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Eye-opener (if you pardon the pun)
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

It is not often a blind man writes a book, and “write” is a word used due to the lack of a better. John M. Hull gradually lost his sight, registering as blind in 1980, a couple of days before the birth of his son. Although anticipating the event, John struggled to come to terms with his new circumstances and adjust to a new way of living. From 1983 through to 1985, John recorded his thoughts on tape, in diary form, as a way to ascertain and understand his predicament. Originally titled Touching the Rock (1990), John’s book has been republished as Notes on Blindness after the release of the film of the same name.

Initially, John made recordings every day, dictating the everyday occurrences he encountered. Amazingly, despite his disability, John was able to continue as a university lecturer and delve deeper into the world of theology. The way John thinks things through as he speaks reflects his academic abilities. Although he may have despaired at the thoughts of not being able to see his children, he had a fairly positive outlook on life.

John’s thought capacity and religious ideology are evident in his assemblage of diary entries. As a blind person, he learns to see the world in an alternative way, and often feels closer to God as a result. Through these new experiences, John begins to see the light despite the darkness.

The metaphorical descriptions of blindness help the reader to understand the horror and difficulties not being able to see visually provokes. This is heightened by John’s recordings of the bad dreams he often suffers, in which he is able to see. His fixations on these dreams are assumedly a fascination with visual imagery, which he does not have access to in his waking life.

It is hard not feel sorry for John as he reports the conversations he has with his young children. The effort to communicate and play with them is far greater than a seeing parent. Remarkably, as John begins to adjust to his new lifestyle, his children take the situation in their stride.

Notes on Blindness is also an educational narrative for those without sight problems. John explains the things other people, in attempts to be helpful, do that result in making things far more confusing for John as he tries to navigate his way from one place to another. Despite what most think, blind people are fairly good at walking routes they are familiar with, and, with the help of a stick, can safely travel through new areas. Once people start shouting instructions, it is difficult to pay attention to the location and listen to everyone else at the same time.

John’s voice is extremely articulate, and his thoughts profound, which may suggest heavy editing when compiling the recordings into written form. However, as he is an academician, his eloquence of speech does not feel forced or faked.

Notes on Blindness remains the same as the original publication but with the added inclusion of an introduction by Cathy Rentzenbrink, and an epilogue by his wife Marilyn, written in 2016, a year after his death. These, the latter in particular, provide an insight into how John’s blindness affected those around him and emphasises what a truly remarkable man he was.

Of the many memoirs available on bookshelves today, Notes on Blindness is a truly unique publication. It is not telling a story, or recounting a well-lived life, but gives great insight into the world of the blind. As John’s thoughts were not originally recorded with intention of being available to everyone, they are all the more personal and honest, provoking emotion and providing the reader with a new way of seeing. It is a book that will stay with you for a very long time.
Factually Accurate
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

A spectacle of celebrity, talent and burning ambition, Queen Bees combines the biographical stories of six ambitious women who helped to shape the standards of British society between the two world wars. Londoner Siân Evans is a cultural historian who has previously worked with the Victoria and Albert Museum, National Trust and Design Museum, and takes great lengths to thoroughly research into her written subject in order to portray a highly accurate insight to the lives of historical figures. Due to the non-existent political status of women in the early 1900s, the women featured in this book are virtually unknown today, yet they had a great impact during the 20s and 30s and helped to shape the Britain of today.

Although not necessarily born into it, circumstances such as marriage meant these six women were regarded as upper class. In no particular order, the names impacting on the social revolution and thus featured in Queen Bees are as follows: Lady Nancy Astor, the first female MP; Lady Sybil Colefax, who became a friend of Edward VIII; Lady Emerald Cunard, also connected with the royal family; Mrs. Ronnie Greville, a rather formidable woman; Lady Edith Londonderry, the founder of the Women’s Legion; and Laura Corrigan, the youngest of the set. Evans talks the reader through these women’s careers as professional hostesses as they compete to throw the better party, entertaining famous writers and actors as well as members of royalty, both national and foreign.

