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Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
2022 | Horror
The very concept of Leatherface not taking kindly to artisan bakeries and influencer inspired sushi bars is one that is absurdly tantalising, but it arrives at a point in this up-and-down franchise where no-one involved seems to be sure what they're trying to achieve.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a film that has been advertised as a true sequel to Tobe Hoopers groundbreaking original, ignoring all other sequels, prequels, and remakes that have come and gone over the years, similar to Halloween (2018) and Candyman (2021).
The main issue is then, of course, that it couldn't be further away from the original in terms of general tone if it tried. The claustrophobia, the implication of unspeakable violence that is never shown, the overall arthouse style, essential ingredients of '74, are nowhere to be found. Instead, we're presented with an unsubtle splatter flick that reeks of the unpleasantness of most mid-00s slashers. It's a far cry from what a lot of '74 fans love, but once this fact is accepted, there's a fair amount of fun to be found in what we've been given.
Let me be clear, I absolutely did not hate TCM. The writing is atrocious, the characters are almost exclusively unbearable, the return of the original films final girl is poorly handled and ultimately wasted, and it half arses attempts to tackle serious subjects such as gun violence and gentrification, but, some truly gorgeous cinematography, air tight pacing, and copious amounts of gore go someway in making up for its negatives.
Seriously, there is an ungodly amount of gore. As mentioned, it's light-years away from the originals subtlety, but I can respect it's ambition to go for the jugular. I mean, there is an actual, literal, chainsaw massacre, during a scene that made me say "Jesus Christ" out loud a couple of times.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre is far different to what I, and I imagine plenty of other '74 fans, expected and wanted, but at the end of the day, it's an easy to watch, super gory, and fun slasher that is what it is. Leave your thinking cap at the door, and I'm sure you'll find it entertaining at the very least, and remember, the original still exists!
Zombie Army 4: Dead War
Zombie Army 4: Dead War
2020 | Shooter
With the success of the Zombie Army series of DLC as well as the Zombie Army Trilogy game; Rebellion has released the next chapter in the series with Zombie Army 4: Dead War. The game is set at the end of World War 2 where Hitler has unleashed evil Occult powers to create an unstoppable army of the dead.
The game opens with players playing either on their own or in a group of up to four players as the Rebellion is seeing a resurgence of the Zombie forces that have spread over Europe.

This time around players will have many more options at their disposal such as the ability to find Upgrade Kits that will allow them to upgrade their weapons with added power, enhanced magazines, and other features. As before players can use Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Machines Guns, and Pistols. There is a nice variety of weapons and players will want to find and customize ones that best suit their style of play.
Another great new feature is the Heavy Weapons that can be used when a player defeats a Boss Zombie and they include a Heavy Machine Gun, Flamethrower, and Super Saw. There are some others as well such as a Rocket Launcher and Emplacement Machine Guns.
All this is needed as the hordes are endless and they come at players in unending waves as they attempt to complete mission objectives and make it to strategic points on a map.
There are scores of new creatures to battle beyond the traditional hordes and the vast variety and abilities of the enemies makes the game a challenge. This combined with the fact that ammunition, health packs, and explosives are in limited supply, players must find supply chests and recover them from enemies in the form of stomping enemies.
Zombie Army 4 also allows players to customize the look of their characters and enhance their abilities such as Stamina as they would the same way they upgrade weapons.
The various segments are broken down into four-part chapters and the names and visuals that go with them embark memories of the classic Horror Films of the 70s and 80s.

Players will be able to take a break from the action by locating Safe Rooms at the end of each chapter. This haven allows players a safe place to upgrade, heal, reload, and more before taking on the next chapter.

Another nice feature of the game is that players can now do Melee based eliminations of enemies as well as pick a custom option such as a Flaming Axe, Power Punch, etc. to clear the hordes. Should a player fall they are able to be revived by their fellow players or else they have to wait until the next Checkpoint to be revived.

The game has some really impressive graphics and great imagery as locales from Sewers, Docks, Zoos, Bunkers, and more are all depicted in full detail complete with Macabre and Gory Supernatural decor.

Zombie Army 4: Dead War is lots of fun to play and has all of the gory action that fans of the series will love. The addition of all the new enemies, weapons, customizations, and abilities greatly enhances the game as well as the replay value as players can select a skill level that works best for them.

Should players need a break from the traditional game and want to practice using the traps, explosives, and other techniques in the game, there is a Horde Mode where players can simply focus on taking down waves vs doing mission objectives.

While the series began as a DLC; Zombie Army 4: Dead War looks and plays like a completely new game from the ground up. The look and gameplay will be familiar to fans of the series but the multitude of enhancements and new features make this a game that players will want to play.
Some of the lines in the game did get a bit annoying as they repeated themselves often and in the heat of battle hearing the same thing over and over gets old fast. Another issue comes when players play as the same character and you hear the voice of your character saying that their ammo was low even though you just reloaded.

