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Mighty Jack and the Goblin King
Mighty Jack and the Goblin King
Ben Hatke | 2018 | Children, Comics & Graphic Novels
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great MG graphic novel!
Mighty Jack and the Goblin King was a great graphic novel to read with the 9 year old. I picked it up while we were in the kid’s section looking for a book for her, and decided to get it for myself even though she showed no real interest. (Actually I might have picked up a few for me.) Anyways, one night she was a bit sickly, and joined me on the couch for a cuddle. I picked up the book, figuring we’d read a few pages and then be done. I could finish it after she went back to bed. We ended up reading the whole thing in one sitting. (This isn’t exactly a thin graphic novel, either.)

This is a good ‘bedtime story’ book. There are a variety of different characters (but not too many) that are easy to give distinct voices to. Jack and Lilly are good contrasts to each other, and they’re just old enough that they’re moving past the point where boys/girls have cooties. Jack was a good kid, and on a mission to save his sister. Lilly was the one I really liked though. She was spunky and resourceful, and I feel like she was the more charismatic of the two characters. The book follows them for a while together, and then on separate missions that twine together at the end.

We have not read the first book in this series, but that did not affect our ability to enjoy Mighty Jack and the Goblin King. Hatke does a good job of making sure that he works in enough references to the first book that you get enough information to go on. This was an action-packed book that had a nice resolution. My child and I both want to see the adventures that Jack and Lilly (and maybe the sister?) get up to next.

Mighty Jack and the Goblin King is well worth picking up if your child enjoys graphic novels. Especially so if you do too.
Diary of a Femen
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love graphic novels, they are a way to quickly submerse myself into the world and visions of the author/illustrator. Diary of a Femen opened my eyes to a whole different world and awakened in me the realisation that as much as the world has progressed in the past 100 years since women in the UK gained the vote, the opinions, comments and actions of men and women are keeping a faster pace of progress at bay, definitely a novel to make a girl think! Whilst at times I got a little confused between the characters being followed once it focused on to a single narrative line I rapidly became engrossed and willing femen on.
Would I recommend this book? too right I would, men and women should read, think and talk about this book and the issues it raises.
Compilation issue, collecting Marvel's 'main-line' Star wars graphic novels, issues 12-18, and set during the period between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi (Han frozen in Carbonite, Luke has fought - and lost to - Vader, etc).

It also crosses-over with the 'War of the Bounty Hunters' collection of comics.

That much is obvious.

What was not so obvious, however - and I had no idea prior to reading this - is that it must cross over with some of the other Star Wars properties: I'm guessing Darth Vader for one. The reason I say that? I found it a bit jarring jumping from 'Vader's arrived!' in one issue to seeing rebels flee in the next, without any context of why or what had happened except for a few speech bubbles referencing events that I hadn't read!