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Escape from Witchwood Hollow
Escape from Witchwood Hollow
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2014 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review </i>

Jordan Elizabeth combines contemporary and historical fiction in this mystical young adult novel.<i> Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> begins in October 2001 with teenage Honoria who has recently moved to the countryside in New York. Not only is it a huge contrast from the life she knew in the city, there is also a local legend that she becomes fascinated with: if you go into the woods a witch will capture you and never let you leave.

This story, however, is not only about Honoria. Back in 1850, Albertine moves from England to New York to be with her father. Ignoring the rumours about Witchwood Hollow, she ventures into the woods hoping that it will be a shortcut to her father’s farm. When she becomes hopelessly lost she begins to question the actuality of the tale of the witch.

As the two stories go on they begin to merge together as Honoria investigates deeper into the legend and Albertine begins to learn the truth. It also appears that the two girls are in some way connected.

Although <i>Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> is primarily focused on the paranormal aspect of the story, it also deals with the way in which a teenage girl deals with drastic change. Albertine is motherless and living as a maid, however that is nothing compared to the grief Honoria is dealing with. Her parents were two of the victims in the collapse of the World Trade Centers. Not only has she got to come to terms with the loss, she has to cope with moving house, changing schools and making new friends.

The concept of <i>Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> sounds exciting yet, at least for me, it was not as interesting to read. I far more enjoyed the chapters focused on Albertine rather than Honoria. Perhaps that is because it is easier to admire Albertine’s sense independence and determination, whereas Honoria appears to have a more depressed view of the world (although that is not surprising judging what she has been through).

Overall,<i> Escape From Witchwood Hollow</i> is a decent book to read when you are looking for something quick that will pass the time. It is fast paced and becomes gripping towards the end - particularly when you realize there are not many pages left and nothing has yet been resolved – before coming to a shocking conclusion.

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated Broken Branches in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
Broken Branches
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | Broken Branches by M. Jonathan Lee
'Family curses don't exist. Sure, some families seem to suffer more pain than others, but a curse? An actual curse? I don't think so.'

A family tragedy was the catalyst for Ian Perkins to return to the isolated cottage with his wife and young son. But now they are back, it seems yet more grief might befall the family.

There is still time to act, but that means Ian must face the uncomfortable truth about his past. And in doing so, he must uncover the trust behind the supposed family curse.

Ian Perkins is the main character in this novel. Ian returns to the family cottage 'Cobweb Cottage' with hes wife Rachel and son Harry the cottage as been isolated for some time. Ian starts searching about hes family 'curse' he heard hes dad speak about when he was younger. Ian's Uncle Stephen dies in a tragic accident and hes brother took he's own life. He wants to know why this happened and if the 'curse' is true but he get's obsessed with searching hes family documents.
I do feel the beginning was slow to me but I understand the writer wanted to show you what happened from the present and the past to show where this family 'curse' suppose to start from the documents Ian found in the 'Cobweb Cottage'.

I do feel some parts confused me as it kept jumping from past to present without telling you, like one scene it got scary but then it jumped to the past. It did make me question what is happening but near to the end of the book I got glued to it to find out if the curse was real and what will happen.

I have questions like if the curse is real will it continue on Ian's family? Will the curse continue on? I felt the darkness from the book and was always thinking what was wrong with Ian's wife Rachel. Will they see the light at the end of the tunnel? As they need some good to happen as I feel their emotions especially Rachel she comes into scenes quietly and it's like you don't notice her and Harry aren't there before they leave for her parents.

I would like to read more of the authors books in the future.
I want to thank Hideaway Fall for sending me out Broken Branches by M Jonathan Lee. They sent me out a paperback to write a honest review. This is all my own opinion of the book.
The Forgotten Summer
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Is the truth something you really want to know? Jane Cambon has the perfect husband and spends her life travelling from their flat in London to Luc’s family estate in the south of France. Despite the hostility from Luc’s mother, Clarisse Cambon, Jane loves spending time amongst the workers in the vineyard and the olive groves. However, a tragic event causes Jane to question how well she really new her husband.

<i>The Forgotten Summer </i>by Carol Drinkwater captures the southern France climate in such a way that readers will wish to go there themselves. But for Jane it becomes a place of grief and tension as Clarisse’s aggression only increases, bringing back memories of the summer when Jane was fourteen. Not only that, there is the enigma of Jane’s husband, a filmmaker. What was he filming? Why did her keep it secret? What happened during his early years in Algeria? And, most importantly, who is Annabelle?