In the end; Zombie Army 4: Dead War is not only an engaging and fun game; it is the best game in the series.
4 stars out of 5
The Jesus Man
The Jesus Man
Keith Anthony Baird | 2017 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Jesus Man by Keith Anthony Baird is a tough book for me to rate, if I’m being honest. It’s part of why, despite completing it last week, I’ve taken so long to write up my review. The book isn’t an easy read by any means, especially with its vast amounts of purple prose. It does, however, have a uniquely intriguing plot.

One of the major deciding factors for me when I read a book is its ability to make me feel emotion. I want a connection with the characters, even if it’s a seething hatred that I feel in the depths of my heart. With The Jesus Man, I felt loathing and disdain, but nothing beyond that. I felt disconnected, for the most part. The characters seemed to me as if they were in limbo between fully and halfway developed.

In regards to plot, Baird does an excellent job. As a horror fan, I end up reading a lot of apocalyptic books. Most of the time, the cause is a viral outbreak of zombies. It’s a cliché we deal with far too often and it’s been beaten to death time and time again. Baird goes an entirely new route, with the dredges of Hell returning to claim what should be theirs. Described as the Fallen, we know these creatures as the angels cast from Heaven in the wake of God’s love for mankind stoking rebellion among them. It’s an interesting take on the world’s post-nuclear was end and I feel that Baird did a wonderful job in this area of his book.

I do have to take a moment to appreciate one beautiful perk to Baird’s ornate writing style: his depiction of gory acts is absolutely stunning. I’m a sucker for splatterpunk, so this served as a nice treat for me. While his characters felt lacking to me (which I discovered was the author’s intent post-read), his vivid descriptions (even if heavy-handed) are breathtaking and nightmare invoking.

I’ve danced between a two and four for this book several times, so ultimately I’m going to go with a three. While I loved the concept, the difficulty of reading this book made it hard for me to enjoy.

I would like to thank the author for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Something Violent
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you're looking for something with a unique take on classic 80's slasher horror, Kristopher Rufty's Something Violent is a must read. Imagine a social media site like Facebook, but with a targeted demographic of murderers and you have Something Violent, a site dedicated to the worst of the darkest, most disturbed minds roaming the world. Here, people come together to share the grisly details and even video footage of their feats - even going so far as to trade off partners in a grotesque version of swinging.

In Something Violent, the main characters aren't victims struggling to save their own hides, but rather a couple that is aptly named Satan's Sweethearts. Together they wreak havoc, slaughtering those that cross them. When their marriage seems at risk of falling apart, they kidnap a famous marriage counselor and recount the events that brought them together in grisly detail.

I think what I liked most about this book was its perspective - I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself for feeling any amount of sympathy for a pair of murderers, but I suppose in this case, the saying that "anything is possible" rings true. While the book wasn't quite as gory as I would have liked, it certainly kept my interest.

On the other hand, it felt a little too sexualized. Of course, being a fan of the horror genre, this is an aspect of my taste in fiction that I have become accustomed to. Any true horror buff knows that the couple having sex will be one of the first to die after all. While it makes sense for one character to be sexually attracted to another, and go into detail about how and why, there are a few areas where I felt the sexual notes to be a bit too extreme and out of place. For instance, there's a moment where Jody Covington, one of the main characters, thinks to herself about how slick her thighs are with sweat.

Aside from that, Something Violent offers an entertaining insight into the lives of killers and is definitely worth the read. I have to give Rufty kudos for pulling off the normalization of serial killers.

Thanks to NetGalley, DarkFuse, and the author for providing me with an advanced copy for the purpose of review.
The Die-Fi Experiment
M.R. Tapia | 2017
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After a run of several disappointing books, I decided to take a hot bath last night and delve into M. R. Tapia’s novella, The Die-Fi Experiment. Like most books I read, I set a high expectation for this one in terms of gory horror. While it isn’t quite as grotesque as I might like, I find it to be a rather amusing read. On the same page in which Tapia scribes the fears many couples face, he makes a mockery of today’s society.

As a fan of horror movies, it’s hard to find this piece of work original. Many elements within the novella are reminiscent of the Saw franchise – all the way down to the marshmallow eye scene (which you’ll encounter if you choose to read The Die-Fi Experiment). Although a few of the other scenes are cringe-worthy if you imagine yourself as the victim.

The Die-Fi Experiment goes back and forth between the not-so-distant past and present, and my largest issue therein is the fact that sometimes the tenses switch. I am aware that the present parts of the story are meant to be present tense and vice versa; however, I think it works best to choose one tense and stick with it. Otherwise things can quickly become confusing.

