, who, although through third person narrative, describes her life, thoughts and difficulties at this period of time. The person who appeared to be the main character for the majority of the narrative was Grigory Ivanovich Brovkin, a surgeon who so happens to be Maria’s ex-husband that gets sent out to Ukraine to assist with the clean up after the Chernobyl incident. In Ukraine lives Artyom, a thirteen-year-old boy who is forced to evacuate his home to get away from the radiation. Here, while not until November 1986, Grigory and Artyom’s storylines merge together.

The novel ends in April 2011, but by this point Artyom’s story has fizzled out, his sole purpose being to show the reader what life was like for the evacuees: shockingly terrible.

As I have said, there was not really a main plotline, however the book gives a good account of what happened and how things were dealt with after. That is, of course, if it is historically accurate. Despite studying the Soviet Union at school, my knowledge of the Chernobyl disaster was virtually non-existent. There is also a hint of romance regarding Grigory and Maria.

Overall it was incredibly well written, full of description and very interesting.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Minology in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Have you ever wondered how your body works? Author Mark Murphy has his theory. The human body is full of little creatures known as min, and it is no different for 34 year old Will. Min live in every part of the body doing different jobs to make each part of the body work they way it should. However, these min are much like the humans they inhabit: they have their own jobs, their own lives, their own feelings and their own opinions.
Penelope Potts is a bored 15 year old min living in the left ear department with nothing much to do. Yet one day life becomes much more exciting when she and her best friend Henry are selected to take part in the trials to try and win themselves a position in Central Head.

Whilst this is taking place, however, the evil leader of the min, Sananab (incidentally bananas spelt backwards) has come up with a malicious plan that may change the life of the min forever. When Sananab discovers that Penelope is doing very well in the trials he becomes very interested in her. But when Penelope discovers his evil plan her life is immediately in danger.

Murphy’s ideas are very imaginative but are also similar to the <i>Numbskulls</i> in the <i>Beano</i> – perhaps this even had some influence on his novel? It is fun to envisage tiny beings living in human bodies making sure every organ works properly. The min themselves are an interesting bunch. Apart from Penelope, none appear to be that intelligent leading to humorous scenes, which could have the reader laughing out loud.

<i>Minology</i> despite the <i>“ology”</i> is not a heavy read and can be taken at the reader’s own pace. Whether they want something to read leisurely or something to read quickly this book will be more than adequate. And, if you like the min so much and want to read even more about their funny lives, there is a second book!
Swallow Me Whole
Swallow Me Whole
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don’t usually read this genre of book. Anyone that knows me knows I’m a little bit of a prude. But, I saw on Goodreads that one of my friends had read it, so i thought “why not?”
After managing to get over the fact the no one was actually reading over my shoulder and judging me I managed to get into this book really easily. Overall, the style of writing is really easy to read. The blurb if this book intrigued me a little: young timid woman catches her boyfriend getting sucked off by his assistant at work after hours, so she seeks help from a friend to help her grow in sexual confidence. However, this is not how it went! To begin with, I feel that no timid young woman would, after catching her boyfriend and his assistant in the act, the go to do what she saw to one of her closest friends. This does not show timidity (is that even a word?) and is quite ballsy (excuse the pun…not). That’s not even mention how that would change the friendship dynamic tremendously…which it obviously did. Because the story started so full on I feel the author felt like the standard had to keep up and to do so the sexual riskiness had to increase and because of this some of the events were somewhat unrealistic for someone who was supposedly meant to be sexually inexperienced and shy.
My last comment on this book is about the relationship between the main female character and her father. I’ve read many reviews that say that this relationship was unrealistic or hard to believe. However, I have to disagree. I feel like that this showed a relationship dynamic perfectly between an overpowering father who has ensured no one in his life has ever questioned him and a young woman who, probably throughout her life, has been tip-toeing the line to ensure that there isn’t any changing of balancing within the home because the reprocussions wasn’t worth it. This shows perfectly the level of emotional blackmail and abuse happening in families.
The Sisters Grimm
The Sisters Grimm
Menna van Praag | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Sisters Grimm sounds like it’s going to be a fairytale, doesn’t it? But it isn’t in the childish sense of the word. If you’ve ever read any of the original Grimm’s fairytales, they’re rather more macabre - and people don’t always get their happy endings.

Sisters Grimm don’t actually know that that’s what they are. They may have vague memories (pre-puberty - and this is important) of playing in a fairytale wood, where they can do magical, amazing things, but they put it down to dreams later. That is until they approach their 18th birthdays, and some of these dream-like abilities start to manifest themselves.