Not knowing the answers to many questions keeps the reader engaged in the narrative. Slowly, issues are resolved, but some answers are not uncovered until the closing of the novel. After about two thirds of the book it is possible to guess the truth about Luc’s close kept secret, and it is almost annoying that Jane is blind to it.

Drinkwater has put a lot of time and effort into <i>The Forgotten Summer</i>. The amount of research she went through to keep it as factual as possible must have been phenomenal. From reading this book we learn a little about the Algerian War of Independence – something that is glossed over in French history – and the art of winemaking: both equally interesting, particularly the former, which most readers will not have heard of.

An issue that I had with this story was the way Jane was portrayed. I kept imagining her as a younger woman even though it had been explained that she was in her late forties. There was nothing in her description or personality that fitted a middle aged character. This may also be due to the way Clarisse treated Jane: as if she were incompetent and untrustworthy.

<i>The Forgotten Summer </i>is an ideal book for fans of Victoria Hislop, particularly if you also enjoy reading about southern European countries. It is engaging and exciting with a handful of lovely characters for you to admire. With its air of mystery, this book will be hard for you to put down.
The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky
David Litwack | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky</i> by David Litwack is set in a world similar to our own, however there have been many wars as a result of religion and the people have separated themselves into believers and non-believers. Helena Brewster and Jason Adams live on the republic where the people rely heavy on reason and reject the supposedly irrational ramblings of the zealots who live on the “Blessed Lands”. One day a nine-year-old girl, Kailani, escapes from the Blessed Land and sails over to the republic where Helena and Jason find her. Kailani is immediately captured and questioned by the authorities that want to send her to a correctional facility to undo the brainwashing of the zealots.

In the meantime, as it is several months until her tribunal, Helena and Jason become Kailani’s legal guardians and take her to live at Glen Eagle Farm away from the main population of the busy towns. Kailani is loved and admired by the inhabitants on the farm, however there are people on the Blessed Land that want her back.

This is certainly an interesting story that explores a range of themes. For Helena there is the grief she is suffering as a result of the recent death of her father, and the feelings she has towards her mother whom she felt abandoned by. Between Jason and Helena there is also a developing romance as the two connect in their determination to protect Kailani. The most important theme, however, is that of the antagonism between the believers and non-believers. Those living on the Blessed Land want to indoctrinate everybody with their ideals about the soul whereas on the republic this is forbidden as they insist on living a life ruled through fact. As the story goes on certain characters begin to understand the need for both realism and religion. One person even suggests, “In our pursuit of reason, we’ve become as unreasonable as the other side.”
Kailani is a lovable character, which makes the novel a joy to read. It is interesting to compare how a child brought up under a strict religion innocently views the world in comparison with adults who have no faith what so ever. Although written for adults it is suitable for young teens to read too who, although may not understand the significance of the two different sides, are sure to love and enjoy reading about Kailani.
Premonition (2007)
Premonition (2007)
2007 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Linda Hanson (Sandra Bullock), Is a woman whose comfortable life is about to to turned upside down when her husband (Julian Mc Mahon) is killed in a tragic car accident while away on a business trip. Suddenly a windowed mother of two young girls Linda is grief stricken and falls asleep wondering what she will do to handle her loss.

When Linda awakens the next morning, she is shocked to discover her husband alive and well downstairs. This bizzare occurence sets a chain of events into motion where each day she awakens, finds that her husband is either alive or dead. What is even more bizzare is that some days she awakens days in the future after her husbands accident to learn that other events have transpired while other days she awakens before the accident and wonders about her sanity.

Eventually Linda decides to map out the days she has visited and learns that she is covering the days leading up to and following the accident, and sets a plan into motion to answer the questions she has about why she is suddenly moving back and forth through time each day, as well as the events surrounding her visions of the future.

While the premise of the film is good, it looses momentum very quickly and soon becomes a myriad of plot holes and worn scenarios that ultimately leads to a very silly, and wholly unsatisfying ending, that does little to resolve the premise and mystery of the setup.

What further frustrated me about the film is the utter lack of chemistry between Bullock and Mc Mahon, who come across very stiffly during their scenes with one another, and seem almost to be taken an Acting 101 seminar rather than convincing us they are a married couple.

