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Stranger Things - Season 3
Stranger Things - Season 3
2019 | Horror, Thriller
The comedy, the Dark tone of the series, the references (0 more)
It took a while to get into and was a bit disjointed at the beginning (0 more)
A Brilliant Series
I'm a big fan of 'Stranger Things' but felt that season 2 wasn't quite a good as the first season.

 I was so happy that season 3 was on par with the season 1.

It does take a while to get going, I wasn't sure how all of the strands of story were going to tie together, but in the end, it all came together brilliantly.

I liked how we got to know secondary characters from season 2, for example, Erica and Billy. Also I loved the addition of Robin in the series. It felt like she had been in the show all along.

This series is definitely darker and more horror based than previous seasons. I could see influences from 80's horror films and so, this had plenty of gory scenes which made this more 'grown up', which I really liked.

I also really liked how this season commented on the problem of equality in the workplace for women. I also think that there were a lot of strong female characters throughout.

This series doesn't have too many lighter moments, but the omnes that are there, are extremely funny. I particularly loved the interactions between Dustin and Erica. There was also an epic moment with Dustin near the end of the season, which was just genius.

The series ended in a satisfactory way, it also had some emotional scenes. Also we are left with plenty of questions, which will hopefully be answered in season 4. I can't wait!
The Pull of the Stars
The Pull of the Stars
Emma Donoghue | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book, and in particular the Audible version that I listened to, really pulled me into the world of 1918 Dublin. This isn’t a story for the faint-hearted. It’s really graphic and gory in a lot of places, and it portrayed just what life was like for women in Ireland at this time. Childbirth was portrayed as a punishment, babies being still born equally so. This was a time where it was normal for women in Ireland to birth baby after baby: on average ten.

Nurse Julia Power is unmarried at 30 and seems to be happy with that, as she sees women whose bodies are worn out from giving birth so many times and so closely together, women who have been abused by their fathers and forced to bear their children, women who have conceived their babies outside of marriage and will be forced to give them up - as well as young women who have been institutionalised from birth and forced to give up their lives to repay the nuns who raised them through free labour (Magdalene laundries). Like I said, this was no time to be a woman. The abuse and poor treatment of the women on the ward is alluded to, but never explicit.

Whilst most of the story takes place on the quarantined labour ward, we do get a glimpse in to the home life of Nurse Power, and it was interesting to see how the war had impacted on and affected her brother.

This is a beautifully told story packed full of heart. It may not have been my best move to read it during a pandemic, but nevertheless, I absolutely loved it.
Mortal Kombat (2021)
Mortal Kombat (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
You know when you watch a movie, and you're completely entertained during it, but afterwards, all you remember is the action portions, and none of the plot? That's me right now, after watching this movie just a little less than three hours ago.
I'll get this out of the way, the plot was obviously forgettable. Now, if this was a dramatic film, this would be a huge issue, but, this is a movie based on the first insanely violent video game ever produced. I was there for the fighting, and not the plot. The main focus was Cole, and sorry, but he was kind of a yawn until he got his stuff together.
Now, let's get into why I saw this movie. The action, the fighting, the gore. This earned its R-rating. The fighting choreography was great, and I loved that they used the some of the same moves from the video games. Also - the fact that some of the characters quipped with the closing fight messages was hilarious. The best placed one was 'Flawless Victory', after a kill.
Sub-Zero has always been one of my favorite characters, so I was glad he got the most screen time, out of the villain squad.. I have to say, as the movie was nearing the end, I was wondering when Scorpion would make his grand entrance. Finally, the pay dirt came at the very end, and yes, the 'Get Over Here' line did make an appearance.
They obviously left it open-ended for a sequel, which has been green-lit already. You can bet I'll be there on opening day for some big, dumb, gory fun.
The Killer On The Wall
The Killer On The Wall
Emma Kavanagh | 2017 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is told from multiple perspectives, so it is quite hard to choose the main character. I think they all played a very important part in this book. I really liked Isla and Mina (police detective investigating the murders), they are two smart, dedicated, and determined women. Ramsey’s (Isla’s husband) parts were quite boring, and my mind just wandered off on multiple occasions. I liked the way the characters interacted between each other, and even though they are into different things, they all had something to offer to this investigation.

I liked the narrative of this book, it was full of surprises and you never knew who is going to die next. The investigation part was quite slow and not very inventive, but I enjoyed all the twists and deception it had to offer. I have to admit, after finishing this book, I had a ton of questions and some of the things didn’t make sense to me.

The writing style was creative, and overall delivery of the book was pretty good. The chapters had a decent length and didn’t leave me bored. I liked the ending of the book, it was very unexpected and it rounded up the story very nicely. This book carries some gross details about murders, so it’s a joy for gory crime lovers, but a nightmare for sensitive readers. :S

So, to conclude, I liked this twisty story, filled with psychopaths and the reasons why they become one. Even though I have lots of unanswered questions, I hope that after reading, it will make more sense to you.
Wishmaster (1997)
Wishmaster (1997)
1997 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.8 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Robert Kurtzman, Wes Craven, and Greg Nicotero - a match made in heaven surely? Not quite it turns out, but almost. For all it's cheesiness and cheap jump scares, Wishmaster is still a load of fun, with some fantastic practical effects and a handful of big name horror cameos.

