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Smiley (2012)
Smiley (2012)
2012 | Horror
Interesting twist to the ending (0 more)
The ending couldn't save the rest of the movie (3 more)
Cliche plot you have seen before
Bad acting
Annoying characters
The internet's bloody mary
This was a terrible movie

Bloody mary meets unfriended? It feels like a typical supernatural slasher you have seen plenty of times.

None of the characters are likeable, if anything they are actually annoying right from the first start especially the main girl. Again there is no logic, it's not creepy or gory and I found it just boring.
Don't get me wrong I love urban legends when it is done right.

The killer was not designed well, not shown enough and not creepy enough. Only a few deaths that were not scary or gory.

I couldn't wait for this movie to end but I'm happy I watched it so that you don't have to. It was paced horribly and even a good twist at the end couldn't save this movie.
Intruder (1989)
Intruder (1989)
1989 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you were to look up the definition of "underrated horror gem" then Intruder would be staring you in the face.
Brought to life by several members of the team behind Evil Dead II, it's no surprise that this movie is equally as fun as it is gory. It's cast of likable characters drive the film for the mostly bloodless first half, with final girl Elizabeth Cox being a stand out.
When things do get gory, Intruder doesn't fuck about. The kills inflicted upon the main cast are pretty damn creative, and incredibly realised by fantastic practical effects courtesy of Robert Kurtzman and Greg Nicotero. The scenes not set in the main supermarket hall have a low budget and dimly lit Evil Dead feel to them, and results in a genuinely nasty atmosphere when coupled with the more violent moments.

It's a shame that Intruder isn't as widely hailed as some of its better known slasher contemporaries, for all of the above reasons.
Stung (2015)
Stung (2015)
2015 | Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you're looking for an entertaining as hell, throwback creature feature, then look no further.

Stung is a perfectly imperfect B-Movie horror about some mutated wasps causing havoc at a garden party, leading to giant mutated wasps bursting out of various party guests, hell bent on feasting on any survivors. It's really really silly, but manages to be frequently funny, impressively gory, and shamelessly schlocky.

It has two likable protagonists in Matt O'Leary and Jessica Cook, and it's a nice surprise to see that Lance Henriksen wasn't just a cameo. It's let down a little by some dodgy CGI, but a lot of the gory scenes are practical, and a lot of the action takes place at night, so the effects aren't too much of an eyesore.

Stung is a straight up trashy good time, and the often used Wilhelm scream gets given to a wasp, which is low key hilarious, and absolutely slayed me, so bonus points there.
The Impaler (Sam Markham, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was kick ass book! I got it as a free book on my Nook, so you never know quite what you are going to get, but I can say I was more than pleasantly surprised! It was a great read, very fast paced with an interesting story line. It was incredibly gory however so if you aren't into all that don't read this book. I just hope his other books are as good!
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
1984 | Action, Adventure
Offensive and unnecessarily gruesome
As much as I love Indiana Jones, this film was very offensive. Not only did it portray Indians as savages eating monkey brains (although most of India is vegan or vegetarian), it also showed devotees of Kali, the goddess of war, as some kind of death cult - though she killed people like cultists. I really hated this film mostly because it was unnecessarily gory as well. Not a happy bunny.
Santa Clarita Diet - Season 2
Santa Clarita Diet - Season 2
2018 | Comedy, Horror
I thought it was funny and a interesting new concept (0 more)
Does start off a bit weird and cringy but if you stick with it and don’t mind blood it’s pretty good (0 more)
I never thought I would like a zombie slice of life comedy but I did enjoy it at times it was a bit to gory for me and the beginning was a bit weird and cringy but I stuck with it and enjoyed it
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Horror
Plot (2 more)
Tyler labine
Alan tudyk
A horror movie with a twist a group of teenagers mistake two hillbillys for serial killers but end dying in gory fashon trying to escape from them not realising the hillbillys are totally harmless i love a movie with a twist this one deliveres from the get go labine and tudyk are the stars of the film and they carry it off. Plenty of gore thumbs up.

Sarah (7798 KP) Apr 22, 2018

I love Alan Tudyk, he's an actor that needs more recognition!


Kevin Phillipson (10017 KP) Apr 22, 2018

True i agree on that

30 Days of Night (2007)
30 Days of Night (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
At last a great Vampire horror film!! It's been a long time coming. I love the Blade and Underworld films but they definitely fit more into the action genre. This is bloody and gory in places, has plenty of tension and a good story about a town under siege for 30 days. The photography is great and vampires look original. Overall it has something for everyone especially those who love a good horror, vampire film!
Ninja Assassin (2009)
Ninja Assassin (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama
An all out exercise for the eye-balls! This is a very violent, extremely bloody/gory martial arts film. I think they must use the same techniques used by Asian cinema with almost fountains of blood with every slice and dice of a Ninja sword. Revenge is the plot, of course....way over the top, humanely impossible action scenes, some cool effects and some great fights. It makes Kill Bill look tame in comparison.
My Bloody Valentine 3-D (2009)
My Bloody Valentine 3-D (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery
A pretty average slasher film and definitely based around the 3-D, it uses as many scenes as it can for this effect. I only saw it on DVD but you can just tell what scenes, effects were done for the 3-D parts. Very bloody and gory in places, with a slight twist if you can call it that. Overall pretty good but no doubt more fun in 3-D mode.