Mc Mahon’s part is also so lacking in substance I was suprised that an actor of his status would accept such a shallow part, as there is very little for him to do in this film as he is reduced at best to a moving prop and a plot device for much of the film.

This ultimately dooms the film as we feel very little for the characters as Bullock is very bland and by the numbers in her performance, which really strains the audeince to care for the chacters and their outcomes which is essential in a film of this type.

As it stands, Premonition is a good idea that goes nowhere fast, which is what I think will ultimately become of this film after its opening week at the box office.
The Nightingale (2018)
The Nightingale (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Misery Loves Company
Nightinglale is a harsh, cold, relentless and constantly traumatizing tale of revenge and sadness. Athough I would say this film is one of this years best films and a must see by any serious film fan I can not stress enough just how disturbing and extremely hard to watch it can be at times. Realistic depictions of brutal violence and savage rape chill to the bone and while its tempting not to persist past such horrible scenes they really give the film purpose, such a raw/realistic tone and force you to feel every single emotion felt by its characters. A deep cold and sadness engulf the entire film throughout creating an uneasy atmosphere that constantly feels like a burden weighing on your shoulders making you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable just like the lead character. Acting is magnificent with everyones eyes alone seemingly telling you what kind of person they are or if they are genuine. A film that depicts racism, loss, grief, revenge, power abuse and most of all entitlement perfectly it shows just how much evil and hatred lurks in peoples hearts and the world we live in. Its very much like Hatred, Lady Mcbeth and The Witch infact and just like those films every character feels so real and well developed. A running theme that everyone feels like they are owed something runs throughout and even though we sympathize with our main character she too can prove to be just as cold/heartless and selfish as the main villian that is until she progresses and learns to open her eyes to it all. Dream like scenes also litter the film and show how disturbed/haunted by every encounter she is sometimes apearing just in time to motivate her or be her only escape to the perfect life that she now can never have. Its ever so fascinating stuff and has so much to say that its impossible for me to cram all of it into this review. Nightingale is without a doubt such an important film right bow (especially with how the world is today as the subjects it deals with depict how we have almost in a way have gone backwards in some of our ways). All in all a fantastic piece of film that shows us when we have everything taken from us and feel like giving up theres still beauty and pure souls somewhere in the world to give us hope, new life and help keep our dreams alive.
The Nightingale (2018)
The Nightingale (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Brutal and beautiful
In 1825 Tasmania, a young wife and mother experiences brutal atrocity against her family by the British soldiers in her midst. With her entire world shattered, the battered and broken young woman embarks on a quest for revenge. Not thinking clearly through her grief, she decides to escapade through the harsh and unforgiving countryside with only a native guide to show her the way and maybe catch those who have violated her world. Haunted by the images of her recent past, Clare is tortured by what she remembers, but needs to persevere for her wits to remain intact.

The path is ripe with treachery. The jungle can be beautiful and harsh simultaneously. Her guide is reluctant to lead the way and has to be bribed to do so. Clare, the young woman, has to deceive her real motives and says she has to meet her husband who as gone on ahead a few days journey. The duo have several unforgiving encounters while tracking the soldiers. The soldiers themselves continually perpetrate barbarism on those they encounter as their own guide takes them on an equally perilous journey through the unforgiving countryside.

Clare's quest for revenge and redemption could end up costing her her own life and soul in the process.

Writer/director Jennifer Kent is now one I will start having to keep my eye on for her future theatrical endeavors. First she spooked us all in the cleverly inventive, The Babadook, and now shows us a glimpse as to the brutal world of 1825 in unrelenting realism. The Australian county is go gorgeous during the day, but during the night presents many ghouls and strange sounds.

The intrigue the film presents is not the brutality itself, but Clare's reaction to it and thus her sense of retribution. She presents strength and weakness sometimes at the same moment, but you feel for her, her tough life and her struggle to meander through it. She wanders from soul to soul trying to get help, but finds few who are willing to help her.

The leading role for actress Aisling Franciosi was astonishing. Her portrayal of Clare was honest, heartbreaking and inspiring during different parts of the film. She wasn't just a victim of violence then a heartless killer, she shows depth and compassion as well.

Some of the images the film shows the audience will be hard to forget any time soon, but I am so glad I found this film. Highly recommended.