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Merissa (11950 KP) rated Stronger Than Hope (Chesapeake Days #1) in Books

Feb 16, 2022 (Updated Jul 3, 2023)  
Stronger Than Hope (Chesapeake Days #1)
Stronger Than Hope (Chesapeake Days #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
STRONGER THAN HOPE is the first book in the Chesapeake Days series, and we are introduced not only to the town but the inhabitants, including long-term Linc and new blood Nate. Linc is a bisexual widower, raising his son alone. Nate is revamping his (deceased) uncle's coffee shop and needs help because of the work involved. That isn't how they meet though, oh no. They meet when Nate nearly runs Linc down as he is looking for his rental accommodation.

These two are incredibly sweet together, and Nate shows that he is strong in ways that are not just physical. Linc's grief was incredibly well explained and nuanced, showing there isn't a time limit on mourning someone's loss.

Whilst I loved both of them for varying reasons, I really wanted to slap Linc upside the head for not communicating with Nate, who had already proven he would listen with a calm ear and attitude. Now, I know the upset needed to happen for the story, but still... LOL

A strong start to the series and I honestly can't recommend this highly enough. Can't wait to continue and see who finds love next.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 16, 2022
Dirt Road
Dirt Road
James Kelman | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kelman's best novel yet. Gets to the heart of human emotion. (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
Kelman is an expert in understanding people
Kelman’s new novel Dirt Road is story that takes both characters and reader on a journey right from the outset, but the journey is more than it seems. The novel begins in the West coast of Scotland where we learn that Murdo - a sixteen-year-old boy - and his father Tom are mourning the death of their mother/wife and sister/daughter. Searching for solace, they embark on a journey to Alabama, U.S.A to spend time with Uncle John and Aunt Maureen. For Murdo, family is just a happy memory, a moment in time captured in a photograph, ‘The family was four and not just him and Dad’, whilst for Tom, family is the bond that holds them together. Throughout the journey, Tom strives to guide his son and keep him on ‘the right path’, yet Murdo, as we will learn, has a path of his own to find. Stifled by the fathers influence, the boy has a tendency to stray, thus when they reach Allentown Mississippi, Murdo stumbles upon a family of musicians led by Zydeco performer Queen Monzee-ay. Murdo is as drawn to music as his father is to family, the boy himself is an accomplished accordion player, and when he is offered an opportunity to play a set with Queen Monzee-ay in two weeks’ time, we watch as the road between father and son diverges and choice and risk becomes the key plot in the story.
While this may appear a simple story line, Kelman’s exploration into the fragmented relationship between father and son gives the reader an honest analysis of family and grief. The third person narrator, with bursts of free indirect discourse from Murdo, allows the reader both an internal and external insight into the constraints of family. This parallel leaves the reader feeling uncomfortable, yet with a conflicting heart. This is Kelman’s unique writing style at its best.
Dirt Road is more than a novel of grief and family relationships though; it is a novel of risk, of following new paths with uncertainties, about leaving behind the familiarities and safety of the past and following the heart. It is about deep connections; for Murdo this is through music and the feeling of freedom that he associates with music, whilst for the other characters it is about cultural connections and Scottish ancestry. Kelman’s clever use of parallels shows the reader the intensity of human connections whilst suggesting that change and progression is possible. This great novel will linger in your thoughts for weeks after you put it down, and it brings to mind a poem by Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

For the full poem visit (

Dirt Road by James Kelman
Canongate Books (14 July 2016)
The Second Love of My Life
The Second Love of My Life
Victoria Walters | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Victoria Walters’ debut novel, <i>The Second Love of My Life</i>, is a must read for fans of women’s fiction. Set in a coastal village in Cornwall, Walters explores themes of love, grief and survival in this satisfying narrative.

Rose Walker was once known in her small village for being an up-and-coming artist, however now she is branded as the woman who was widowed at twenty four. The story begins two years after the tragic event involving a car collision between her husband, Lucas, and a drunk driver. Since then Rose has wallowed in her grief and not picked up a paintbrush; therefore the upcoming village fair will be the last time she ever sells her paintings.

A stranger, Robert Green, shocks both Rose and the community by purchasing all of her remaining artwork for an extortionate amount of money. Intrigued by this mysterious man, Rose begins to creep back out of her shell, exploring feelings she has not felt for quite some time. However, just as she believes she cold fall in love again, Robert reveals he is not the man she thought he was.

In a way there are two focuses of this novel. One is Rose’s love life and the other is her artwork. The former is obvious from the title alone. “<i>The Second Love of My Life</i>” suggests that the protagonist has been in love before, and falls in love again. There was a danger of this story becoming predictable: girl is heartbroken, girl meets man, girl falls in love, something bad happens, bad thing is resolved; however the inclusion of Rose’s (former) passion for art gives the book a unique streak.

Many artists will be able to relate to (even if they have never been brokenhearted) the feeling of being unable to produce work – a mental block. <i>The Second Love of My Life</i> reveals the trials Rose goes through in order to get her life back together by forcing herself through the barriers her mind has created in order to deal with her deeper emotions. Although it was Robert that inspired Rose to begin painting again, she does this mostly by herself, showing the reader that she is a strong, capable woman who does not need a man to save her – getting the man is an added bonus.

Whether because this is a first novel, or whether it is Walters’ writing style, there are times when it is difficult to tell what is speech and what is the main character’s internal monologue. Occasionally I found myself wondering whether the lack of speech marks was an editing error or intentional.