What is perhaps the most interesting, and indeed the most worth learning, is the way a couple of these women altered the future of the British monarchy. Without their interference the future George VI would never have married Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, and without their involvement in the relationship between Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, George VI would never have come to the throne. This is such an important aspect of British history that has been widely left out and ignored. Without these hostesses influence we would all be experiencing a slightly different life.

In terms of the actual writing, Siân Evans manages fairly well to engage the reader as she relates the factual story in a more or less chronological way. A slight issue is the quick, often undetected, move from one woman to the next, resulting in a lot of confusion about who is who particularly at the beginning of the book. A lot of the narrative features other key figures from the same period and often moves away from the main characters, which, whilst interesting, is not what the reader necessarily expected from a book whose title Queen Bees suggested it was only going to be about the women’s lives.

Footnotes, quotes and extracts from letters and diaries help to make the book appear reliable, factual and believable. Some of the content, without back up, would have seemed rather fanciful or exaggerated. Queen Bees can be read as a source of entertainment or as a citation for historical research. What is found within these pages is a more unbiased account of the early twentieth century than would be found in numerous male dominated history textbooks.

Mature readers of all ages are likely to gain something from reading Queen Bees – pleasure, knowledge etc., however it is most likely to appeal to the contemporary feminist. With this in mind, be aware that the six hostesses were not feminists of their time; they were not involved in Suffragette movements and were fairly content to live off money earned by their husbands or fathers. Yet, on the other hand, they impacted on the future of Britain as much as the male politicians of the time. Highly political in content, Queen Bees is worth reading to discover our own history, but be prepared for initial confusion over who is who and rather lengthy paragraphs.
In a Land of Paper Gods
In a Land of Paper Gods
Rebecca Mackenzie | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Better than expected
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

“My name is Henrietta S. Robertson. That’s my English name… My Chinese name is Ming-Mei.”

As the child of members of the Interior Alliance Mission, Henrietta has grown up between two cultures: English and Chinese. From the age of six she was sent to boarding school on a mountain in the Jiangxi Province, where four years later she remains as a small, pale, lonely girl.

For a girl as young as ten, Etta has a big imagination. She decides that God has called her to be a prophetess, and encourages the other girls in Dormitory A to join her in a Prophetess Club. This results is Etta getting into all sorts of trouble as she naively goes about inventing prophecies; all the while the Second Sino-Japanese War gets closer and closer to their mountain sanctuary.

Told mostly from Etta’s point of view, In a Land of Paper Gods is a hilarious historical novel about a young girl’s innocence. A large part of the story is about the missionary school rather than the ongoing war, therefore the focus is on Etta’s interpretation of the bible and her understanding of the differences between Western Christian and Chinese culture. However, once America joins the war effort, it is shockingly quick how the tale can go from humorous to heartbreaking.

The other character who plays a large part in this novel is Muriel, a dorm aunty, whom Etta regards highly. Muriel wanted to be a missionary but instead has found herself working at the Lushan school, keeping an eye on the ten and eleven year old girls. Although most of the book is written in Etta’s first person narrative, Rebecca Mackenzie has also included the occasional diary entry from Aunty Muriel. Since these are so few, it is not clear what their purpose is, as the story could easily continue without them.

Despite being an historical novel, In a Land of Paper Gods focuses less on fact and more on the impact the times had on a young girl. It is interesting to see the character development of Etta as she goes from a naughty, attention-seeking schoolgirl, to a young woman who must fend for herself. All the while she has her belief in God to resort to for explanations about the world she is living in. The reader also witnesses the growth of a relationship between Aunty Muriel and Etta. To begin with it is that of an adult and child, however it ends with them being equals in their suffering.

In a Land of Paper Gods is a pleasure to read. It is comically entertaining to begin with as the reader grows to love the characters, particularly mischievous Etta. It is hard to put the book down due to pure delight of the storyline, yet when the story turns darker it is just as difficult to put down, as we want to find out if the characters are going to be okay.

For some people, the Christian content will not mean anything, however it is possible to enjoy the novel without a religious background. For those, like myself, who do have a Christian upbringing, this aspect makes the story even better. Readers may recognize themselves or of their childhood in Etta, particularly her understanding of the bible.