This story is based around four girls who first met at 8 years old in the fairytale dream-world, Everwhere, forget one another after their 13th birthdays, and begin to remember closer to their impending 18th birthdays. They all have a different mother, but the same father who they will meet in Everwhere on the evening of their birthday. And it’s really important that they find one another again prior to this confrontation - where they will discover the truth about themselves.

I really enjoyed this. It says on Goodreads that it’s a Young Adult novel, and whilst it’s immaterial whether I agree with this or not, I do agree that it’s about reaching an age where you are finding out more about yourself and your impending independence, and that can’t be a bad thing for young people to read about.

I liked the darkness in this book - it’s no twee fairytale. There’s death, murder in fact, as a pretty major theme. And people aren’t necessarily nice. They lie, they’re selfish and they keep secrets that are best known.

The only negative I can think of, is that I really thought that this was going to be set up for the first part of a series. The end seemed quite rushed to me, and I’d love to know more about what happens afterwards. Well, that’s not really a negative, is it? That’ll be why I gave it top marks, to be honest - it’s a great book!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book - another great choice!
All About the Hype (Jessie Jefferson, #3)
All About the Hype (Jessie Jefferson, #3)
Paige Toon | 2016 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I'll be honest and say that I've forgotten a lot of what went on in the two previous books in this series but this starts with Jessie waking up on her sixteenth birthday, crying since it's also the anniversary of her mothers death, too. Her dad, Johnny Jefferson - famous rockstar, has a surprise gift for her of a trip to Disneyland with the rest of the family and one there, all her old school friends and the ones she's made while being in America turn up and they spend the day there. That same night, they throw a party for her and Johnny sings one of her bands songs sending their fame skyrocketing.

I feel i should mention my love of Johnny and Meg. I read their book, Johnny Be Good, years ago now and fell in love with them as a couple and then their second book, Baby Be Mine, tore my heart out a little with all the emotion it made me feel but they did get their HEA - although their story is also continuing through this series, too, and I think it came to a bit of a head in this one with the return of Dana.

As for Jessie, I didn't remember everything that happened in the previous books but my review of the last book on Goodreads threw some light on my feelings. I was a little torn in my feelings again, though, with Tom and Jack. It was like one minute Jack was being an arse and i wanted her to get back with Tom, and then the next Tom was shoving something in her face and I was happy for her to be with Jack. So confusing.

And also her band All Hype and their journey. It was cute to watch them slowly find success with the aid of Johnny when he thought they needed it. It was nice to read.

I will admit that I wasn't full invested in this story. Maybe it was the length of time I've left between books - about 3 years - but I was just waiting for the book to finish. That sounds harsh but I felt like I'd missed something.
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

2.5 stars

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited library and has been on my "want-to-read-don't-own" shelf on Goodreads for quite a while

This starts with Tate crawling across the garden with her mother as they try to spy on their neighbour, who Tate's mum believes has taken her cat, Amy. They are interrupted by tattooed pretty boy, James, who happens to be their neighbours son. Instant attraction leads to flirting. Flirting leads to lots of hot almost-sex, almost because they keep being interrupted by the residents of the older peoples housing facility where they're visiting their respective parents. They finally do the deed before they both have to head home, only they now know they live in the same city. And of course they end up meeting again.

Before I started this I thought it was more of a new adult type thing with it's older cover but the new one (above) has made it all a bit more mysterious. I wasn't sure what the story was going to be other than a romance so its detailed sex scenes threw me off a bit and after so many, I started skipping them entirely. The romance was already starting to bloom so I wasn't really missing anything.

There's also a secondary storyline involving Tate's family restaurant and someone trying to get her to close it with daily threatening emails and stuff going wrong in the restaurant. When James gets wind of what's been happening he insists on helping her deal with it.

I have to admit that I liked James, quite a lot to be honest. He was a little take-charge and bull headed at times but you could tell he did it because he cared. Tate was far too judgmental at the start and it took me quite a while to warm up to her. She seemed really argumentative at times and somewhat whiny.

I'll admit that towards the end I started skipping bits, starting to lose interest in it. I was mainly waiting for the show down with the bad guy.

Not as good as I wanted it to be.

