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Through Her Eyes (Mind's Eye #4)
Through Her Eyes (Mind's Eye #4)
Deborah Camp | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Through Her Eyes (Mind's Eye #4) by Deborah Camp
I LOVE the Mind's Eye series, and Through Her Eyes is no different. The story is fast-paced, with plenty going on. There are not too many characters so that you lose track of who did what or said what and when, but enough that you get varieties of view points. Our two main characters, Levi and Trudy, both still have personal demons to battle, although I loved seeing the progress that both of them made. As a woman, and not having gone through what Levi did, it was easier to empathise with Trudy's demons, as I think most women will be able to. Still, Levi's character has changed as the books have progressed, and it was nice to see it commented on in this book by various people. He has made progress, still has a way to go, but definitely made some!

The story itself was once again a gruesome read - enough detail given that you felt the horror of it, without it being too much and putting you off your cornflakes! You also get a personal insight into just how much doing this 'job' can impact both Levi and Trudy. Trudy's strengths are coming on in leaps and bounds, and with Levi by her side, soon her self-confidence will follow.

This was exceptionally well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. A nice twist to the ending, before you get your HFN with Levi and Trudy, leaving you once again wanting more from this psychic duo. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mass Hysteria
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As seen on <a href=""; target="new">The Ghastly Grimoire</a>.

Wow. Okay, I honestly felt I should have received some sort of warning before I opened this book! That aside, once I swallowed the surprise I received and accepted the book for what it is, I actually enjoyed several it. Mass Hysteria by Michael Patrick Hicks approaches the days after the apocalypse with a complete overhaul of social hierarchy in the most gruesome of ways.

In the wake of a meteor falling and bringing with it a virus appearing as an airborne variety of rabies (which is a much appreciated change from nuclear disaster and zombie outbreaks), several members of a small community in Michigan quickly find themselves fighting for their lives. Hicks’s gorefest begins shortly after and readers quickly discover that this is a writer that doesn’t hold back – my kind of man, honestly.

One of the things that strike me as most disturbing and simultaneously teasing of Hicks’s work is the sheer fact that he introduces us to several characters in intimate ways. Readers are given just enough of a taste of the good guys, too much of the bad, and justice? Well, there sure isn’t enough of that after the world’s ended.

I cannot stress enough how graphic this book is, just as I cannot think of any words devoid of spoilers to prepare readers for what the journey they might embark on when they open Mass Hysteria‘s pages. What I can say is this: under all the horrific elements that bury this book, Hicks explores the most depraved of all: human nature at its worst.

I gladly look forward to reading more of this author’s work. A special thanks to NetGalley and High Fever Books for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
Suspiria (2018)
Suspiria (2018)
2018 | Horror
Not the Suspiria you were looking for.
"Reimagined" would be the only word to describe this new vision of the original cult horror Argento classic from director Luca Guadagnino. It reminded me of a lot of other 70s and 80s horror including the original Hellraiser, The Wicker Man, or some early David Cronenberg body horror films.

The same basic story of American dancer Susie Banion coming to join a famous European dance company only to discover its leaders are a coven of witches is still there, but with much more complexity. As with the original, the coven does not take kindly when girls try and leave the group and usually meet with some sort of gruesome outcome.

Things get intense slowly over the 2 1/2 hour runtime with the last 20 minutes being some of the most explicit freak show, sadistic, torturous bloodbath I have ever seen. Not sure how this would play with a mainstream audience. I think some would be bored with the beginning and then get up and leave during the extreme climax scene.

Since I watch a ton of movies, I seek out the strange and unusual at this point and this one did not disappoint. It is interesting to see another director's take on the story and going in a completely opposite direction. Argento was always known, especially in this film, for his use of wild colors and patterns and this new version stands as a stark contrast opting for more neutral tones and white and black.

If you have a strong stomach and crave an interesting challenge, I highly recommend. Then let me know so we can discuss.

Cruel Acts (Maeve Kerrigan #8)
Cruel Acts (Maeve Kerrigan #8)
Jane Casey | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
An exciting, beautifully written police thriller.
For someone, who in the past, has always said that they don’t like thrillers, police procedurals or anything vaguely in those styles, I’m not doing too badly at reading exactly those type of books lately. And I’m really enjoying them - this book in particular.

Considering that this is the eighth book in the series and I haven’t read the other seven (soon to be e was no confusion, and I didn’t feel as though I was missing out at all.

The lead character, Maeve Kerrigan, is a detective sergeant, and she has been put on the case of the retrial of Leo Stone. He had been found guilty of the gruesome murders of two women. However, a juror from the original trial has now made it known that THAT trial was prejudiced. Maeve and her partner, Josh Derwent, are in charge of re-examining the evidence. Another woman goes missing whilst Sone is in custody, though, throwing the whole investigation into doubt.