Overall I loved this book. I was not sure what to expect, and have often found historical novels set in China to be rather dull. Therefore I was pleasantly surprised to discover how good this book was. I encourage others to read In a Land of Paper Gods, and I look forward to reading what Mackenzie writes next.
Valley of the Moon
Valley of the Moon
Melanie Gideon | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
New Time Traveler's Wife
received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

For fans of The Time Traveler’s Wife (Niffenegger, 2003) this captivating story by Melanie Gideon is an alluring, spellbinding work of fiction about loving, being loved and finding somewhere you belong. With a touch of time travel in an otherwise typical reality, Valley of the Moon will excite, enrapture and touch readers’ hearts.

It is difficult to give a synoptic review without giving too much of the plot away. In short, the book contains the two lives of complete strangers who meet under extremely unlikely circumstances. It is 1975 and Lux Lysander is struggling to make ends meet as a single mother in San Francisco. Estranged from her parents, Benno has become her life; Lux would do anything for him. The other half of the story begins in 1906 in the Californian Sonoma Valley. Joseph has achieved his dream of creating an Edenic community where races and classes can live in harmony. Greengage is a self-sufficient society where everyone is seen as equal, however, something happens to shake up the peace – literally. A huge earthquake mysteriously leaves the valley unharmed but completely surrounded by a deadly fog. No one can leave and no one can enter, that is until Lux does.

Until the two characters’ lives collide, the narrative is fairly typical, but it quickly takes on a theme that most minds would attempt to debunk. Through a wall of fog, Lux can pass between 1975 and 1906, whereas Joseph and his friends can only stay in their own timeline. Lux begins to live a double life: one with her son Benno and one with the antiquated lifestyle of the Greengage community. Unfortunately, it is only possible to pass through the fog on a fall moon, and not necessarily every month.

Lux’s modern appearance and colloquialisms baffle the community but she soon finds herself a place amongst the inhabitants. For a while, Lux is able to keep her two lives separate, but one slip up causes her to temporarily lose the love and trust of her only son. Torn between her own flesh and blood and the only place she feels she belongs, Lux has to decide how far she would go for the people she loves.

One of the key themes of the novel is relationship. Although romance develops toward the latter stages of the story, the majority is focused on familial love and love between friends. Lux and Benno’s relationship is particularly important, especially when their love becomes strained by Lux’s secret dalliance with the past. The other significant theme is about finding oneself. Lux lives in an era where, despite developments in women’s equality, single mothers are still shunned. Conversely, in 1906 where historically things were worse for women, the egalitarian society feels much more like home.

Lux’s temerity is to be admired as she continues to visit the past despite it being beyond the bounds of possibility. More applaudable is her determination to win back her son as well as her distant parents.

Despite being set for the most part in the 1970s and 80s, Valley of the Moon has a futuristic air about it, with an element of fantasy and science fiction. It is almost a version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Lewis, 1950) but for adults, with more realistic themes. Melanie Gideon admits that she got the idea for the novel from the film Brigadoon (1954) in which the protagonist stumbles across a magical land in the woods. With similarities, Gideon has created her own version of this fairy-tale-like scenario.

Journeying through a range of emotions, Valley of the Moon is a story that engages readers from beginning to end. With ups and downs, the author explores the lives and personalities of the main characters, which develop beautifully over time. This book is not one likely to disappoint its readers.
Gunning for Trouble
Gunning for Trouble
Helenkay Dimon | 2011 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bland Characters Gun Each Other Down in Gunning For Trouble
Genre: Contemporary

Page Count: 217 Pages

Average Goodreads Rating: 3.79 out of 5 stars

My rating: 1 out of 5 stars

Caleb was in a dead sleep until his phone alerts him to a break-in to his apartment. Immediately his defensive instincts — honed by his dangerous work of tracking missing persons and protecting witnesses — surface and he springs out of bed with his gun to tell the would-be burglar they have chosen the wrong apartment. But he ends up pointing the gun at Avery Walters, his former boss and ex-lover.