<i>The Second Love of My Life</i> has been likened to the works of Cecelia Ahern (author of <i>P.S. I Love You</i>), which is admittedly the reason I chose to read it. Whilst Walters’ writing is not quite up there with the popular authors, there is no doubt that one-day she will be. This is an impressive debut and definitely an author to look out for.

Merissa (11950 KP) rated Surfacing in Books

Nov 28, 2017  
Daniel Stephens | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surfacing by Daniel Stephens
Surfacing is the engrossing story of a young man, hurt beyond belief and grieving, lost to his world but desperately trying to reconnect. Everywhere he turns, he drowns in memories of the life and loves that have been taken from him. So he returns to his roots, to the cabin where he spent the summers with his grandparents, hoping to find some solace. What he finds is a family - a group of people where many of them remember him from his youth. Where he can find out just who he is, and learn to deal with the grief, and maybe even move forwards and find love again.

The descriptions in this book are second to none - whether it is the characters, the wolf, or even the cabin. They will pull you in and keep you reading. It is a story of pain, of loss, of heartbreak. And yet there is also the glimmer of hope, of the future, if only you feed the right wolf! There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the pacing was smooth throughout. Whilst this book is also about love, the only thing that is 'shown' is kissing - the rest is fade to black.

This is a poignant story that I thoroughly enjoyed, and would highly recommend to all.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer  - Season 2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2
1997 | Horror
Der Kinder Stood (5 more)
Lie to Me
The Judge
Ted (2 more)
Innca Mummy Girl
Go Fish
The competely love an episode or hate an episode season
This series has some of my favorite episodes and some of my least.
 It also introduced us to Spike so forever grateful to that.
It has my favorite one time character in the Whistler. When Glenn Quinn left i so wanted Whistler to replace Doyle in Angel.
Season 2 has my favorite one of There are some amazing moments in this series and some fantastic quotes.

“Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us... guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead.”

"Bottom line is, even if you see them coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So, what are we, helpless? Puppets? Nah. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are."
Version Control
Version Control
Dexter Palmer | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a completely unique take on the genre. Rather than focusing on the characters you would expect to focus on [a:Dexter Palmer|3039800|Dexter Palmer|] focuses on those around them. It's a much better way to tell the story that he was telling through this book. It was a very engaging and fun take on a "what if?" time travel story.

I really appreciated his approach to time travel. It removes the need for loopholes and I can see why [a:Elan Mastai|14587932|Elan Mastai|] stated that [a:Dexter Palmer|3039800|Dexter Palmer|] was one of his favorites, it does inspire his book [b:All Our Wrong Todays|30255743|All Our Wrong Todays|Elan Mastai||47452430] in the removal of the loopholes that come with time travel paradoxes. It is something that I was also going to include in my book, and I liked the thought process that engaged with this.

It was a fantastic story of dealing with grief and regret. The story is much more about the relationships then the actual time travel sci-fi. I loved his not making a big deal about the McGuffins and instead tells the story he wants to tell. I loved his style and story telling method. Even in the dull bits, I was engaged and wanting to know every detail of the world he created.
Tried and True
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Idaho Territory, 1866: The Civil War has ended, but the charade has not. Kylie Wilde and her sisters Shannon and Bailey lived as men throughout the War. And at their father's command, are now homesteading as men.

Tried & True is a gripping journey about forgiveness and finding true identity. Kylie's demanding Pa is sick with grief over the loss of his son and does not know how to take care of, or love his daughters for who they are. Powerful cattleman, Gage Coulter, would like nothing better than to reclaim Kylie's land as his own. Aaron Masterson is captivated by Kylie from the moment they meet. But Aaron wants to live a life in the mountains and Kylie longs for the civilization of the East. Attempts to scare her off her land by persons unknown, opens doors Kylie never dreamed of. Throughout her journey, her faith is tested and tried. But she stands strong and remains true to herself.

It was next to impossible for me to put this book down. I was transported to the mountains of Idaho in the height of the land rush every time I began to read. Feeling the fear, the love, the determination that Kylie felt. Very captivating. I am especially grateful to Mary Connealy for the way she is able to portray a Historical Fiction "Romance" very tastefully. I am excited to read the rest of the series!

As part of their blogger reviewer program, I received a free digital copy of this book from Bethany House.

ClareR (5674 KP) rated The Lost Ones in Books

Dec 3, 2019  
The Lost Ones
The Lost Ones
Anita Frank | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Paranormal
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Lost Ones is a gothic horror set during the First World War. It's 1917and Stella Marcham has already experienced a traumatic war. She has lost her fiancé, and seen more than most women as a nurse on the front line. She is grief stricken and it's highly possible that she has PTSD. Her brother-in-law asks Stella to go and keep her pregnant sister company at his country home, as she is experiencing strange occurrences, and he feels that she needs some support. He doesn't believe Stella's sister when she says that she can hear a child crying: there are no children at Greyswick.

I loved this book! it made me jump, gasp out loud and burst out in nervous laughter. It's worth bearing in mind that I was on a long train journey as I was reading this, so there are probably a number of people between Skegness and Chester who either think I'm a little unhinged, or are dying to know what I was reading (I'm considering wearing some sort of badge on long train journeys, that says 'currently reading (insert book name here)'. I'm sure it'll explain to people my frankly erratic behaviour in cases like this.).

Anyway, this book deserves any hype it gets, and I strongly suggest that if you're a fan of historical fiction with a gothic bent, you go out, buy and read this immediately. And read it in public. I can't always be the one to show herself up like this.

Many thanks to NetGalley and HQ for my copy of this book.