This is a seriously exciting book - there are cliff hangers all over the place (I had to stop reading from time to time to work, eat, sleep, parent, so the multiple cliffhangers may have been of my own making), and I loved how new evidence revealed. The main characters are immensely likeable, and those who are less so are so well described that you end up disliking them as well. The last chapters of the book also tense and exceedingly fast paced, that I felt as though I couldn’t breathe until the end! I was well and truly sucked in to the action.

I will be going back to the first seven books of this series to fill in my Kerrigan knowledge, and I’m looking forward to any future books in this series! This one comes highly recommended!
The Thing: Zero Day
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

The Thing: Zero Day </i>is a short science fiction, horror story by Lee McGeorge. Inspired by John Carpenter’s film <i>The Thing</i> and the story <i>Who Goes There? </i>by John W. Campbell, McGeorge has created a creepy, fast paced thriller for readers to enjoy.

It is 1982 and a group of twelve Norwegian climatologists witness the crash landing of an unidentified flying object. Curiosity getting the better of them, they try to salvage what they can of the craft and discover an alien in a block of ice. What at first seems like a magnificent discovery turns frightening after all but three of the climate scientists begin behaving strangely, becoming impassive as if something has a psychological hold over them. The story becomes more horrific as it goes on with gruesome descriptions of the things that happen to the men.

The book is short enough to be read in one sitting, however it ends, annoyingly, without a definite conclusion, leaving the reader to imagine what happens next. <i>The Thing: Zero Day</i> is not a novel but a piece of fan fiction for the film <i>The Thing</i>. Although I have not seen the film I am led to believe that this book is a sort of prologue to the main story line.

Being short, the narrative is gripping from start to finish, jumping straight into the story. Readers are sucked into the tale and will most likely read it from beginning to end without putting it down. <i>The Thing: Zero Day</i> is obviously recommended for lovers of the film, however people who have not had the opportunity to view it, yet enjoy horror and science fiction, will also enjoy this book.
A. A. Medina | 2018 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A. A. Medina’s Siphon is not for the feint of heart. With gruesome and stomach curdling descriptions, Medina’s prose gives a new spin on an ancient creature–at least, that’s how I interpret it. In this short novella, prepare to be disgusted.

Siphon is fairly short, coming in at only 112 pages. Often, a novella can be hit or miss and that’s because for some writers, pacing can be an issue. We see this in books where the first eighty percent drags on, only for the last twenty to fly by at breakneck speed. Medina doesn’t have this problem. Each scene takes just enough time to get the necessary point across–whether it be as simple as advancing Dr. Phillips’s affliction or as complex as establishing the depths of his madness.

Normally I want to connect with the characters in a story in some form or fashion. This allows me to become more emotionally involved than I might otherwise. However, in Siphon the perspective is third-person limited and Medina remains extremely faithful to this. We never know what other characters are thinking, nor do we get a taste for what they feel besides the physical descriptions of fear, as Dr. Phillips sees it.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story. I received an arc of Siphon courtesy Hindered Souls Press, but in the move to a new Kindle, I lost it. That said, I obtained the copy I am reviewing through Kindle Unlimited. Because of this, I ended up with a final edit. In it, I noticed several errors which prevent me from giving this novella a perfect score. Nonetheless, if you enjoy grisly reads, I highly recommend it.
The Yard: Book 1
The Yard: Book 1
Alex Grecian | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Yard is a detective novel set in Victorian London in the early days of the Metropolitan Police force. It is a bit gruesome to be honest; the first victim is discovered packed in a steamer trunk with eyes and lips sewn shut and there are a number of murders of bearded men, which may or may not be connected.

Our main protagonist is Inspector Day, who is new to London, previously having been a constable in Devon, but now living in the Big Smoke with his wife, Claire. He is ably assisted by other members of the force, including constable Hammersmith. There is a also Kingsley, who has made himself unofficial police surgeon. The forensic bits with Kingsley are a bit macabre in some ways, but I also found them very interesting. I did wonder if some of the detail in the book was based on fact. Obviously it wasn't a real case and I'm not sure the characters are based on actual people (I daresay there could be some borrowing of characteristics, but nothing is mentioned).

It's over 500 pages long, but I seemed to get through it in no time at all! Many of the chapters are actually quite short. There are three interludes along the way, so we get a bit of back story on the three main characters (as mentioned above). There's also a fair bit seen from the point of view of the murderer, so we actually know 'whodunit' from quite early on. Somehow, this doesn't stop this from being a ripping read though!

The book reads as if it's due to be the first in a series and I think I'd be interested in reading Grecian's next offering.