To Caleb’s irritation, Avery is on an assignment from Caleb’s boss about a string of murders in the witness protection program. Now dangerous people are after her and the only person she could turn to was Caleb. Despite Caleb’s resentment and anger toward Avery, he still feels the need to protect her. While they work together to stop the murders, old anger and mistrust rises between them, but so does the lust they feel for each other. Can they move forward and learn to love each other, or will the past always hold them back?

This book was awful. Caleb and Avery have the chemistry of fifth graders in their Drama Club rendition of Romeo and Juliet.

Caleb is a complete jackass. He protects Avery but it’s clear he doesn’t want to do it out of anything other than a sense of duty. Not only is he angry about her waking him up in the middle of the night– you know, just because her life is in danger. She should stop whining, right?– but he constantly makes her feel stupid and makes it clear he resents the shit out of her. He says she fired him so she could get a promotion, when in reality he was a loose cannon who deserved to be fired.

Even his friends and coworkers think he needs to tone down the anger.

“Haven’t heard you apologize to her,” (Zach, Caleb’s friend and coworker said).

“For what?”

“You tell me.”

“I was blindsided by what she did back then.”

“Any chance you had tunnel vision?”

Caleb is also so hot-headed I wouldn’t be surprised if he took steroids on a regular basis. Even someone like Avery, who has little more character than a stock photo, deserves better than that.

Caleb does eventually realize he’s been acting like a PMSing Neanderthal and “forgives her”, still thinking he did nothing wrong but wanting to put it behind him.

Avery isn’t as bad as Caleb, but Avery isn’t much of anything at all. She probably goes down in history as one of the least interesting protagonists ever created.

I might have cared more about the characters if I understood and liked the plot. But even that was a hot mess. While I get the gist of the situation– someone is selling names of people in the Witness Protection Program– I can’t make sense of the finer details. A hailstorm of minor characters were dumped on me at once and I couldn’t even keep them straight, let alone focus on what they were saying.

On top of that, there are a couple of times Avery seems to just “get” stuff and the reader is supposed to just “get” it too. But these aren’t obvious things, nor are they minor.

These things are like why Avery is too dangerous to be around Caleb’s coworkers’ wives. Avery just accepts that it’s reasonable she would put the wives in danger, but it’s not.

Even after reading the entire book and going back to skim parts of it for this review, I still don’t understand the plot that well.

If you are looking for a good Harlequin Intrigue book, you would be better off reading Scene of the Crime: Black Creek by Carla Cassidy. But don’t waste your time reading a half-assed story like Gunning for Trouble
Of Mice Not Men
Of Mice Not Men
Donald L. Canterbury | 2016 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Science Fiction, Non-Romance

Page Count: 350 pages

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars

My rating: 3 out of 5 stars

After manmade natural disasters wiped out most humans and life around the world, war breaks out among the remaining humans. The faction called the Developers want to take the resources from Earth and leave the dying planet behind to join the stars. The Harmonizers want to stay and restore Earth’s resources. Both factions race to stop the other, using deadly, even sadistic measures. After all, the fate of the planet and the human race lies in the balance.

I had my ups and downs with this book to be sure. Aside from the book badly needing a proofreader, the writing itself is well done, only dipping into preachiness about human’s greed a couple of times. The brain curdling torture scenes were deliciously awful and made me stop reading a couple times to look up pictures of pet pigs until I calmed down enough to continue.

I thought I had a stomach for violence. I read Stephen King books and have watched plenty of horror movies. In middle school I reveled in shocking my classmates with presentations of General Sherman’s March to the Sea and torture practices from the Spanish Inquisition. In high school I was the only one who could watch the video of a shark eating a turtle without looking away ( but I ended up crying about shark fin soup later that year).

The point is, violence in books usually doesn’t bother me. But Canterbury takes it to a whole new level in a few of the torture scenes. It wasn’t just the twisted sadism in the scenes that bothered me, however. It was the fact that both sides are tooth achingly aware of the finite resources left and yet they both spend resources making inefficient weapons. The Developers do it in the name of sadism and the Harmonizers end up with weapons that are less effective than gun powder guns. I guess it shows that humans don’t make sense.