The effects are what stand out the most - there are some shitty CGI moments spread about but the majority of the gory moments are practical and rightly disgusting. A mere two minutes in, some poor fuckers skeleton becomes sentient and rips out from his body. It's glorious. Other than that, Wishmaster coasts along on the strength of its villain, The Djinn, played by Andrew Divoff. He's suitably creepy both in human form and in full make up, and gives the film a whole heap of credit, even if the way he pronounces stuff becomes a little grating after a while.
Having Wes Craven as a producer clearly pays off, as multiple horror stalwarts pop up throughout the runtime - Robert Englund, Tony Todd, Kane Hodder, Ted Raimi - some top tier cameos for sure. Even Angus Scrimm pops up to do a bit of narrating!

Everything else is a little lackluster. The premise is ok, but full of holes, and the ending feels like a bit of a cop out, and lead actress Tammy Lauren just seems like she's in the wrong film for the most part.

Wishmaster unfortunately never manages to excel above it's ridiculous opening scene, and is pretty mediocre overall, but it still has a lot to offer to horror fans, and I can't help but enjoy it.
30 Days of Night (2007)
30 Days of Night (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
Bloodthirsty Alaskan Vampires
30 Days of Night- has been a film ive wanted to see for couple years now and it was not disappointed. It was viloence, gory, suspenseful, thrilling and bloody.

The plot: In the far Northern Hemisphere, the small town of Barrow, Alaska, experiences a solid month of darkness every year. Though most of the residents head south for the winter, some townspeople remain behind. However, those that stay regret their decision when, one year, hungry vampires descend on Barrow to feed. Sheriff Eben (Josh Hartnett), his wife (Melissa George) and a dwindling band of survivors must try to last until dawn breaks over Barrow's monthlong twilight.

30 Days of Night was originally pitched as a comic, then as a film, but it was rejected. Years later, Steve Niles showed IDW Publishing the idea and it took off.

30 Days of Night author Steve Niles conceived of the story in the form of a comic, but—after meeting a lack of interest in initial pitches—tried to pitch it as a film. When this did not work out, Niles shelved the idea until he showed it to IDW Publishing. IDW published the comic and Ben Templesmith provided the artwork.

When Niles and his agent, Jon Levin, shopped the comic around again as a potential film adaptation, Niles found that the idea "went shockingly well," with Sam Raimi and Senator International picking up the property rights based on the original concept and Templesmith's unique mood and concepts for the vampires. According to Raimi, the potential project was "unlike the horror films of recent years".

Its a excellent vampire movie.
Sabotage (2014)
Sabotage (2014)
2014 | Action, Mystery
5.8 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The cast, across the board (1 more)
The action
Nearly all of the characters are unlikeable, in spite of the actors' best efforts (0 more)
A more thoughtful, if forgettable, Arnold
Schwarzenegger and company are a DEA strike team who take ten million dollars from the cartel in a raid, except that it's not there when they go back to get it. After an investigation fails to find enough evidence to prove they're guilty they're returned to active duty, but someone starts taking them down one by one....

This film was.... okay is probably the best word. It's kinda forgettable despite a stellar cast, several of whom I typically try to see regardless of what they're doing, all turning in excellent performances. Arnold in particular gets to actually act instead of just blowing everyone away, which is a nice change. Which isn't to say there isn't action - there is, and a lot of it, gritty and gory not in the exaggerated Tarentino style but more brutally realistic. There's torture too, which is legitimately uncomfortable to watch even with the extra remove of watching a character watch the video of it. It's just that the story is a bit predictable (though the darker take on Breacher and the ending seen in the deleted scenes would have been more interesting and less predictable, I wouldn't have liked it), and despite excellent performances from stellar actors the characters are all completely unlikeable, which is a bit of a problem when they're dropping like flies and you don't really care. Bottom line: I'm not sorry I borrowed it from the library, but I don't think I'll be watching it again.
The Void (2016)
The Void (2016)
2016 | Horror
6.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I watched The Void with absolutely no prior knowledge of what it was, and what it is, is certainly...something.

The Void felt to me like a series of homages to other horror classics. The overall plot seems like an obvious nod to Prince of Darkness. The creature designs are reminiscent of The Thing, albeit with a sprinkling of Guillermo Del Toro. The climax reminded me sometimes of Hellraiser. One of the villains gave me Re-Animator vibes. All the while, there's a distinct Lovecraftian undercurrent from start to finish.
All of this is a good thing though. The Void never feels like it's ripping off any of these movies, but rather wearing it's heart on it's sleeve.

As mentioned above, the creature designs reminded me of The Thing. This is further bolstered by their nightmarish aesthetic, and the fantastic use of practical effects. In fact, there's very minimal use of CGI at all, something you don't see too often these days.

My only criticisms are aimed at the plot. It's starts off well enough, and evokes a feeling of tension and uncertainty, well realised by a decent cast. Before long however, it's clear that a lot is left open to audience interpretation. The fever dream approach to the filming style leaves you questioning what is real and what's not, a plot technique that I'm usually all for, although The Void is a film that I feel could have benefited from a little more explanation and resolve.

Overall though, it's a gory, entertaining horror creature-feature, that I would recommend watching, even if it's just the once.