Merissa (11805 KP) created a post

Feb 4, 2021  
💥AVAILABLE NOW with special release week's price $2.99!!!💥OF WICKED BLOOD by Olivia Wildenstein and Katie Hayoz
  An Upper YA Paranormal Romance series with magic, mystery, adventure, and a slow-burn romance, lots of cursing, and not just the magical kind...
TITLE: Of Wicked Blood
SERIES: The Quatrefoil Chronicles book 1
AUTHORS: @olives21 and @katie_hayoz
GENRE: Upper YA Paranormal Romance
I didn’t mean to steal the Bloodstone from the De Morel’s crypt.
Scratch that, I did mean to steal it.
Until I realized it was a curse-magnet that only comes off if I, along with a jolly trio, successfully defeat four curses.
If any of us fail, I’m dead.
I’ve never been a glass half-empty sort of person, but my glass looks in dire need of a refill right about now.
The only highlight of this wicked treasure hunt: feisty, entitled Cadence de Morel.
I was raised on tales of magic, in a small town reputed to be the birthplace of French witchcraft.
Did I believe all the stories I heard? Absolutely not. I mean, if magic existed, Maman wouldn’t have died, and Papa wouldn’t be stuck in a wheelchair, right?
The night Slate Ardoin waltzes into my life, wearing a ring he stole from my mother’s grave, I call him a monster.
But then I meet real ones, and Slate, well . . . he becomes something else to me.
Something frustrating to live with but impossible to live without.
Something I will fight for, no matter the cost.
**Warning: contains profuse cursing (and not just the magical kind).
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Following Atticus: Forty-Eight High Peaks, One Little Dog, and an Extraordinary Friendship
Following Atticus: Forty-Eight High Peaks, One Little Dog, and an Extraordinary Friendship
Tom Ryan | 2011 | History & Politics, Mind, Body & Spiritual, Natural World
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am still relatively "newb"-ish to GoodReads, meaning I *really* need to write reviews for many, er, most of the books I have on my "Read" shelf. Ah well, with the likely possibility of my wife and I relocating to NC (goodbye, antisocial, overtaxed NJ!) by summer's end, I will have more time to update the other reviews in the coming years. Yay! Okay, onto my review..

I feel I should preface my review, letting all know I am slightly biased in my overall loving of the book, as Atticus, the star of the book, is a mini schnauzer, one of my favorite dog breeds, as well as my wife's.

The book succeeds on several levels. One way, it was a moving tale of one man's bonding with a dog that he really was not ever looking to bring into his life. The relationship that develops between the author, Tom Ryan, and Atticus was interesting to witness, as it appears almost as if Atticus and Tom were destined to be together. The two seem to be good for each other, allowing each of them to grow in ways, both emotionally and spiritually, that neither may have grown without having me the the other.

Another way it succeeded was in that there was good advice for the soul and the spirit. It was almost like a roadmap of what your life could be like without clutter of internet drama, iPhones, etc. It truly showed what absolute bliss it is to have a dog in one's life and all that comes out of the relationship that develops between man and dog.

If you love dogs and have not read this book, you are doing yourself a great disservice. If you don't love dogs, you could still read this and walk a totally different person! Either way, you need to read this book - your life will be so much better for it!

In closing, I just want to thank Tom Ryan, and Atticus, for an amazing story, and that I can not wait for the follow-up, which deals with the life of Will, the other mini schnauzer that found his way into both Tom's and Atticus' lives!
I&#039;ll Give You the Sun
I'll Give You the Sun
Jandy Nelson | 2015 | Children
8.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read the original review:

(Self-portrait: Book Remakes Girl)

Oh my Clark Gable. I'll Give You the Sun is simply amazing. It's a piece or artwork in itself, a definite new favourite of mine.

Alternating between twins Noah and Jude, I'll Give You the Sun is two alternating stories that twist together in ways so unexpected and so perfect that you'll undoubtedly want to read to the end without putting the book down. The Invisible Museum of Noah, aged 13 to 14, and The History of Luck, 16-year-old's Jude's story, are amazing on their own, but then they start to fit together so tremendously, and every little thing makes so much sense... I can't describe how amazing I found this book.

Jude and Noah were close; Noah was always painting, inside his head and out, and Jude was out being a badass daredevil, and building her flying women in the sand. But a horrific accident involving their mother sends them both tumbling, and the relationship between them is ruined.

But although all hope seems lost, the now-boycotting Jude finds the answer in such an unexpected way and suddenly everything falls back into place.

And Noah, after having his heart ripped out by his own actions, has to decide between telling the truth about his mother or keeping her secrets hidden beneath lies.

I love the style and layout of this book. The cover alone is wonderful, but the pages themselves are all so unique and interesting, I loved it at soon as I turned to the first page. It's not too busy or intricate, just simple little doodles and such giving each page a bit of character. And every cover I've seen is nice and minimalistic too. (If you want to look the book up and see the over editions and covers you can look at it on Goodreads.)

A story of family struggles, individual troubles, love and heartbreak, I'll Give You the Sun is simply beautiful. I'm dying to read it again, even after finishing it just ten minutes ago! A full 5 stars for this gorgeous book.