On Goodreads, this novella is tagged humor. Personally, I find the term “black comedy” more fitting. After all, viewers appear comically oblivious to the fact that what they watch live is truly torture (or perhaps they’re particularly disturbed individuals). For a little extra splash of humor, Tapia throws in a few hashtags that serve as a parody of the tweets and instagram posts that show up throughout the novella.

Overall, I liked The Die-Fi Experiment. I don’t find it exceptional by any means, but it serves its purpose fairly well. The ending falls a bit short of my expectations, but Tapia manages to produce a piece of work that ensnares my short attention span. In fact, I read this novella in one sitting. While I likely will not read it again, this is definitely a short book for fans of Saw and other torture films.

I would like to thank M. R. Tapia for providing me with a copy of his novella free of charge in exchange for an honest review.

Kaz (232 KP) rated Never Say Spy- Book 1 of the 'Never Say Spy' Series in Books

May 18, 2019 (Updated May 18, 2019)  
Never Say Spy- Book 1 of the 'Never Say Spy' Series
Never Say Spy- Book 1 of the 'Never Say Spy' Series
Diane Henders | 2011 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Exciting Story, Likeable Characters, Great female Main Character (0 more)
Slightly Implausible behaviour by some of the characters at times (0 more)
A Real Page Turner
This book was given to me as a present by a friend and is the first in the 'Never Say Spy' Series.

Firstly, what I really liked about this novel, was that the main character was a woman. This is a book set within a crime/spy environment and it's unusual to have a female main character, within this genre. I also really liked how Aydan Kelly was not portrayed as a weak, helpless victim, who was waiting to be rescued. She had guts and could definitely hold her own in a tricky situation.

This is a very fast- paced novel, from the very beginning. I liked this because you felt like you were finding out things, as Aydan was. This is so gripping, that I found it difficult to put this book down.

I also liked the Sci-Fi element to this novel. Usually I don't like books mixing genres too much, but actually., I wish that it could have been used a bit more, because it makes this different from every other novel within this genre.

I enjoyed reading about the male characters within this novel. They are all very distinctive and I liked that they all had their own identities. I loved the dynamics of the two main male characters with Aydan and it kept me wanted to know how this was going to resolve.

Due to the fact that Aydan Kelly is such as strong character, she has some very funny one liners and I really cared what happened to her. However, my only criticism of this novel would be that, as well as being a feisty woman, she also has a lustful mind. This is good because it's realistic, but, I did feel that these thoughts crept into her mind at the most inappropriate times, particularly when she had just been in an intense, dangerous situation.

This is also violent and gory in places. Although I wouldn't say that these parts were not inappropriate to the story.

I'm generally not a fan of spy novels and films, but I really enjoyed this one. I will definitely be reading the rest of this series.
The Survival Game
The Survival Game
Nicky Singer | 2018 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Global warming from a child's perspective.
I know it's necessary to have differentiation between the age groups for the protection of those who are youngest, but in this case, knowing that this is a child's/ young person's book, may put adults off reading this - and that would be a shame. All of the themes in this novel are very current. Set against the backdrop of a global climate disaster, we see how the displaced are treated: in a word, badly. We see the devastation that global warming wreaks, and the terrifying journey that a 14 year old girl, Mhairi Anne Bain (Mab, for short, which is interesting, as she is a symbol of freedom in Shakespeare and Mab Darogan in Welsh folklore was someone who was prophesied to come and save the Welsh from the English by forcing them out, as the Scots have forced the English out in this story, I suppose. Don't ask me how I remember this kind of information) makes on her own from the Sudan to the Isle of Arran. On her journey, she meets a young boy who doesn't speak, and she finds herself feeling responsible for him. I think he gives her some hope and a reason to keep going, to be honest. She decides to take him home with her, but of course, it isn't that easy.
Everything in this novel is plausible - the way in which Scotland and other countries decide how to control population, global warming and its consequences, and the resultant mass movement of people affected by drought and flooding.
I really enjoyed this: Mhairi has a very mature voice, as would any child who had seen and experienced what she had, and she is believable. We don't see all of the horrors she experiences, but they are alluded to, which is probably a very good idea when children are going to be the target audience. To be honest, there are a lot of adults that really don't want or need the gory details.
This is a timely novel, and one that is important to read. I could see that there would be a lot of discussion arising from this book in a classroom.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book to read and to give an honest review.
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
Kendare Blake | 2011 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another spooky story for October! On first glance, this one is very similar to Rin Chupeco's The Girl From The Well, but the plot is actually quite different. It's still human boy, murderous ghost girl, but here the girl is bound to her house and forced to murder whoever comes inside. Unraveling the WHY is a major part of the plot.

I'd say this one is actually less creepy than The Girl From The Well, though one of the evil things Cas encounters is VERY creepy. Both of these were just about the right amount of spooky for me. I'm actually REALLY disappointed that the sequel is proving very difficult to get my hands on! I had to request it through Marina, my statewide lending program, so I'm not sure when it will arrive. But I NEEEEEEED to know what happens to Cas and Anna after this book ends!