There are a lot of characters in this book, but Jasmine is the main character. I didn’t like her at first. I found her too cold-hearted and hot-headed. Granted, she’s in deeper and darker shit than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime, but despite her parents dying, she isn’t a sympathetic character for most of the book. Her relationship with Thomas feels as forced as a cheap jigsaw puzzle. Mostly she is indifferent to him or pushing him away. For awhile the only reason she was still with him was out of fear of being alone. And then suddenly she loves him? I never really bought it. Cynthia’s relationship with an alien artificial intelligence robot feels more real and she thought she was hallucinating it.

But I ended up really liking Jasmine in the end, and even Thomas. The plot was fascinating, even a couple of parts I was skeptical about at first and this book turned out to be entertaining, even though I guessed two of the biggest plot “twists” (if you can even call them that) as soon as the foreshadowing again. But one plot twist I didn’t see coming at all, which was great.

I do wish the sides were not so black and white. The Developers were clearly evil with practically no human sides in any main characters while the Harmonizers were clearly peaceful with no dark streaks to be found. It ended up making what could have been a great story about needless conflict and saving the world sound a little like anti space exploration propaganda. That being said, it is still entertaining.

While Canterbury’s writing skills are rough, he has the potential to be a great science fiction/horror writer.
Living on Air
Living on Air
Susan Mac Nicol | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Masterpiece by Ms Mac Nicol!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

There comes along, once in a rare while, a book that PUSHES you. It pushes you out of your comfort zone. It pushes your skill at writing a coherent review, but most of all, it PUSHES you to get into the mind of someone close you, that you hadn't been able to before.

And OMG this book PUSHED me! So if my review goes awry, it's because I can't get the right words out, okay??

Cary has his own coping methods to deal with a major childhood trauma. Except, he isn't dealing with it, not really, he just deals with the pain his coping method causes. And he is good at hiding what he is doing. Rhys comes to the circus to take pictures, that's all. Pictures to go in a book. But Cary has a powerful reaction to Rhys, and vice versa, and the circus folk are amusing watching Rhys PUSH Cary. But they both carry scars, physical and emotional, and when Cary decides to confront his, he PUSHES Rhys away.

Finding to so difficult to write this, I really am, without bawling my eyes out.

I'm not giving anything away by saying Cary self harms, and from the very first PAGE we get it. And getting into Cary's mindset when he does what he does, THAT is the hardest thing I found to read in this book. Someone VERY close to me used to do this, not to the extent that Cary does, but close. I could never get my head round the why she did this, it made no sense to me at all. And their trauma was totally different to Cary's but getting into Cary's mind as he descends into oblivion, made me understand a little bit better WHY she did this.

And trust me when I say this, the amount of attention to detail, and research gone into this book, is OUTSTANDING! Cary's trauma and coping methods, what happened after. Rhys' own trauma, while not as in depth as Cary's, is bad too. Cary on his silks, I could SEE him, you know?? It was just like being there! And now?? Now I want to see the guy who Ms Mac Nicol used as inspiration for Cary and his silks.

The scene where the title came to make complete and total sense?? I had to go sit out the back for a few minutes, because I really did cry at that!

I started to read this at work (don't tell anyone!) and I had to keep putting it down. I had to keep putting it down when a particular chapter was difficult, or too emotional and I was getting upset. Had I been at home, I have no doubt I would have bawled my way through and read the whole book in one go.

Or at least I would have tried to. Because this is not a fluffy romance, it is not an easy read and it's not even a Happily Ever After.

But what it is, is an outstanding piece of work that Susan Mac Nicol should call her Masterpiece of writing.

There is a little author's note on the blurb, I strongly suggest you heed it.

While Cary and Rhys don't get a full Happily Ever After, they do get a Happy For Now. Both guys have a lot of healing to do, individually and as a couple. I just hope Ms Mac Nicol will write them a Happily Ever After, and SOON!!!