I think I liked the relationship between boy and ghost better in Girl From The Well; you could clearly see the draw for the ghost, and the connection between them. Not so much here; Cas is trying to kill Anna, but then they become fascinated with each other for...some reason? Anna isn't compelled to kill Cas, and that's never explained, and seems to be her main source of fascination with the boy.

Another major difference is that while Tark in Girl From The Well is rather isolationist and creeps out his peers, Cas seems to attract his peers, and quickly finds friends wherever he goes. He's typically used them as contacts in the past, not really valuing them as friends, but that changes with the events of this book, as he actually comes to know a couple of the kids at his new school and value their friendship. He even puts up with their jokes about being Ghostbusters and who would be which character, which is kind of hilarious.

Both stories are great; I'd say this one is slightly more light-hearted than Girl From The Well, but only slightly. There's still lots of creepy ghosts, life-or-death situations, gory deaths of side characters, and curses. It's another great spooky October book for scaredy-cats like me!

You can find all my reviews and more at
The Walking Dead  - Season 7
The Walking Dead - Season 7
2016 | Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
Season 7 of The Walking Dead opens with a hard to watch bang, and one of the most infamous scenes from the comic series.
The introduction of Negan is suitably bleak, gory and unexpected, delivering a throat punch of two main character executions.
It is made clear that Rick could very well be out if his depth. It's a strong and terrifying opener, but it unfortunately does not set the tone for the rest of the season.

As I've mentioned before, TWD settled into a formula - a season would tend to consist of a couple of outstanding episodes, a handful a good ones, and then passed out with a lot of filler.
The main problem with season 7 is that after the opening episode, the remaining episodes all feel like filler. For the first time since it's beginning to, I found myself bored with TWD.
The plot remains very samey for the most part, with Rick and co. gathering supplies for Negan to avoid anymore culling of the cast.
Meanwhile we're introduced to new communities in the shape of The Kingdom and Oceanside, and it becomes clear early one that the four communities (including Alexandria and Hilltop) will unite to take on The Saviours, but it takes an excruciatingly long time to get there.
The side plot of Daryl's capture is dragged out for way too long and becomes testing.
The side plot of Eugene's reluctant turn to The Savior's is dragged out for way too long (it doesn't actually get resolved until the end of season 8!)
It all just feels like a bit of a slog.
We're also introduced to a group of survivors lead by a woman called Jadis, who are so f*cking pretentious, that they made me want to stop TWD altogether.

Its not all bad. My personal highlight of the season is probably Negan himself, a character that a lot of people didn't like. His jokey demeanor works well against all the seriousness, and to be honest, I'm just a fan of Jeffrey Dean Morgan in general.

Overall though, season 7 is thoroughly average, and unfortunately, it's not quite the low point of TWD. The main positive here is that it reminded me just how good the first few seasons were.

JT (287 KP) rated Rogue (2008) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Rogue (2008)
Rogue (2008)
2008 | Horror, Mystery
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Along the quiet river banks of the Australian outback, buried deep within the baron red plains that surround desolate bush, lies a fear, a fear that lurks beneath the murky waters. Greg McLean does to boat trips what backpacking did for Wolf Creek, after seeing it you’re going to want to steer well clear of ever doing it.

Pete (Vartan) is a travel writer, sent around the world to exotic locations he finds himself in a place that he has no idea about. Taking a boat trip up the river with a bunch of people that we really won’t care much about, he goes in search of what the territory has to offer.

Leading the tour is Kate (Mitchell) someone who is the polar opposite to Pete and has never traveled out of her comfort zone once. As the boat glides up the river McLean makes sure he includes sweeping shots of the quiet picturesque landscape, of which is beautiful.

The focus of course is on the salt water crocodile’s that populate the river itself, a quick lesson from Kate about these prehistoric looking creatures sets up for the carnage that is only minutes away. Once the boat is capsized the unfortunate crew end up stranded on an island surrounded by a fast rising tidal river, with no direct route off it.

Like any monster movie we only ever catch glimpses of the predator (at least until the very end), a tail there, a moving ripple in the water there. The stranded patrons of course go through the motions, there’s infighting, emotion, selfishness and a coming together that in the end they are going to be able to escape the island.

It does carry a fairly decent degree of suspense even though it is predictable in places, and has an ending which quite frankly is a little preposterous.

The story line is as basic as it can get and the script is not brilliantly written, the acting has its moments with characters that don’t really have time to reveal their back stories to great effect, before a few all but disappear between the teeth of the seven foot beast.

It’s not overly gory but does have some scenes for those that are blood thirsty. On a whole it’s a decent flick, not as terrifying as Wolf Creek but holds itself well for the 100 minute run time.