I can't word how much, even though it is an emotionally gut wrenching read, how much I LOVED this book. You know what?? Brand new shelf on Goodreads, just for books like this. It's title?? Masterpieces.

5 stars, but only because I can't give it anymore!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Liv, Forever
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

A book with a setting of a boarding school and involving ghosts? Yes please! This was one of those books I really had to have. Luckily, it was a great read!

I like the title. It's very cute, and it's mentioned in the book and is the total opposite of what actually happens to Liv.

I'm not really a fan of the cover at all. I don't like the outfit the girl is wearing, and it really irks me for some reason.

The world building is fantastically written! There were a few times I was confused, but later on in the book, it would be explained. I did feel that Live and Malcolm fell in love a little too suddenly, but I do know that when I was a teenager, the word "love" came so easily to everyone. I really loved the setting of a boarding school. Books that involve boarding schools always make me want to read them for some reason.

The pacing was done really well. In fact, I finished the book in one setting. It was just that good, and I really wanted to know what was going to happen next. The chapters flowed very well into one another.

I loved, loved, loved the plot! Okay, so it's kind of been done before, but it didn't make this story any less interesting. The boarding school side of it was pretty typical - rich elitists, token mean girl, the less privileged kids there on scholarship or some other reason, and the boy/girl who strays from his/her rich friends. However, I loved the secret society part of it and the whole mystery of this secret society as well as the ghosts that were stuck at Wickham Hall. I loved reading about each ghostly girl's story of their demise, and I loved how Hilton explained why the ghosts did what they did. I think there's supposed to be a plot twist towards the end about who murdered Liv, but it was really easy to figure out even before I'd gotten half way through the book.

I loved the character of Liv. I felt she was easy to relate to and very down to Earth. I loved her persistence and her determination. She had a very good head on her shoulders. I also liked Malcolm and how he was disregarded his social status for Liv. I liked how he didn't really care what anyone thought of him. I liked Gabe, but I wanted to know more about him. I felt like he was a little bit of an underdeveloped character. I would've liked a bit more back story on him.

I enjoyed the dialogue and felt that it flowed smoothly. The dialogue does suit a young adult book although there were a few times when the teenagers used vocabulary that even I didn't know the meaning of. I put this down to their privileged upbringing though. There is violence in this book although it's not really too gruesome and there are a few swear words but nothing over the top. As for anything sexual, the only thing is when a girl runs out of her school naked and it talks about her being fondled by a few boys, but it's nothing really graphic.

Overall, I found Liv, Forever by Amy Talkington to be a really fast and enjoyable read. It has a fantastic plot and a great main character. I'd love to see this book be made into a movie at some point.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 15+ who like books that aren't really scary but still interesting as well as those that are fans of paranormal mysteries.

(I received a free paperback ARC of this title through the Goodreads First Reads program in exchange for a fair and honest review).
Second Verse
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I first saw this book on Goodreads, and I knew I had to have it when I read the word "haunted" in the book synopsis. I'm so happy I had a chance to read this book because it was awesome!

I think the blurb is fantastically written! It definitely made me want to read the book, and I like how it doesn't even mention the tiniest spoiler which I love.

I'm not a big fan of the title simply because it make me think of a book about someone's struggle with music. It doesn't really give off the whole ghostly mystery book vibe.

I also don't really care for the cover simply because based on just the cover, it never made me want to pick up the book to read it. I would've liked to have had a creepier looking cover for this book even if the cover photo is, what I think, supposed to be the picture Lange drew.

I did enjoy the world building very much. I felt that the world of Second Verse definitely had solid building. I was experiencing everything that Lange was, or at least, it felt that way. As for the setting, I was a bit confused at the very beginning about the type of school they were in. It was mentioned they had a creative period and there was talk about music, but it never really talked about them being in a music school. Perhaps it was implied, and I just couldn't work it out at the beginning or maybe I just read about it and forgot.

The pacing was only slow for about the first 5 or so pages. After that, the pacing picks up and holds your attention for the rest of the book only letting you go once the book comes to an end. I was super enthralled throughout the entire book (with the exception of the first few pages).

I really enjoyed the plot! There is a major element in this plot that I won't talk about due to spoilers, but it wasn't mentioned in the book's blurb. I would've never guessed it was a book on that theme. Trust me, I'd elaborate if I could, but I don't want to spoil it for those that may wish to read this book. There is a plot twist that I never saw coming, and the ending was just wow! I will say that the ending does leave this book open for a sequel.

The characters felt very real. I enjoyed the character of Lange. It was interesting to see how she reacted to everything around her. I felt as if I probably would've made the same choices if I was in her shoes. Vaughn is also a likable character, and I loved how he was always trying to make Lange feel safe. They were such a cute couple! Even though Ginny wasn't an actual character, it was still interesting to read about her and her love for her beau.

The dialogue flowed very smoothly, and the character interactions felt real. The language used works for this book and its genre.

Overall, Second Verse is a fantastic read that incorporates a bit of mystery, paranormal, and romance. It definitely held my attention, and I was sad when I had come to the end of the book because I didn't want it to end.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 14+ who enjoy paranormal, mystery, and romance books and those who love great plot twists.

<b>I'd give Second Verse by Jennifer Walkup a 4.5 out of 5.</b>

(I received a free paperback copy of this book from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).
Now That You Mention It
Now That You Mention It
Kristan Higgins | 2017 | Romance
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lovely book with a great protagonist and supporting cast
Nora Stuart has overcome a lot. After a combination of relentless bullying and being overlooked and ignored in high school (even by her sister, Lily), she earned a scholarship to Tufts on her way to becoming a gastroenterologist. She thought the worst was behind her as she found happiness with her medical practice and her boyfriend, but then boom it all changed in a second--literally--when she stepped off a curb and was hit by a car. So she does the only thing she can think of: go home. For the first time in fifteen years, Nora finds herself back in Maine on Scupper Island, living with her Mom and sharing a room with her teenage niece, Poe. The townspeople still think of her as "Sharon's other daughter," and being home doesn't exactly bring back good memories. But Nora's banged up (inside and out); her younger sister is in jail; and Poe clearly could use some stability. Maybe, just maybe, coming home will be a much-needed chance to start over.

This is the type of book where you probably know how things will turn out (disgraced woman returns to her former home, which just happens to be an island). Still, in a way, I think they are the hardest to write, because, for me, they require such well-written plot with an excellent cast to pull it off. To get past it all, you need a really strong protagonist and a truly "lovable" love interest. You get all that in spades here. I'd never read a Kristan Higgins novel before, but had heard such good things about this book (especially from my Goodreads friend, Melissa) that I couldn't resist picking it up. I'm so glad I did. This novel was such a delight and such a good choice to read during my beach vacation with my daughters.

I really enjoyed Nora from the beginning: she felt real, and her love for her dog and her family was palatable. She made her job and her situation (which wasn't always easy) a pleasure to read. The supporting cast was also wonderful. Nora's mom is a total trip--I could just picture her reticent Maine self. Add in her niece, Poe, whom Higgins managed to keep from being a cliche, and another teenager, Audrey, who was a delight--I loved them. Even better, all the characters added to some hilarious moments, even among some of the serious parts of the book. There were some downright laugh out loud scenes in this book, particularly a dinner party on Nora's boat--featuring some great moments with her fellow Scupper Island residents--and a ham dinner at her Mom's. I couldn't believe how into the story I was or how funny and real all these people felt. Nora's love of Harry Potter was rather endearing as well.

The novel also dealt with its serious moments deftly as well. Nora has to overcome so much (almost an overload it felt), and the book handled the serious parts appropriately, with both gravitas and humor. She was a strong character, and I found myself very touched by some sweet pieces in the novel. There's a lot more to this one than meets the eye with its sunny cover.

Overall, this was a lovely book--fun yet serious--with a great protagonist and a wonderful supporting cast. It was downright laugh out loud funny at parts and just a refreshing, enjoyable read. I'm kicking myself for not requesting Higgins' latest ARC but will certainly be reading a lot more of her books in the future.